making plans

I appeared in the air looking down at the city of sin it was early morning but this city never slept there was always a party going on I smiled at this my draconic eyes seeing everything for miles around I seen the college that just a few months ago I was a weak normal human and know i realize my world view is still lacking so is my strengths this world isn't the real one but if I try to go to the other world I would be crushed I am just a ant this fact infuriates me to no end I thought I was strong ha I ant shit but I will be I looked up to the rising sun yelling you think I will cower and be squashed by this new world nay that isn't where this story ends I will rise to the top come one come all be it heaven, hell or anything in-between I will face you all like I always do my family and I will take this new world like a storm and we will do it with a smile on are face this I vow and like that my eyes feel north I disappeared in a flash of lightning it didn't take me long to reach my destination which was the farm I walked in through the door the place was silent sense mother, father and Samuel wasn't there I immediately walked upstairs to the end of the hallway I stood in front of the door at the end of the hall I walked my hand and this appeared in blue letters

Only those who are strong of will may enter if you think this test is hard it is nothing compared to the tests they will give you good luck those of my blood

I smiled at this familiar message I ran my hand over the words I could still feel my remnants essences from my old life coming from it but my hand soon fell onto the nob and just like before my hand started to get shocked the longer I held it the more the electricity, spread through my body and the worse the pain got but I gritted my teeth slightly but compared to what I have gone through this pain was nothing but I had a idea so I focused onto my chest and channeled my green lightning into my chest this electricity helped me grasp the cleansing ability of my lightning I focused on that gray energy it only took a few shots of green lightning before that power faded I smiled opening my eyes I seen my body was smoking from the electricity still going through my veins but I didn't mind I turned the nob the more I turned the stronger the electricity got but there wasnt anything like some good old shock therapy I pushed the door open and walked in when I did I immediately felt I passed through many barriers I stood in this room my mouth agape the door closing behind me I heard many locks lock when the door shut I looked around this room it was much bigger then I remember this room was about the size of a garage but I distinctly remembered it to be only the size of a small room but then I looked at the walls there was new runes added with the old ones gods I love magic I mumbled another thing I was shocked to see was all the pedestals in this room there was 15 all of them different in style 5 of these pedestals was empty but the closest pedestal had two short swords crossed with one another there was a chain attached to there pommels that attacked the two together the hilts was made from a black steal the guard was a evil open jaws that the blade stuck out from at the blade it's self was a light blue color and in the center of the blades was a black gem but attacked to the center of these crossed blades was a ceiling talisman plus there were 2 black ropes wrapped around them that were attached to the black pedestal that had demonic sembles and drawn in front of the pedestal was a pentagram when my eyes fell on this blade I got the urge to touch it but that urge quickly disappeared with a chuckle from me nice try little guy but you ant who I am looking for and I walked by this pedestal where I could see a black winged smiling emp sitting on the blades but when it heard my words his smile disappeared and he started to shake his fist at me I walked my 9 of these weapons each of them tried to influence me to touch them some was stronger then the other like one sickle green dagger that had a dark green tentacle as a handle the creature that I seen resting ontop of it made my skin crawl a sickle green tentacle ball with many red eyes looking at me fuck that shit I got to back of this room which was much older then the rest of the room normally the pedestals were evenly spaced out but not this last one it sat farther back than the others and unlike the others which sat somewhat off the one side this one was in the dead center I smiled at the familiar weapon a glaive the blade was odd gold metal there was 2 small sharp jagged teeth on one end of the blade on the other end the dark red edge it shined sharply where the blade touched the shaft was a gold lioness skull it's sharp fangs shining over the blade clutched in its mouth the shaft was made from a black steal wrapped around it was a red blood stained cloth and at the end of it was a small c shaped axe blade it orange in color but it wasnt the weapon I was smiling at it was the creature resting against it a lioness her fear stained red old blood but even so she was very pretty this lioness didn't even open her eyes when I walked in front of her but she did speak fuck off mortal you ant my master so I won't be your weapon I laughed o good to see you haven't changed Sekhmet when Sekhmet heard my voice her eyes shot open hope shined in her eyes and when she seen me she was stunned master she asked quietly I put one hand on one hip laughing you know it baby I see you didn't follow my last orders did you she cowered slightly her ears falling back like a scared kitty sorry master she mumbled I laughed no need I ant angry at you since it's my fault for leaving you here Sekhmet shot up her ears moving back up happily so this mean I nodded yep I am here for you my scythe my weapon so how about it Sekhmet shall we slotter together ones again if so let me hear you Sekhmet let out a mighty lions roar that shook the hold house all the other spirits in the other weapons hid behind there pedestals shaking in fear even that green tentacle blob I laughed good let us start then and I reached out and grasped the shaft when my hand touched it my mind got dragged into her one second I stood in my house the next I was standing in a desert a sand storm moving around a domed area circle and I stood smack dab in the center of this area a lioness stood in front of me tall as a two school bus combined her light red eyes fall onto me and a huge grin spread across her face you might have been worthy to wield me in your previous life let us see if you still got what it takes to win and like that she disappeared into the sand forming in my hand was a glaive made from bone that's when they appeared hundreds of Egyptian warriors every one of them held sickle swords, spears, shields and even some had axes they had little to no armor but over there heads was a lions skull one of them waved his hand yelling charge and they did I smiled at this incoming army Fox let us play I dragged my hand down over my face and my fox like mask formed over my face and appearing on my back ass 5 tails my draconic eyes shined with murderous intent I disappeared in a burst of blue and red fire I slammed into the center of this army my tails throwing fireballs everywhere my glaive was a blue and red glowing blear each person that got struck with it burst into flames mark your targets I said inside my head to Fox rager I heard it say and the fire balls that was being thrown by my tails condensed into fire arrows and like I said appearing on are targets was a small red x it reminded me of a laser when are x marker fell on a vital spot that's when we thrown are bolts lems, guts and blood flew all over the place as I moved towards that person who gave the order to charge we need to go faster I thought let us do some spell weaving shall we I stabbed down crushing a person skull with the end of my glaive as I extended my left hand out the tips of my first to fingers started to glow red and I started writing in the air as I chanted dance, dance my flame dances show us the beauty of fire show us the horrors of a inferno I flicked this red and blue writing smiling inferno land and exploding out from around me was a blast of blue and red fire the enemy was consumed in flames there screams not lasting long the sand under my feet turned to glass I felt my body weaken slightly man fire takes a lot out of me not surprised I haven't bathed in my own flames for long the same can be said for my lightning the only element I have bathed in for long would be Niflheim and even then it hasn't been very much I side standing up straight mumbling to my self I got 2 months I will use this time to extend my understanding of all my ability plus I still need to learn a few more from Skull I side let us focus on our foundation first shall we my eyes looked at the only other living creature here it was the one who gave the order he was shaking in fear on the ground staring at me your monster you ant human he screamed I shrugged my tails moving behind me perhaps your right I am a monster but your the ones who attacked this monster so who really is the fool so shut up and die I walked up to him my bone glaive tip slightly grinding on the ground the man yelled no stay away he got up and turned around sadly for him 2 xs appeared on the back of his legs and the next second he was screaming holding his scorched black legs on the floor I got next to him raising my glaive and cut his head off saying geez shut up already his head flew and hit the ground I flicked the off my glaive going back to normal bravo it would seem you also haven't changed much and appearing behind me was Sekhmet I smiled back at her indeed so will we slotter together again she laughed look down Hunter I did and noticed that bone glaive was gone what I held in my hand was Sekhmet I smiled at the familiar presents that attacked to my soul I turned around pulling Sekhmet off the pedestal i pointed the blade down a huge demonic smile spread across my face I am your scythe again master let us bath in are enemies blood I laughed one step at a time my dear I let go of the shaft it disappeared and forming on my right forearm was a tattoo of a glaive being held in a lioness mouth I ran my hand over the familiar tattoo welcome home Sekhmet I thought I heard her voice inside my head thank you master it feels good to me back that's when I heard another female voice ask big brother who's this evil being I fell in laughed Tempest meet my old friend and weapon Sekhmet, Sekhmet meet Tempest my newest and strongest weapon behind you two will be with me for a while get along ok they both said yes master I disappeared out if the room reappearing in front of a old tree I pat Ent saying hello old friend it shook from my touch I got much to tell you but I got to run I will tell you later ok it shook later it is then I mumbled disappearing I rain back towards the city as I rain put on my glasses seeing they were already connected to my account I looked at my bank account dollar signs appeared in my eyes when I looked at my balance 10,000 holy shit that's how much was added to my account plus the rest of my money I had up to 40,000 dollars damn smithing and hunting is good business I thought I closed out of my account opening my contacts I sent a message to Geralt White Fang yes both Geralt and his wife Esla gave me there numbers we are business partners after all besides both of us might have us for one another some day I sent him a text

Me- hi Garalt do you know any good Taylor store?

I got a response a few minutes later

Geralt- Yeah actually I be happy to take you there just send the location

I thought about where to meet up side shaking my head and texting back

Me- it will just be easier for me to come to your location I assume you are still at your bar?

Geralt- Yeah I am but how did you know that are you stocking me

Me- lol no even if I was you wouldn't be able to tell no I used my decanoic eyes wall I was over the city I saw your pack territory and saw you walk into your bar the Loki good name by the way

Geralt- o….. Thank you we thought so also how long till you arrive

Me- here

I stood outside of a very nice bar above the door was a sign that had green letters that read the Lokis bar I could tell this was a private do to the two gentlemen on either side of the door both was in suits and both was werewolves I walked up to the door walking by them or tried to but one of the man raised his hand saying state your name sir I smiled Hunter ace Colt the man nodded a few times as he looked down to a tablet but then he registered what I said and his face went white he looked up to me fear in his eyes the Hunter Ace Colt the gold rank hunter one that just slew a angel I nodded indeed the two man was reeling from shock that's when Garalt walked out in his normal blue suit he grinned seeing me saying o there you are, Hunter, good to see you lad and we shook hands I nodded good to see you also Garlalt how is the armor he laughed there exquisite I actually got the chance to test mine a few days ago but let us talk more about that on the way shall we and a nice black vehicle with black tented windows pulled in front of the bar I nodded sounds good we walked to the car two people got out of the front seats and opened the door for Garalt and me Tempest shot to my hand from under my sleeve as I got into the right side I rested my hands on the top of Tempest as the doors shut and the two guards got back in and the driver took off Garalts smile faded show him he said and the guard in front of me handed me back a tablet I took it and seen a video was already pulled up I clicked play this looked like a security camera from a house I seen a nice looking white manner this was showing it's courtyard looking at the front gate which was made from thick steal the next second boom the metal gate exploded open and several people in black outfits and masks charged in opening fire gunning down the severity guards that ran out they didn't even have time to transform before there deaths well trained and well armed I muttered that's when I seen 3 figures jump from the house and lend in this courtyard the intruders opened fire on these new figures but there bullets sparked harmlessly off the armor these werewolves was wearing I recognised the wolf in the center as Garalt kill them he gralled and like that a butchering started the intruders sparked harmlessly off the wolf's armor so the only way to kill them was to hit the head which good luck I smiled seeing my armor be put to use I handed back the tablet saying it would seem my work held up Garalt laughed indeed it did so much so that we want more from you I cocked my head to the side my eyes going sharp y who where they he side those where members of the dark order called snake eye but who hired them was a rival gang called the lunging Serpent just like us they deal in weaponry and smuggling but unlike us the deal in more shady deals illegal drugs, faulty ammo you name it they have done it that includes slave trading one of my nieces ran into one of there members wall she was working luckily for her all the members of the family are given a panic button so when her father and brother got to sight she was fighting against 5 against 1 and losing as you can guess the members of the lunging serpent are were-copperheads they originally from Texas but they pissed off the wrong people and know there here the 4 members was killed and lets just say the lunging serpent boss Jax didn't take to kindly to that and demanded compensation of course we refused and that was his warning I raised an eyebrow y not just kill them and be done with it Garalt side I could see the old mans real age from his expression he looked tired and not that lively soul before I am tired Hunter so is my family we have been taking hit after hit the past year it all started with that HH homes rat and the headache that came after that you are probably the only good thing to happen to my family in a while I laughed happy to be there for yall sadly I won't be taking orders for a few months sadly I have been focusing to much on just gaining strength and not building on my foundation Garalt side nodding that's understandable well no matter we will make do without the armor it just wanted have helped I chuckled but who says I can't help Garalt started at me shocked what can you do other then make but his eyes want wide realizing his foolishness I chuckled I am a Hunter Garalt and a hunter must hunt.