The sirens song

I stood in the sky my green lightning winged shows on my feet as my cold neutral face looked over all the info Geralt sent 3 locations two where houses one was where they stored some of there weapons and ammo that they sold wall the other was a cock farm simple as that for a gold rank hunter most common drugs don't work on me to my strengthened immune system plus my chakra veins being open also helps with that process and if that wasnt good enough I got my ki armor, Phoenix fire, my green lightning and hell even my blood manipulation all my skills could nullify poisons and drugs from the supernatural world so common drugs ant nothing but shiny beer but my eyes want slightly wide seeing one of the drugs that was being made here it was a drug called the singing pixie this drug was a white sparkly powder substance you could snort it put it into a drink hell even smoke it but the most common way to take is putting it in a thin toob like a pixie stick what most people didn't know this was actually a very lethal and deadly poison with very, very strong psychedelic affects it was literally pixie dust a creature from the fay wild so, of course, you would see some odd shit but what this poison does is literally weaken your blood mind and even your bones the more you take the more of your lifespan dissipates ooo hahaha gods is this fate na no matter I will take what I can get hehe my eyes feel onto the last location a strip club huh the owner is a demihuman woman her mother was a siren wall her father was a human how fun sirens I thought thinking of my father but back on task this woman name is Ligeia huh she has brought others like her female demihumans who have been hurt by the world she seems like a good woman but the info says she is a member so we will see I looked at the time saying it was about 12 pm and I still have to meet up with Sihtric tonight I side well let's first do this I landed on the top of a building counseling my self in shadow as I sat down Skull appearing in front of me and it opened with out me saying a word

Gray scroll:0

Blue scroll:0






So the two skills I stole from that angel was red rank huh makes sense I seen this appear next

Would host wish to absorb the purple and red scroll?

I simply nodded when I did pain racked my mind I gritted my teeth sweat forming on my face as I suffered the pain of this information pushing and burning it's self onto my mind I wasnt sure how long that had passed but soon the pain faded and I thought over what I got in order from purple to red

1. Create and control water- this allows me to both make dissipate and control water sadly my connection to this element was lacking it was still good so I wasnt worried

2. This gave me more information on hidden weapons and how to make them plus for some reason it showed many ways to make wooden puppets

3. This scroll was quite interesting it was a semi-shape-shifting ability it was called dragons shifting I could turn parts of my body onto harden scales but how much of my body gets covered and how hard the scales where depends on two things my comprehension and talent in the ability

4. This scroll when I seen this I could help but smile happily- fay healing this allows me to both heal and comprehend how to heal a wound of course depends on host

I took a few minutes to clear my mind again before mumbling go on with the yellows next moment I was back in pain this time it was greater then before shit I gralled but fought through the pain again I wasnt sure how long that passes but the pain finally stopped and I looked to see what I got from my old life when I seen the 3 abilities a huge evil grin spread across my face

1. The first scroll was called puppet manipulation also known a puppeting this gave me the knowledge on how to both craft and manipulate puppets in host old life you used this ability to great effect your puppets moved so lifelike that you used this to fool others msmy times but not many people know host had this sense these was one of your aces in the hole all those who seen this ability dead well most of them anyway

2. The second scroll was even better then the first one it was called Spirit Devourer this ability allowed my spirit to devour other spirits this was a ability of host last life death hound but seeing how both of host spirits are capable of using this ability gods I can't wait to see what new ability your spirits get from devouring other spirits

3. The third scroll scared me a little it was called Bone manipulation it allowed my to control bones like clay into what ever I wanted this included my bones host used this ability more then the others in your daily life besides there is a reason you survived for so long

I started to laugh evilly I felt a strong connection to all 3 of these abilities sadly I didn't remember quite how I used them in my old life but I have a few ideas I opened my eyes standing up happily I dusted off my butt saying lets go practice these ability show and like that I disappeared and appeared in the front of an abandoned factory or seemed to be abandoned but I could see right throw the illusion with my draconic eyes I simply walked in Tempest shaking on my hip soon screams of bloody murder started coming out from this factory so was the sound of gunshots but soon the hole factory got deadly quiet I came out whistling a happy tune there was not a drop of blood on my body I happily skipped lightning dashes to the next target I got to a old dock storage that wasnt being used or that's what it looked like again I seen rights through this illusion to I happily skipped in singing it's a good day to collect some bones yes your bone indeed dado dado yes bones bones are good bones are great dado da screams and more gunshots way more then the factory and way more screams also time slowly passed with the sounds of gunshots and screams coming from this place but just like before all of a sudden it just goes real quiet and I soon walked out but dancing in my hand was a bone puppet with a jester hat and mask the details on it wasn't perfect but still detectable the fact that I have gotten this far in what a few hours shows how connected to the three yellow scrolls I was and how much I understood them at this point the sun was going down I side the last place can wait I got a date with a friend I disappeared back into the air my draconic eyes scanning through the city looking for her signature sadly at this point a mind racking pain shot through my eyes that traveled to my brain clutched my face from the pain that's when I felt a warm liquid on my hands I looked it was my blood I was bleeding from my eyes shit I hit my limit using my draconic eyes I got a flash back to when Samuel and I had a conversation about the draconic eyes we didn't take on how to get more marks in are eyes cuz hell we both knew the answer but he gave me a warning there is a limit to how long we can us are draconic eyes powers if we push past this limit there's a chance our eyes can suffer permanent damage sadly how long a individual can us the draconic eyes we didn't know since it's different for each user just like how different things can trigger it awakening for uncle I wasn't sure since I have never seen him us his eyes other then ones as for me if I use it only wall I am fighting I won't suffer any backlash but if I use it for a hole day like I have been today it would seem this is my limit I looked at the time 5:57 about 6 so I lasted for about a hole day good this gives me something I can go off of I side closing my eyes and when I opened my eyes they was my normal brownish gold color luckily for me before I hit my limit I seen a familiar presents it was Sihtric and I must say I was a little shocked when I sensed her presents it was like I was standing in the center of a swamp in front of me stood a holking mountain unmoving unwavering I felt two terrifying presents one coming from the mountain it's self and the other came from the swamp these presents seemed to gaze back at me I grinned crazily and waved before I hit my limit I looked in the direction where Sihtric was and started moving that way the blood on my face sank back into my skin as I moved but the closer I got to Sihtric destination the more worried I got and before I new it I stood in front of the familiar strip club called the Sirens song shit this ant good I mumbled this was my third target but y should Sihtric be here then it hit me the reason I recognized the lunging serpent tattoo was cuz I seen it on Sihtric it was back when we first met and we was in are defensive class that day specifically targeted takedowns Greg I and Sihtric got put together sense we was the strongest in group and we wouldn't accidentally hurt each other probably it Sihtric had on a normal light shirt and gem tights she was a little taller then I was and a bit bigger also but that didn't matter I used her hight against her throwing her over my shoulder and want in for a pin wall she was still down that's when I seen a odd looking serpent tattoo on the back of her head it wasnt to big but it wasnt small either her hair or hood normally covered it so this was the first I was seeing it but I still got the pin later I asked about the tattoo to say Sihtric didn't want to talk about it would be a understatement she got very defensive about it and I could tell if I didn't drop it she was going to get angry so I changed the subject saying how good she was out there that seemed to calm her down back to her normal self shit I mumbled staring at this club it was somewhat a private place but money can get you into anywhere I seen 2 bouncers on either side of the door and I seen at least 3 cameras at the front of this red black and gold building there were 2 floors and a few windows colorful lights flashed from inside and the sound of music range through the street but this was new orleans haha this was normal I seen people coming in and out each person who tried to go in got stopped by the bouncers where people either had to show a silver card or pay to get in after that they was given a option from three glow in the dark bracelet the colors was green, yellow and red ones the person chose a color they got patted down for weapons, and once they were sure there were no weapons they were allowed in mmm a huge grin spread across my face some good security and my draconic eyes still needed to rest I side chuckling I guess we are doing this the old school way and I started walking towards the door with wide confident strides a smile on my face Tempest moved under my coat unto my back as I walked mumbled Laissez les bon temps rouler let the good times roll I walked up to the door but kept a respectful distance sense someone was infront if me they was being patted down then he got the choice of the bracelets the man chose green and he wanted in smiling it was my turn next so I stepped up with a grin howdy gents I believe I am next the man on the left which was a big black man smiled nodding indeed so what will it be cowboy cash or card pardon I asked smiling confused the man next to him chuckled he was a small white skin man with red hair what my friend her is trying to say is are you paying with a cash or card sense neither of us recognizes you I grinned o which is the most normal and how much both man shrugged $200 we will also do a quick medical check on you as we pat you down to make sure you don't have no diseases or anything if you ant fine with that you can leave I laughed pulling out my gold hunters card which could also be used as a credit card I handed it to the black man saying that won't be any problems with me no diseases her unless you count a urge to drink and have a good time the to man laughed the black man looked down at my card and his face want a little pale but he tapped it on his watch and handed it back after a few seconds a green light turned on his watch the man smiled nodding ok you are all good sir but if you got any weapons on you please keep them hidden we have a no weapon policy I shrugged taking my 1911s out from my shoulder holsters and put them in my soul space and I pulled out my revolver from my back holster also putting it away next came my throwing daggers and dagger it's self and that was it as for Tempest she wouldn't leave my side and as for Sekhmet they don't even now she was there so what they dont know won't hurt them is this good with yall I asked they nodded smiling before you can go in you got to pick one of these bracelets green means your down to play with out any small talk or anything yellow means your in a talking mood there is a chance you could be taken home but you wish to drink and have a good time and make new friends red means your off limits you wish to drink in peace people might try and talk to you but that's all so which mode are you in for tonight cowboy the man said wiggling his eyebrows I chuckled picking red it's a drink alone sort of night I said the two man nodded like they understood the man handed me the bracelet and they stepped aside the black man saying go have fun I nodded and walked in as I walked through the doors I put on the red bracelet onto my right hand I smiled at this familiar site it was one hell of a party flashing lights load music people drinking , dancing, kissing and even some fondling one another at the left wall was a huge bar that had a huge meer that had shelf's attacked to it there was hundreds of different color bottles on those shelf's and some times the lights flashed at one of them making the bottle glow at the back of the room was a huge stage where 3 girls was dancing on it hell the stage even had a path that want to the center of the room hanging from the roof was cages with many different humanoid people in them every one of them had little to no clothing and moved very sexually there was tables placed around the walls I even seen a private room upstairs I walked over to the bar and sat down a woman in a white shirt and black vest and pants walked up to me asking what will it be hunter I looked up to her and noticed the feline features short yellow ish black hair those gray cat eyes and even her hands was more claws then anything I shrugged asking how much to get upstairs the woman scoffed that isn't for everybody you know and you can't just simply buy your way up there you have to be important and by the looks of ya do you truly think you fall into that category I shrugged and motioned for her to get closer she shrugged and leaned forward and with a grin on my face whispered in to her would the death hound be important enough this woman's face want a bit pale hearing my words she leaned back fast and nodded quickly I am sorry sir I meant no but I waved my hand saying no need lass just be more careful next time so how about it can I get a table upstairs she nodded yes I will quickly have someone see to it I nodded as for a drink perhaps some whisky on the rocks the woman nodded as she made my drink she want over the radio asking for someone to prepare a table upstairs for a guest my drink got put in front of me as the woman said it will be just a moment for the table I nodded taking a sip I asked can we smoke in her the woman shook her head not down here sorry I simply shrugged stop apologizing lass if them are the rules them are the rules it isn't your fault the woman smiled you know for a hunter your quite polite talking to the likes of me I raced a eyebrow asking y shouldn't I be your a person the same as me besides I am dating a sorceress and a lycan and soon a 3 will join them and my best friend is a vampire so perhaps that's y the woman laughed and was about to say something but the lights want darker and a feminine voice spoke over the music alright yall it's about that time the time yall have been waiting for you know her you live her please help me welcome Aphrodite Gianttuss and a light turned on stage there leaning against a green pole was Sihtric in a green and black corset around her waste was a green sparkly see-through skirt that had a slit on the side which showed off her black panties and covering her chest was a green and black bra her hair was cut short on the sides wall her hair on the top was long and braided down to her back but something was odd I remember her hair being Red but know it was green mmmm well she had green eyeliner and black lipstick but the most oddest thing was when the light shined on her fear white skin it sparkled a dark purple-ish color like a geode gone was that shy girl in glasses what I seen was a strong confident woman and her eyes which I remember was brown was know glowing orange Sihtric beautiful at the crowd that's when the music started and she started dancing along to the music that wasn't load nor crazy it was happy and warm which was odd and the way she danced captivated the crowd we started in a trance at her performance I was drowning in like everyone else but not to the same extent I sipped my drink as I enjoyed the show I seen her spin around the pole and I got to see her back I seen two scars where I think wings would go my eyes flashed green but no one noticed they was all looking at Sihtric many people was drooling from this preference the dance didn't last to long and it wasnt to short either it was just right after the music stopped she bowed to everyone before puffing into green mist I got tapped on the shoulder I looked back to the bartender who smiled your table is ready sir if you would follow me I nodded finishing my drink and followed her she walked down the bar till we got to the end of it where a door as we walked through it which lead to a stairway as we walked on the stairs I asked so that woman the Aphrodite Gianttuss but before I could finish the bartender shook her head saying she only does dances she doesn't show her self to anyone I grinned not even me I asked the woman shook form fear yes sir that includes your self I chuckled well can you at least pass on a message to her the bartender visibly calmed down as she nodded yes I can do that for you I smiled good say that the person she has been waiting for is here nothing more nothing less got it the woman nodded thank you we walked through another door which led to the upstairs area which had 9 tables all places in a u shape everyone of them could see the stage 5 of the tables was being used there was a private bar up here also waitresses it reminded me of a fancy restaurant more then anything else and yes there was food I got lead to the last table away from everyone there was a blue leather back menu already on the table and in gold words on the front of this menu said sirens song the bartender pulled out my chair for me I sat down smiling thank you lass here and I handed her a $50 tip the woman bowed thank you sir your waitress will be over in just a moment and with that I bid thee ado and I promise I will deliver your message I nodded thank you and like that she walked away I opened up the menu looking through all the foods and drinks everything was expensive and overpriced like normal there wasn't even a cheeseburger or a tenderloin I side that's when my waitress walked over she was young maybe 18 she had on black pants and a white shirt she pulled out a note book and pin out from the short apron around her waste she flashed me a beautiful smile at me asking what can I get you sir I smiled whiskey on the rocks as for food do yall have anything other then what's on the menu like a cheeseburgers or something the girl smiled are cook should be able to fix something up for you I nodded thank you the nodded and walked away with my order my eyes scanned over the other tables I noticed each member had at least 4 to 5 members and every one of them was packing I seen one of them rub the back of his neck and I seem the lunging surpent tattoo on the back of his hand I leaned back in my chair looking down below I felt my phone go off in my pocket I pulled it out to see it was a text message from Sihtric it read

Sihtric- are you really here how did you find me

Me- 😂😂 I have my ways nice dance by the way it was hot 😜

Sihtric-😳 you seen that

Me- yep and I must say your beautiful


Me- 😂😂 also your green hair really suits you

Sihtric- thank you so you really can see my true

Me- I seem more then that lol but yes

Sihtric- stop teasing me you know how insecure I am

Me- I am only speaking facts your beautiful simple as that

Sihtric- aaaa damn it your still this shameless but y are you here Hunter you would have normally let me know before you came in

Me- 🤷🏽‍♂️ come down and find out we got much to talk about miss member of the lunging serpent gang

Sihtric-😨 o shit you found out but how no this isn't happening again listen to me Hunter the gang is to powerful best thing you can do is run, run far, far away from me and the gang maybe thin you might lived

Me- 🤣🤣 I ant going anywhere I ant scared of this gang I am Hunter Ace Colt the death hound they should fear me besides i won't run away and forget about you that ant my stile but we can talk more about this ones you get here I ordered cheeseburgers

Sihtric- sy fine and we got cheeseburger? First time I am hearing about it on my way down but I hope your ready for what comes next

I put away my phone noticing there was a glass and bottle on my table I pord me a glass of whiskey I downed it easily I pord another downed it and when I git to my 3 glass a woman walked from behind me and sat down at my table saying what a waste of good whiskey you not going to be able to leave at this rate I looked over to Sihtric she had on a beautiful dark green flowing dress I admired the gem that was in front of me Sihtric laughed what you see something you like I grinned shamelessly indeed I do and soon it will be mine Sihtric wasn't expecting that and she blushed as she mumbled shamelessly I chuckled o baby you have no idea and I poured her a glass she took it and took a sip I shrugged sipping mine when I lowered my glass Sihtric was staring at me intensely I raised a eyebrows asking what she shrugged it's just that you're changed slightly it's like you've grown up I don't see any of that old innocent shine in your eyes no more I smiled warmly as I rested my head on my hand as I asked so what do you see now she side shrugging I ant shore when you look at me I feel the warmth and kindness in them but when you look at the other tables your eyes remind me of a predator looking at pray which scares me I don't know if your the hunter I know or a imposter especially when I notice your soul is different it's more powerful then before and so who are you really my smile fades and I leaned back in my chair staring at her seriously who am I that's simple be it this life or my past life I have gone by the same name and that's Hunter Ace Colt the death hound I am your Hunter as much as I am the me from the past I have all my memories from this life I have all my interests sadly that night that rat broke something in here and I tapped the side of my head that thing will never fully recover as for y my soul is different it's simple the old soul in this body was so broken that the death twins was just going to distoy it luckily for me that didn't happen and the me from the past merged are souls into what you see in front of you I seen tears in Sihtric eyes as I spoke but none ever fell I am sorry she tried to place her hand on my hand I didn't move it away it felt warm she squeezed my hand as she started into my eyes I am truly sorry for doubting you I just but I placed a finger on her lips shaking me head you had a right to know Sihtric and I have no problems telling you it's your after all so no tears got it and before Sihtric could stop me I whipped her eyes of the tears but my fingers started to burn I glanced to my fingers ar the clear green liquid that was burning my skin poison or is it acid I mumbled Sihtric was panicking no Hunter are you but she stopped noticing that I wasnt even showing any pain hell I didn't even blink seeinh my fingers being burned I raised an eyebrow and sniffed it salty with a hint of fire acid but how I mumbled then my eyes want wide I looked up to Sihtric who was staring dumbfounded at me how ant you on the ground screaming she asked I chuckled carefully whipping the liquid off my fingers on the table I am a gold rank hunter Sihtric hell I am about to step into the purple rank very soon my body and immune system is stronger then most plus if that ant good enough a lot of my abilities are made to counter this in many different ways so are you going to explain y your tears have the same sent a a black dragons breath she side and was about to speak but someone cut her off saying hi you punk stop talking to this beauty and screams and sitting across from me was 3 man one man was in a white suit the other two had a blue and black suit each of them I could tell was were serpents by there serpentine brown eyes the man in the white suit who was the one in the middle looked over to Sihtric and he looked over her body I could feel there lust how about it Aphrodite Gianttuss how much for you to attend to my brothers and I Sihtric started at them her eyes going sharp but in a sweat voice she said sorry boys but I only dance I am sure one of are other girls can attend to you and she looked back to me about to speak but the man in the blue suit slammed his hand on the table so hard it spilled the bottle she started at Sihtric his eyes shining in lust how dare you slut do you even know who your talking back to this is Lucky little brother to big boss Jacks if it wasnt for us you would still be a rat on the streets so be a good girl and service us he and he reached out to touch Sihtric who was shying away from him but before his hand could even extend fully out shadow tendrils wrapped around his body constricting his movements I picked up the bottle which was half gone already I took a swig from it as the men in the white sand black suits looked to me the one in the black suit hissed out mate thissss is none of your businessz I would back off know I chuckled naa I don't think I will what sort of man would I be if I allowed you to touch one of my girls I will give you one chance back off and you will live another day so what do you say partners the man in the white suit stood up yelling you dare do you know who the fuck we I laughed indeed I do Lucky wasn't it leaned back in my chair kicking my boots onto the table I do know who I am messing with your part of the lunging serpent group a huge serpentine grin spread across Lucky face that's right felling scared know don't sorry I am merciful leave everything you own and leave is this really worth fighting over a slut I kicked my feet off the table my smile was gone what replaced it was a snarl call her that one more time and I promise you death will be the least of your worries I am sure the fang tribe would love to get there hands on Jacks little brother Lucky grin faded you dare threaten me and you dare bring up them damn fang tribe how do you even know there's bad blood between us I smiled shrugging I know the alpha and beta pretty well they are my business partners also tell me how did you like of my work Lucky face want pale the suits of armor you made them bull shit you bluffing I chuckled pulling out my phone and opened my contacts calling Geralt he immediately picked up I put him on speaker yow Hunter what's the good news my man please tell me it's done I chuckled two out of the three are done I am at the sirens song currently having a stare off with a little shit by the name Lucky and 19 of his little serpent bitch boys they said I was bluffing when I told them we was business partners and how I made the armor so I was like what the hell might as wil give you a call to both prove a point to also tell you that the factory and the dock has been cleared Geralt laughed yea that sounds about right I assume I am on speaker right correct I said good to all those little serpents who doubted his words was wrong everything he has said is correct we are business friends and Hunter here was the one who made the suits of armor that killed those people you hired Luckys face want pale Hunter he asked do you mean but Geralt cut him off yep yall have both doubted and by the sounds of it you have pissed off the one they call the death hound I would wish you luck but what's the point it won't help hell I won't even wish you a fast death sense I don't like yall either do what you wish Hunter but if you can take Lucky alive please my wife and I would greatly appreciate it I nodded no problem Geralt talk to you in a bit late Geralt laughed have fun out there and he hanged up I put away my phone staring at Lucky who started at me in fear even Sihtric was shocked hearing all this the man in the black suit slammed his hand on the table yelling there's 20 of us and only one of him we got this death hound or not and after that we can play with that slut beside plop but before he could finish that mans head dropped off his body hitting the table his body soon collapsing I sheathed Tempest on my hip I looked to the others saying 18 against one I like them odds I rolled my shoulders as I stood up I cracked my neck when I opened my eyes my drcanic eyes was activated and a huge demonic grin spread across my face that when the dj yelled lets let the beat drop and he cranked up the music the blood was shaking from the base my glowing eyes feel onto Lucky when my eyes fell onto him fear spread across his face as he stumbled back but before he could run black tendrils wrapped around him also o that reminds me I looked to the man in the blue suit I waved my hand he shot away from Sihtric before my tendrils ripped him into bloody pieces Sihtric started at me dumbfoundedly I winked and leaned down yelling I can't have my Aphrodite Gianttuss be covered in blood can I Sihtric blushed as she shyly looked away I laughed my eyes going back to the little serpents hand to hand or use tempest mmmmm hand to hand I lunged forward my fist slamming into one mans neck snapping it but he was still able to move his hands turned into claws that had poison dripping off them I jumped back laughing to my self about forgot these fuckers was lycanthropes but still hand to hand with my new bone manipulation I lunged forward faster then the serpent could react I grabbed his head and used my bone manipulation to make his skull as soft as clay I crushed his brain like this his body and organs hit the floor wall most of his shoulders neck and spine stayed in my hand o and course the skull these bones had no blood or anything on them they was a white as snow these bones started to mold it's self into bone spiked gauntlets and it's spin was a whip in my left hand it shined dangerous let us dance shall we and I lunged forward killing these fuckers Sihtric started at me shocked is this really Hunter he is so brutal and that smile it sends shivers down my spine but then I remembered his words to me he called my his I felt my heart beat go faster and my face felt warm am I really falling for a crazy bloodthirsty monster like him but I heard him say it again I can't have my Aphrodite Gianttuss ugg y am I enjoying watching him fight hold on is this a new kink shit this bastard is making me think all of these dirty thoughts ugg it's all your fault my Hunter Ace Colt o mine huh Sihtric Colt I quite like the sound of that hehe.