A crippled hunter

As granny walked forward the doors slowly creaked open the thick steal slowly moving but Granny didn't stop walk she simply walked through the doors with long strides we followed her through the door as we passed over the threshold I felt something pass by us this was the barrier but I sensed it wasn't just the barrier that we stepped through no that was a body scan granny stopped as a older man walked through a door from the wall this older man had on a white military suit his skin was dark he bowed to granny saying mistress welcome home granny nodded thank you A will you please lead my daughters and her family where they will be staying the man bowed again saying yes mam granny turned to us her cold indifferent expression was back follow A he will lead you to your residents where you will be staying do not make any trouble for him or anyone in his command got it I chuckled I have no use looking for trouble hell I would rather avoid it if I can sadly trouble seems to find us so if but she cut me off saying if trouble comes looking for you then report it to A or any of his man do not engage I shrugged that's up to your people if they come looking for a fight they will find one we ant scared of any of you A glared at me saying silenced boy and I felt a heavy pressure press down on my shoulders again shockingly enough it was heavyer then granny this was the era of a true hunter but that's when I realized something this man had similar looks to that little brat Karen well it's better to say Karen looked like this man I smiled a bit of blood coming out of my nose saying how interesting so you must be that little brats grandfather good so did she pass on my little massage to you the old man scoffed boy do not push your luck I already don't like you for what you did to my granddaughter if it wasnt for grand mistress I would have killed you right here right now o my eyes softened a bit so your a doting grandfather that's good at least I am happy that little brat has someone who loves her but in the end it isn't my problem as for you wanting to kill me y wait I let go of my girls and took a few steps forward a few steps before leaning against my kain with one hand saying y wait granny won't stop you she has no ties or power to us so come on I am waiting here I will even give you a target and like that I leaned down slightly my neck fully visible easy to strike but second passed and nothing happened I raised my head grinning at this old man snarled face he had orders not to kill me it would seem and the only people who had that sort of power in this family would be the granny next to him and her husband so it would seem they need me alive for something and I had a feeling I knew what it was from the past conversations I looked over to granny with a huge victories smile Granny side seeing me smile saying enough boy you win I will lead you there my self And like that she took off walking I chuckled opening my arms my flowers being rapped in them and like that we started walking through this place best way I could discribe this place would be military camp but instead of tents there was white gothic buildings the temperature in this camp was much colder then outside and the people were in blue and white uniforms all although there were a few people who didn't wear uniforms but these were your oddities and attention seekers mostly I marveled at the architecture of everything it was slick bland and simple the buildings and streets them self was bland there was no other color than white and black even the banners that was handing up was black with a white peacock on it where was the liveliness where was the color this place was boring and bland hell even the people I seen were bland there clothes was the same uniform as the rest blue, white and black depending on there rank but the blue with strips of black was for kids and low rankers wall white with strips of black was your higher ranking people everyone had the same cold expressionless faces there eyes held no shine to them the only people I seen have some sort of life in there eyes was the kids and a few low-ranking officers nothing more as we walked I noticed a homeless man sitting on the side of the path he had on a dirty white uniform his left pant leg was tied in a not the same could be said for his right arm sleeve laying next to him was a old looking walking stick this man had a long gray and brown beard and hair that was unclean and cut his eyes was sunken in his skin was thin it showed off his boney figure I noticed a sign next to the man that said I lost my arm and leg for the family please my family still needs to eat I stopped Triss asked what is it Hunter they followed where I was looking Sihtric side shameful Meg sniffed saying the man stinks and look how they treat him a woman in a blue uniform walked by the man she didn't even look down at the man hell she even walked over his walking stick soon after the girl a man in a white uniform walked passed the man kicking the metal can that was next to the man coins and a few dollars spilled out if it the man on the ground quickly want to pick all of it all but that's when another woman in a white uniform walked by and she stomped on his hand as she walked by how disposable Triss hissed I let go of them and walked to the side towards this man I got to him just in time before another man in a white uniform could walk by I crouched down and scooped up the mans can picking up every coin and bill for the man before playing it next to him I started into this man's sunken blue eyes they held life in them like he refused to die that's good in a gruff husky voice the man bowed his head saying thank you master I shook my head saying no need brother I am no ones master tell me brother what did this to you if you don't mind me asking the man side and he clutched his stumped arm sadness in his eyes it was a wyvern that had been attacking the family one night I was on watch on the wall when that great beast attacked I fought with all I had and in the end I was able to deliver the finishing blow sadly I wasnt the one that got the last laugh or the glory so my heart tightened hearing this mans story my draconic eyes appeared for a second before they was gone this man wasnt laying he had been betrayed I bet that person is the one that took the glory of slaying the beast also wall leaving this man a cripple, I side is it just you or the man stopped shaking before saying weakly I got 2 children a 2-year-old girl and a 3-year-old boy both very sick my wife and I do what we can to scrap my wife isn't awakened like me so she can only do common things to get money nodded thank you brother for answering all my question here take this and I pulled a $500 from my soul space but these bills was rapped together so no one other then this man and I seen how much it was I dropped the bills in the can I also placed a card ontop of it saying if you ever need anything feel free to call me I would happily help a fellow hunter out I stood up my eyes scanning either side of me to see quite a few people glaring at me I chuckled and turned around d and walked back to my flowers we had to catch up to the others the man looked at the black card that had gold letters that read the reapers smithy owner and smith Hunter Ace Colt below that was my number the mans eyes want wide he is Hunter Ace Colt the man looked back up shocked but he couldn't find that man in the crowd he side no matter I am just happy he even helped me the man picked up his can and sign putting them both in his pockets before he got up with his stick mumbling I should move locations back to Hunter and the girls they had just cot back up to the group who was standing in front of a white 3 floor buildings granny turned around saying this is where you all will be staying food will be delivered here directly do not leave it with out a escort got it my mom giggled saying what you scared we will burn this place to the ground granny started at her coldly that's exactly what I am worried about she said like it was a fact my mom huffed chuckling we ant savages it isn't are fault that this place hasn't changed for the better everyone still gots those superiority sticks in their asses we will not be walked all over on just cuz we are in this place nor cuz you ask us so you better tell your people not to act all high and mighty with us before we put them in there place got it mother and like that mom walked into the building pulling father behind her he had a proud smile on his face everyone slowly following them in but before I want in I looked to granny angrily before scoffing and I walked through the door ones the door shut I waited till I didn't sense granny outside before I walked into the living room everyone was sitting on couches around a table the second I walked in uncle looked to be his draconic eyes activated and he held up 4 fingers I side nodding as my draconic eyes activated I easily found what he was talking about 4 listening devices stashed around the room I walked to each and pulled them out from there hidden locations a small blue gem that had a few simple runes carved into it those runes sent an encrypted radio frequency out I smashed each one of them they shattering like glass but the second I shattered them they turned to dust I finally sat down saying know that we ant being listened to let us talk and I waved my hand the shadows condensing around us better to be safe then sorry I thought my dad looked to me asking so what did you find son I side just a crippled hunter the man defended and killed a wyvern for this place and family but what he got for his actions was two lost lems and someone else stealing his glory but this isn't even the sad part the man has two sick kids no older then 4 and his wife is unweakened so they are on hard times Jinufer angrily huffed how despicable many of the others nodded but Duke shrugged stolen glory isn't anything new but it doesn't make it any less despicable he said that last part very quickly when Jinufer turned her head and glared at him he side I am just saying dear nothing more she angrily huffed your sleeping on the floor tonight Duke face want pale want was quickly going to protected but stopped seeing her angry eyes fall back on to him he shivered looking away saying yes mam we all grinned at each other at his pain but my smile faced this place is so plan there isn't no color or liveliness in it this feels like a prison even the people look lifeless and if that's not bad enough there is signs of people miss using there power and rank bullying and oppression seems to be very common it's sad this is one of the strongest hunter families in the world and they treat there own like this no wonder people don't like the Hera faction another thing is granny are building something with the rift my mom nodded I figured that was the case after I heard they had a rift my parents could never be happy with what they got they would always want to suck every last resource out of everything and based on A actions they probably want you to build the rest if it for them I nodded that's my thoughts exactly Samuel side shaking his head speaking for the first time sense he got off the plane but what could they possible be building that they need to hire someone outside of the family and y Hunter exactly Triss spoke shrugging what they are building could be many things but it can't be anything good in there hands as for y Hunter it's simple he is a aspiring smith he is known but not to well known that people would notice if he disappears besides in there eyes he is there blood they can simply make amends with mother and father-in-law and they will gain greatly Jinufer nodded indeed just think your family isn't just strong but you powerful connections to both hunters and supernatural creatures your a very dangerous enemy and an even better alloy besides Hunter has memories from his past life so he knows things that have been forgotten I chuckled saying stop it your going to make me blush Jinufer shook her head at me wall Duke grinned at me so has the plan charged Lucy asked I shook my head naa plan stays the same we stick to our selves in this house we do not eat the flood they give us besides it can't hold a candle to mothers cooking anyway everyone nodded like it was a fact wall mom blushed a bit hearing my words I stood up saying Uncle and I will sweep the house for any more bugs and like that we started to clear the house.