what's in the box?

Cloak and Dagger arrive at the docks to interrupt a large quantity drug buy in the hopes of retrieving information regarding the supplier of the new synthetic crack in Hell's kitchen.


"Boats of all shapes and sizes ply up and down the East River. The pier reeks of dead fish and exhaust fumes.

Ahead of Colleen and Danny was Pier 36. A large cargo ship that was pulling away from the docks caught their attention. On the side of it was written the vessel name: The Celestial China.in huge block-stencil letters.

As the ship was drifted further away, their attention was drawn to other matters. From one of the nearby warehouses some screamed 'Help!...Police!'.


2 security guards and a customs official were in a warehouse inspecting cargo offloaded from the Vessel the Celestial China, when they were attacked by several members of the Dragonlords gang. All 3 of them were beaten senseless and one of the crates was stolen. Oliver Crumb, the customs official, managed to stumble from the warehouse and cry for the police.


"A man wearing a blood-stained uniform was kneeling outside the warehouse, and appeared to have been beaten very badly. When he saw Colleen and Danny he attempted to stand, and exclaimed 'A gang of street punks jumped us!'."


The security guards remain unconscious bloody heaps and in need of emergency medical treatment. Oliver Crumb, who appears less physically injured, tried to answer Danny and Colleen's questions.


"What was stolen?" Colleen asked, after deducing theft from the appearance of the inner-warehouse.

Oliver looked down at his hand and noticed he still clutched his clipboard. After rifling through a couple of the blood-stained pages, he told them the missing crate had been marked as 'religious statuettes'. It was supposed to be shipped to a Mr. Lee Min at a Chinatown shop called Oriental Antiques and Curiosities. 'Why would anyone want to steal clay statues?' Oliver asked.

"Do you know what gang did this?" Danny asked.

"it was a couple of guys that just jumped out of the darkness at us. It all happened so fast i didn't get a good look at any of them. I remember they all had dragons on their backs." Oliver feebly attempted to recall.

"Which way did they go?" Danny asks, prepared to track down the culprits he believed to be more of the Dragonlords.

Through a haze of blood and pain, Oliver had watched as the Dragonlords loaded the crate into an unmarked black van and speed off. It didnt have a license plate.


"While Colleen and Danny spoke with Oliver, several stealthy shapes emerged from hiding within the shadows all around them. All of them wore dark green tong costumes. They were brandishing an assortment of nasty-looked barbed blades and wicked swords. As one of them launched into the air, performing a flying kick, he shouted 'What has become of the Celestial one?!'."


The Si Fan Tongs believed the heroes had some connection to the disappearance of the crate. The ninja are prepared and ready to die to find and retrieve the crate, and so the assassins relentlessly attack the heroes.

Cloak & Dagger, having dealt with their own problem catch wind of the ninja nearby at the pier and so lend a helping hand to Iron Fist and Colleen in defending themselves. During the battle, Oliver flees back into the warehouse only to return with a pistol and begin opening fire on the tongs. As he is a horrible shot, Cloak is required to use his darkness ability to dispose of the ammunition and save the lives of those assembled. After the battle is won 2 police squad cars arrive on the scene. Iron Fist, Colleen, Cloak, and Dagger all stay to file statements about the incident with the local law enforcement. Oliver Crumb backs up and corroborates their story. The captured tongs are completely uncooperative with both the police and the heroes after their defeat, totally refusing to communicate with anyone. (Because of their extensive training they are capable of developing extreme mental barriers to restrict access of information, so even Daredevil's biometric sense are futile against them).

Due to their combat prowess, reliability, and resourcefulness Iron Fist extends a grateful invitation to the duo Cloak & Dagger to become employees for the Heroes For Hire franchise, and assures them they are valuable assets whose skills would be fully utilized within the business.

It is also decided that a visit to the Oriental Antiques and Curiosities shop should be made to determine the contents of the stolen crate and their value.