The Heroes for Hire are invited to the Avengers mansion to spend a night to recuperate. They are all given temporary guest rooms, and all of their wounds from the recent battle are seen to in the Mansion hospital. The Chemist and Maggia scientists, having been captured, were turned over to the police that arrived thanks to the rescued prisoners.


The next day Captain America led the Heroes into a debriefing room and said, "Please be seated. I'm ordering Thor, Iron Man, and myself to undergo complete physical examination immediately, just to be sure there are no side-effects from that madman's weapon. In the meantime, i would like for each of you to make an official statement about what has happened here. The Vision will record everything. If you require refreshments, just push the red button on the wall over there and Jarvis will have something brought to you. Thanks, folks, for everything you've done. I'll be seeing you again, soon. The Vision will greet you shortly."

Captain America exits the room, leaving the Heroes by themselves. The only thing of interest in the room is a copy of The Daily Bugle, that lied on the table.


While overlooking the personals section of the Daily Bugle, Marc Spector noticed an interesting ad in bold type. It said: "The bomber of C-Town has words for the dude who saved him from frostbite. Same place. Tomorrow at midnight."


Without warning, a ghostly figure floated down through the ceiling. The Heroes recognized the strange Avenger immediately -- He's The Vision!

In a perfectly monotone voice, the android spoke. "I am sorry if my sudden appearance has startled you. Please be seated and we shall begin. Now, start at the beginning, and tell me everything that has led to your involvement with the Avengers."


Having no reason not to comply with the Vision's request, they recounted their adventure from Marc Spector's escape from Ravencroft Asylum, and concluding with the events that unfolded in the Avenger's underwater shuttle system.


There was a knock at the door. Both Black Panther and Captain Marvel entered. Captain Marvel was smiling broadly. "We came to meet with you and hear your story." Black Panther greeted.

Captain Marvel laughed aloud, "It's not every day that somebody pulls Thor's butt from the fire."


As the Heroes For Hire again recount their tale, Vision pressed a button and a panel slid open in the table, revealing a computer console. The Vision accessed the Avengers data terminal and began comparing notes and revealing information to assist their case.

In regards to 'A Madman's mutterings', the only data the Avengers had was that it had been stole recently from The Met. The Heroes For Hire graciously enlightened the Avengers to the power and nature of the tome.

Despite how they searched and thoroughly combed the archives, the Avengers had no data on an entity or personage by the moniker or alias 'The Celestial One'. "I believe the ancient Chinese referred to the wise Buddha by that name." Vision clarified.

Vision expresses gratitude for the apprehension and data regarding The Chemist. He was a villain that despite his depravity, and intellect had never faced off against the Avengers until now. The vile scientists identity and characteristics as well as M.O. were input into the Avengers system.

It was already known that The Faces of Fear were a rising new gang in the streets of Manhattan. While committing crimes of extortion, robberies, and distribution of narcotics, they wore Halloween masks. Rumors persisted, even within Avengers information circulation, that they were overseen by an enigmatic figure known only as "The Boss".

In his emotionless voice, Vision states that the Maggia is a powerful, international crime cartel composed of many smaller predominantly-Italian "families". Of importance, the Manhattan area ran by The Silvermane family, Godfathered by one Silvio Manfredi, the Hammerhead family, ran by vicious career super-criminal Hammerhead, and the Nefaria family, whose ran by the heir to the throne Whitney Frost.

The Silver Samurai was a dangerous Japanese mercenary who had for the longest time been affiliated with the super-villain Viper, a female who was once the leader of the New York HYDRA faction, and later became the leader of the original Serpent Squad. The Viper's current activities and whereabouts are unknown.

In the past, ruthless criminal The White Dragon was supported by Wilson "Kingpin of Crime" Fisk in an attempt to control and consolidate the gangs of Chinatown, which is an area that Kingpin had not yet developed to its fullest. The Avengers knew that currently the White Dragon was the leader of the gang The Dragonlords, which ran a violent protection racket amongst Chinatown shop owners. But, they avoided interference as the Dragonlords had already been thwarted on numerous occasion by both the Tiger's Claw and the Heroes For Hire. The White Dragon was documented as a master of the martial arts of the Orient, and could breathe fire by means of a fuel projector in the mouthpiece of his mask.


Their conversation was interrupted by a sudden CRASH! The noise came from another room of the mansion. The security alarms began to blare and peal loudly.

The Vision calmly pressed another button, another panel opened along the wall, revealing a huge monitor. On the screen all in attendance witnessed an unnerving spectacle -- The Mighty Thor had just been thrown through the front wall of the Avengers Mansion!

As they all stared in shock, Thor flew like a comet over 5th Avenue and landed in a heap in Central Park. He stood up just in time to deflect a deadly missile with his arcane mallet. The heroes recognized the projectile immediately -- it was Captain America's shield!

Black Panther, Captain Marvel, and Vision rushed from the conference room. As the Heroes For Hire followed them, Thor's cries echoed over the security monitors, "By the gods! What has become of thee?! I am beset by thine own Avenger companions!"


The Heroes For Hire and 3 Avengers exited the Mansion expeditiously. Across the street in Central Park, Thor could be seen defending himself from the fierce attacks of both Captain America and Iron Man. Thor refused to attack in retaliation. Obviously, he feared harming his friends.

Terrified and confused, families that were enjoying the park were now fleeing from it in a screaming mob. Unfortunately, many if them ran panicked into the busy street. Swerving to miss them, cars plowed into each other one after another. A semi-truck jumped onto the sidewalk and rammed into scaffolding that stood in front of a nearby building. 3 men who had been working along the scaffolding were now dangling 50 feet above the sidewalk by safety-line. With the scaffolding crumbling around them, they were doomed to fall at any moment.

The Vision quickly ordered the Heroes For Hire to help any and all endangered citizens, while he and the other present Avengers hurried to put an end to the rampages of Cap and Iron Man.


Numerous car accidents clogged 5th Avenue, but doing a quick inspection, the Heroes For Hire learn that none of the citizens were seriously hurt (New Yorkers are a tough lot). The endangered workers were then freed from their precarious perch as the Avengers battled on.


Iron Man fired a tremendous plasma bolt at Thor, who blocked it by whirling his hammer to form a shield of centrifugal force. However, the bolt was deflected into a nearby car with no passengers that exploded into a fiery blast. The only imminent danger was the risk of the flaming car igniting nearby vehicles, so the Heroes For Hire set to extinguishing the blaze.


Captain America bounced his adamantiun/vibranium shield off of a park lamp post and struck both Black Panther and Captain Marvel. The post bent and fell onto a car. The 2 passengers inside were unhurt, but in great peril -- electrical wires from the lamp post danced and sparked across the hood of their car. Because of the vehicles rubber tires, the passengers were in no danger of electrocution as long as they stayed inside...but they wanted out to flee the Avenger brawl. So, the Heroes for Hire set to freeing the passengers without anyone receiving a fatal jolt.


Captain America suddenly turned on Iron Man and nailed him in his shelled head with the edge of his shield. The 2 crazed Avengers then began a vicious duel to the death. The Heroes For Hire and Avengers had to act quickly to restrain the two, and prevent them from killing one another. Thor and Vision eventually ensared the two temporarily insane Avengers.


After further examination of the two Avengers it is revealed the madness was an adverse effect of the Avenger-Killer ray. The Chemist had placed hypnotic suggestion in the Avengers' minds. The Chemist had been no fool, and knew that there had been the possibility the Avengers would be rescued before his ray had the opportunity to finish the job. Thus he had implanted a homicidal hypnotic suggestion to ensure his ultimate victory. While Iron Man had been receiving their examinations, the delayed monstrous mind control of The Chemist took effect. At the time of activation, they had no will of their own and would simply kill any other Avenger they encountered. Via Stark technology, the other Avengers were able to remove the psionic mind control. Once returned to normal neither Cap nor Iron Man had any memory of what had occurred.

The Avengers were very upset over the turn of events. After the Heroes For Hire helped clean up the Avengers Mansion, they were given the rest of the day to recuperate in the Avengers' hospitality, but were also urged to leave and put a stop to whoever had backed and financed the Chemist.
