Chapter 206

And Kurenai's need to see her blond lover only grew when she learned her time with her team will be cut down to a third of what it once was; essentially team meetings and drills. Though she didn't let it show, it was depressing for the Inuzuka, Aburame, and Hyūga clan heads to take their children for special clan training.

Kurenai knows she's being a little dramatic, however, after watching Naruto's near death, losing her students, and gaining more objectivity with Asuma, all in one day, she felt out-of-sorts and vulnerable and couldn't help the irrationally reoccurring thought, 'my students are leaving me…'

So, after finding Naruto's clone reading on her bed, she walked right up to him, grips him desperately by the hair and jaw and kisses him deeply, drilling her tongue deep in his oral cavity and greedily siphoning as much of his saliva as she could before eventually pulling away. Stroking his groin through his pants, she wantonly expresses, "Naruto… I need you in me."

After the dazzled blond came to his senses, he popped away instantly, and at the latest, Kurenai expected the real Naruto to burst through her bedroom door in fifteen minutes. She fantasized he'd be ripping off her clothes in under ten minutes and ramming inside her seconds later, however, laying in bed, hot and bothered, she felt foolish and desperate when she looks to her clock and counts aloud, "an hour and twenty-three minutes."

Too restless for sleep, Kurenai considers pleasuring herself with her orange toy when she hears a slow yet powerful knock at the door. The only people she would ever expect at that time of night can enter without knocking. Unsure who could be visiting her at such an hour, Kurenai slips on some underwear, black silk pajamas, and her red robe before making her way downstairs. Her expanding senses reassures her there's no observable threat to her for a mile, though she picks up on a person sitting against her door. Disarming the Fūin security and unlocking the entrance to her home, a bloodied Naruto's upper half slides back and lands flat on his back.


Dropping to her knees, her alarmed mind can't even begin to assess his major injuries from his minor ones with all the dried blood, dirt, mud, and grime caked on him. His filthy and torn jacket is being used as a splint for his left arm, the swollen hand of which has dirt and dried blood over a sealing gash. That same dirty arm is redder than the skin tone of his body from severe irritation. Additionally, his chest is caked with dried blood from a pectoral puncture, the skin around his right eye is purple, and under his nose and mouth is dried blood. His breathing hitches and his right ankle also looks swollen.

"…Yo," he tells her with a weak grin.

"What happened," Kurenai calls, leaning closer to inspect every inch of him. Kurenai knows a few rudimentary healing jutsu and places her palm over his chest. But before her green chakra can begin to diagnose his wounds, Naruto's hand reaches her face, palming it affectionately.

His blue eyes are a well of happiness she can easily become lost in when he tells her, "you always say honesty in communication is important." Taking a deep breath, he admits, "don't freak out, but I just came from fighting Zabuza-jiji-"

"What! How! Why!" Kurenai immediately responds, before hastily dropping that line of inquiry and concentrating her green-covered hands on healing what she can, stating, "nevermind! I'll get you to the hospital and alert ANBU on the way-"

"Don't," Naruto slowly tells her, softly pinching her cheek. "We just had a disagreement, is all. It's fine now."

"That may be the case," she starts, feeling a wave of adoration for the way he pinched her cheek. "But he's a missing-nin from our Bingo Book who's within the village. I'm obligated to-"

"I know," Naruto replies, nodding as best he can. "I know, but, I'm asking you not to… for now."

"You're putting me in a terrible position," she hates to admit, moving away from his warm and dirty palm.

"Yeah," Naruto states with a soft smile, letting his palm drop heavily. "Trust me, Nai-chan. I do mean only for now and I'll tell Ji-chan. Plus, Zabuza-jiji can't even get up right now. He won't hurt anyone."

Letting out an exhaustive breath of air, her hand caresses his face as she responds, "for now, I'll keep it to myself… however, I will inform Sandaime-sama as soon as you're okay." When he nods with his beautifully warm smile, she moves on, saying, "we have to get you-"

"It's fine. I just need some sleep and I'll be fine," his softly admits. "More importantly… Nai-chan… I'm home."

Snorting before a pained smile graces her red lips. She hooks as much of her falling midnight hair behind one ear, leans down, and kisses his stained lips. Though she can tell how weak he is from her meager Iryō-ninjutsu connection, he had strength enough in his lips to make her feel safe, weightless, relieved, and happy. When she pulls back, she softly and happily tells him, "welcome home."

"Uh, did you just kiss a damn kid," Anko's voice travels from the pathway leading to the open door of her home. Kurenai freezes, chastising herself for losing so much focus she couldn't detect another person, 'ten paces away,' her mind counts. Her closest friend witnessed her kiss a boy eight years her junior. Never having been in a situation like this, Kurenai's mind and heart become septic with panic and short-circuits.

"Uh, don't hate me," Naruto voices as his head begins to lull, weakly adding, "but, I'm going to pass out now." With his eyes traveling to the back of his head, he finally yields his consciousness to the pain-relieving darkness of deep recuperative sleep.




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