"Well Casy-what-are-you-doing-here, my name is Diana Margaret Alfred. His wife. And you are?" Diana, fueled by alcohol and simmering resentment, introduced herself with a forced smile, the sarcasm dripping from her voice.

Everyone laughed at the way she called the woman despite the situation.

"Am his girlfriend".

''Ex'' James said forcefully from behind them.

Cassandra ignored him and went ahead to introduce herself. "Cassandra Movich," the woman replied, her eyes lingering on James.

"Wow," Diana exclaimed, clapping her hands sarcastically before turning to James. "You really know how to pick 'em, don't you?"

"What the fuck did you say bitch!" Cassandra snapped, her Russian accent coming into place on her tongue.

James opened his mouth to retort, but Diana was already pushing past him, heading towards the karaoke machine.

"Mrs. Alfred?" the manager stammered, catching her attention.

"Diana, please," she corrected with a sultry smile, batting her eyelashes.

"Certainly, Ms. Diana. What song would you like?"

Ignoring the raised eyebrows, Diana grabbed the microphone. "Ocean's Eyes by Billie Eilish," she declared, a mischievous glint in her eye. "But first, a little something special for you, Harry!" She shouted over the mic and then laughed. "Uh oh, too loud".

The guys exchanged amused glances.

A beat of awkward silence followed, then Harry chuckled. "Uh, Diana, that's very kind, but..."

The guys laughed as she Ignored him, Diana launched into a surprisingly beautiful rendition of Happy Birthday, her voice surprisingly powerful.

The initial shock on everyone's faces quickly melted into genuine admiration and gave way to amusement as the guys, watched her perform.

Even James couldn't help but be captivated by the raw emotion in her voice.

As the last note faded, applause erupted. Diana, flushed and beaming, took a bow. " Encore!" she declared, her playful spirit momentarily overcoming the underlying tension.

Diana, basking in the attention, continued, "Oh yes, I was in the choir!" She shouted again over the mic. Even the Manager was also awed.

The revelation fueled more laughter and cheers. Even Cassandra, momentarily distracted, couldn't help but glance at James, a flicker of curiosity in her eyes.

"Diana, that was incredible!" Harry exclaimed, his voice genuine. "Thank you sister in-law" he said grinning.

"Sister in-law's got pipes!" Jared added, raising his glass in a toast.

Diana's eyes sparkled mischievously. "Jared i got one more brother in-law? Let's see... ", she made a gesture of counting her fingers and exclaimed. "Make that four more, brother in-laws I believe!"

The guys laughed as she giggled.

Diana, emboldened, launched into "Ocean's Eyes," her voice eerily similar to Billie Eilish's. It seemed as if the song was more beautiful on her lips. The lyrics seemed to resonate with her own turbulent emotions, captivating everyone in the room.

The room fell silent, as everyone fell entranced by the unexpected performance. Her husband seemed more mesmerized than the rest.

Cassandra was livid. She watched, her anger simmering beneath the surface. She shot a frustrated glance at James, who seemed mesmerized by his wife's performance.. "What the hell is going on here James?".

Jerry turned to her and shushed her with a roll of his eyes. "We need to listen to our sister in-law singing Cassandra".

"Don't ruin it" Victor finished.

Diana smiled on stage and continued singing till she finished.

As the song ended, Diana walked back to the table, a triumphant smile playing on her lips as the group erupted in another round of applause.

"What the hell is going on here, James?" she mimicked Cassandra's accent, her voice laced with drunken humor. Her mimick was so terrible because she had said it in a kind of sing-song way.

The guys burst into laughter, while Cassandra bristled. "I don't fucking talk like that!"

Diana, unfazed, mimicked her again "I don't fucking talk like that" in a rat-like tone, rolling her eyes. The tension escalated as Cassandra clenched her fists.

"If you don't mind, we are trying to hear our sister in-law sing", Diana said again.

Jerry laughed and pointed at himself. "Hold on, was that me. Darn Diana".

"Yes that was you", Henry Laughingly finished for him.

The room erupted in laughter, momentarily diffusing the awkwardness. James, however, remained tense, his gaze flickering between Diana and Cassandra.

Before the situation could escalate further, James scooped a surprised Diana onto his shoulder. "Alright, enough fun," he finally said, his tone gruff

"One more joke!" she protested playfully, her voice muffled against his shoulder.

James ignored her. As he carried her towards the exit, Cassandra stepped into his path. "James, what's going on here?" she demanded, her voice tight.

Diana, unable to resist a dig, mimicked Cassandra's 'James what is going on here' accent in a rat-like voice,

Earning another laughter from the group. James slapped her arse, before she kept quiet as the guys continued laughing heartily.

"But James, I came here to see youuuu!" Cassandra's face contorted with anger.

He brushed past her, his voice low. "Let's do this later, Cassandra. My wife is drunk, and I need to get her home."

As he walked towards the door, Cassandra made to follow them but Harry held her back. "Let him go, Cassandra".

"I mean when the hell did he even get married?"

Diana, perched on James's shoulder, giggled in a way that sounded suspiciously like a rat. "He didn't!" she declared, before James swatted her again, this time more painfully.

"Ouch!" Diana cried as she smiled and kept quiet.

The door swung shut behind them, leaving Cassandra standing alone amidst the bewildered stares of the remaining guests.

With laughter echoing behind them, James and Diana left the restaurant, leaving a trail of unanswered questions and simmering tension in their wake.