Chapter 13

"We've verified all the information we need so once you sign your name here, you'll officially become her legal guardian."

Anzu watched, playing with her fingers under the table, as Kureno read over the paperwork before signing it. Once their personal documents were returned to them, they were released to leave. Outside of the office building, the female let out a loud sigh of relief before grabbing Kureno's hands.

"We did it!" She jumped up and down in front of him excitedly. "Thank you Kureno!"

The male simply smiled at her, happy with the fact that she was happy. Ever since he'd found out about his niece, he'd tried in his way to make sure that she was okay. Sure, some things didn't go as planned, but this end result was way more than what he had hoped for.

"-reno? Hey, Kureno?"

The older male blinked as he snapped out of his thoughts. She was no longer jumping in front of him, but instead had a concerned look across her features.

"What were you saying?"

"I was just asking if you were hungry, 'cause I'm famished."

"Yes, some food would be nice."

The two began to head back home. They could've taken the bus, but they'd silently decided to take the scenic route and enjoy some fresh air. As they walked, it felt like a small weight had been lifted off of Kureno's shoulders. Although there was still the burden of supporting his niece and making his brother proud, he felt that it was a lot better than his previous situation. This time he could truly protect someone instead of always being protected.

"Didn't you say the place was around the corner?"

"The cafe that I wanted to visit is just down here, Arisa."

Kureno sharply turned his head as he recognized the name and voice. Suddenly, the weight that had been lifted from his shoulders had returned tenfold. Walking out of a store behind them was a very familiar blond. She didn't see him as she had turned the other way with her friend and walked down the street. Anzu turned around as well and glanced in the direction Kureno was looking then back at the male. His solemn gaze only served to bring down her mood too.

"Did something happen between you two?"

"...No. Let's go home."

She was still concerned, but she decided to leave the conversation for now. Once they returned to the apartment, Anzu started on dinner since Kureno didn't really know how to cook decent meals. A loud ring sounded from the living area as she turned off the stove top. It wasn't until Kureno brought her phone to her that she even noticed.

"Oh, sorry… I still have to get used to it." Anzu smiled sheepishly as she turned it off. With all the commotion and moving, she decided to buy a cellphone so it'd be easier to contact anyone she needed. The only problem was that she didn't have anyone's number aside from Kureno.

"Hatori-san told me this is the last week of school before break. Are you going to go back?" Kureno asked as they sat down to eat together. "Apparently next semester will be your final time as a 2nd year."

"Yeah… I don't think I'm going to go." She replied. "I missed too much time to be able to take any tests. It'd probably be better for me to just start over."

The older male frowned and placed his chopsticks down. "I'm sure with Momiji-san's help, you wouldn't have to. Hatsuharu-san could probably help too and you may have to take some remedial classes, but I don't think you should give up."

Anzu didn't answer and continued to eat her food. Momiji had already done too much for her as it is; she couldn't ask him for something else. She did consider going back for the last week, so maybe she could just cram and hope for the best. After all, that seemed like the only worthwhile plan she had at the moment.

° ∆ -------- ••• ------- ∆ °

The halls of Kaibara High School were bustling with students either talking about their break plans or shifting between classrooms to finish up any last minute duties. Anzu tried to stay out of arm's reach of anyone as she quietly headed to her classroom. She'd decided to try and get through the last week, hoping Ms. Sato would have all the answers to her questions.

Stopping by the window, Anzu looked out to see Tohru walking alongside Kyo on the ground floor. The two seemed to be having a small conversation when the brunette's face brightened and she waved someone over. A black-haired girl and a blond-haired girl joined the group. Eyes narrowing as she watched the blonde and Kyo start bickering, Anzu recognized the female from when she was with Kureno. There had to be a way to talk to her and see what was going on. Maybe she could-


Turning around, the crimsonette came face to face with Machi. She was going to respond to her when she overheard Momiji's voice down the hall. Pulling the girl into the classroom with her, Anzu hid them both behind the door. When the voice was gone, Anzu visibly relaxed.

"Who are you hiding from?" Machi tilted her head in confusion. "Either way, I'm glad you're feeling better now. Yuki-san told me you were sick."

"Yeah…" Anzu avoided the question. "Thank you for thinking of me, Machi. I really appreciate it."

Machi eyed the girl in front of her with a frown. Reaching into her bag, she pulled out some notebooks and handed them to her. "I know you haven't taken any tests yet. These may be a little messy, but they can help. I was going to give them to Momiji to give to you to help with your exams."

"I'm glad you didn't bother him with that."

"Are you two fighting or something?"

"No, it's just a 'me' problem." Anzu took the books from her hands awkwardly, not wanting to say anything anymore. "Actually, can you do me a favor? Do you mind helping me study for the exams? We can go to my house after school."

"I have a student council meeting, but I can come afterwards." Machi agreed. She still felt like Anzu was hiding something from her, but she wanted to give her some space. "I know you told me on the trip that I can always talk to you, but you can always talk to me too."

Ms. Sato walked in the classroom before Anzu could respond. Machi left before the bell could ring and Anzu sighed before taking her seat.

° ∆ -------- ••• ------- ∆ °

After the final bell, Anzu stood in the foyer of the school by her shoe locker and waited for Machi to be finished. This would be the first time she had a friend over to her home and she'd already called Kureno to make sure it was okay with him. Just the thought of this new experience made her nervous.


Anzu didn't bother to turn around this time as she knew who was calling her. Mustering a smile, she watched as Momiji walked around her and leaned against the lockers in front of her with a concerned look.

"I didn't know you were coming to school today."

"I just kind of showed up…"

She didn't want to worry him anymore; she'd already done that too much. Honestly, it felt like she'd been doing the complete opposite. Ever since she'd left the Sohma estate, she hadn't reached out to him or anyone else other than Kureno.

"How are you doing? It's been over a week since we last saw each other."

"I know." Anzu rubbed her arm, the smile slowly melting off her face. "I moved out. I just had to get away from everything."

"And everyone?"

Anzu frowned as she looked into Momiji's eyes. "No, not everyone. Momiji, you've done so much for me and I haven't done nearly enough for you. I guess I'm feeling guilty."

"Nein, nein, don't feel guilty." He reached out and took her hands in his, completely sure of what he was going to say next. "I wouldn't do anything for you if I didn't care about you. I want to keep doing things for you and be there for you, because… Ich liebe dich, Anzu."

The crimsonette furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. "What does that mean?"

"Shh. It's a secret."

Before she could protest, Machi called out to her as she walked down the stairs next to Yuki and the other members of the board. When everyone split off, Machi and Anzu walked together with Momiji in tow. Stopping at the local convenience store, they grabbed some snacks before entering the apartment complex.

"Wow, this looks nice, Lola!" Momiji smiled as they walked in.

"Lola?" Machi glanced towards Anzu.

"I was born in the year of the rabbit. Well, that and Looney Tunes…" She responded as she claimed a seat at the table and opened up her books. "Now, I really have to study. Ms. Sato pushed all my exams to the end of the week so I only have a few days to get ready."

The trio got to work, pushing through workbook after workbook and quizzing Anzu until they were cross-eyed. After a while, Machi left first since it was getting late. Momiji was sprawled on the couch as Anzu cleaned up. Suddenly, a chime sounded and Anzu reached into her bag, pulling out her cellphone.

"You have a phone now, Lola?" Momiji immediately sat up. "Hand it to me!"

Seeing that the alert was nothing, Anzu walked over to the couch and sat down, handing her phone off to the enthusiastic blond. Instantly, Momiji's fingers started flying and she peered over his shoulder to see what he was doing.

"There, done! Now you have my number." He passed the phone back.

Anzu looked at her phone's contacts to see a new entry. "Bugs…"

"Yeah. There's one more thing." Momiji smiled and pulled out his own phone. The crimsonette curiously watched and waited for him to finish, only for her phone to chime a few moments after he stopped. Looking down, she opened up her text messages.

'From Bugs: Let's go on a date.'

Anzu glanced over as the blond sent her an innocent smile. She felt like her face was probably the color of her hair by now. Playing with the ends of her hair, she smiled back.

"Do I have to text 'yes' or can I just say it?"

She could see his rabbit ears perk up with excitement as he jumped off the couch. There were so many things he was thinking of to make it a perfect first date, but overall, he was just happy that she said yes. Whatever was decided, he wanted to make it a surprise.