Ice cream ( Filler )

    (Just before the performances when everyone started to fill the arena)

        The Wind was cool but the crowd present here made the atmosphere warm. Between which the cold breeze made sure make ourselves know that we were roaming outside in campus and not inside the school.

       Looking at here and there following the flow of stalls made by students from the school, we made sure to use our time. We played few of games, tasted the food, made fun of others and Enjoyed the time.

       As we were moving, first we saw the ice cream truck who was just standing in front of us and to the left the quietest kid with his only friend. I looked at both, and Hyunjin who only saw Han standing there with Minho, smiling. Smiling? He was smiling!

      From what I remember I never saw him smiling like that. He forced his smile always and now looking at him my stare just stayed there for while. Which was followed by Hyunjin's gaze. And he without second thought, "look, he is smiling! Oh God! I have never seen him smiling! Wait !"

      Before I could stop him he already went close to him all I could hear was, "Hey, Han Jisung!" Boy use the honorifics!! He is still not our friend. As soon Han saw him his smile faded and here I turned to look for Seungmin.

       And the friends standing beside me too knew what was going to happen. One of them went to Seungmin, and as there was not much distance between us we too unintentionally reached toward Han and Hyunjin.

      As soon Han looked toward Hyunjin, Lee Minho too turned to us. Seeing Hyunjin he smiled a little, a welcoming smile. Hyunjin started to talk, and Han again was giving the bitter(not so) and short answer. We know now what is coming. Here they go again.

     "Han, why don't you talk to us!" Hyunjin said.

     "Aa… Well! " Han again with same tone.

     "Hyunjin, I have heard about you a lot." Minho broke the silence in which Han should have answered. (he used honorifics and not like Hyunjin calling people names directly)

      They talked for a bit without the interference of Han. There comes another person, giving a back pat at Lee Minho to let him know he was here.

      The person came with Flowing energy in which I too myself couldn't ignore but smile at that person who was giving smiles to everyone. (Could be called as scent of happiness as I could not resist but to smile seeing those starry eyes) Hyunjin definitely knew who he was. But before anyone could say anything Lee Minho left with that person gesturing Han to come.

        "Won't you come with us?" Hyunjin asked Han. Minho and that person stopped to listen what will Han say. Han again stammered! Boy let it out! Here came the saviour Seungmin giving an ice cream cone to me and then pulling Hyunjin backwards.

        There was not any sign of provocation but we knew Hyunjin will start again about how he avoids him. Seungmin without delay said, "Han, you should enjoy this day. Have a great evening" Pulling Hyunjin he let Han know that he can leave.

      With small forceful smile Han left. And here Hyunjin's eyes started to give that sign of provocation which will lead fight between this two. We started to move, neither any of us spoke a word.

      "Where is my Ice cream?" Hyunjin stared at Seungmin. 

       "Who said you to ruin someone's mood?" Seungmin with cold voice replied.

      "How come I was the one who ruined mood?" Hyunjin said angrily.

      Don't fight, please don't fight. Everyone in the group viewed them with that look. Hyunjin looked at me,

     "If you eat that ice cream you are not my friend anymore." He said.

     What! Why? How? How it came to me. Why should I not eat an ice cream. I looked at Seungmin who just bought me that ice cream. Might be first time in my life my crush have given me something. My first Crush!! Do you understand Hwang Hyunjin! What are you saying! But why are you saying! Are you six year old child who want to battle by saying you are not my friend anymore.

       I was shocked and so was everyone. Seungmin took my half eaten Ice cream and he just went away. Without saying a thing. Hyunjin's angry Cheeks ( not eyes. His cheeks were swollen. Like six year old kid who just lost the battle.)

      Why it was me, and why it was Seungmin. But more than it why was it my Ice cream. And for the Night the air between  Seungmin and Hyunjin remained bitter until we were waiting for bus.

       I saw Seungmin talking to the person who took Han and Lee Minho earlier. He was so happy talking with him. My first time seeing him smiling so brightly. May be that person really have that aura which will make you leave your stiffness and be yourself in front of them. The light behind made that person shine, the both of them were looking like angel.

      I saw Hyunjin reaching toward them when Seungmin left and Hyunjin was talking to them.