
    The following days were followed By Lee know's guidance on love. And Yoona was happy talking to him. 'Hyung really is so nice. So fool of me to think of him like that!' some thoughts that Yoona thought to herself.

     She now from third day since Leeknow's meetings would run to terrace to find him. She loved the way he talks and loved how he explains the things.

     "Yoona! You really don't wanna speak out about your first love?" Lee know asked. As all their meetings was full of Lee know's talks and nothing from Yoona.

     "It's not that I don't want to! But it's like I don't know exactly how to!" She said.

     "You wrote that beautiful poem and even to Jeongin, I read those piece of poem. And you guys really did great job!" He laughed as he say.

      "If you can write their emotions then why don't you write yours?" He said.

      "I...," she was about to say when she again stopped.

      "I, look Hyung! I can't even spell how my love is! When I think of it, there's nothing but just a blank paper. I don't even know what I feel!" She answered.

      "So being a blank paper is your first love!" Lee know teased her as she says.

      "Hyung! I feel like my head don't work when I think of it!" She said. "Like there's nothing to think of! Nothing at all!" She explained it to him.

      "Then try to write that blankness!" He said.

      Yoona looked at him with question.

      "Well, if I compare my love, not exactly compare but I can think of others too. So you can write it like blankness. Other type of dumbheads blank moments are present. If there's not a thing, then you create one!" He explained as he said.

     "And, did you made a move or not?" He asked looking at her.

     "I...,?" She looked at him with question.

     "I don't think anything will work!" She lowered her eyes as she said. "I don't feel like doing anything regarding it!" She said.

      "Yoona, you didn't read my poem by heart did you?" He asked. "If you had you would have tried to breath at least. But look, you are dead!" He laughed.  

       He sounded as he was offended. And to feel yes, he was.

       "My love is like chasing the open sky, the more I walk, the more it seems. The never-ending image of him. Will I be able to chase?" He said.

        Yoona smiled. "You should chase him till you find the end of world!" Yoona said.

      "So, you should too. Even if its not your! You can breath in air you know. There's nothing wrong to look at My Sky too!" He laughed.

      "Yeah, but if you tried to steal ! You are dead meat!" He laughed as he said.

     "Um, never will try!" Yoona said.

     In evening before leaving the school Chan Hyung called everyone. Not only special group but including Ahn, Bong and the other team leaders. Yoona arrived early as she knew beforehand. And everyone one by one followed. As she heard the keychains she moved to another side of table.

     And so again Seungmin lost the spot beside her. ( Yeah, puppy Seungmin! He was sad!)

    Chan mentioned that we all have ongoing assignments and the exam is near so he wanted all to stop talking about programs for now. He said he knew all are excited but studies are important too. Once the exam is finished, he will let everyone know what to do. So for time being no one will talk about the program.

     And as Chan Hyung said everyone agreed. The meeting was dismissed. Ahn called for Seungmin and he went with her. He didn't wanted to but he had to. Hyunjin and Yoona stayed talking to Chan Hyung. As they wanted to know what will happen to special performance group. Do they have to submit their homework?

     They waited as everyone leave. And finally Chan Hyung dropped the message on special group telling, "not to worry about your tasks! You have a month to work on it! As you go daily think of it. And write it as much as you can! And all the best with exams! Fighting!" And he smiled to everyone present there.

     And everyone left!

     The next few days went with a lot of school works. To mention Yoona had to go through all those extraa tasks with this ongoing. Teachers gave a lot of class works to do. And everyone was exhausted.

     But the one who went through more than this was feeling more exausted than others. It was Seungmin! He saw Yoona was getting along with everyone greatly. It wasn't a problem. But she was for sure mad at him. And she didn't wanted him to get known. As he walked beside her she would move to different side.

     He even tried to walk beside her without letting her know. That is, sometimes he would hide the keychain not making any sound. And so he would be able to sit beside her. But she would move to other side leaving him behind.

     Asking that he is taking this seriously/thinking about it too much? But after he tried this hard to be by her side. Well she does spoke to him time to time, sweetly and with more love than earlier. But she wasn't letting him be by her side.

     And in those many people talking to her, those flirty boys who are interested in her. He was scared that someone will pick her interest! Chan Hyung mentioned not to bother but still they came to visit her. Not only boys but girls too but Seungmin had only problem with boys, and especially one! That Vocal group leader!

      That boy made sure to visit and greet her every morning. Be waiting in hallways. Make his way to talk to her. And Yoona too, used to laugh with him alot.

       Seungmin wasn't able to concentrate on studies. Boy was lovesick. Not her girl telling him why she is mad and there's another boy trying to hit on his girl. And this reacted in his sleeps and schedules.

       He wasn't able to complete his assignment on time. He tried but all of them took more time than before. He was getting confused a lot. Losing focus. And daydream alot. 

     He had to submit his assignment on due tomorrow. And that day he didn't slept at night. But still he worked hard. He didn't wanted to lose to his companion Ahn, which made him work hard.

      Next day he went to school early and submitted the assignment before anyone else. Teacher was amazed seeing him submitting his work on last day. So they accepted it not making it a minute late.

      Finally breathing to his full Seungmin went to library to rest a little. Chan was already sitting there.

      "Woah! Look at the night owl!" Chan said looking at him.

      "Did you pull all-nighter?" Chan asked.

      Nodding his head Seungmin sat beside him with laying his head over his hands on table.

      Chan patted him and sat there doing his work. It was about time for bell to rang.

      "Hey Seungmin!" Chan called him in low voice.

      "Hey Kim Seungmin!" He called him again.

      "Hey pretty puppy!" He patted on his cheeks.

       Seungmim slept! Chan laughed seeing him like that.

      "You really slept Kim Seungmin!" He laughed again.

      "Shhhh!" Kim Seungmin whispered.

      "Ah ok, ok!" Chan laughed and left the space making no noise.

     As he walked he saw Yoona coming to him.

    "Is Seungmin here?" She asked being carefree!

     Chan gestured her to be silent. She went all quite.

    "Is Kim Seungmin here?" She asked gesturing.

     "He is sleeping!" Chan answered directing her to his place.

     She laughed. "He? He is sleeping! In library?" She asked.

     He waved her and went to classroom.

      Ahn asked Yoona to look for him. As she knew he was in school but he was missing from classroom. And as a representative he had do to something. And Ahn was already struggling with something.

     She went finding him and he was asleep. She looked at him. He resting his face over table. Breathing steadily. She thought of touching his cheeks. But she did not let her instincts win.

     "Hey Seungmin!" She called him with normal voice.

     "Are you really asleep?" She asked pointing over his shoulder.

     "Hey Seungmin!" She started teasing him by pointing over his shoulder here and there.

     "Hey Seungmin are you really asleep?" She asked this time pointing to his cheeks.

      As she bent down to tease him more she saw his beautiful resting face. Closed eyes and those hairs messed up a little. She didn't wanted to tease him anymore. His cheeks making you want to bite him. She sat beside him. Looking at him. She smiled to herself.

        She looked here and there, breaking her focus. As if she came back to her senses. She sat straight and again started calling his name.

     "Hey Kim Seungmin! Hey, hey, hey! Kim Seungmin!" Talking in his ears.

      Seungmin moved a little.

      "Wake up Seungmin or you'll miss the class!" She spoke in his ears with low voice.

       "Don't talk!" Seungmin whispered.

      She froze. She was so close and he responded. She looked at him. He was still sleeping. 'oh, sleep talks! He had me for moment!' Yoona thought to herself. Her heart was beating fast.

      She moved little back and asked him,

      "What did you said Kim Seungmin?"

      "Don't talk!" He repeated again.

       His voice lowered. Felt like wispering which made Yoona smile unintentionally. Her heart full of shivers and so are her eyes.

      "If I don't talk how will you wake up?" She said mischievously.

      "Don't talk!" He repeated again in irritated tone.

      "That Boy!" He said. Yoona moved closer to listen to him.

      "Don't talk to him!" He cleared his sentence. Still whispering!

      Yoona looked at him still close enough to listen his breaths. His frowned brows showing little anger. She was lost in him.

      "With whom?" She asked.

      She thought of something as she asked. She thought if it might be possible for her, if he being a little jealous of her talking to someone! She smiled to herself.  She didn't knew what he was talking about. But his words made her feel as if he was jealous of someone.

      Seungmin's sentence was clear. But she didn't knew whom he is talking about and to whom he is talking to! But that sentence did made Yoona delusional.

      She thought of taking it as joke.

      "With whom Seungmin?" She asked.

      "Don't talk!" He repeated again.

      "Why!" She asked as she laughed.

      "Don't!" He said. And how he said was way too hot for Yoona to handle. She slided back controlling her instincts not to touch him.

     ( Here the word "shiro!" That I wanted to use! )


      His hairs, she wanted to ruffle a little. His cheeks she wanted to pinch a little. And over that Seungmin's talk which made her heart flutter the most. Forget about the kissable lips.

      Even though he is sleeping, even if he is thinking about someone else, this moment Yoona was living in. 

    She laughed looking at him. And as bell rang she began to move to walk to classroom. The bell did made Seungmin to react but he reacted in a different way.

     He pulled Yoona holding her wrist as she stood up and made her sit beside him. Her hand resting between two of them and he holding onto her wrist. He still was sleeping! Yoona lost her mind for a moment. Not by anger but by love! She felt as her heart forget to beat. As if she forgot to breath.

    "Sit!" He said. His dizzy voice and his little mispronounced words.

    "Sit beside me ~ shwhsh!" He held onto her wrist tightly. Yoona didn't wanted to pull, if she tried he would have fallen over. His head was already half lying over the table. Another move and he will fall off.

    She sat quietly. Getting red ears and blushing. Her eyes were teared up by happiness.

    "I am!" She spoke as she sit. With a little forceful voice.

    She felt, even if it is someone else, let me feel this for a moment. She was sorry for taking that person's moment.

    She was looking at him. Seungmin still holding her wrist tight.

   "Yoona-yah!" He spoke.

    Yoona looked at him. But he was still asleep.

    As if she misheard or something. She looked at him with amazed eyes. Did he just called her with 'Yoona-yah'!

    'He said Yoona-yah! Does that mean all the things he said was for me? Was he jealous for me? Was he trying to make me stay? Is he thinking of me!' The thoughts kept popping up in Yoona's head. With her heart beating faster.

     'Is he awake? Is he playing with me. Did he saw me? But if he saw wouldn't he mind leaving my hand. But?' Staring at his eyes Yoona tried to look up if he really is sleeping or pretending. But he was for sure asleep.

   "Seungmin?" Yoona whispered.

   "Did you just called me?" She asked.

   "Sit beside me Yoona-yah!" The words finally let go of from his heart. He smiled as if he finally breathed fresh air.

    How many weeks did it took to do this task Kim Seungmin?

    He finally said that even if, he was asleep. Yoona covered her mouth with other hand. She was shocked. And she might cry over this sentence of his.

   She knew how hard she tried to break this habit of her to sit beside him. Only she knew how hard it was for her to let others sit beside her other than him. She love the most when he sat beside her. And he said! But then again, is it for a moment 'he said knowing I'm here?' was all could Yoona think of!

   Even if he said maybe for a moment but this was a lot for her. Her tears got heavy now! And there fell some of them. But she managed to get hold of herself.

   "Um! I'm !" She answered again.

   Looking at him, with one hand on table and one given to him to hold on to, she sat there.

    In about half hour the bell rang again. Which broke Seungmin's sleep. He woke up, his eyes catching the lights. He looked cute while blinking his eyes.

    He looked at Yoona who was staring at him.

    "Finally up?" She asked smiling.

    "What time is it?" He asked somehow worried.

    "You just missed one class!" She answered looking at her wrist which was Seungmin still holding.

     He saw and held her hand high with his.

    "How long it's been, I'm holding your hand?" He asked.

    "Starting of the class!" She answered.

    "Oh, sorry!" He said. But he didn't seemed to, as he was still holding her wrist as it is.

    She looked at him and then wrist. He followed her eyes.

   "Oh!" And he finally let her go.

    She moved her wrist a little which was gotten little stiff. And her hands got a good handprint of none other than her crush Kim Seungmin.

    They went to classroom. Yoona helped him to make his hair done which were gotten little messy. Seungmin did noticed her hand but didn't said anything.

    As they entered the classroom some of backbenchers shouted, screaming their name. Of course! The teasing. What were the two of them doing missing the first class of day!

    As she went to her desk Bong saw her wrist! Even though she wears full length shirt, Bong was able to catch those prints.

   "Woah! What happened?" Asked Bong.

    Not too little voice and everyone joined.

    Seungmin looked at them and in stiff voice he said, "Nothing! I just held her hand too tight!"

    And there goes another round of applause. No one dared to ask further. But Bong was interested. The class started and she couldn't ask.

   The another class passed and passed.

     In recess there come that boy who was flirting with Yoona these days. Chan Hyung did mentioned to everyone not to talk about groups yet he still managed to have some issue.

    Yoona went to door to talk to him. While she was talking Seungmin buried his head into his hands over table. "Not him again!" That was he could only think of!

   "Seungmin-ah!" There came the voice.

    First Seungmin thought it was just his delusions. But then again came voice, "Seungmina-ah!" With more force than earlier.

    He looked up. And Yoona was looking at him. She gestured him to come. He went and stood beside her. Still having sleepy eyes and some messy hair. She smiled at him. Laughing secretly.

    "So look, Seungmin knows about Singing. And to be honest I don't really understand what you say! Sometimes I just let it go. But it won't be good right. So!" She looked at Seungmin.

   "Whenever you want some help. Ask Seungmin! He will help you!" She said.

   "Why would I?" Seungmin asked as if he was feeling getting bothered.

   "Cz, I told you!" She looked at him as he owe something to her.

   And it was again celebrated with shout.

   "Look the couple is back!" Someone from back shouted.

   Yoona laughed as she heard. Seungmin seemed irritated but he was enjoying her behaving like this.

    She saying Seungmin-ah made him blush. If anyone could have noticed, his ears were red by this thing. And his smile which he tried to hide.

    Seungmin was kind of happy by this incident. This will make her talk to that boy much less. The thought about how she thought of this or he telling her didn't even crossed his mind.

   Later when they were sitting beside play-ground, Seungmin and Ahn arrived late.

    Seungmin went to sit beside Yoona and she didn't hesitated. Soon Yoona heard Ahn's keychains noice. She looked alert and stood up to move to other side. Seungmin noticed her behaviour and before she could move, he again held onto her wrist and make her sit.

    Yoona was about to lose her balance. But then she managed to sit. She looked at Seungmin, who had thick skin that he didn't even seemed to bother by what happened. Her eyes widened. Questioning him what is he even doing. And he sat there without getting bothered as if nothing happened.

    Yoona was confused. Better trying to keep herself calm. This wasn't usual Kim Seungmin. He made her sit beside him twice.

    Yoona kept staring at him. His unbothered face and his hand over her wrist, He looked cool. Yoona was screaming inside. She was happy about the things happening.

    And to mention no one saw what happened there. He moved his hands when Ahn finally sat over other side and joined the conversation others were having.

   "Breath under the sky who never seems to be mine, am I the one who interrupt it's stillness! Or let me breath till the sky get to knows here I am, and let him know my presence!"

     She remembered what Lee know told her. Shall she start disturbing his mind. Let him know she have feelings for her.