The Feelings of First Love

       Hyunjin and Seungmin left Eun's House, around 7PM in the evening. Felix did tried his hard, to make them stay for few more hours and have dinner together. Hyunjin loved the idea but, Seungmin had other plans. So they decided to leave in hurry.

      Saying goodbye to them, Felix went to his room. He looked around and then coming back to front room he walked to the PC. He then tidied up the things Hyunjin messed with. Hyunjin have clumsy habit of moving things to other place and so Felix was checking on everything.

      He first cleaned the front room and then went to his room. The blanket he folded earlier was again in mess. His belongings were thrown a little. "He really is such a kid!" Smiling Felix started cleaning up.

      As he put down everything in its decided position. He went to fold up the blanket. Looking at it, he got reminded of Hyunjin, and he sniffed it a little. 'Does It really smells like me?' Was his thoughts. But as if there was something wierd he sniffed it for second time.

      With a little face of disappointment he sat there. Then he sniffed himself a little. And buring his head he got shy. "Why my blanket and I'm too, smelling like him!"

      "Did he spread the whole bottle before coming here?" He laughed a little, but still getting shy he wasn't even able to face himself. He didn't noticed earlier but,clingy Hyunjin did hugged him a lot. And so does he covered himself in blanket.

      "For the first time I'm not feeling to wash up!" Felix laughed little messily. Clinging oneself in a ball he sat there for while.

      He was having a mindful of thoughts from few time. As Chan said to team up with another member he teamed up with Han, with whom he was unknown to. Han and Felix started talking over calls. And Han seemed a funny guy to him.

      As far Yoona and Hyunjin told, he was reserved guy, who don't actually wanna get along with anyone. But as they started texting and then calling, Han was getting more closer.

       It was last Friday. When they decided to meet. Even though Chan said to concentrate on studies they both decided to discuss on poetry. As to say Felix loved Hyunjin's poem and he knew Yoona writes well too. He didn't wanted to feel as left out.

      He wanted to work hard for it. And Han understood his feelings. Han was always great to understand others feeling.

      They spent a lot of time talking. And after every talk Felix would feel the same.  Whenever Felix realised what he talked,he was getting into new mess. And today too, he was feeling the same. It wasn't Han, who messed with his head.

       But it was Hyunjin! His unpredictable friend. As he read his essay for the first time he knew something was similar. And again when he read his poem he felt the same way. But as if he didn't wanted to believe he never took it to his heart.

     But as Han said, he have to express the love. And so, Hyunjin was doing it. Even if it wasn't directed but it was noticable. With every act of his. And with every word of his.

      It's been week he wasn't talking properly to Hyunjin. And today too, when he decided to ignore it, he knew! He doubted it first, but then seeing him close enough, spending time with him. He understood. It wasn't Hyunjin, it was He, who was in love. And those poetries did told him that Hyunjin felt the same way.

      He was ignoring him from a week but when he was so close, he couldn't help but to feel helpless and love him. He wanted for the moment to cherish him, to call him his. To make him his. And it was the reason why he was in a mess from noon. He was thinking about it a lot.

      If what his one sided love made every Hyunjin's story into his. Was he the only one to fell in love! But then even if they both are in love, won't it be difficult. But! He didn't knew what it was but to him everything seemed difficult.

     He after making himself stand on his feet again. Letting his thoughts go by, he took a bath and went for dinner. He sat there telling Mrs. Eun that he will staying here tomorrow too. And Mrs. Eun didn't asked much.

     After dinner, past 9 when Yoona returned home, then was everyone ready to go to bed. Felix went to his room but everything in his room reminded him of him.

     He tried to sleep but the blanket too made him think of him again. He took out another blanket and changed the bedsheet too but still his mind won't let him sleep.

      He decided to go to Yoona. Yoona was his seashore, His warm mornings. In past too, whenever he had thoughts he would ask Yoona for answer. Even if Yoona acts childish he knew she knows the answer for his questions. She won't say it but she knows everything.

      And so he knocked on Yoona's door. And without second question Yoona took him in. He making his space over a couch asked her let him sleep here for while.

     Yoona asked him to sleep over bed as she had something to cover up. Felix did asked her to sleep early but she asked for few more minuted to stay up. And Felix moved to bed as he was going to leave in few minutes.

      Yoona knew something was going to come. But she can't force or Felix won't say it. She waits for it as she studies.

    "Yoona-yah!" Said Felix.

     Yoona replied in hmm.

     "Can I ask you something?"

     "Go ahead!"

     "How do you know when you fall in love?" He said little hesitantly.

     Yoona turned to him. Looking at his half closed eyes which were looking at ceiling. She walked toward him and sitting over one side she looked at him.

     "I don't know about myself, but seeing you! It's definitely how I know that you are in love!" Replied Yoona teasing him a little.

    "I watched a romantic movie!" Looking at Yoona with a little smirk Felix said. And then laughed. Looking at ceiling he again went quite.

    With disappointing voice, Yoona get back to her place. But she kept looking at him.

    "I was thinking!" Said Felix again with same tone.

     "How you know that you have already fallen in love with someone?" He looked at Yoona. She said quite for while.

     "Umm, it's really a difficult question Yongbok-ah!" Said Yoona. Who haven't called him Yongok from long time.

     He smiled at her knowing she will be teasing.

     "Is there another question?" Asked Yoona looking at him.

     He again started staring at roof.

     "How do you know when someone is in love with you?" Asked Felix.

     Yoona again walked toward him. Sitting on floor over knees and hands hanging onto bed she cupped her face.

     "Well, look at me!" Answered Yoona. Giving an aegyo.

     "What my eyes telling right now?" She asked.

      Felix coming closer looking at her eyes smiled, "that I mean world to you!" he pointed her forehead.

     Yoona ruffled his hair, "that's right!" She laughed.

     Felix woke up sitting there. He took his one hand and holding his another hand crossing every fingers through it asked,

     "What does this means?" He asked looking at her and his hands.

     Yoona looked at him. And if this means in romantic, she wasn't sure yet.

    "I don't want to get separated from you!" She smiled looking at him.

    He left his hands and then ruffled his own hair, "what does this means?" Asked Felix.

    "That I'll be looking onto you forever!" She answered ruffling his hair. And as she answered she remembered Seungmin ruffling her hair out of nowhere. She too got shy and returned to her place hoping Felix won't ask any other question.

     While Felix still kept looking at her, and had another questions.

     "Yoona!" Asked Felix. And with responsive voice Yoona came close with rolling her chair.

     "Why would anyone fall in love with me?" Asked Felix who was sitting their as a cute kitten.

     Yoona laughed at this question. "Why would anyone not fall in love with you stupid!"

    "Only idiots will feel that way!" Sitting beside she let idea of studying go by.

    Felix still had that curious look over his face. Yoona knew he definitely fell in love with someone. And who is that someone she wanted to know. But Felix won't tell even if she ask. If he wanted to, he would have already.

     "Yoona, why do people fall in love?" Asked Felix. And this was in more serious tone than other questions. Yoona looked at him and he gave restless face. He was too curious to know. If Yoona answered it other way which he don't want to listen, that might hurt Felix's feelings.

    "Why do!" Said Yoona. "To get to meet a person like you!" She laughed.

     Felix wasn't satisfied with the answer.

     With some pause letting Felix settle over his place Yoona thought about it.

    "Everyone isn't satisfied with life." Yoona spoke. "And the piece of that satisfaction comes as person." She laughed. "To me it's you, mom, dad and some other people too!"

    She looked at him, "To love someone is to accept what you lack. And accepting them as that lost piece of yours!"

    "Why do people fall!" She laughed, "cz maybe they can't rise up if they don't fall for them!"

     "And you know, when you asks this question to yourself. Is time when you fell in love with someone.

     And if someone has fallen for you, just smile at them." She moved toward him. "And see if they don't show you the weakness!"

     "Just like me Yongboka-ah, who has fallen for you!" She came close to him. "But you won't marry me!" Fake crying she started tickling him.

     Felix laughed and sat back again.

     Yoona went back to study and Felix slept on couch not wanting Yoona to sleep there.

      Keeping time in mind Yoona studied few more hour and then went to sleep. Next morning when Yoona woke up Felix had already left. She got ready for school asking mom for Felix. She told Felix left already.

      Yoona left in hurry calling Felix on her way, why he left so sudden! He answered and it was good reason to accept so she didn't bothered. And soon she arrived at school on time. Seungmin was waiting for her outside. She stood beside him and started looking at the way he was looking at.

    "Whom are you waiting for?"

     Seungmin turned to her with look which said, "oh you really not know!"

     She asked if Hyunjin arrived and he was already inside. As they walked Seungmin tried to play with Yoona's hair, and for her reaction he wasn't ready.

      As Seungmin raised his hand, by what happened yesterday he thought, Yoona won't flinch back. But she suddenly stopped and intentionally missed Seungmin's hand. Seungmin looked at her with 'what happened' eyes. And Yoona's eyes responding with 'I don't know anything'

     And soon the first exam of the day was over. A subject that Seungmin helped Yoona to understand over call. Yoona went to library at the decided spot where Bong was waiting, with whom who waited for her was Seungmin.

     He asked her about her exam. She smiled widely, and her smile answered his every question. As if he was trying to achieve something, he tried patting her head. And she flinched back again.

     She smiled. But he looked at her again as, 'What did I do?' But the thought why didn't Yoona let him pat in this morning questioned him a lot.

     Later after second exam too he was waiting there. And that time too he tested and Yoona didn't let him touch her. He was getting angry. And his eyes told that.

    After third exam everyone was sitting in class and so he didn't had chance to flirt with her in classroom. But his quite self returned to him. Which was nothing new to anyone.

    Everyone was talking in groups. Hyunjin standing near Yoona and Seungmin on his place, Bong and Ahn at Bong's place. And everyone was discussing how are they going spend their vacations. Yoona saw Lee know Hyung walking in hallways and she ran calling his name.

    He was walking from back to front and Yoona ran to front door hurrily. She closed the door and stood their talking to him. Bong was confused what she had to talk to this Hyung of theirs.

    But then someone from back bench shouted, "What? Did their soul got exchanged ?"

    Everyone looked at him. The boy walked to Han who was typing very fast over his phone.

    "Last year it was Han who used to ran over seeing him. And Yoona here who's hands amazed us all!"

    Hyunjin went to Han just in case that boy get too close to him, "Whom are you talking to?" Han refused to talk. Which wasn't new for Hyunjin.

    "Shouldn't you go check on your gf. Who is getting patted by her senior?" Said another boy who was peaking from widow, looking at Hyunjin.

     Seungmin stood up but then the person who walked in front screamed. "Woah the door is locked!"

    "Hey were we shipping the wrong ship whole year?" Someone asked from back.

    "Hey Jisung! Don't you have anything o talk to Hyung?" Asked the boy in front resting his hands over his table which was removed by Hyunjin who knew Han don't want anyone to get into his area.

     Soon Changbin came there who saw them talking and stood beside Yoona.

     Lee know and Yoona had some lovely talks as they both seemed to be laughing. And Yoona blushing with it.

     As Changbin came she hurried to him. And three of them again engaged in talks. Seungmin who stood there sat again.

     The boy in front tried to eardrop the conversation.

     "Ya! She really have a lot of secrets!" Said the boy standing there.

     "Why don't you move back to your place?" Asked Hyunjin. Who was standing there to protect Han.

     "Aren't you curious what she is talking to them?" Said that boy.

     "Why would I. Didn't you talked to that B section girl just a while ago standing there and asking him to gatekeep you?" Asked Hyunjin to him pointing toward his friend who was his companion in teasing, in a little curious and teasing tone. On which the applause came up.

     "Hey, are you two dating!" A girl asked looking for a moment teasing him.

    "Wow, he really is dating her. I saw both of them hanging out a lot!" Said Bong.

    The boy in front got angry a little, "she is my friend from other class why you getting jealous for?" While his companion asking him not to speak a word.

    "Then they are too the seniors why you taking it out for!" Said Bong.

    "She just don't talk back to you doesn't mean she shall get teased by you!" Said Bong.

     "Talk to her properly next time, she might even excuse you!" Answered Bong.

    "What do I have to even ask for her to excuse me!" Said the boy returning to his place.

     The speaker rang as if it was going to announce something. Changbin opened the door and entered, holding Yoona's hand inside. Followed by Lee Know who after entering went to his boy. Disturbing him and then giving him a big smile.

     The announcement, announced the vacations. And everyone cried out of Joy.

     Letting one person sit quite. Who was staring at those hands. Seungmin it was! Who was quite not satisfied with how Yoona was holding hands with Changbin. And other than him no one had problems.

     The group decided to go to karaoke again. As this class have too much of singers. Yoona didn't wanted to but Ahn and Bong requested her. And she said yes as she didn't wanted them to ask further.

     All the students in different groups went to different place, with this group where Han was involved, but he somehow vanished from the scene.

     Seungmin, Yoona and Hyunjin knew this would happened so they didn't even bothered to ask him.

     Seungmin walked beside Yoona who was still talking to Bomg. And Ahn who was walking beside her. He managed to get in between them.

     Yoona turned to ask Ahn a question and she saw him. She surprised a little.

     "What are you doing here!" She asked getting little surprised.

     "Walking with you!" He said and as Bong looked toward him he changed his expression on his face, "I mean, we are walking to karaoke. I will probably walk with you"

      Somehow hiding the fact he wasn't flirting. He asked Yoona in low voice to slow down the speed as he wanted to ask something.

      Yoona nodded her head and asked Bong to walk ahead. Ahn too listening this walked further.

      "What you were talking about?" Asked he.

      "About the question no. 8!" She answered.

      "You know, " she was about to answer when he looked at her with his killing eyes again!

      She laughed, "I get it, I get it!" As she talked Hyunjin came running toward them. Knowing Seungmin will definitely ask for it.

      "I wrote something and I asked Lee know Hyung, before we go to the vacations. Can we have a little meeting over it!" She said.

      "So, are you going to meet him?" Asked Seungmin.

     "He said, he have plans, he will tell me when to talk!" She replied.

     They both nodded.

     "Chan Hyung will definitely call us before getting other ways!" Hyunjin said.

     " But Yoona!" Said Hyunjin.

     "What ?" Asked Yoona.  

     "Kim Seungmin! Can I have a moment please!" Asked Hyunjin..

     "What you even got anything that you can hide from me?" Asked Seungmin

     "I have!" Said Hyunjin looking at him.

     And Seungmin walked a little further of them.

     "Is something wrong with Felix?" Seeing Seungmin at rightful distance Hyunjin asked.

     Yoona stopped walking.

     She looked at him, "do you feel the same?" Yoona asked.

     "What! You mean you feel it too?" Pulling her by hand showing a gesture to walk with he asked.

      "He is acting a little wierd!" Said Hyunjin.

      "Actually yes!" Answered Yoona.

      "What happened to him. I thought I did something to him unknowingly!" Said Hyunjin who sound little sad about it.

      "Did you?" Asked Yoona looking at him.

      "How can I?" He answered.

      "I think!" She said. She stopped her words rethinking about it. Yoona have doubts about he was falling in love with someone. What if Felix wasn't thinking about Hyunjin but anyone other.

This might cause a problem. And may result into fight between them.

      She looked at Hyunjin.

      "What happened with you. Why you asking like that?" Yoona asked.

      "Well!" Hyunjin answered. "He used to accept my calls early. Now he takes a long while. Sometimes even don't accept my calls. He is talking less too. Did I made some mistake?"

     "Well, " as Yoona was about to talk.

     "But what for you why you said that!" Asked Hyunjin.

     "Just a childhood friend. Can notice difference!" Said Yoona.

     "Yesterday too. he seemed so much off. He didn't," He stopped talking.

     "Nothing! But let me know if you get anything! I don't want him not to talk to me!" Hyunjin said dramatically. As he was saying someone called Yoona.

     "Eun SeoYoon!"

      Yoona turned to look who called. And the boy from earlier who teased her was calling. She stopped and Hyunjin too knowing he will probably tease her again.

     "Well I!" He was about to introduce himself.

     "What you take me for! We are in same class. How would I not know your name!" She laughed.

    "Well, I was sorry for earlier!" He said.

    "Sorry, about what!" Asked Yoona.

    "For the teasings I've done!" He said hesitantly.

     "Ah, you were living in your moment!" Yoona laughed. "But yeah I'll accept your sorry. Don't be get serious at this!" Knowing why he said sorry she laughed.

     He looking at her with little hesitation and then went back.

     She laughed seeing him going in hurry.

     "Why you laugh?" Asked Hyunjin.

     "Bin oppa said he will talk to him!" She laughed again. "And look how he talked. He directly came to apologise!" Turning back on route they got again engaged in talks.

     Here Seungmin who was walkin with friend was then followed by Ahn and Bong.

     "What are they talking about?" asked bong to Seungmin.

     "How would I know?" Replied Seungmin.

     " Look at them they really look like couple!" Laughed Bong. Seeing Hyunjin pulling her by hand.

      Seungmin shook his head and walked ahead ignoring them.

      Everyone enjoyed a lot at karaoke while Seungmin who was sitting alone at corner was just quite there. Bong and Ahn already took Yoona with them and was enjoying.

     Hyunjin who was sitting beside him was quite to. Both not knowing each other's presence.

     Few minutes and Yoona noticed those dull faces of theirs. She talked to them making her way to sit between .

    "Why are two ghosts hanging here?" Asked Yoona.

    Seungmin ignored her and turned to another direction.

    "Woah, you did not just ignored me!" Yoona laughed looking at him.

    "Hyunjin!" She shook him by taking his arms. "You won't ignore me right!"

    "Ummm!" Giving a dead answer Hyunjin sat there.

    "I wanted to ask you guys something!" Asked Yoona.

    "What?" Replied Hyunjin.

    "Are you coming with us? Back to town for vacations?" Asked Yoona sipping a drink.

    "Are we going again?" Asked Hyunjin with little excitement.  

    "Yes!" Answered Yoona with same excitement.

    "But last year you didn't, right?" Asked Hyunjin who knew Yoona didn't went here last vacations.

     "Ah, yes! Actually last year we had tenants living in our house. So I didn't wanted to bother Mrs. Lee. And those tenats left this month early. So we have our home fully completely free! And we can now go anytime there!" said Yoona explaining her excitement.

      "Mrs.Lee said, she will arrange it well as Felix said he will bring some friends to town for few days!" Said Yoona.

    "Felix bringing friends?" Asked Hyunjin.

     Seungmin turned listening to their talks.

    "We didn't wanted to tell you too specially!" He took a sigh.

    "But Chan Hyung decided to visit your town after what Felix and Hyunjin talked with them. Han said he wish to go there. And followed by Hyunjin who made everyone excited, they decided few day trip there!" He looked at them still having that resting face.

     Hyunjin was so happy that he yelled a little, With exciting voice and then ran to enjoy the karaoke saying, "now this gives back me energy!"

     Laughing at him Yoona looked at Seungmin who still had resting face.

     "What are you mad at?" Asked Yoona.

     Seungmin looked at her with fierce look. Then sitting back at his position as if nothing happened, "who?" He asked, "me?"

     Yoona looked at him as how he does always, the eyes that will capture your soul. It's not that she tried copying him, but when Yoona looked at him yesterday with nothing but her wish to keep staring at him, Seungmin did followed her lead and came closer to her.

     As if Yoona tried to make him fall in love and he did fell for it. She put her head over her hand resting it over table and kept staring at him. And as Seungmin saw her he couldn't resist.

     He who first was ignoring her sat back smiling at little. For what he didn't even knew.

     Yoona still kept staring at him. And what Seungmin saw was her thoughtless clouds and her eyes calling for him. The stare which asked him yesterday to almost kiss her.

     He looked at her and she staring at him. As he was reading those eyes he didn't wanted to flinch or move aside. He laughed a little shaking his head.

     "No, you aren't! Laughed Seungmin.

     "What I'm not?" Asked Yoona.

     "From where you learned those stares from?" Looking at her eyes and coming close Seungmin asked.

     "Learn what?" Raising up her head as he came closer she asked.

     Seungmin slided close to her and that was no good for him. Yoona broke her eye contact. And slides to other side. As if Seungmin broke the stillness of water. He looked at her again with amaze, his eyes asking, "now what happened?"

     Seungmin looked at her again with, "now what did I do?"

     Seungmin was easy to ready those situations. He did noticed this certain change in Yoona. Early too! And now too as her actions was readable and she was allowing to let him read her actions.

      She was indeed trying to tell him something. As those eyes kept staring at him unreasonably. But her actions were against it.

      Yesterday when he was dropping her he tried to ask her.

     "Yoona!" He called not looking at her.

     Yoona wo just had soft and sweet treat replied with the sweet hmm to him.

    "You aren't going to tell me, why you mad at me?" Said Seungmin on which Yoona didn't replied.

    "You know, I don't want you to be mad at me!" Said Seungmin looking at Yoona through mirror.

    "If you won't tell me how will I ever know!" He kept talking but Yoona didn't answered.

    "If you really think I can make it up or my mistake, can you at least give me some help so I can do better and not the same mistake again?" He asked slowing the speed.

    "Would you please, at least drop hints for me! I will do my best to recieve your parden!" Said Seungmin.

    "So, will you please!" He tried asking in cute tone as he can. But Yoona didn't answered.

     And when, even he dropped her she didn't replied with anything.

     He wasn't sure that she have same feelings as him. But, he didn't wanted to believe that doubt of him. As if she have feelings for him, but there's something she can't accept in him. Something that he is doing wrong. And that's what he thinks she is mad at. And as if Yoona was answering to his questions.

     Seungmin looked at her as she moved aside.

     "What is it?" He asked her.

     She looked at him without any answers.

     Seungmin looked at her eyes who kept capturing him. And for the answers he wanted to know. And as if her eyes will speak them all.

     Ahn came walking to her asking what they are talking about. Yoona smiled at her but Seungmin kept staring at her as, she won't let him leave from those gaze.

     She loves him for sure, those gaze tells him. And she know this too, that he loves her. But she keeps reminding herself not to cross the line. And Seungmin wanted to know why!

      As Yoona left Ahn and Bong's side Ahn kept looking at her. As she felt something was going on between Seungmin and her. It wasn't first time she felt this. There were a lot of moments were Seungmin kept staring at Yoona and Ahn saw him.

     On asking he always used to smile. He never smiled like that for her. And today he seemed little angry too. Which happened often. He would get angry looking at her and as she came to him, his anger broke into smile again. He seemed to get angry today too.

      Which wasn't washed away by Yoona's smiled but which made him ignore her. And he did for quite while. But then Yoona who kept staring at him, made him to look at her.

    And his smile when he looks at her came back. Which made Ahn feel a little jealous over it. They were great of friends she knew. And even if she felt there was something more she didn't wanted to accept.

     She looked at the keychain she had, believing that they are destined to be together. She smiled and walked toward them. Which noice made Yoona came back to senses again, knowing she was been watched.

      She wasn't sure if Seungmin loves her or not. But what she knew was she is allowed to show her love. Lee know told her to live the feelings as she feels. Not to hide them. And then write them in poem.

     What Yoona told him was she can't write, and Lee know told her to feel them first. Without hesitating and without thinking of others. The feelings of First Love.