The Date (2) : Unexpected one

         Seungmin was upset all day about what to do. He skipped the school for preparation. Nothing was there to prepare but, he had to know beforehand where he would take her. As his dad mentioned he was the one to prepare this day. 

         Seungmin was angry for sure but he too knew, it wasn't something that his dad would plan. If this had happened a few years ago, he might have cursed him. But now he knew the truth.

         For a day, he couldn't think of anything else. As in a hurry, he forgot to charge his phone. That's when Yoona called him. He was already at a venue, finding a good spot to charge his phone. Well, the hall was booked, but the boy didn't have a charger. He called someone from the house to bring him it. And that took time.

        As planned he had to go to pick Ahn at 7:30 PM. Already everything is decided. He kept his phone there and left for the given mission. With half-hearted!

         On Hyunjin's date. He arrived at the place itself on time. He didn't have to get a girl as being there was all satisfaction to them. Before he entered, the phone was taken. ( Then how he talked with Seungmin)

         At about 8 PM both dates sat with their partners. Ahn was excited with lots of planning in her mind. And Seungmin didn't want to mess with anything, not to break Ahn's heart and his parent's wishes too.

         Hyunjin sat in front of Yeoseol, staring at her. And in reply, she too was staring. Yeoseol is also a planned future wife of Hyunjin. To which Mr Hwang opposed from the very start. But as if it wasn't heard, he was getting ignored every time.  

          Then how did Hyunjin break free from this? Since when they were child, Hyunjin and his future wife would fight over little things. Not only verbally but they both tried to harm each other physically. They are not likely to each other. Hence their parents decided not to make them talk to each other.

          As for now, when they were in High school,  the old men tried to make their plan work. It didn't go well. They argued every time they met. But still, the old men tried to accompany what they wanted.

          Hyunjin and Yeoseol had the same plans so they decided to co-operate. They would go on dates when they planned and just scrolling through their phone not getting involved with each other.

          But this time, as if those old men knew, they denied them to have phones. Hyunjin sat there folding his hands, looking at her as if, it was all her fault.

          No talks, just food and deadly stares. Yeoseol and Hyunjin didn't want to walk on what others decided, and being with each other was a sign that they were playing how others wanted them to. That was the reason they hated each other the most. But after getting adult they knew, it wasn't their fault. But working together was far more than enough.

           About half an hour, Mrs. Hwang entered. She was surprised to see, that not only they were sitting peacefully but not even a single thing had been destroyed. She smiled looking at both of them.

           "Oh, Aunt Hwang!" Yeoseol hugged her.

           Hugging her back with a smile, Mrs Hwang took out something from her bag. The cellphones of those two. The dull face got brightened.

           "Oh, mom! You are the best!" Hyunjin hugged his mom as if she was his saviour.

           "Thanks your dad!" Said his mom winking.

           Hyunjin giggled. And Mrs. Hwang left. Gesturing them both to enjoy the date.

          While here Seungmin was having dinner with Ahn. Ahn had a lot to talk about. From school to college. Yes, their childhood stories. Which involves Seungmin too. And he was laughing too, remembering how the days passed by.

           This was the only best thing when they two met. The talks of memories. Ahn had a beautiful collection of memories. And she loved only to share them with Seungmin.

            Seungmin's laugh made her day. Spending time with him is what she loved the most.

          "Shall we take pictures?" Ahn asked.

          "Ah, sure!" This was the time only when Seungmin realised he didn't have his phone.

           Ahn asked for a few poses and Seungmin helped her with it. And then telling her to get his phone he left. He came to the place where he kept his phone, only to find it was turned off.

           He opened it and found, he had a call from his girl, "Nyangi 3 missed calls". Seungmin was taken aback by this. Well, this was all he wanted. But having a busy day he didn't find time to call her. He dialed the number forgetting that he was on a date with someone.

           The ring lasted for a minute but Yoona didn't pick up. He tried again. He went to text her when found, that Hyunjin was online. What? How can he? Didn't he go on a strict date? He called him, expecting he would answer his question.

          Not get a satisfactory answer but only a brief explanation that she was on a date with Felix he cut the call. Hyunjin was angry with him, well he have full rights. Seungmin was avoiding Ahn with reasons of Hyunjin. And so he had to go on a date because of him.

         Seungmin was about to call Felix when Ahn came calling his name. And he hid his phone. He followed her back to his date.

         A few minutes later, about 9:30 PM. Seungmin had to walk her around the date hall. He was done with all. He didn't want to spend more time knowing all Ahn meant to end this with Romance. And he doesn't feel a thing toward her. He was finding a reason to leave. But it's not that he wasn't enjoying it. Chaewon was his childhood friend and you never get bored with them. It's just as always been in past. he didn't mind spending his time with her.

   At beach,

         "Ya! Yongbok-ah!" With a freezing voice, Yoona said. "Why it is so cold!"

         "Ah, really it is!" With the same freezing voice, he replied. "Let's run!" Commented Felix. They stood on a line Felix drew with his small finger and Yoona waited for Felix to start countdown.

         "3...,2.....,1!" They both started running. Felix being an athletic student in school helped him to win on Yoona. He was ahead of her and Yoona trying to catch him.

          Soon Felix's phone rang. He stopped to look at whose call it was. And it was Hyunjin. He was shocked. He told that he might not get his phone back till morning and it was 8 PM only. 

          "Wow! Your date over?" Felix asked.

          "Ssrrrrrrrrrrrrr..... I won!" The fading voice of Yoona disturbed him.

           Hyunjin chuckled listening to it, "what are you guys doing?"

           "As I thought Yoona knew he went on a date. So I bought her here and we were racing! AND I WAS WINNING, until your call!" Complained Felix.

           He ran to see where was Yoona. And she was playing in the water.

           "Ah, okay okay! Like you don't want me to call now?" Asked Hyunjin.

           "Did I say that?" Asked Felix.

           "Yoona-yah! Get out of there. You'll catch a cold!" Screamed Felix.

            "Where are you by the way?" Hyunjin asked eagerly.

            "Guess where? The beach!" He said a word with a higher tone. Wanting to play a game with him.

            "Woah! Yoona is there and you dare to swear????" Asked Hyunjin. Not pronouncing but b word it was.

             "I'm telling you we are at the seashore!" Laughed Felix.

            "Woah! Isn't it raining?" Hyunjin asked trying to look out but couldn't find a place to look out.

            "It was a little while ago! But it's just cloudy now! And guess what! It feels so romantic!" Giggled Felix.

            "Shall I come?" Asked Hyunjin.

            "I'm pretty sure, you are busy at the moment. And I don't want to ruin that. Rather..," he took a pause turning. "I'd love to enjoy my date. So please don't interrupt!" He said sassily.

            "You don't want...!" Hyunjin gulped on words seeing the girl sitting in the front staring at him.

            "Well, won't you even talk to me?" Hyunjin Asked trying to sound normal but it still sounded desperate.

          "Well, you got your phone back. What else will you do? Leaving the option of disturbing me!" Said he.

           "Yongbok, who are you talking to?" Asked Yoona walking over him.

           "Oh, it's Hyunjin!" He replied smiling.

           "Oh, why didn't he come to school?" She asked.

           "Don't tell me you didn't tell her! Give her phone now!" Yelled Hyunjin.

            Putting on a speaker they sat on the beach, away from waves where they couldn't get soaked. Hyunjin explained everything. From the meeting to the date, he was having now.

           "Ya, you should pay attention to the girl then!" Said Yoona.

           "As I told you, we would rather die than talk to each other!" Said Hyunjin rolling his eyes.

           "Am I talking to my friends bad about you? Why do you ever talk need to include me?" Yeoseol complained.

           "Well, I'm in a mess! Can't I even tell my friend what I'm going through!" He pressured I'm go through looking at her. And Yeoseol laughed seeing him.

          "Same goes for me!" She turned with angry eyes.

          "Hyunjin-ah! You shouldn't speak like that!" Said Felix.

          Hyunjin was shocked for a moment. Not that Felix's voice was smooth, was sounding ethereal but, the way Felix talked to him.

         He laughed. Thinking how he was angry over the fact yesterday, if he dared him to speak to that girl and all. And now when Yoona was here, he changed completely. ( Refer to Hyunlix: eternity with you second part)

         "Um!" He chuckled.

         The two of them spoke to a person over call, who was enjoying his date. Not in person but over call.

           Felix and Yoona left the beach around 9 PM. Reaching home Yoona found out the plan that, it was all settled by old men. But she didn't know Seungmin was forced to ask. She didn't even know about the rule of perfect score. She was just thinking, "he could have said no to all!"

            From what Hyunjin said, Seungmin never looked at Ahn with a romantic interest. But he isn't sure about his feelings toward her. They don't talk about Ahn that much. And from the day Felix met him, he was surely avoiding everyone else.

           She buried her head again in the pillow. Her phone lay on the bed with numerous missed calls and messages dying there.

            Seungmin tried calling her. But her phone was dead. He called Felix who had already returned to the dorm ( via secret path).

             Seungmin left the arena at around 10 PM. Still trying to reach to Yoona. He had called a few times in between only to find she wouldn't pick up. When he couldn't stay any longer he lied about feeling sick due to weather. Ahn made sure to drop him home. And when the old men found it, they let Hyunjin go.

             Coming home, the first thing Hyunjin did was call Felix. And tell him about his date. He told him a few minutes ago but still.

             Their talks were disturbed by Felix getting a call. He was asked about Yoona and he said she might be sleeping. Seungmin dropped his body over the bed. Having the date clothes on. It wasn't he was feeling weak, not physically but mentally yes. He had planned something for his birthday. He would always celebrate his birthday with his group. Spending all night with them. This year it was going to be the same. But! He sighed. Looking at his phone. Wanting to listen to someone's voice he haven't heard for 24 hours. Or more than that?

           And in a few minutes of thinking he passed out. Only to wake up by notifications sound that popped up. He put the phone on silent. His friends tagged him, and few called him. He opened his eyes. Sat straight. Removing his socks he lay comfortably.

           He first checked if there was a call from Yoona. But nothing. Then he checked the group chat. All the group member wished him well. Chan with a simple smile and Changbin with a long message. Hyunjin wrote a beautiful poem that made Seungmin tear up. This was never expected. Well, he does say a few words which makes him cry. Hyunjin always makes him realise how special he is to him, and how he will always love to have him beside him. But after today he was sure Hyunjin won't talk to him for days. But he forgot than in instant. Jeongin wished him, asking for a gift. Han and Lee know too with a few stickers and emojis. Felix's message seemed as bright as he was.

           He thanked everyone. With a lot of words in his mind but does not want to spell them. "You are so special to me!" That was the last text he sent to the group chat.

           He was waiting for Yoona. He again tried to call her. But found her phone was switched off. Getting a good idea of what might have happened he texted her.

"Wherever you wake up, call me first!

You are the only one who didn't wish me!* Sad emoji"

           He put his phone beside still on silent and went to sleep. Still wishing to hear that voice. And that thought didn't let him sleep. He checked his phone finally stopping after turning nth time. Waiting for someone to call.

          He went through his gallery in the process. Finding his and Ahn's pictures of today. He went through them all in a hurry. And here it comes what he was waiting for. The pictures of him looking at her. Was he knowing what it meant? He didn't but he loved the Yoona in those pictures. And he wanted to admire how beautiful the moment was. He slowly fell asleep.

          In the morning about 3 AM, Yoona woke up feeling cold body. She didn't change when she came back and passed away as soon as she lay in bed, without the blankets. Relaxing her stiffened body she sat up. She went to check her phone, but it was already dead. Putting the phone on charge, and getting into comfy clothes (that is hoodie and shorts) she went to bed covering herself in blankets. Waking up getting another blanket, and burying her head again she slept.

         As if the thought arose in her mind. She woke up sitting and reaching her hand to her phone. She tried unlocking it. But won't happen. She waited for a few minutes getting herself a warm glass of water from the kitchen.

         Sitting back she tried again to unlock it. And it worked. Sipping warm water to keep herself warm she looked at the phone. She was about to split water, she moved from bed in a hurry.

          Ten missed calls from Seungmin. It was his birthday. She planned on texting him Happy Birthday at twelve, but she missed it. She went in a hurry on chat, only to find he had texted her enough to be called a possessive mom. All the messages question the same, "Where are you? Why aren't you picking up the call? Now why is your phone off? When will you reply to me?" All the same text with some change in words.

          At last, she found, "Wherever you wake up call me first, you are the only one who didn't wish me!"

          Yoona smiled. The text seemed too cute with a sad emoji. Not a thing Seungmin will do. But then, it's only Seungmin can do. Make you smile even with his words.

          She checked the time, it was 3:20 am. She thought to herself. And then tried calling him. She didn't expect him to be awake. And that was it, he didn't seem to answer. Yoona got disappointed a little. But then moving back to her bed and leaving the phone on charge she tried to sleep.

          The vibration of the phone seemed to cover up the room. The cold room had nothing but silence in it. She checked and Seungmin called her back. He was sleeping when he got a call. Whose phone was already on silence. But the vibration of a certain call after a long pause of nothingness from the phone made him curious to check.

          And here it was, his girl obeying him.

         "Hello!" Said Seungmin in a sleepy voice. The voice which made Yoona shiver a little. It was already cold and that warmness in his voice, float into her ears. As if she was tickled with the feather.

          "Yoona?" He asked with the same voice. And another shiver that made Yoona freeze there.

          "Yoona-yah?" Asked he, clearing his voice. "Hello?" He was fully awakened by this time. Not finding his girl replying to his call.

          "Hell..." Yoona was about to answer but she couldn't speak. Clearing her throat she tried again.

           "Ah, Seungmin-ah! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you!...." She sang a complete song which made him smile.

           "Thank you so much Yoona-yah!" He chuckled.

           She paused not knowing what to ask now. It's not the right time to talk either.

         "Yoona-yah!" Said Seungmin. And with the tone, Yoona understood it wasn't a good thing. He was gonna tease her. Why did she even call this person at night?

          "No! I'm sleeping! And you too get a good sleep!" As she was about to end the conversation good night here came another call, "Yoona-yah!"

          He laughed, "No! No! Wait! Wait!" He pleaded with laughing.

         "What is it?" She asked.

         "Did you just call me "Dear Seungmin-ah!" At late hours like this?" He laughed. Covering his mouth with excitement.

         "What else do you expect me to sing then?" She asked.

         He was laughing which made her laugh too.

         "Happy birthday! See you tomorrow! I mean today. You are coming right!" Asked Yoona.

          "Of course I am! Why would I miss school!"

          "No, it's just I thought you had some plans!"

          "Nope! Nothing! If I have I'll cancel!" He laughed.

          "So...!" Yoona was about to speak but a sweet and cute sneeze followed that word.

          "What you expect more when you enjoy yourself at the beach on a rainy day!" Teased Seungmin.

          "Ah! Come on! The weather was beautiful!" Replied Yoona. "But wait, how do you know I was at the beach!"

          "Of course I called Felix!"


          "What um!"

          "Good night!"

          "Come on! You are not gonna sleep again! Are you?"

          "What you want then, to talk you like in this early morning! I don't wanna ruin my day!" Said Yoona teasing him.

          "Woah! It's my birthday today and you saying those words. How rude!" He said knowing she was just teasing.

          "Min-ah!" She insisted. Knowing what she said was rude.

          Whenever Yoona called him "Min-ah", he was melting. He loved how beautiful it sounded. Her sweet innocence that covered it.

         "What! I'm mad at you!" He said after a long silent laugh.

         "Really?" She asked. Not knowing if he is or not.

        "Hmm!" Covering his mouth thinking about her innocent face he laughed.

        "Min-ha ya! Sorry!" Said she did not want to hurt the birthday boy. Which was followed by another sneeze.

        "You alright?" He asked.

        "Um! The weather did catch me!" She laughed.

        "Okay! Rest for a few hours. See you then!" He said worriedly.

        "You aren't mad anymore?" She laughed.

        "Why would I be in the first place? Sweet dreams!"

       "Um, sweet dreams!"

          Yoona slept without keeping her phone on charge. Seungmin had a problem with sleep at first then started studying.

          Seungmin was getting wished as he entered the college. Many of his friends and of course the girls, who had a crush on him, wished him to find a chance to talk to him. He looked at the class through the window and ran to the library. Finding neither Han nor Hyunjin and Yoona there.

           He was greeted with a warm welcome from the group who was there discussing about something. The 3RACHA that is.

         "Happy birthday Seungmin-ah!" Changbin shouted seeing him.

         "Happy birthday birthday boy!", followed Han giving him a side hug.

         "Happy birthday dear!" Chan smiled gesturing him to sit.

         "Where are others?" Seungmin asked.

         Han gestured at the back, Hyunjin was standing, mostly resting his body on the book shelf and texting someone.

         Seungmin tried to get his attention by clearing his throat. But got nothing in reply.

        "If anyone is free, can some friends talk?" Han asked a little sassily.

        But still, Hyunjin hasn't had his mind here.

        "Leave him, what are you doing Hyung?" Seungmin asked.

        "Changbin had another great idea and we were working on it!" Replied Chan.

        "Oh, so you guys made another song?" He asked.

        " Yes! And I'm so excited!" Han screamed. And everyone gestured for him to be quiet.

        "Well, we are excited!" Spoke Changbin, his nose raising with pride.

        Seungmin laughed cutely seeing him. The bell rang and everyone started to leave. Hyunjin too walked toward the table to get his bag. Seungmin stopped him. And he was looking at him with bewildered eyes.

        "Ah, when did you come? Well, happy birthday my friend!" He hugged him which Seungmin tried to avoid. But he needed that. So he used half of his strength to leave from hug.

         "Thank you! Now get away!" As he said Hyunjin again started to cling to him.

         The others laughed at both of them and in no time they left. Coming to the classroom not finding Yoona on her desk he asked Hyunjin, "Where's Yoona?"

          "Oh! She and Felix both have a fever. Mr. Eun took him from the dorm to their house early morning. Probably they both are resting now!" H explained as he moved to his seat.

           "They both are sick!" Seungmin examined as he sat.

           "Who told them to go the beach when it's rainy!" He said somehow getting irritated.


            The teacher came and the class started. Everything same except Seungmin's heart. He was wished by every teacher who passed by, but still, he wasn't happy.

           What was there to be happy for? He didn't get to see her. And even had to go on a date with someone else.

            Soon in recess, he was going out to call her. He stopped at hearing something.

            "Yoona?" Bong exclaimed.

            "Um! Look!" Ahn was showing something on her phone.

            "Wow! Well, I won't mind it. The thing that you two went on a date I too, wanted to have a date with someone!" Said Bong.

           "Yeah! But they shouldn't have chosen a place like this, especially the beach!" Said Ahn.

           "Ya!" Widening her eyes, "Don't you think she looks like an angel?" Exclaimed Bong.

             Taking her phone back, Ahn probably took screenshots.

             "But how come you follow Felix's account?" Bong asked.

            Ahn sat quiet for a moment. "Well, he is Yoona's best friend, and he has been mutual with more also! So it's a need!" Laughed Ahn.


         Seungmin went to check on what they meant. Checking Felix's account. He didn't see the messages in the morning. Probably ignoring them all. The SNS was filled with notification so he missed the post made by his friend.

          With a long caption, Felix posted pics of Yoona and him. He standing and holding the phone and at the back Yoona holding onto the sea-water. The beautiful evening breezes playing with her hairs. Her eyes glittering with water, as if the pearl were shining in half opened shell. It was an old photo! Seungmin knew it was. Last year was it? The next photo was of yesterday night probably. She still looking at the water which glittered with the little light present there. And her happy face when she hold onto that water. Felix whose face was barely visible, but still looking happy. "She must be loving the sea!" He laughed a little.

         The next picture was of little Yoona. Not much little but maybe before high school. With the same pose. As if Felix was collecting memories with these pics. And the way Yoona's face never changed throughout the years.

         He was smiling brightly. It was when Hyunjin tapped him on the shoulder.

         "Come to the library, Hyung called you!" He said not bothered by what he was looking at. He followed him still looking at the post. He turned to another page and the beautiful Yoona in the dark of the evening smiling at the camera. He was astonished. She looked beautiful in those nights when the dark clouds hovered above her. And her gummy smile that hides half of her eyes. He kept looking at her. Hovering his fingers at her face, trying to remove her free bangs in front of her eyes.

         He paused in front of the stairs. Turning to the last pic. The picture of Felix and Yoona. Yoona giving a soft kiss to Felix. As if something heavy fell on his heart, it hurts. But looking at those smiley eyes of both the cuties in the photo, he smiled.

         He kept his phone in his pocket and ran to the library. There waits, the whole group just Felix missing who was in chat with Hyunjin. Seungmin sat seeing the free seat leaving one seat empty. Of course, his habit of keeping one saved.

         "So I'll jump to the point!" Han putting his hands over a table somehow screamed.

         Seungmin looked at with curiously and not any one of them was so interested.

         "You are throwing a party today and I don't know anything else. It's your birthday today, you always give that damn party of yours, free food we get. AND I WANT THAT PARTY BADLY NOW!" He with last words patted over the table, somehow insisting.

           Lee know laughed seeing him and that also made everyone laugh.

         "Well, he isn't wrong though. It's your birthday today we still have this much time!" Said Changbin.

          "You should know you must complete your promise!" Said Lee know winking.

         "Yep, when did I deny?" He said smiling.

         "So, you are treating right!" Han exclaimed.

         "Um! Today's dinner!" He smiled giving a wink.

         "Nice!" Laughed Han asking for Hi-fi with Lee know, who was sitting beside him.

         "Will Felix and Yoona come?" He asked looking at Hyunjin.

         "Well Felix said, he is almost fine. But Yoona needs rest. She might not make it!" Replied Hyunjin.

         "Shall we wait till they are fine?" Chan asked.

         "Ah, no no! Knowing that, they will cry for sure. Don't change our plans!" Said Hyunjin. "Instead!" He added with curious look. "How about we takeout or order at Eun's house. Felix is still there. And that's Eun's house Yoona too will be there. They don't actually need to go anywhere right!" He said explaining everything.

        "You shouldn't bother them you know!" Said Lee know.

        "Ah come on Hyung! This plan includes both of them! And they won't feel left out!" Screamed Han.

        "Ya! Shouldn't we ask Mrs. Eun first?" Asked Changbin.

        "Felix said he is feeling well. We can get excuse of visiting him. And Mrs. Eun is such a sweetheart I don't think she will mind!" Said Hyunjin who already told plan to Felix. And Felix said he will look forward to it.

        "Look, he said he is ready. You all are invited. But the bill will only paid by Seungmin he said!" Laughed Hyunjin telling them.

         The lover boy kept thinking about it. It's his birthday and how come he not get to see his girl once a day. He was ready. He didn't wanted to bother her. But his greed take over his mind.

         "Um! That's already decided!" Smiled Seungmin.

        "So 7PM fix?" Asked Hyunjin.

        "At Felix's room right?" Han asked.

        "Yes!" Replied Hyunjin.

        "So we are just ordering food?" Han asked sulking.

        "Bills are paid by Seungmin!" Laughed Lee know.

         "That's the only thing keeps me going on!" Han chuckled.

         Changbin screamed making everyone scared. "I'm super ready!"

          Here, Felix was super excited. He didn't had fever but a slight cough and cold. But Yoona had loose body, as she missed yesterday's dinner when she went with Felix in a col night. And coming home, she still didn't ate. With Felix, Felix did asked her if she wants to eat something! But she refused. She was fulfilled with scene of beach. The lovely air with her lovely friend.

          Felix went to see her. Telling her beforehand. But she was sleeping. He caressed her hairs and came back. Cleaning a room a little and filling all the water bottles.

         Seungmin reaching home layed comfortably on his bed. Again checking on Felix's post. He stared at it for more than a minute. "Long bangs suits her!" He chuckled. Trying again to touch her through pics. Her old picture that made him wonder, she must love beach a lot.

         He went for a caption where Felix mentioned how much he loves her. He thought for himself if he could do that too. He went to check the comments. And for his shocked mind, he didn't found any offensive comment. Probably like they know her.

        He set the alarm for 6:30 PM and slept.

        Yoona woke up when her mom came to check on her. Placing hand over her head, her mom exclaimed, "why did you visit beach that late and even when it was raining!" The same question she kept repeating from morning.

        Yoona chuckled knowing she was asking same question over and over. Yoona started to get up but her eyes still feeling dizzy.

        "Take this!" Her mom handed over some pills to her. "Swallow it!" And Yoona swallowed.

        "Your friends are coming over!" Taking out a towel from hot water she started rubbing her face. "Do you wanna join?" Mrs Eun asked.

        "Mom, I bathed in morning! Why are you cleaning me now!" She laughed.

        "Yeah like who told you to play with cold water in early morning?" Her mom scolded.

        "I told you! I was feeling hot suddenly!"  Yoona with her deepen voice answered.

        "Yeah yeah! Just to get sick. I had to take leave because of you!" Her mom stood up getting a moisturizer from her table.

        "Mom you don't have to!" Yoona said looking at her mom.

        "It's just because Felix is good than you. Look he just caught a little cold. I was scared when he sounded like that in morning! How does these crazy ideas even pop up in your head!" And her mom goes, on and on and on and on!

          Yoona was sleepy until her mom kept speaking. She had to eat something first. Her mom wanted to wake her up. But girl looked too pretty while sleeping like that. Yoona had covered herself with blanket as she sat. Covering her head too! She looked like a baby which made Mrs. Eun go easy on her.

        Carefully taking off that blanket from her and making her sleep comfortably Mrs Eun left.

         Soon the members started to arrive.