
          Yoona woke up sleeping on table when it was 4AM in the  morning. Still having that unfinished problem of math Seungmin taught her last night. Having her blurry vision she turned on the light and tried for one last time knowing if she can't do this, she might get terrible nightmare. Yes they say, math's problems haunt you if you sleep without solving them.

          It was clear early, don't ever do maths before sleeping. But now when her boyfriend insisted on teaching how could she not learn. And again in late night with unsolved problems the thought about her lover came into her mind.

          What's his problem? She didn't knew anything. He won't speak a word. When he said to ignore her, all she was thinking about how they used to behave in early days. Seungmin and she, being a total stranger.

         After talking to Ahn, Yoona let go of the thought that she is in love with Seungmin. She being in love with him won't lead any of them to better future. She being hurt and he being not able to love back her in any case.

         She thought about letting Ahn believe that the person she love is some other. And continuing the things that are going on. But a sudden statement that Seungmin made, it was a surprise attack to her.

         He still, wanted to talk to her. That was only the best part to her. Not knowing exactly what he meant, the best she could do was to listen to him.

         Breaking through her thoughts she again got engaged in math. And then within (half hour that is) minutes she finally solved it and went to bed.

         Next morning the alarm was irritating. She hadn't had good sleep. From waking up in middle of night, not even the solution made her get satisfy over it. She continuing her daily routine went to kitchen to grab something to eat.

         What is there was now good in school. Her crush was going to ignore her. He said to ignore him too. What will she even do now. Just like the days she had a year ago. All the same. Chewing on jam bread she sitted there.

         "Woah woah! Early my baby?" Her mom came tieing her hairs back. Who just woke up from sweet sleep.

         "Um! Alarm woke me up!" She replied.

         "You put alarm? And these early?" Her mom asked.

         "Well..." Unfinishing her statement she went back to room.

         "What?" Her mom asked.

         "Don't get bothered mom. I'll be sleeping again!" Yoona yelled as she ran back to room.

          She checked the phone. Turning off the alarm she put it on silent. Her everyday routine. But she set the alarm of 6:45 AM. So that she can study for an hour. But mom wakes up around 6 AM. And now, mom was still sleeping. At what time she put the alarm.

          Checking on the phone she saw Seungmin called her for 5 times. She hurriedly drank the juice she bought from the kitchen and dialed his number.

           "Hello!" She asked somehow scared. Knowing he will scold. As he is tutoring her he does dare to scold her.

           "Hmm! You finally woke up?" He asked.

           "Will you belive me?" She asked.

           "As if I won't ?" He said.

           "I thought it was an alram and cut it off. And then I'm ready for school!" She looking at herself in mirror said getting embarrassed. 

            "Well, it was meant for an alarm. But to study! You don't have to be get ready this early!" He laughed.

            "Ah, Min-ah, Min-ah!" She said with little excitment.

            "Yes, what is it?" He asked.

            "I finally did that problem! And guess what the answer is correct!" She said and the excitement was shown in her voice.

            "Wow you really?" He asked.

            "Ah wait I got a call!" He put the call on hold.

           Yoona checked the time. It was 6AM now. Who even called him this early.

           "Ah, I gotta go Yoona! See you in school!" Seungmin replied and was about to cut the call.

           "Ah but, " as if Yoona was finding words to speak.

           "Um?" Seungmin asked.

           "Nothing!" She replied. Settling down all the excitement she had a moment ago.

            Seungmin chuckled. And Yoona felt little anger by it.

          She sat down again knowing she can't sleep now. She went through her SNS and wondering if Hyunjin and Felix left or are still there. When Monday morning she wakes up, she can't find them.

           She made her way to their room. Smiling to her mom that was cooking a delicious breakfast for them.

           "Aa, it smells really good mom!" She exclaimed and her mom smiled back.

           "Where you going?" Her mom asked.

           "Well I woke up early. So I think they might be still there!" Yoona replied.

           "Oh those two! Hyunjin left yesterday night! And Felix he went just few minutes ago. Yep not letting me know. I went upstairs to ask for breakfast and they both weren't there. Just a note. Not to worry about!" Her mom explained as Yoona made her way to sit beside the counter.

           "Why Hyunjin left?" She asked.

          "Probably they fought! When I went last night they were fighting for game! Well it was solved. But I do believe they fought again!" Her mom replied.

           "I don't belive Felix fights!" Yoona laughed.

           "It's Hyunjin. He just don't like the way all and everything works!" Grabbing a cereal container Yoona replied.

           "I'm making a good breakfast why you eating cereals now. Wait for few more minutes!" Her mom yelled.

           "Mornings!" Mrs. Eun Entered the kitchen.

           "Morning dad!" Yoona ran to hide behind her father. Just in case she will get yelled again as she didn't left the bowl of cereals from her hand.

In school!

         Yoona entered feeling the warmth of sun in breezing air. A beautiful day it was. The rustling of tree leaves and a game of "hide and seek" with sun.

          An empty gate waiting for her. No one was waiting. As same as those early days. She made her way to the classroom. Everyone engaged in their talks with her freind welcoming her with smile.

         The talks passed and it was the time to bell ring. Seungmin wasn't there and Hyunjin sitting quietly on his desk. That was unusual of him. Yoona did wanted to ask him, if the yesterday's fight got more intense! But Ahn kept asking same thing with repeating questions about how she solved that by herself, was bothering her.

         Her eyes that kept looking at Hyunjin, in case if he turns she could at least say "Hi". But he didn't seem to get away from his phone. As usual.

         Bong saw, and she went to Hyunjin. And Yoona followed her lead with eyes. As Ahn wasn't letting her go.

         "Hey Jinnie!" She called.

         Hyunjin looked up. Having sleepy eyes.

         "What you want?" Asked he having little hoarse voice.

         "Did you catch a cold too?" She asked.

         "I think so!" He got up. And Yoona could feel his presence came back. He touched himself checking on his temperature.

         As in moving Bong looked at the standing figure moving fast but her eyes wide open seeing something. She looked at me then, gesturing something. And then at Hyunjin in eyes. Hyunjin did caught her eye. And then sitting back buried his head in arms.

          Bong with those fully open eyes came back to Yoona. She gestured Yoona to talk later about something. Hyunjin looked at their way. And Bong turned her face with maximum speed.

          Hyunjin stood up and having little elegance with him he sat beside Bong's table. They had few talks. Yoona couldn't listen to. And Bong smiled patting Hyunjin's shoulder.

          Yoona kept looking at them as bothering duo was keeping themselves quite. Hyunjin then looked at Yoona. Giving her reassuring smile he sat back on his table.

            The bell rang. And everything went quite. Everyone was there except homeroom teacher and Seungmin.

           "Where's he?" Ahn asked Yoona.

           "How I'm supposed to know!" Yoona replied. A little anger that she had within

how he cut the call in early morning even though he was the one who called first.

           The teacher game and gave a look on empty table.

           "Where's Seungmin?" Teacher asked looking at class.

           Everyone shrugged off no one knowing where was he. Yoona looked at Han who was looking back at both of them. Hyunjin too giving looks to both of them not knowing anything. And they at a same moment looked at Yoona.

           "I don't know!" She replied them with gesture.

           The class was about to start. When everyone saw Seungmin walking from back to front outside. He asked for permission to join and went to his sit.

           Just a second he looked at Yoona before sitting.

           Everyone grasped as he entered. Not only because he was late for first period. But! Han turned to him smiling badly. And Hyunjin too having a hand over his mouth to hide the excitement but yet couldn't control it.

           The girls let down the sigh except, Ahn and Yoona who looked at each other in same time.

           "Did he permed his hairs?" Bong exclaimed slapping on Yoona's forearm with excitement.

           Yoona gestured her to be quite and so does the teacher. It took moment for everyone to settle down. Yoona wanted to look at him again so badly.

           When he was walking outside Yoona turned knowing the figure outside is the person she knew. He was sighing. May be, he ran here. He opened the door and stood there asking for permission.

           Yoona's eyes kept looking at that figure. Who always had settled bangs, were now somehow bouncy and wavy. Yoona couldn't take her eyes off him. His lips those were tightly shut. Not wanting to let that sigh go.

           He walked but the staring won't stop. And before he sits he gave a little glance over those eyes that kept looking at him. A mere second of eye contact and Yoona turned hurriedly.

            Her eyes that was locked on him, made him happy.

            Yesterday he made an appointment with Jeongin. But Jeongin was busy. The boy who was famous for his permed hairs. Seungmin told him that he wants to change his hairstyle. He don't want those boring bangs of his, who is literally the heart of many others.

            Jeongin had assignments on him so he called him in early morning. And that was the reason he had to run in hurry. It's not that he was bored. But he had another plans running in his mind.

             The half of the school hour passed, not any teacher giving few minutes rest to the student. And as the recess Bell rang Hyunjin ran to him. But at same moment the notification arrived on four people's phone.

            "Meet me at library! Urgently!" Changbin was it.

            They four again looked at each other bewildered. And nodding first Han left as Lee know was standing at door. And then Hyunjin with Seungmin. And finally Yoona.


             Everyone was there, and Changbin already bought sweet bread for everyone.

            "Thanks Hyung!" Said Han before taking it from table.

             Everyone sat there leaving Chan.

            "Where is Chan Hyung?" Seungmin asked.

            "Woah, Minnie your hair!" Changbin exclaimed.

            "I helped him! How is it Hyung?" The fox eyes person relied.

            "He looking so good you know!" Hyunjin taking a full bite replied.

            "Yes!" Han joined him too.

            Everyone made there way to the table to sit. And as an habit Yoona sat beside Seungmin who always saved the seat for her.

            As she sat she turned to give smile to him. And for a moment they caught each other's attention. But then Yoona turned, and Lee know caught this. Who was sitting beside Yoona.

            "Did you two fought?" Lee know Asked.

            Yoona shook her head.

            "So,.." changbin was about to speak.

            "Where's Chan Hyung?" Hyunjin asked.

            Changbin looked at Hyunjin as he seemed different. But to notice he was!

            "It's the discussion about him. So he can't be here!" Changbin replied.

            "Yeah you texted me not to tell him. What is it?" Lee know asked.

            "Well, 3rd of October is coming!" Changbin answered.

            "Chan Hyung's birthday!" Han exclaimed.

            "But he hates to celebrate!" Spoke Seungmin. And Yoona turned to look at him again to find that attractive person sitting beside him looking so gorgeous, feeling ethereal.

            Seungmin looked at her who was studying his face like an unread novel. And Yoona turned again.

            "How it's looking?" He whispered.

            A shiver that flowers down to the belly waking up those butterflies, finding a way to find a spring.

            "So!" Changbin cleared his throat. And that made her come back to senses. Yoona turned to Seungmin to gave him a smiled and a nodd. Simply explaining him it's good.

            "He don't like surprise but we can gift him right. I'm just planning to gift him together. Like in a meeting or so. If be buy cake he might not be happy. Yeah, even if we buy gifts he won't be happy. But if we spend time with him. That might be good thing!" Changbin talking out his thoughts lastly shouted.

            "Isn't there anything that can make him happy!" Yelled Changbin.

            "Well! Don't think about it much!" Han replied.

            "We will ask him for treat. That is the best way!"

           Everyone brust out of laughed.

           "But this is really a good idea!" Lee know exclaimed. "Well let make him give a treat. And then buy a cake together!"

           Changbin loved the idea. That way he won't actually get bothered by it. They can ask to eat cake as a dessert.

            "Fine but don't tell him!" Changbin replied.

            "Ah that's done then!" Hyunjin exclaimed who was sweating a little.

            "Yeah, why are you sweating this much!" Seungmin asked.

            "I don't know!" Hyunjin replied unbuttoning the first button.

             The unusual thing that bothered Changbin was his coller button which he always keeps open. Was closed today.

            Hyunjin threw his hair back moving towards the window. Han looked at him with shocked. And Yoona captured this. He gave same reaction as Bong gave.

            "What happened?" Lee know asked. Seeing the quokka reacting in different way.

            "I thought I saw something!" He replied shaking his head. Something that he won't belive.

            Hyunjin sat beside the window letting those warm breezes make him feel little good. Yoona got up to talk to him a bit.

            "You didn't replied!" Seungmin said with little voice. Tapping on her forearm.

            "Um!" Yoona looked at him with question.

            "How is it?" He gestured at his head. And with those puppy eyes that was craving for comments.

            "You look so beautiful with this!" Yoona smiled wanting to mess up his hairs. But stopped.

           Seungmin smiled.( Who wanted to ignore her. ) And Yoona ran to Hyunjin.

          Everyone was about to leave when Han too made his way to Hyunjin. Who was sitting just a table beside Hyunjin.

          "Ya, Hyunjin! Look at here!" The confused quokka who thought he saw something earlier asked Hyunjin.

           "Is that hickey?" He shouted.

            Gladly yesss most of them were already left. Including Seungmin and Lee know who was at door. But couldn't hear cause this is the last sector of course. But Yoona who just were away for about 3-4 desk heard it.

            Yoona stopped and Hyunjin covered Han's mouth before he yell another word. And he looked at Yoona face paling.

            Yoona walked with slow pace towards him. Han and she sharing the stares. And Han turned to Hyunjin. Now both the eyes staring at him.

             "If it ain't the person I'm expecting. I swear I'm gonna break that neck of yours!" Han said. His voice little tensed.

            Yoona looked at him. Who's face was serious. And then at Hyunjin who was embarrassed.

            "Ya!" Hyunjin couldn't speak.

            "Hyunjin?" Yoona asked. Now understanding what Han's question meant.

            Hyunjin looked at Yoona, knowing she too now was in worry about the person.

           "Ah, he really is shameless!" Hyunjin screamed buring his head in his shoulders.

           Han and Yoona giving each other the blank stares.

           "Come on guys!" Hyunjin exclaimed. "You both know already!" He said turning in other direction.

           "You knew?" Yoona asked looking at Han.

           "Um! About Felix? He told me and you?" Han asked Yoona.

           "I saw them kissing!" Yoona replied.

           "It was Felix?" They both shouted at same time.

            They looking at shy Hyunjin who's face was visibly red due to sun.

           "Who else you expect then?" Hyunjin laughed awkwardly.

           "Wait but mom said you left in night!" Yoona sat asking him about it. Han made his way too.

           "Well. I did!" Hyunjin was embarrassed. Shy! Turned red.

           "Mom said, it was like you two fought!" Yoona asked.

           "We did!" Hyunjin replied.

           "Why you two fought?" Han asked.

           "Game it was!" Yoona replied.

           "Ani! No! That was early!" Hyunjin replied. "We resolved it early!"

           "Then?" Both of them waiting to know, what really happened.

           "Like without fight getting resolved do you think he can get that!" Han laughed. Followed by Yoona.

           "Ah it's not that!" Hyunjin again buried his head.

           "What? Like you'll say you two didn't..." Han was to speak when Hyunjin again moved over table to close his mouth.

            "Shut up Han Jisung!" He yelled.

            Yoona and Han were both shock how long his hands were that they traveled this far.

            Hyunjin made his way back sitting.

            "It's nothing like you both are imagining!" He exclaimed.

            They both chuckled. Han gestures something to Yoona. And when Hyunjin looked at him, he sat as a straight person.

            "What?" Hyunjin asked.

            "Ah, don't let me speak or think anything. Can you please explain it already. Why you two fought? and can you be clear that it wasn't Felix. Or was Felix. Like our Felix?" Yoona asked shaking her hands gesturing her "my Felix"

            She won't belive it was Felix. Never. Felix won't be biting a man. Not in life.

            "Yah! Yoona!" Hyunjin yelled.

            "You think I'll let other do this to me?" He said in anger. But then realising what he said he again buried his head.

            Boy was shy. Pink like strawberry.

            "Ya speak already. Or the recess will end!" Han yelled.

           Hyunjin sat straight. "Won't spell a word to anyone!" He was closing button when han stopped his hand. Climbing on table.

           "A last look wait!" He laughed and take a better look at it.

           Yoona too by this action of Han's saw a beautiful purple mark that lies on Hyunjin's collerbone. A little up that it can be covered by shirt. But still be visible by how Hyunjin wears them. He throws a side of shirt little up. Having two buttons open.

            Han laughed and sat back. And both laughing covering their mouth.

            "Speak!" Yoona said.

            "It was about yesterday's video!" He replied.

            "Video?" Han asked.

            "Dance one!" Hyunjin answered having half words in his mouth.

            "Speak clearly!" Han said. . 

            "Ah! Han jisung!" Hyunjin yelled. And throwing back his hair again. He sat there. As how always he sits.

            "So, I posted a dance video yesterday. And the comments flowed up. I didn't knew that some comments can be those wierd!" He started getting embarrassed again.

           "What comments?" Yoona asked.

           "Yoona juicy one!" Han replied.

           Both chulked. "Then?" Asked Yoona.

           "He saw few. He laughed at it. And then he went to check on early videos he mentioned that how sexy I looked back then!" Hiding his face he said.

            "Bro! If you are sexy! Then why hide it. You are! Always!" Han replied.

            "Thanks Han jisung!" Hyunjin chuckled.

            "And then, he saw few comments on them. And on one I replied long ago!" Hyunjin's voice trembling.

            "You replied on juicy comment?" Han asked with wide eyes.

           "Well that days, I wasn't that social person. I didn't knew how to ignore. And that was first comment!" Hyunjin replied.

           Han and Yoona started laughing again.

          "So, was Felix angry because of that?" Han asked.

          "Well! He was! But it was because the commentor was same whose comment he just saw in latest post!" Hyunjin laughing a little said.

          "What!" Han asked. "A stalker?"

          "No no! The person says they are fan of me. I know nothing!" Hyunjin laughed.

          "So, early we had fight about this. And he said something about that!" Hyunjin said.

          "Be clear Hyunjin!" Han yelled.

          "Ahhh! Fine listen you idiot. He told me not to wear revealing clothes and I just did in last video!" Hyunjin screamed and grasped for air.

           "He wasn't that angry and then that comment. That was the cause he got mad!" Hyunjin relied.

           "He didn't yelled or anything. He just said why can't he tell other we are dating. Like on birthday he wanted to have a separate post. But then he was one to refuse. I ain't saying no. But then. He suddenly got angry. He checked that account info. And found it was our school student. Not face but a photo of her clothes. So he just yelled out, "as I will let you be hers!" And just came for me. I thought he was kissing me. And!" Hyunjin explained it all in one go.

           "Ya see this!" Han handed over phone to Yoona.

          "Baby jinnie, you are mine's forever. Love you alot. I'll make you mine!" Heart heart heart.

           Yoona scrolled down to another pic. And there was another comments.

          "The perfect talent grinded withing perfect body. A perfect shape..." Yoona laughed reading it though halfway.

           Han was laughing sitting  there.

          "So you say, your cat bite you?" Han laughed.

          "Yah! Han jisung!" Hyunjin yelled.

          "Wait and then?" Yoona asked.

          "What then?" Han asked. "you can't read the room Yoona?"

          "Ya! Will you stop Jisung!" Hyunjin yelled.

          "Then this thing happened and he went for another but then I pushed him. And he just get up angrily!" Hyunjin sighed. "I thought he was angry so I went close to him. So he said me to leave. Well not angrily. He was sorry and all. He just wanted to have some time. Ah! I don't wanna explain it. But yeah nothings wrong. It's just he said he needs time. And now I'm giving that!"

          "Was he that angry?" Yoona asked.

          "Um!" Hyunjin nodded.

          "Did he hurt you?" Yoona asked looking for the mark.

          "Umh! He won't!" Hyunjin smiled.

          Yoona was scared. The first thing that came out, spotting how she sees Felix. Felix won't do that she was sure. But she knew Hyunjin isn't lieing.

           Soon the warning Bell rang. They shared a last glance to each other. And Han moved closing Hyunjin's button walked with Yoona.

          "Don't worry! We won't tell anyone!" Han said.

             Han and Yoona walked hand in hand having sweet talks about Lee know. Their favourite topic. Yoona and Han had shared these talks alot of time. From the poem thing to every little thing that Han notice. Han is very sensitive person, and a observative person. And his Hyung was his favourite thing to notice.

For Hyunlix read Eternity with you Hyunlix 3 Jealousy