Chapter 1

I groaned in displeasure as I looked at the time. It was only 2:30 p.m., meaning I still had a half hour left before I could just be done with today. I hated my boring ass factory job, but it paid well enough to where I didn't have to go to school, and it just kept my life simple. John came over and gave me a cheeky smile.

"Hey, Sid, what do you think of the new girl?" John asked me, teasing me a little bit.

"She's cute." I replied, trying not to let him know that I'd been staring.

I have pretty good self-control, but something about a beautiful woman just set my hormones into overdrive. Some women did it more so, as some of them appeared to radiate with vibrant energy in my eyes.

It had always been something special about me and something I kept to myself as I didn't feel offput by it. It just helped me to see the world even more than I already did, and some people just shone brighter than others in my eyes.

That wasn't all about me though, and some people might call me crazy, but I knew my own body better than anyone else. I had always been unnaturally strong, and was well built for my lazy lifestyle outside of work. I mainly got by on just playing video games and reading books. I had once tested it out, and was able to lift the back of my car up with ease. I didn't share this with anyone though, as I wasn't keen on being poked and prodded by people who would be interested in trying to find out if I was some weird superhuman.

The new girl, Elizabeth, was stunning, and she shone so bright to my eyes. She had beautiful, long blonde hair, and her curves were to die for. I tried not to stare, but my mind couldn't get her out of my head. Something about her was different and while I wasn't exactly sure what it was, I knew she wouldn't be interested in a goof like me.

I was handsome by many people's standards, but I didn't go out much, and I didn't socialize much outside of my work friend, John. My life hadn't really been very eventful.

I was adopted by a wonderful couple, and I love them dearly. I don't live with them anymore, but I still talked to them regularly, and they only lived about an hour away from me from my home in Michigan. My parents honored the name I had when I was brought to the orphanage, and it was definitely not typical. I didn't see them as much these days, only because I hated driving for extended periods of time.

My name is Osidious Vanir, but most people just call me Sid. I looked into my heritage, but I found nothing besides the old nordic stories about one of the families of Gods with the same last name, but that was stupid as Gods didn't even exist.

Still, part of me felt that it was significant, but also, part of me didn't care, as my life really hadn't been too bad, all things considered. It probably didn't mean anything to be honest. I would like to know who my real parents are, but at the same time, to me, the ones who raised me were my parents, and I loved them. I wouldn't trade them for the world.

"Hey, Sid, you in there?" John asked again, drawing me from my thoughts.

"Yeah, sorry man. Just got distracted." I replied, giving a smile that I hoped was convincing.

"You've been eyeing her all week, just go and ask her out." John told me and I coughed.

"What? No, no, that's not it at all." I replied, unconvincingly.

John just rolled his eyes before he walked away, going back to his station. I got back to my work as well, sheering a piece of metal to the predetermined length my work order told me.

"Hey." A woman's voice said, and it drew me from my thoughts.

There, directly in front of me, was the gorgeous woman that I had been eyeing all week.

"Shit." I thought, being put on the spot, before I tried to sound more casual.

"Hey, Elizabeth, uh, how are you?" I asked her, feeling stupid after the words came out.

She giggled, and it was melodic, and beautiful.

"You're not very discreet, you know." She said, batting her eyelashes at me.

I choked on my own saliva as I responded.

"Oh, uh, what do you mean?" I replied, but I already knew where this was probably going. I hope she lets me off easy at the very least.

Elizabeth smiled, as she leaned in a bit closer to me. Her scent hit me like a truck, and I found my hormones going wild. Why was she so close? Why was she looking at me like that?

"Are you busy tonight?" She asked me, and I felt like I was going to pass out.

"WHAT?" I asked, not expecting what I just heard.

She slightly frowned.

"Do you not want to?" She asked me, and I hated being put on the spot.

"What? No, I mean, yes. I just... didn't expect that." I answered honestly and she smiled.

"I figured you'd like to get to know more people like us." She told me, and that caught my full attention.

"What? What are you talking about?" I asked, wondering if she meant what I thought she meant.

She smiled again, and asked me for my phone. I gave it to her, and was dumbfounded as I watched her program her number into my phone and hand it back to me.

"I'll text you where to go. I'd like to see you later tonight." she smiled, before turning and walking away.

John came up to me afterwards, with a huge grin on his face, while also looking a little dumbfounded.

"Did she just... ask you out?" John asked me.

"Uh, yes, actually. I'm kinda confused." I said, and the rest of what he told me was practically a blur.

The last half an hour went by just like that and beforeI knew it, I was already on my way home, still processing what just happened today. My car ride home didn't even register as I ran into my apartment and hopped in the shower with an eagerness I'd never quite felt before. A smoking hot girl had just asked me out on a date.

"I can't fucking believe it!" I yelled in the shower, hopping for joy and promptly slipping and falling on my ass in the shower. It didn't hurt at all, as per usual.

I dried myself, got dressed, and just sat down, waiting. In no time, Elizabeth texted me an address, and I frowned, noting that it was in an emptier part of town. I typed it into my maps, and it told me that it was an old abandoned warehouse, and I was confused.

"The fuck would she be doing at a place like this?" I asked myself, but I couldn't help but be curious.

I cursed to myself as I decided and I grabbed my keys as I walked out my door and ran to my car. My crush asked me to come out with her tonight. That's all I needed to know.

I drove to the address I was given, and it only took about a half an hour to get there. It was indeed in an emptier part of town, but this place definitely wasn't empty, given all of the cars that were outside. I got out of the car, and walked towards the front entrance that was lit up.

A large, burly man stood outside, watching as he let people in and out of the building. After a short wait, I was now standing in front of this man.

"Name." He asked me.

"Uh, Sid." I replied, not knowing what else to say.

He looked at me with a raised eybrow, before I swore, I saw his eyes change color. He causally waved me inside, and called for the next person to step up.

"The fuck was that?" I asked myself, walking down a hallway towards two large double doors at the end.

I opened the door, and was met with,well, a lot of fucking people. It looked almost like a fancy dinner party, but huge, and inside a warehouse that didn't look half as nice as the outside made it out to be.

"Sid!" A voice yelled at me, and I turned to see Elizabeth.

Then, I noticed that Elizabeth, was even more beautiful than I previously thought, her features more pronounced than before, but she had... very long and pointy ears?

"What the fuck?" I asked outloud, and she looked at me like I was crazy.

"Are you okay, Sid?" Elizabeth asked me, and I blinked rapidly.

"Uh... your ears." I said, and she looked almost self conscious.

"Have you never seen an Elf before?" She asked me, and that dumbfounded me.

"Uh, no. I have not. Elves are real? Huh?" I asked stupidly, and she gave me wide eyes.

"Sid? Do you not know?" Elizabeth asked me, and she looked sincere, and concerned for me.

"Know about what?" I asked, but then my eyes wandered, and now my eyes were wide.

I seen Elves, yeah, but I also seen other things I'd never thought possible in the world I lived in, but I played a lot of video games, so I knew what I was seeing. Minotaurs, centaurs, fairies, fae, drow, dwarves, ogres, and I even seen people with long fangs that I assumed were vampires, among other creatures I had no knowledge of, or people that looked like humans that I assumed were anything but.

"What the fuck is all of this?" I asked, my mind swirling.

Elizabeth tried to calm me down, and it did help a little, but I was breathing heavily.

"Sid, if you calm down, I can try to explain this to you. I'm so sorry, I thoughtyou knew." Elizabeth reassured me, and then had a guilty look in her eyes.

"Elizabeth, who is this you have brought here?" An elven man asked as he stepped up to us, and I could tell that he was the type of person that liked to cause trouble. Great.

"Randall, I got this. Leave this to me." Elizabeth said, a bit of malice in her tone.

"I've never seen this guy around here before, and I don't like him. Look at his magic. It's completely out of disarray." Randall said, and I was not liking his tone, but something else he said gave me pause.

"Magic?" I thought, then looking around me, a few things began to click into place.

"Elizabeth, what's going on? I've never seen anything like this before. What is all of this?" I asked, my confusion turning to frustration.

Randall laughed, and it was way too loud than I'd like, and he got the attention of a lot of the surrounding people.

"You brought someone here that doesn't even know about the supernatural? He doesn't even seem to know that he is one." Randall said, and now he was mocking me, and I was getting mad oddly enough. God, I hated assholes.

"Randall, get the fuck out of here." Elizabeth hissed, and hearing the beautiful woman curse threw me off.

Randall scoffed, and he got right in my face. I didn't know exactly what the hell was going, but I knew a very punchable face when I saw one.

"I think you should leave, and crawl back to wherever you came from." Randall told me.

I did not like being told what to do. No one tells me what to do. Elizabeth put a hand on my shoulder.

"Sid? You don't have to leave, let's just, go somewhere else." Elizabeth said to me, and she had a point. It probably wouldn't go well on my first day around all of this if I just clocked this guy right here.

However, Randall made a mistake, as he pushed Elizabeth, and she tripped and fell on her rear. I don't think he intended for her to fall, but it pissed me off all the same.

"You ass!" Elizabeth screamed at him.

I didn't exactly hear what he said next, as me driving my fist into the side of his face drowned everything else out. He flew backwards, and landed flat on his back, and I was kinda stunned at my own strength. Randall groaned as he quickly got back up to his feet, and I could tell, he was pissed.

"You filthy mongrel!" He said, and what happened next, not even I could have foreseen.

Fire gathered around his hands, and before I knew it, he launched two giant fireballs at me. I had no idea what to do, as this was something I'd never thought I'd see in my life. If I wasn't on the receiving end, I would have been pretty damn impressed.

The fire hit me, and it sent me flying back, smashing into the wall behind me. I fell to the ground, and my chest felt like it was burning up. I shakily got to my feet, and I was still in shock.

First, I find out that all of this shit I thought wasn't real actually was, and now I just got fire launched at me from an asshole with pointy ears. I looked over at the smug bastard, and he was laughing at me. Then, I looked over at Elizabeth, who just looked at me with concern, and guilt. Something about him making her feel like that stirred something within me, and I felt something inside of me, in my chest, crack.

I turned back to Randall, and something inside of me churned even more. I was angry and the way he looked down at me, and judged me, pissed me the fuck off. How dare this lowly piece of shit look at me like that. How dare he attack me. This motherfucker needed to learn his place. I am the fucking King.

I felt static building up on my body, and when I looked down, my hands, and my whole body was crackling with electricity. My rage at being looked down upon kept building, and my body raged with surging electricity. The smug look on the Elf's face was gone, now replaced with absolute horror.

"KNOW YOUR PLACE!" I roared, the buildling rumbling from the force of my voice.

The ground shook as I shot forward, lightning trailing behind me as I was in the asshole's face in less than a second, and I buried my fist in his gut. He convulsed as electricity ran through his body, before he shot backwards, flying into the wall behind him, and his body sunk into it as he hit, and the foundation around him cracked and shattered.

The people around me just stared at me. It was odd seeing huge grey ogres looking at me like I was the monster. I was just so angry that I wanted to rip the guy's head off. A voice got my attention.

"Sid! It's okay, you can stop now. I think Randall has learned his lesson." she told me.

I felt my body cool down, ever so slightly from her voice. She was just so gorgeous, and her voice so soothing that I couldn't look away from her. The electricity in my body calmed, and it was no longer shooting out wild sparks.

"His magic level..." A man in the back said.

"It's incredible." A woman said.

"Sid?" Elizabeth asked me, and I shook my head.

"I'm sorry, Elizabeth. I... I..." I was trying but say, but I couldn't quite manage to find the right words.

"Young man." A very tall older Elven man said as he walked up to me.

This man must have been important because Elizabeth bowed slightly.

"F... father." Elizabeth said, and that's when I knew this was either going to go really well or really bad.

"I think we should go somewhere more private. Elizabeth, grab your friend and follow me." Her father said.

Elizabeth reached out a hand to me, and I wanted so badly to just take it, so I did. What came over me?

When that guy attacked me, I was upset, but not a normal kind of anger. To me, it was like this Randall was an ant, and he had the gall to attack me, his superior. And then he had the nerve to put his hands on Elizabeth? That was confusing, but what confused me more was that I could control fucking lightning. People even were commenting that it started pouring rain outside at the same time.

"Sid, come with me." Elizabeth told me, breaking me free from my thoughts.

I nodded.

"Yes. That sounds great."