Nadia's Interlude

Nadia's foot thumped the floor as she waited impatiently for Elizabeth to get home. She always loved seeing her friend, but this time, he would be coming as well. Nadia's heart rate picked up speed just a tad as she thought about this man, Sid.

He was very handsome, and his meekness and shy demeanor was just so damn cute. Most of all though, he was just nice. She was his first encounter with a Kitsune, and yet, her treated her like any normal girl. It also helped that he looked very strong and dependable.

She was aware that she was considered pretty, and she embraced it, but that wasn't all there was to her. She enjoyed nice long walks, she enjoyed watching movies and TV, she often played video games when she was at home. She wasn't just a pretty face, and she was tired of people only seeing that side of her.

Thinking about that left a rotten taste in her mouth as it brought her to think of that disgusting elf, Randall. Watching him get his shit kicked in was so satisfying. It helped that he was obsessed with her in a way that was not healthy. Nadia despised everything about the man.

She had actually lost count of how many times he had asked her out on dates, but she turned him down every single time because she wasn't interested. Part of her disgust was how he treated others, especially her best friend.

The way he saw things, she was competition for her affection, and he had accused her many times of her and Elizabeth being lovers. Not to say she hadn't fooled around with Lizzie before, and she did love her, but not in that way. At least, she didn't think so.

"Miss Nadia." A voice said, dragging her from her thoughts.

"Oh, yes?" Nadia asked the butler, Jacoby, if she remembered correctly. He was thin older man with a few graying hairs, but otherwise, unremarkable. He was very kind though.

"Lady Elizabeth has arrived." Jacoby said, and needing no futher encouragement, she bolted out of the front door.

Nadia shouted Elizabeth's name as she barreled into her, nuzzling her face against hers. Elizabeth giggled as she greeted her friend, and once they pulled away from one another, she turned her head to see Sid as he walked closer with a smile. He was so damn cute.

Following their brief introductions, and after some playful teasing, Nadia walked alongside Elizabeth and Sid to go and see Mr. and Mrs. Jonnadeer. She loved them, and basically saw them as a second set of parents.

As she watched Sid gape and awe at everything he was seeing, Nadia wondered just what about this man intrigued her so much. Yes, as she already thought, he was kind and handsome, but there was something else about him, but she couldn't quite place it. Not anything forceful, but more so, like his qualities stood out to her as bright as the son.

As they got to the living room, Nadia couldn't help but snicker to herself as Lizzie's parents were watching "The Tale of the Harbinger" for like the 60th time. They really liked these high octane fantasy movies. She was more of a reader, and a gamer, so she didn't really watch too many movies these days.

"Hmm. Liz, you said you needed an enchanted item for Sid today. What exactly has changed about you?" She heard Mr. Jonnadeer ask as she tuned back into the conversation.

"Oh, something changed about Sid?" Nadia wondered as Elizabeth explained to Sid how to deactivate the enchantment on the necklace she just now noticed he was wearing.

A lightning bolt. While not very creative, she had to admit, it suited him. She was also curious as to what changed about him that he had to use an enchantment to hide it.

Once the enchantment did finally drop, however, Nadia was left speechless. Her lips and mouth became incredibly dry as she stared at the absolutely gorgeous man that stood before her. What a change indeed.

His relatively built frame was replaced with as much larger, much more built frame. His muscles buldged wherever she could see skin. His face shone like the sun, and his eyes held sparkling magic inside of them. She couldn't fell his power, which was odd considering how strong he looked, but she was sure he was much, much stronger like this.

He had beautiful long white hair that ran down his body, stopping at his chest. He belonged in a fucking shampoo commercial with hair like this.

More than anything else though, she felt a strong desire inside of her that she hadn't felt for any man until this day. Nadia fidgeted and squirmed as she felt her crotch becoming hot, and she just stared at him in stunned silence as she took him in.

Only when Elizabeth grabbed her hand and escorted her forward did she realize she had zoned out, and just silently followed them. Once they had gotten to the arena of the home, she realized what was going on. Mrs. Jonnadeer must have been being her typical self, and wanted to test Sid to see just how strong he was.

That woman was lovable and absolutely adorable, but behind her soft and prettt exterior, was a woman who was thrilled in the heat of conflict. Nadia could only sit down next to Elizabeth and watch, and she couldn't help but also be curious just what would happen.

Sid was strong already, so she was excited to see just exactly what would happen this time around. He would have to be strong to contend with Mrs. Jonnadeer, and she just hoped he didn't get hurt.