I woke up the next day feeling frustrated. Nothing was wrong, and in fact, I felt pretty damn good. I was just having a really good dream, and to have it end so abruptly upon waking up was a literal boner killer. The dream was of Liz and Nadia getting freaky in the sheets, and being a straight man who was in a relationship with them both as of yesterday, it was a rather appealing dream.
Once the stiffness in my underwear fully subsided, I rolled out of bed and checked my phone. It was almost noon, meaning I had slept a good 7 or 8 hours. Usually I stay up pretty late, but the day's events from yesterday saw me passing out pretty much the moment I got home. I did play video games for a little bit, but I was tired, and because of that, I was playing like shit, so I just got off and went to my room. I had passed out as soon as my head hit the pillow.
I checked my phone again, this time looking through my notifications. I had two new messages. I couldn't help but smile as I seen that the girls...no, my girls, messaged me. That was going to take some getting used.
The texts were just casual good morning texts, although I both chuckled and blushed at Nadia's text that had far too many heart and winky face emojis in it.
I was already starting to get used to the prospect of having two girlfriends, which was odd since we hadn't even had our first dates yet. Still, it felt... right, like it was how things were supposed to be for me. That sounds weird just thinking it, but it's the truth.
It excited me, but not in the ways one would expect. Admittedly, yes, they were both smoking hot, and their sexual appeal did NOT go unnoticed in my eyes. Any man who liked females who was also blessed with a functioning penis would probably kill to be in my situation with how unlikely it truly was, but in truth, I also looked forward to just getting to know them both. They both vibed with me, and the possibility of forming a deep connection with not just one, but two potential lovers set my heart to beating like a war drum.
My thoughts and sappy texts were interrupted by my phone ringing. I wasn't expecting the call so it startled me. The number was unknown to me, and it being a Sunday, I legitimately had no clue who would be calling me. With a brief hesitation, I answered the phone.
"Hello?" I both greeted and asked.
"Hello sir, good day to you. I'm looking for an Osidious Vanir. Is that who I am speaking to?" A friendly enough sounding woman asked.
"That depends on who is calling." I replied.
"Oh yes, I am sorry about that. My name is Lina, and I work for a branch of the Wyoming Police Department. I have a matter of importance to speak of to Mr. Vanir." She said.
"Shit." I muttered, my mind going back to the previous day.
"What was that?" Lina asked.
"Nothing!" I said unconvincingly, "Please, continue."
I didn't think I had said that outloud, but alas, here we were. Thankfully, she didn't seem to notice my outburst for what it was, and just continued.
"As you wish. I am calling to report to you that your vehicle was located near the scene of a crime that took place yesterday." Lina said, and I gulped a huge lump in my throat.
"Oh...uh, is that so?" I replied, my heart starting to beat rapidly.
I could almost hear her raising an eyebrow through the phone. Her next words almost caused my heart to still.
"Interesting answer. At any rate, we have a team investigating the local footage, and we require you to come in to the station downtown tomorrow to answer some questions." She said and I could actually feel my beads of sweat beginning to sweat.
Of course. There were camera's everywhere these days, so to think that no one would find out would be foolish. It's stupid. I'm stupid. Huge surprise there.
"O...okay. I can do that." I replied, not knowing what else to say.
"Great! We will be looking forward to seeing you tomorrow." Lina said, sounding way more excited than I felt.
She proceeded to tell me that I could arrive anytime before 6 p.m. as well as giving me the address. She bid me a good day, and then she hung up. I set my phone down, and just stared ahead blankly for a while. Then, I just erupted with laughter.
"I'm fucked! I am so goddamn fucked! I really hope they at least buy me dinner."
I continued to laugh at my circumstances, as I really didn't know what else to do. My life had been flipped upside down, spanked, kissed on the forehead, and then shoved down a muddy hill.
"I got literal lightning powers. The supernatural is real. I go from never having a girlfriend to having two in the same day. And now the magic police are after me."
I sighed, and then thought about it, and smiled despite everything.
"Well, the powers and the two bombshells for girlfriends are pretty awesome. Still have no idea how the hell that happened, but I can't complain."
I slapped my cheeks and stood up. Today was going to be a good day, and I won't let tomorrow's problem ruin today. After all, I have my first dates with my girls tonight. Besides, that Lina woman was pretty nice despite everything, so maybe it would be fine?
I paused just then, and realized something that I had neglected for a while now.
"I need new clothes."
While I did technically have some clothes that fit me, they were mine, and it just felt weird wearing clothes that I didn't own. I don't really spend money on things willy nilly, so that's not a concern for me. I just hate shopping, and was trying to avoid it for as long as possible.
I wanted to look nice for tonight, and I still had to figure out what we were going to do for a date. Dinner? A movie? Both?
"Clothes first, figure out the rest later."
I was getting dressed when I heard a knock on my door.
"Who the hell?" I asked as I pulled on a shirt and activated my enchantment to hide my appearance.
I made my way into the living room, going past it until I had reached the front door. I looked through my peephole, and my heart skipped three beats and my breath caught. I didn't even hesitate as I opened the door so fast it creeked.
I had the dumbest grin on my face as my two girlfriends stood there, smiling at me, and let me fucking tell you, they looked stunning. They both appeared as normal humans, due to illusions no doubt, but if they looked this good already, I couldn't wait to see them for who they were.
Elizabeth looked drop dead gorgeous in her human form, although I still preferred her elven appearance. Those ears just do things for me that I can't even begin to explain. My penis also approved as she was wearing a tight fitting tank top and a pair of one of the best inventions of the modern day, yoga pants.
Nadia's appearance both stunned me and left me in awe, and I almost told her I loved her right then and there, but it was much too early to declare something like that. The reason for this was simple. She looked roughly the same, minus the ears and tails, which if I'm being honest, I missed a great deal. Some might say I have a problem for preferring that kind of look over a normal one, but those people simply have poor taste.
No, what got my full attention were the black skinny jeans and the Whitechapel t-shirt she had on. Having seen them more than I can remember, she definitely had my full attention. When one of the most beautiful women you've ever seen was wearing a band tee of one of your all time favorites, you paid attention.
"Well, this is officially one of the best ways to start the day." I said with a stupid grin on my face.
With no warning, Nadia threw herself at me, which startled me. Once she smashed her lips into mine however, I basically became a puddle. Definitely more bold and aggressive than I was expecting, but there was no way in hell I was going to turn this down. As she stole the breath from my lungs, I felt her tongue push against my mouth, and of course I welcomed it without hesitation.
Soon, our tongues were battling one another as her soft lips continued to assault mine. I am not sure how long we kissed, but it was long enough that I finally felt the ache of my penis straining against the jeans I had on. I was too entrenched in the moment to be embarrassed, but as she grinded against my body, her body grazed my growing problem. She flushed as she drew away from me, her cheeks blazing.
I coughed awkwardly, and simultaneously, I tried to conjure images of naked old men to help stem the flow of blood that was traveling south. It was a minor success, but I would take it.
"Uh, h-hey girls. Lovely day isn't it?" I asked outwardly, but inwardly, I was screaming at my own ineptitude.
To be fair, I wasn't used to having a girlfriend, nevermind the two that were basically thrown into my path. On top of that, having a female want you like Nadia did was uncharted territory for me. Her kiss was filled with passion and desire, and my previous flings were only the latter portion of that. Having one girl want me was an oddity all on its own, but two?
"S-Sid! I'm sorry! I just saw you and my whole mood shifted. I missed you..." Nadia said, looking down.
I walked up to her and lifted her chin so our eyes could meet. I gave her another kiss, but this one was soft and gentle. I'm not sure what came over me, but her declaration that she had missed me set my heart ablaze.
"I missed you too. That was unexpected, but in a good way." I said, staring into her beautiful orange eyes.
We stood there for a minute just staring into each other's eyes, when Liz cleared her throat.
"Um... can we come in?" She asked, and I looked over to see her nervously fidgeting, and her cheeks were red like someone had just slapped her hard on both sides.
My own face heated as I looked around and realized that we were still in fact outside of my apartment, and what few people were out and about had stopped what they were doing and were just staring at us with bewildered expressions.
"Oh... that's embarrassing." Nadia said, trying to hide her face in her hands.
I quickly ushered them inside and shut the door behind us. Taking a deep breath, I tried to school myself.
"Well, my neighbors must think I'm a deviant." I thought, not wanting to voice that aloud.
I looked towards the girls and noticed that they had let their illusions drop, so I mirrored them. We were inside away from prying eyes after all. Then, Liz began to laugh.
"That was pretty funny though. One of the men who walked out of his apartment had his eyes buldging as he watched you hump Sid." She said to Nadia, and my foxy girl turned bright red.
Then, Liz stepped up to me.
"But now, I want my greeting too." Liz said, fluttering her eyelashes at me.
My brain short circuited from that gesture. It was cute and sexy all at once, and I realized that I wouldn't be able to deny these girls of anything that they wanted from me. Not that I would have. I leaned down, putting my hands on her waist.
"As you wish." I said, bringing my lips to her.
She closed her eyes and let out a contented sigh that sounded far too close to a moan. This caused my cock to awake from it short slumber once again, and I vowed to not wear jeans ever again after today. The kiss deepened, and soon, our tongues assaulted each other's mouths as they battled for dominance.
It wasn't quite as heated as Nadia's, but the passion in her kiss was just as strong, and I found myself wondering how the fuck one man could be so lucky. As our kiss ended, we pulled away and just stared at each other. I had been smitten with this girl from the first day I saw her, and now, here I was making out with her and her best friend like teenagers in high school. I was taken with Nadia from the moment I saw her as well, but I had already had my mind set on Liz. The fact that I could now call both of them mine was... a dream that would make me the envy of every dude I knew.
"So hot..." Nadia said, causing us both to turn and look at her.
Nadia was flushed bright red, and breathing fast. The look in her eyes told me that she had much deeper feelings on the matter, and it made my breath catch. The sight of her biting her bottom lip did... other things to me. She then buried her face in her hands when we continued to stare at her. Liz laughed.
"You're so naughty." Liz teased, causing Nadia to groan in embarrassment.
"I have truly been blessed." I muttered.
"So, how are you today Sid? Any plans before our shared date tonight?" Liz asked, changing the subject.
I must have zoned out there, as my brain was focused on containing the corrupted thoughts brought about by my unruly penis, but I regained my sanity quicker than I had thought possible. I thought about how my day was before they got here, and I couldn't help but sigh.
"Well..." I began, and told them about the call I had earlier in the day.
"That's not good..." Nadia said, her concern warming my heart.
Liz looked deep in thought for a while.
"Well, it could be bad, but it also could not be. My father is friends with many people on the police force. Mostly the paranormal division, and something tells me you'll be speaking to them. They won't want something like this getting out." Liz said.
I grimaced. I was careless and just kind of acted, but at the same time, I don't regret it. I saved people's lives, and I was goddamn proud of that fact. I would do it again in a heart beat.
"I am the King." My own voice rang in my head.
My face flushed. I was pretty sure I was going to die of embarrassment sometime soon before anything else got to me.
"It'll be fine, Sid." Liz said, grabbing my hand.
"Yeah, it sounds bad, but if Liz said it'll be okay, then I trust her." Nadia said, grabbing my other hand.
All of my embarrassment and worry left me instantly, replaced by a feeling of warm contentment. These girls... I don't deserve this, and yet, they wanted me. They helped me, and they believed in me. What kind of fool would I be if I turned that away?
"Let's focus on today. I was about to go shopping for new clothes." I said, feeling much better now.
Liz and Nadia both smiled at me.
"Well, we can help with that." Liz said.
"Oh yes. There are a few things I'd love to see you in." Nadia added.
I wasn't sure if I was excited or scared, but either way, if they were with me, everything would be okay.
We all assumed our illusions and I held the door open for them. As I closed and locked the door behind me, I glanced at my girls patiently waiting for me, and I smiled like a bafoon.
They reached out their hands to me, and I reached back, taking both of their hands in mine.
"I'll drive." Liz said, and with that, we headed down the stairs leading to the parking lot.
As we walked hand in hand, I couldn't help but thank whatever God was watching over me. The life I was given was one of those happy urban fantasy type deals, and I hardly believed I deserved this. Then, I had another thought.
"And if I'm just some character in someone's story... thank you. This is more than I could have ever dreamed."
Before we got to Liz's car, I could have swore I heard someone snort.