Chapter 13

You know, I shouldn't get nervous anymore. I was pretty much a superhero, which was a huge confidence booster, and I had two stunning women that were mine. Naturally, that helped boost my confidence and ego as well, so why was I about to shit myself? I was about to meet Nadia's parents, and I had no idea what they would be like.

I had noticed we were going in a similar direction to where Liz lived, although we turned down a different street, but I could see Liz's house from here. Shit, a blind person could see that place from the moon. Chuckling at my own joke, the car stopped, and when I looked ahead, the home we were at was nice, and large, but didn't scream "We wipe our asses with hundred dollar bills" like Liz's house did, to which I sighed in relief.

"Are you ready?" Nadia asked, not sounding very ready herself.

"No, but I'll manage." I said, laughing.

The situation was too funny for me not to find humor in it. I was about to meet the parents of my other girlfriend, and to top it off, I was sweating like God himself had just caught me masturbating in a local church bathroom. So far, I was pretty new to the fold of being a paranormal, yet I was pretty damn strong and had no issues with the challenges thrown at me so far, yet here I was sweating bullets over meeting my fox girlfriend's parents.

"Life is weird." I muttered as I unbuckled my seat belt and opened the car door, stepping outside.

"It'll be fine." Liz said, giving us both smiles.

I wished I had her enthusiasm as I followed behind Nadia, using the stone walkway to walk to the front door. While being less expensive looking than Liz's home, it still looked like it cost more than I make in 5 years, and that's if I worked all day, every day with no breaks. Nadia tensed as she pulled her keys out of her purse, and inserted it into the door. With a click, the door popped open and she said.

"Mom, dad, we're here." Nadia said nervously, but loudly.

I could hear shuffling down the hall, so I just stepped inside and closed the door behind us. It only took a few more seconds for the hallway to be occupied by the figure of a woman coming towards us. Just like Ryanna, Nadia's mom looked just like an older version of Nadia, but only slightly. Her fuzzy ears were no less cute than Nadia's, but she had four tails as opposed to just three like her daughter. I had to grit my teeth in annoyance.

"I really wish their moms were ugly for fucksake." I thought as I gave a polite smile.

"Hello Mrs. Brown." Liz said, and the woman scoffed.

"I've been telling you for years, it's Yuna. Or mom." The woman, Yuna, said.

Yuna then turned her full attention to me, and she tilted her head.

"Hmm. This is the Sid I've been hearing about? Handsome for sure, but not like you described... oh, I see. You can drop the illusions in our home." Yuna said.

That's when I noticed that Liz and Nadia had already dropped theirs, and I felt kind stupid for not doing so myself. I let it drop, my white hair falling down my shoulders as it appeared. Yuna's eyes opened wide as she saw me, saw who I truly was, and then she grinned in a way that made me uncomfortable to say the least.

"Oh yes, I can see it now. What a magnificent looking man. Why, if I wasn't married, I'd-" Yuna said, only for Nadia to cut her off.

"MOM!" She yelled, her face turning crimson.

My face wasn't much better. I wasn't exactly sure what I was expecting, but this definitely wasn't it. Liz leaned in to whisper in my ear.

"I love Yuna, but she makes my mom seem normal in comparison." She said, and I nodded stiffly.

"Uh huh..." I muttered, trying to cool my face.

"Oh honey, I'm just teasing. I'm happy with your father. The stuff he does to me is-"

"PLEASE!!" Nadia screamed, her tone pleading.

I was now unsure of whether I should be embarrassed or start laughing at this point. I read a lot of those crazy harem stories with the super eccentric moms that loved to embarrass their children, so to actually experience it first hand was jarring. Nadia had gone so red that I was sure I could cook eggs and bacon on her face.

Yuna sighed.

"Fine. I'm sorry baby girl." Yuna said, her tone now one of motherly love as she came over and hugged her daughter.

Nadia grumbled as she hugged her back, but I could see the genuine love for her mother in her body language.

"Dear, are you trying to get my little fox to move out?" A male voice asked as another person appeared from the hallway.

The man was older, but didn't look much older than me. Paranormal aging standards are wack. He was actually a good looking guy, and was fairly unassuming, but the fox ears and the five tails on his backside gave away that he was not human. I mean, obviously my Kitsune girlfriend would have Kitsune parents.

"Dad..." Nadia said softly, her cheeks reddening. I assume it was over the nickname, which I honestly found adorable.

"So, this is him?" Her father Nadia while sizing me up.

"Y-yes. This is our boyfriend." Nadia said, and once those words left her mouth, I knew what was coming next, but they both just continued to study me.

"Osidious Vanir. It's a pleasure to meet you both. People call me Sid." I said, nodding my head in respect.

"Hmm...polite, well built, and from what my Nadia has told me, you make her happy. Carligton Brown, but please, call me Carl. You seem like a good kid so far." Carl said, holding his hand out to me.

I was both confused at Nadia's parents lack of a reaction when mentioning I was with Liz as well, and also found humor in the fact that I met a Kitsune that wanted me to call him Carl. To me, that was like meeting a dragon named Jeff. Yuna started laughing at me, no doubt seeing my puzzled expression.

"Oh, I like him. He's adorable. You know, Kitsune usually operate in packs. Multiple partners are common for our people, and no matter how many times I reiterate the point, my husband refuses to add another woman to the house." She said, and Nadia groaned in embarrassment.

Carl actually chuckled.

"I am a busy man as it is, and have you tried dealing with yourself? I have my hands full with just you. Besides, you're enough for me." Carl said, a smile on his face.

To say that Yuna melted was an understatement. Then, my eyebrows shot to the ceiling when she jumped on him, wrapped her arms and legs around him, and kissed him violently. Carl grunted as he slammed into the wall behind him, but he held his wife steady as she continued to assault his lips.

Nadia whimpered as she covered her face in her hands.

"Oh god..." She said, her voice tiny.

I looked at Liz.

"Well, you weren't kidding." I said, and she grinned.

"It is cute, but yeah..." She said.

I looked back as Carl had to physically pry his wife off of him. He took in deep lung fulls of air as Yuna stared into his eyes with a hungry expression. He spoke through ragged breaths.

"My point... has been made." He said, but his face was full of amusement.

"You can't just sweet talk me like that and expect me to do nothing." Yuna said simply.

Carl laughed as he rubbed her back.

"Of course, dear." He said.

I struck dumb by this interaction. Something that was so cute yet equally fucking weird was not computing with my brain. I thought about it though, and a sense of understanding went through my mind. After seeing this, a lot of what Nadia did now made sense. Although she seems to have slowed her role quite considerably, which I didn't mind. I always felt like it was a little forced.

"It could just be a paranormal thing. Liz is fine with the arrangement as well, and her mom even suggested it. Her dad wasn't happy with it at first, but he came to accept it easily enough." I pondered to myself, and I'll admit that I was probably reading into it too much.

"Well, are you just gonna stand there, or are you going to take off your shoes and make yourself at home?" Yuna asked, bringing me from my thoughts.

Oh! Uh, y-yes ma'am. I apologize." I said, removing my shoes and leaving them on a mat by the door next to the other shoes.

Yuna smirked.

"Good. I'm very curious to know exactly what drew my daughter and her friend to you. You're gonna be a very busy man." She said, chuckling at the last part.

I coughed and laughed nervously.

"Aha, I'm honest just lucky. I didn't expect any of this, but here we are." I said, following them to their living quarters.

I sat down on a couch in the middle of the room, one that was big enough to comfortly seat three people. Convenient if I do say so myself, as both girls took their place on either side of me.

Nadia's parents sat across from us. Carl took a very comfortable looking recliner, and not to my surprise, Yuna just sat in his lap, pressing herself into him. Carl rolled his eyes and smirked.

"You're a bigger brat than Nadia ever was." Carl said.

Yuna responded by grinding her ass into him, making him grunt. Nadia covered her face with her hands, and Liz just shook her head. I felt a bit uncomfortable, but if I was being honest, Yuna was goddamn funny. She acted like she was Nadia's age, and the love and attraction she felt for her husband was very real, and Carl's acceptance of her antics let me know that his feelings for her were just as strong.

"Um, dear, we have guests. Please?" Carl said, sighing.

"Oh lighten up. They're adults just like we are. I'm sure Sid wants our daughter to do the same thing to him." Yuna said matter of factly.

I choked on my own spit, my face turning bright red.

"WHAT THE FUCK, MOM?" Nadia cried, her face redder than mine.

Yuna just laughed while Carl fixed me with a look. I held up my hands.

"I didn't say anything." I said quickly.

Carl just sighed again.

"Honey, why are you like this?" He asked his wife.

"Because I can." She replied with a grin.

Carl shook his head, but squeezed her waist.

"Yeah... and I wouldn't change anything about you." He said softly.

I decided that I really needed to learn how to sweet talk my girls like their dads do to their moms. Both of them have serious game, unlike the fumbling mess I was at times. After a small moment of silence, Yuna stood up, her hand gliding over Carl's arm.

"I'll go start dinner." She said, winking at Carl before she walked towards the kitchen, swaying her hips as she walked.

Carl watched her go reverently as if she was a Goddess in the flesh. I was a man of course, and it was at that moment that I knew where Nadia got her ass from. Carl also stood up after she was gone.

"I need a drink. I am finding myself... rather parched." He said, walking towards the kitchen as well.

I looked over at Nadia who looked like she wanted to be anywhere else but here.

"Okay, not gonna lie, she's hilarious. A trip for sure, but hilarious." I said as I began to laugh.

It was probably bad of me to do, but I couldn't help myself. That was absolutely fucking ridiculous. I didn't think moms like this were a thing, but once again, what the fuck do I know?

Nadia glared at me as I wiped tears from my eyes.

"I'm sorry Nadia, it's just...what the fuck was that? That was wild. I'm at a loss for words." I said.

Liz was covering her mouth with her hand, but we could both hear the musical giggles comimg from her.

"I told you. She's something else." Liz said, no longer covering her mouth.

Nadia pouted at the both of us, which just made us laugh even more. She was just too goddamn cute.

"You're both traitors."