I arrived at Nadia's place with 10 minutes to spare. I had mainly killed time by cleaning up my place extensively, as I was 99% sure I'd be bringing Nadia back there later on tonight. The thought made my blood pump faster, and I imagined my penis giving me a thumbs up. I snorted.
As I was contemplating if I was some what mentally impaired, I got out of my car, and looked myself in my one of my side mirrors. My hair looked nice, my face was shaven, and clothes fit wonderfully. My nerves were high, but my spirits were even higher. I smiled as I walked up to her front door and knocked.
I only had to wait a short while until the door opened up, and I almost fell flat on my ass as an orange blur rushed at me and jumped into my arms. On top of my balance being tested, oxygen deprivation was my next challenge I had to face as lips met mine so hard that it would have split open the lips of a lesser man. Nadia's tongue pushed past my lips, and it was like two duelists locked into a battle of blades as our tongues locked against each others.
Liz had gotten me used to such treatment already, but I always forgot how strongly Nadia felt for me. Hell, I felt it just as strongly as there was no hesitation in me reciprocating the gestures.
"Oh wonderful! The mating has already begun!" A female voice said behind Nadia.
It startled both of us, and Nadia jumped off of me, and spun around, cheeks burning as she glared at her mother.
"You. Promised." Nadia said, her cute hands balled into fists.
"Did I? Hmm... I don't remember that." Yuna said with a big smile.
Nadia kept glaring while I had to hold back from laughing. Just the fact that a mother like this, my girlfriend's mother at that, actually existed was fucking surreal.
"Hi Sid." Yuna said with a bright smile.
"Hello Mrs. Brown." I said politically.
She pointed a finger at me.
"None of that, young man. I will accept no less than "mom." She said with a scowl.
Nadia groaned, and if it was during any other context, it would have been a pleasant sound. Actually, who the fuck was I kidding? It was still a nice sound.
I put up my hands in defeat.
"Okay, okay. How are you.... mom?" I said, and Yuna's smile came back.
"I am quite well, son. How was your date with Liz last night?" She asked.
It was a bit personal, but I figured she already knew. The look on my face must have been too dopey or something, because Yuna grinned wide.
"That's definitely the look of a man who got it in. Can she still walk?" Yuna asked.
Okay, so maybe I was wrong about not getting as embarrassed anymore. I felt like one of those clueless harem anime protagonists that flush when a girl says "hello" to them.
"SID I THINK WE SHOULD GO! NO TIME LIKE THE PRESENT!" Nadia hurriedly yelled, her face looking like the reflection of a blood moon.
Yuna suddenly squeaked. I had noticed Carl walking up behind her and he smacked her ass with an audible impact. She whirled around and saw the flat stare he was giving her.
"Honestly, Yuna. Leave the poor kids alone. How can Nadia enjoy her date if she dies from embarrassment?" He asked.
"If I keep doing it, will you punish me again?" Yuna purred, and Carl sighed.
"You two go and have fun. I am going to get this one out of your hair. " He said, and Yuna giggled like a school girl as he grabbed her hand and began to pull her inside.
"I want grandkids!" Yuna yelled before the door closed behind them.
I just stood there, staring. I looked over at Nadia, and she was just glaring at the door muttering about evil mothers.
It was now that I got a good look at what she chose to wear, and simultaneously, my mouth went dry and my penis jolted to attention. Here I was in nice dress clothes, which was how I could look my best, and here she was wearing the most casual yet sexy thing I'd seen today. She decided to match her hair with orange clothes, although that clothing consisted of a tank top with the thinest straps I'd ever seen that also pushed her modest chest out with a decent amount of cleavage showing, and tight shorts that basically left 90% of her captivating long legs on display. She also wore simple athletic shoes.
She noticed my stare, and some of the fire left her eyes.
"You see something you like?" She asked with a teasing smile.
"Oh yeah. I like very fucking much." I said, and her cheeks heated again.
I held out my hand to her.
"Ready to go?" I asked, and she grabbed my hand firmly.
"Yes. Please get me the hell out of here." She said quickly, and I laughed.
I took her by the hand, led her to my car, and opened the door for her. She smiled warmly at me as I helped into the car, and then I got in right after her.
"So, where to?" I asked, and Nadia bit her bottom lip, looking embarrassed.
"I... um... this is going to sound boring." She said, and I quirked an eyebrow in interest.
"Hit me." I said, and she contemplated for a minute, and then just told me.
"I don't really want to go out anywhere. I was hoping you'd be fine with... just going to your place? Just the two of us? Maybe play some video games and order some pizza or something?" She asked.
Okay, so can someone please tell me how in the fuck I managed to be with the two most perfect women in the world? Not that my day with Liz was bad, not by any means, but a nice chill date playing video games and ordering out? I don't think my poor heart can take this.
"That sounds goddamn wonderful." I said, and she beamed at me.
"I should have stuck myself inside of that brother of yours instead." The voice in Randall's head said.
"By all means, please drive him crazy instead." Randall said with a groan.
The voice sighed in a way that made Randall wince.
"Alas, it is too late now. Besides, he doesn't need me. You may have reservations about what is right, and what is wrong, but he does not. Everything he does, he knows is wrong, and yet it is right to him. That's how it should be. Those with power, with influence, decide what is right, and what is wrong." The voice said.
Randall couldn't dispute that. Ricard was, by all senses of the word, a bastard. He didn't necessarily agree with everything his brother did, but to go back to what the voice in his head said, his brother was strong. Powerful. Not in the sense that he was physically strong, but he possessed a form of magic that was just a deadly. It was something he got from father, while Randall inherited more of his mother's magic. It was fine to him though, as that kind of power scared him, and he was afraid of having something like that at his fingertips.
"It's a shame, truly. Compulsion magic is exactly the kind of thing we need right now." The voice said, then hummed, "However, after that talk you had with him, I'll admit, I am really looking forward to that next gathering of yours. I hope Vanir shows up."
Randall sat there, and just nodded blankly. If Randall was being honest though, he hoped he didn't come. Something told him from the first time he felt that magic from him, that anyone facing off against him was doomed to fail.
"KNOW YOUR PLACE!" He had screamed.
Randall didn't feel like a mouse facing an elephant. He felt that he was an ant facing off against the entire universe.
We had arrived at my apartment in short order, and I was currently in the process of ordering our food while Nadia turned on my console and began going through my list of games. I hung up the phone shortly there after, and plopped down on the couch beside her.
"It'll be about 30 minutes or so. Did you find anything?" I asked her.
"You have so many games. I only play the same 5 or so games all of the time. I'm interested in this one." She said, and I smiled at what she had selected.
A short while later and I was walking her through the introduction.
"Okay, so what you just rested at is like a checkpoint. When you die, you'll respawn at the last one you rested at." I said, and she nodded in understanding.
"Okay, if you go down this little side path at the edge here, you'll find a body with more of those black fire bombs I had you start with. You don't really need them as ths first boss is kinda cheese, but it makes the fight a lot easier. If you can hit them that is. "
What followed next was the cutest level of anger and cursing I'd ever seen. Sure, she did beat the first boss, as she was able to hit most of the fire bombs. She actually made it pretty far, and was currently in the next area. However, she made the mistake of killing an NPC towards the end of that area, and she triggered a boss fight that she should not have been fighting at her current level. I didn't have the heart to tell her, as it was honestly pretty goddamn funny, but also because she started to do pretty damn good despite being so under leveled.
We decided to take a break as the food had just arrived, and we just sat there, talking and eating.
"You know... that boss is one you are supposed to fight a lot later. You just accidentally triggered the fight at lot earlier than you should have." I said, and she gave me a look like I had just betrayed her whole family. I laughed.
"You were doing good. I didn't have the heart to stop you. And... well, you are awfully cute when you're flustered." I continued.
She blushed, but she more so just seemed amused now. I realized just then that all of those romace stories about your lovers being upset with you rang true on at least one note. Women seemed to be a lot less prone to aggression when they were eating.
"I kept losing my souls, so I couldn't even level up that much." She said, and the words that came out of my mouth next came so fast, and with such surety that I knew I'd have made several neckbeards proud.
"Git gud."
She smacked my arm, but it was playful.
"Jerk." She muttered.
"Cutie." I shot back.
"Ugh! You're too sweet to stay mad at." She pouted.
The grease stains on her cheeks were so fucking adorable that I just wanted to reach out and pinch them. Instead of that though, I just grabbed a napkin and dabbled at her cheeks. She smiled at me, and then kissed the back of my hand when it went past her mouth.
"Were you like this with Lizzie?" She asked, and I just shushed her.
"Tonight is about you." I said softly, but a lustful heat entered her eyes.
"How was she? Did she scream?" She asked, finishing her slice.
"She was... a handful for sure. Many handfuls actually." I said, and she laughed.
"Yeah, that sounds like her." She said, and when she said that, she had a sad look in her eyes.
I set down the napkin and took her hands in mine.
"What's with that look?" I asked her.
She looked like she was about to tell me nothing, that everything was fine, but the look I gave her seemed to push aside that notion. She sighed, and looked me in the eyes.
"Sid, Liz is beautiful. Much more than me... and-"
"No." I said firmly, and she jolted in surprise. I continued, "Liz is beautiful, you are right. YOU, my dear, are just as beautiful, just as stunning, just as wonderful as she is. I will let you speak, but I will not let you talk down to yourself."
Twin sets of tears leaked from her eyes. I grabbed another napkin and dabbed at those as well.
"Do not compare yourself to her. You are both very different people, but in your own ways. My heart beats just as fast when I see you as when I see her." I said, and then I leaned over for a soft kiss.
When I pulled away, my heart melted at the the sight of her. Beautiful, with a face that could light the void. Cute fluffy ears that I admittedly couldn't stop rubbing unconsciously. A vulnerability that I was sure she'd only ever shown me before.
"I... Sid..." She said, and I just waited patiently for her to continue, "I've always done that. Liz is my best friend, but I've always felt inferior to her. She always got more looks her way. Her parents have her living in luxury. I love her. So much. I just can't help but compare myself to her." She said with a sniff.
I pulled her into my arms. She squeaked, but soon melted against me and wrapped her arms around me as I just... gave her the love she deserved.
"You have so many things to love about you. Your personality, your sense of humor, the way your tails wag when you are happy." I said, making us both chuckle. I continued.
"Liz is her own wonderful woman in the same way that you, Nadia, stand apart from her. Your taste in music, that you like to play games, your relaxed nature, it's all something I cherish just as much. When I first saw Liz, I thought she was beautiful. When I first saw you, I didn't compare the both of you, I didn't think anything besides, Wow... she's beautiful too. Just as I came to love Liz, I have also realized now that, I love you just as much." I said.
She pushed off of me, staring directly into my eyes. If she was looking for any falsehoods in my gaze, she would find none.
"Sid.... what did you say?" She asked, her voice cracking and her eyes misting.
My gaze did not leave her amber eyes as I said.
"I love you Nadia." I repeated.
While I didn't like seeing my girls cry, I knew it was an emotional response I couldn't affect. But, happy tears? Well, those were fine with me, and she was crying rivers now. She tackled me, driving me to my back, kissing me with burning desire.
She released my lips and stared into my eyes, tears falling on my cheeks.
"I love you too, Sid." She said, and then kissed me again.
I was fine with just this for now, but when she began to grind on me, and rub her body all over mine well... lets just say it does a thing to a man's heart, as well as his penis.
She brought her lips to my ear, and whispered.
"I need you Sid."
I may be an idiot, but I'm not that fucking stupid. I rolled her over and placed her below me. She looked at me like... well, like a cat in heat
"Oh, my dear Nadia, I was thinking the same thing."