Home Unveiling 1

 We have all the people we need.

 Just when I thought I could relax and enjoy my life, my father said to me.

''The newly established nobles who set up their mansion in the royal capital need to hold an unveiling party, so make sure you hold it early.

 Huh? What's that?

I need to open something like that: ...

'There aren't many new nobles being knighted these days. There are some that are handed over to their heirs. The newly ordained nobles are unveiled and greeted by each noble.

 He turned to Coran, the newly arrived steward.

'I know, sir. I learned it while I was apprenticing as a steward. I was supposed to have a meeting with my uncle Sebas at a later date regarding the list.

 He was an excellent steward. He was very helpful.

'Well, you might want to ask Sebas to teach you how to do that.

 Then he got into his own carriage and left.

 In the lobby, I gathered Coran, Sylvia, and all the other people who worked for us.

'Sorry to be in the middle of your work. Once again, Baron Cain von Silford. I know I'm just a kid, but I'm sure I can use the help in many ways. Please take care of me.

 Cain says hello.

「「「「「「「 Thank you for your time. 」」」」」」」」

 Everyone bows their heads and greets me.

'Well then, first we need to make a list of those unveilings you mentioned earlier! I'd have to send a letter and-

 With Sebas's help, I made a list and sent out invitations. The unveiling is in two months.

 This is because some nobles take more than ten days to receive the letter. I've heard that lords who are not in the capital and are ruling the land often send a representative or just a letter of congratulations.

 It would be very difficult if they came to the capital every time they had a party.

 I've sent letters to the nobles in the royal capital in one way or another. I also sent letters to the Marquis of Corzino, who didn't want to send them.

 I sent out a guide to Duke Eric and Prime Minister Magna, but not to His Majesty.

 I've been told by Corran that they rarely send out guides to the royal family. Even if they do, it will only be the duke and other senior nobles.

 No one would send out a guide to the royal family for a new baron.

 About ten days after I sent out the guide, I received a call from the royal castle to come to court.

 This time, I took my own carriage and headed to the royal castle. I was about to walk to the castle when Coran stopped me.

''Please don't do that! We have a meeting as a nobleman.''

 I was desperate to stop him, so I did what he said and got into the carriage.

 We arrived at the Royal Castle and were shown to the usual reception room. The tea and sweets are good here.

 After a short time, His Majesty, Duke Eric and Prime Minister Magna entered.

 His Majesty is in a good mood. Prime Minister Magna is still the same, but Duke Eric has a smile on his face.

 His Majesty began to speak.

It's Cain. I heard that there is going to be an unveiling of the mansion for some reason. Eric and Magna have received invitations, but I haven't received any. Why?

 She's looking at me with her eyes narrowed.

 Is that why you're in a bad mood?

"I knighted you. And why doesn't you, Telestia's fiancé, send a sign to his future wife's father? Eric is proud to show me the guide!

''You can't attack Cain-kun~. It wouldn't be possible for an ordinary nobleman to call His Majesty at an unveiling.''

 Duke Eric follows up.

'There! You are no ordinary nobleman! And my future son-in-law. Why not say so?

 Coran had told me that this might happen when I was called to the royal castle.

 There is a letter of information in the item box.

'No, I was carrying it around with me that it would be better to give it to His Majesty in person rather than a letter. However, I am sorry that I have not been able to visit you easily.

 He apologizes and holds out the invitation.

'Mm! You did. Eric, I told you, didn't I? I'm sure there will be enough for me.

 Both Duke Eric and Prime Minister Magna are laughing bitterly.

I'm planning to take Telestia with me that day. I'm looking forward to the food and drink.

 As expected, he was busy, took the invitation letter and left the room in a good mood.

''It's hard work, Cain-kun~. Even though His Majesty would never come for the inauguration of the Baron and the unveiling of the mansion. At that rate, I'll definitely go! Good luck!

 Eric left too and was left alone.

'Huh. So Coran was right. I'm glad I brought it.

 All Cain could do was sigh.

 He got into the carriage and returned to his mansion. He told Coran what had happened.

'Your Majesty is coming, then we must make considerable preparations.

'I'll talk to your father about the food and drink. I'll arrange for the cook to come as well.

 The next day I headed to Garum's place.

'What! You're coming to your Majesty!

 It's been that from the beginning.

'I didn't send out the invitation because they don't usually come and it would be rude to send out an invitation: ...'

 Garum called me into the royal castle and told me about his interaction with His Majesty.

 Garum sighed and leaned back in his chair.

'You're not wrong in that response. If I hadn't had a letter of guidance, I wouldn't have been able to just be grumpy. But still, the cooks will give their support from here as well, is there anything else you need?'

'If you can lend me your private knights as well, I don't have anyone to call private army yet. And also the food and drinks. I'll provide the dishes and other things here.

 I returned to the mansion after I had installed Garum's promise.

 First, I gathered all the people who worked at our house.

'This is the unveiling, and His Majesty will be there as well. I know it's going to be hard work for all of you, but I wish you all the best.

 That first word made the maid dizzy.

'I need to buy some crockery and other things for the party, what should I do?

 Corran comes to visit.

"I'll take care of that. Including the cup.

 I plan to use the World Dictionary and Creative Creation (Creative Makeover). I have plenty of magic. Let's make all the dishes and glasses.

Corran, ask Tamanis at the Sarakan Trading Company to arrange the drinks. You can ask him for the details as well.

Master Cain, I understand.

 Once all the arrangements are made, it's something only Cain can do.

 Go to the table in the hall and increase the magic power.

 The most famous glassware is Venetian glass. You can make your own glass by looking it up in the World Dictionary.

 I made one after another what I had researched. I made several kinds of glasses and a lot of plates.

 I made a pair of Venetian glasses as a souvenir.

 On the way, Sylvia came to see them, and she was enthralled by the beauty of the glasses.

 We made both forks and knives with our momentum. It's good that it's not that different from the others.

 The rest of the food is just as good as the others.

 It's a party. I want to serve something that will surprise everyone.

 This is when you need to use your previous life's knowledge and recipes.

 Even if the names of the ingredients are different, you should be able to prepare the same taste: ....

 I did a lot of research on the recipe and had a meeting with the head chef.

 After many trials and tribulations, we came up with something we were happy with.

 And so the day of the unveiling arrived.