Home Unveiling 3

The unveiling ceremony is coming to an end.

 The more I drink, the more I want to go to the toilet.

 Because the toilet of this house is very special. Because it is a toilet with a shower flush.

 Sure enough, a voice was raised. I have a maid waiting nearby to explain and convince her.

 The ladies seem to like it. Well, the men don't have a chance to use it that much.

''Baron Cain, what is that thing! I want that one!

 It was the queen who suddenly grabbed Cain by the shoulders and asked him, "My queen, the toilet with the shower.

You are in the flush toilet with shower, my queen. It's a prototype with a magic stone in it.

 Cain answers honestly. The only places where they are actually installed are this mansion and the Garum residence.

 It can't be helped if Sarah and Rayne are asked to put it on with two people.

 When I attached it to the maids' servants' toilets as well, they cried and were pleased.

 I don't know if they were that happy.

'Merchandise it at once! It's a revolution. It's what we need!

 The queen is very excited.

'What's happened? So excited: ...

 His Majesty got mixed up in it.

It's not something, Your Majesty. 'It's not something. I was asking you to get that thing to the castle at once.

Hmm. .... I don't know about this, but I'm going to go there.

 The king was ushered to the bathroom.

 He returned a few minutes later. His face was red and he seemed to be in a good mood.

Cain! It could be at the royal castle tomorrow! You know what I'm talking about!

 I had the exact same reaction.

 By the way, Telestia and Silk both had the same reaction. It was very cute that they were a little shy about saying it.

''I understand. It's still a prototype, but we have a few more, so we'll try to get it to you as soon as possible.''

Cain is so far ahead of his time.

 His Majesty and the Queen were in a very good mood when they agreed to have it installed.

 The unveiling was over, and the guests were given a pair of glasses to take home as a souvenir.

 All the guests who received them were happy to hear what was inside.

 They were the same glasses that we had used earlier. In fact, the guests said that they wanted to buy some of them when they left, but since they were all used for this party, I told them that they could buy them after the presentation to the royal family.

 When the nobleman learned that he could buy these glasses, he left with great satisfaction.

 The ladies were more interested in the toilet than in the glass. I told them that I plan to sell it after a few more prototypes have been made. It's not easy to sell them by myself, and I think I'll leave it to the Chamber of Commerce again.

 Then, all the guests left and I took a break.

'Thank you, father, for everything you've done. It all went off without a hitch.

 He bows his head towards Garum.

'I don't mind. You're my son. This should have sold your face to the other nobles. From now on, you'll have to do this on your own to some extent. Well, I'm not worried about Cain. On the contrary, I'm worried that he's going to do too much.

I'll do my best to live with it.

 Cain had to chuckle. I didn't weigh myself this party, and I was allowed to take in otherworldly things.

 I gave some silver coins to the people who helped me as an allowance and they were all happy to see me.

 The maids worked for a month and that's one large silver coin. I can't help but be happy when I think of it as three days' pay for one day's work.

 And I'll have to ask them to continue to work hard.

 The day after the party, I went over to install the toilets in the royal castle.

 Since there were only a few of them, only the private space of the royal family was installed ahead of time.

 It was made out of clay and only a low grade magic stone, and I received a white gold coin as payment.

 The one I received when I was a knight and I haven't even used it all up, but it's growing.

 After installing the toilets and relaxing for a few days, I received another call from the royal castle.

 I laughed bitterly at the king who calls the baron every time ... and got into my own carriage and headed to the king's castle.

 Of course, I had prepared a dozen sets of Venetian glass glasses in case there was anything there.

 That would be enough for the first time.

 We were ushered into the usual reception room and given a nice cup of tea and pastries.

 I was thinking, "I wonder if I'll be dealing with Reversi again," when His Majesty and the Prime Minister entered.

I'm sorry to hear that, but you had to work hard the other day. I had a lot of fun too. I was amused myself. You are only five years old. Last time I saw you, you didn't even let Corzino know I was here.

'No, no, it was my first party, I just didn't get that worked up about it. I didn't mean to be that malicious: ...

Well, good, I'll buy that glass when it's ready.

It's not much, but I have about ten things for you today. Here it is.

 He arranges ten glasses on the table.

 Your Majesty takes one and looks at it.

'Mmm. It's an excellent piece of work. Can anyone else make this?

It's hard to say because I'm using magic to make it. Thanks to that, I ran out of magic and collapsed once.

Hmm. Oh, well. Well, well, just drop in on the town periodically. Can I pay you at ... for one gold coin? In ten pieces.

One platinum coin.

Yeah, yeah, ...

 You'd be surprised at the amount of money.

'What's the matter? I'll give you two gold pieces for each one.

 The only thing I ever made that didn't cost me anything was magic, and now I have a white gold coin.

No. A single gold coin is enough.

Hmm. Good, I'll have it ready in a minute.

 His Majesty rang the bell that was at hand.

 Immediately a knock sounded and the butler entered the room. As his Majesty spoke, he bowed his head and left.

I told him to bring the money at once. Then I'll get to the point.

 Is it reversible again?

'Cain, your swordsmanship and magic are top-notch, I can tell from the dragons that adorned that entrance. It takes a lot of skill to hunt them in such beautiful condition.

 His Majesty gazes at him sharply.

'Cain, my lord, you will regularly attend the training of the Kingsguard and the court sorcerers. There shouldn't be anything to do now. Do you understand?

 He doesn't give off the vibe that he can say no at all. I give up early.

'... yes. Okay. ...

 At the age of five, he was to join the training of the Kingsguard and the Court Mages.

As an alternative, I will grant you permission to view the court wizard's library. I've heard from Garum that you've been looking at books on magic since you were a child. I'm sure there are books in there that you haven't even seen yet.

 I'm very grateful. The magic books I had at home were up to the advanced level. I knew the principle of the fire super grade '# Hellfire Hell__Inferno__#' so I happened to be able to do it. For the other super-levels and above, there was no data on the other super-levels.

''Thank you! I'm very pleased.

'What, you're only five years old for that? You're not a five-year-old. I don't want to see a five-year-old boy.

 I guess it was in his face.

'Also, Your Majesty, may I ask you to do something for me?

 Cain asks.

'As long as it's not too much to ask, fine.

He is only five years old, so he can't register as an adventurer. I have a monster that I defeated when I was in Gracia territory, but I can't sell it. Can you take back the materials from the royal castle?

''I'll gladly accept materials from demons. I don't need low grade goblins. There are many uses for a certain amount of materials, whether it's for distribution or for research.

 It was Prime Minister Magna who answered.

'Hmm. I don't mind that. On the contrary, it will enrich the royal family.

 His Majesty agrees with me.

'It's in the item box and can be brought out at any time. 'Where would you like to put it?'

Then the warehouse at the Kingsguard office would be a good place to start. It should be easier to get to them from there. I'll give you a call.

 It's a big deal that His Majesty and the Prime Minister have given permission, and although the item box is not a problem in terms of capacity, I don't want to keep it in there for any length of time.

''Hmm. I'd like to do some reversies today, but ....

 His Majesty is looking at the Prime Minister.

''I cannot be. We have a meeting today, and we don't have much time to spare.''

 His Majesty is depressed when the Prime Minister says

"So be it. Cain, I'll see you later.

 His Majesty rose from his seat and left the room without further ado.

'You may go straight to the Kinsmen's Guard's office, I'll let the conversation pass at once.

 The vizier said and followed the king.

 Cain left the room and headed for the Kinsmen's Guard's office.

 He informed them of his requirements at the entrance, and when he entered, he saw a familiar face.

''Oh, it's been a while, Baron Cain the Hero.

 It was a dime, the Vice Commander of the Knights of the Kingsguard.