
When I was dealing with Claude, I forgot to take the request.

 Cain quickly headed over to look at the request board. He could only receive requests up to G and one rank higher, F.

 Most of the requests at this rank were only requests from within the city.

 As expected, I'd prefer to refrain from cleaning or carrying luggage.

 If you're carrying luggage, though, you can use the item box to do it quickly.

 Looking for a request to take out goblins and wolves at all times, I found a request to take out goblins and wolves.

 For both goblins and wolves, there's no upper limit of one large copper coin per goblin or wolf.

 I'm not sure if it's expensive or cheap, but I decided to go ahead and take them out anyway.

 In the regular request list, it was stated that we were in the forest to the east, and we decided to head straight for it.

 I walked out of the gate of the royal capital and took the road towards the eastern forest. As expected of the royal capital is close, there were many people on the street.

 If I was really going to use transference magic, I would have wanted to go all at once, but there are people watching, so I'm going to go at a run.

 When the street becomes a little less crowded, Cain goes off the road and into the grass. He then proceeded to the entrance of the forest, making the transition in one fell swoop.

'So this is the eastern forest, I wonder how many demons are here?'

 He used exploration (search) to flow his magic power thin and wide forward.

 Cain was able to investigate up to five kilometers away due to his increased level.

 There was a group reaction gathering a few kilometers away.

''We found them. Let's go to the place where they're gathering like a village first.''

 Cain used his physical enhancements and ran through the forest, avoiding the trees.

 As he approached his destination, he looked at the group while hiding behind the trees and saw that there were dozens of goblins gathered together. Some of them could be seen to be Goblin Soldiers and other higher species.

''Maybe I'll use a little magic to reduce them.''

 Cain released the vacuum blade (air cutter) from behind a tree.

 Several goblins in a straight line fell down as it was, with their upper and lower bodies severed.

 Holding a sword in his right hand, he advanced into the group while shooting magic from his left hand.

''Ggaggle gaggle.''

 A nearby goblin let out a scream.

 The higher-ranked species at the back also seemed to notice and came at me with a rusty sword.

 He fired an air bullet (air pallet) at the goblin soldier and let it land on his face.

 I cut off his head just as he held his face in pain.

 After that, he continued to annihilate the swarming goblins with his sword and magic.

''This was the last time.''

 Then he took care of the last one.

''The goblin was in your right ear, right? Let's take it with the magic stone.''

 I cut off the right ear of the fallen goblin and took out the magic stone by splitting his chest.

It's the worst thing to take out this magical stone.

 While saying that, he cut off the remaining goblin's right ear.

 I put them all together in a bag and put them directly into the item box.

 Then the cut off goblins were gathered in one place, punched a hole with earth magic and buried inside.

It's a good idea. As expected, it's still too early to go back with this, let's look for some more.

 You also use exploration (search) to find the next settlement.

 We headed to the next location, checking the location of the demons.

 The next one there was a lizardman, though there were a few of them. I didn't know about Cain, but even on its own it is a D-ranked demon, and if there are several of them, it is classified as a C-ranked demon. The entire body is covered with scales and is said to be harder than normal demons.


 He was screaming, but he granted his sword magic and flashed his head with his sword.

 Collecting about ten corpses, Cain was troubled in front of them. 

'Come to think of it, what part of a lizardman is the submission part? I didn't find a request list, so I'll ask him later.''

 Cain muttered and put the lizardman's corpse away in the item box.

'I think the Demon Forest in Gracia territory was stronger. I'm going to ask the guild to tell me where there are a few more strong demons. I think I'll go home for today.

 As he said that, he chanted a transition magic.

 In an instant, my vision is in the grass just outside the gates of King's Landing. Cain makes an unconcerned face, shows his guild card and goes through the gates of the royal capital.

 The inside of the guild was empty, as it was still early in the evening. There was Letia-san who worked at the reception desk, so I stood in line there.

 When it was Cain's turn, Letia noticed me and smiled at me.

'Welcome back, Cain-kun. Did you find anything you asked for?''

 He thought Letia-san was receiving requests for the city or foraging only.

''Letia-san, I've defeated a goblin that's constantly requesting, what part of the city do other demons submit to?''

The goblin would be the right ear. If it were a wolf, it would be the tail.

'No, the other one. I actually ran into a lizardman, but I didn't know where to take him.

 Letia was surprised to hear those words.

''Cain-kun! You can't take it too far since you just registered as a G-ranked player. It's not just a matter of time before you'll be able to get your hands on one. It's a good thing we escaped without being found.

 Letia sighed and was glad that Cain had returned safely.

'... Letia-san, it's a lizardman, but I knocked him down. ... So I thought I'd ask him about the parts. Also, the goblin brought his ears with him.

 Cain said, and took the bag containing fifty goblin ears out of the magic bag (magic bag) style bag and placed it on the counter.


 Letia was surprised at how many there were.

'Cain-kun, you'll have to wait a minute.

 Letia suddenly got up from the receptionist and walked into the back of the room.

 Cain stood there at the reception desk, not knowing what to do.

 Letia quickly returned with someone.

''Cain-kun, welcome back. Can you talk to me in the other room about the lizardman? This is my boss.

'My name is Cedric, I'm the sub-guild master here. The guildmaster is having a visitor at the moment, so I'll take care of him. I'll arrange a private room for you to come over here.

 Cain was led by the two men into a private room.

'I'm fine in here, no one else is listening. Tell me honestly, what's wrong with your goblin ears?

 Cedric, the submistress, asked a question.

'I just found a normal goblin settlement and took them all down.

 Cain replies honestly.

'Oh no, the kid can't beat me yet! And you even beat a lizardman, which is obviously impossible since you just registered a G-rank.

Why do you think it's impossible? You said you beat him normally.

'If you're going to go that far, it's no use, I'll have to strip you of your guild card for cheating.

 Letia was surprised to hear of the deprivation.

'I think it's too much. Cain-kun could have been just being honest.'

 Letia offers a helping hand.

'Isn't that a mess, as a submuscle? Assume it's an injustice without any evidence.'

 Cain goes on to argue as well.

'As a sub-massive, it's my decision! It's because the commoner kids are just getting chipper as new adventurers! If you had told me honestly, I would have thought about it.

It was tyrannical!

 Cain also interjects.

 Just then, there was a knock at the door of the private room.

'What the hell is going on here?'

 The person who entered was an elven man in formal attire.

'This is Gilmouth, I'm sorry, I was just questioning the little bastard because he's cheating.

 Cedric explains to Gilmouth.

 The Guildmaster sits on the couch in front of Cain and looks at him.

'It's nice to meet you, my name is Edin. I'm the guildmaster here.

''Nice to meet you, I'm G-ranked Cain, who just registered with the guild today.

 Cain greeted him politely. Edin looked at Cain and turned to smile as well.

'So Cedric, how did you come to call it an injustice?

 Edin says, looking at Cedric.

'He said that on the first day of registration, he brought a bag full of goblin ears and even beat a lizardman. There's got to be some injustice.

 Cedric replies under his breath.

 Edin gives one sigh.

'Cedric, it's you who doesn't understand. We are the ones who don't have any proof. If it's true, how will you take responsibility for it?

 Edin asked coldly.

'And I was told earlier that it was because the little commoner kid who just became an adventurer was being posh.

 Cain pours oil on the fire. A big smile, of course. The black one.


 Cedric turns bright red and glares at me.

'Is that true? Letia, you've been listening. Be honest with me.

 Edin's cold stare pierced Letia.

''... Yes ..., Cedric did indeed say that earlier.

 Letia answered honestly, shifting her gaze as Cedric glared at her.

 Hearing those words, Edin glared at Cedric.

'Cedric, what do you mean by that when it comes to cheating on the guild rules?

 Edin glares at Cedric.

'You're choosing this little shit over me! I just signed up today for a rookie!

 Cedric shouted furiously.

'It's you who doesn't understand, wait a minute, oi. Come on in.

 At the sound of his voice, the door opened.

 The one who came in was an elven woman dressed in a kinsman knight's uniform.

 That's right, there is only one Elf woman in the Kingsguard uniform.

 The moment she came in, Cedric's eyes widened and he fell to his knees.

''Well, well, well, Knight Commander Tifana, you are welcome. You look even more beautiful than usual.''

 Cedric gave a superlative greeting.

'Brother, what's the matter with you all of a sudden? And I'm not your husband! What's going on here? 

 With that, he hugged Cain.


 Cedric and Letia were surprised to see their eyes widen.