Viscount takes office

 After His Majesty's explanation was finished and they were released, they were sent to Cain's mansion in a royal carriage.

 It was the knights of the Kingsguard who gave me a lift.

''Thank you for the ride!

 Cain bowed his head and thanked the kinsmen knights.

''What are you saying, Cain-sama, you are our Commander's fiancée, so it's only natural for you to do this.''

Please come back for more training!

 The knights smiled and waved as they left.

 They entered the mansion and opened the door to find Sylvia waiting for them.

''Welcome back, Cain-sama, you're late today.

His Majesty called me. I need to talk to you, and I was wondering if you and Coran could come with me to the Oval Office.

Okay, I'll be there as soon as I can.

 Sylvia bowed and then went to call Coran.

 Although it was named the office, it was actually a room for Cain to study in.

 After changing out of her uniform in the room, she was sitting on the sofa and relaxing when there was a knock on the door.

''Excuse me. I'm Coran. I thought you wanted to see me.''

 Coran and Sylvia came into the room.

''Yes, I have a report to make, but Her Majesty called me today and told me that I'm going to be elevated to a viscount in an audience next week. And he told me to look at one of the cities: ...

'Oh! Congratulations on that! I'll have to contact the Garum Frontier Count immediately as well. So what city will you be the lord of?

 Coran and Sylvia seemed quite happy that Cain was going to be elevated.

''We haven't been informed about it yet, since we're supposed to be briefed on it that day. I've heard it's near King's Landing, though.''

Master Cain can do it in any city! Let's make today a celebration of just our people! I'll go talk to the head chef.

 Sylvia skipped out of the room.

'Then I will call you when you are ready.

 Coran bowed and was about to leave the room, but Cain stopped him.

'Oh, since we're celebrating our relatives today, let's have a meal with the whole house. Please prepare enough for all of us.'

'All right. I'll tell them that. Thank you, Master Cain.

 Then Coran left the office.

 We had a nice dinner that night, regardless of whether it was the maid or the head chef.

 They were all adults except me, so they were thrilled when I let them drink freely.

 Sometimes, this kind of thing is necessary, Cain thought.

 Then the day of the audience came.

 Dressed in formal attire, he stood near the entrance to the audience room.

 The heads of the noble families were lined up towards the entrance, starting with the duke, and in order of low rank on the tiers.

 Of course, Cain, the new baron, has to line up right near the entrance.

 Garum is in the Gracia territory, so he's not attending this time.

''Then His Majesty is here.''

 At a word from the Prime Minister, the nobles lined up across the central carpet bowed their heads in unison.

 The king, Rex, slowly entered the room and sat on the central throne.

''Everyone, raise your heads.''

 With that word, all the nobles in line raised their heads.

''Then, Baron Cain von Silford, come forward.

Yes, sir.

 Cain stepped forward from the line and went to kneel before the king.

'Cain von Silford, I elevate you to the rank of Viscount. And you shall rule the city of Drindl, now under your jurisdiction. Fifty pieces of white gold are given to you as a reserve. This is the dagger that secures your nobility. From now on, you may call yourself Cain von Silford Drintle.

'Yes, as you wish, sir. Cain von Silford Drintle, I will rule with all my heart and soul for the prosperity of the Kingdom of Esfort.

 This time it was uneventful and straightforward.

'Of all people, Drintle or .... Can you fix that place?

Can a kid deal with that guy? ...

 Such a voice could be heard from the surroundings. The Marquis of Corzino, who normally would definitely complain, was snickering.

''What's there ...?''

 With that in mind, the audience was over.

 I was ushered into the reception room to be briefed on the details.

 The maid offered me a cup of tea and while I was resting slowly, Prime Minister Magna entered. Normally he was supposed to be with His Majesty, but this time he was alone.

''Lord Cain, sorry to keep you waiting. His Majesty didn't want to explain, so he ran away. That's why I was the only one who came.

"... says he ran away.

He didn't want to explain the city of Drintle to me. It's a special town, you know.

 Those words made Cain uneasy.

 Prime Minister Magna produced a map and began to explain by pointing at a point.

'This is two days west of the royal capital. Beside the city there is a forest, not as large as Gracia's, but full of demons. And there are also a few dungeons. That's why there are quite a few adventurers. No, there are too many adventurers. That's why the guildmasters have more power than the lords there, and no one wants to play the lords. The adventurers are more powerful than the guards. There are three thousand people in the entire population, but in contrast, there are more than a thousand adventurers alone stationed in that city. In contrast, there are only a hundred guards in the city. The difference in numbers between the adventurers and the guards is so great that the adventurers have a lot of width.

'So that's how it was .... That's why the nobles around you didn't complain about it. May I rule as I see fit?

 Cain smiled at Prime Minister Magna.

'... Mm. That's fine. This is your certificate of appointment. And I've also prepared fifty white gold coins as a reserve, so you can spend them as you please.

 Prime Minister Magna gave me a certificate of appointment and a sachet with a white gold coin and put it in the item box.

''Only, I'm still a student to rule, so I can't go that far into the territory.

The school's superintendent, Duke Eric, will inform the headmaster about this. From now on, you'll be free to go to school, but only if you take the exam. Just take the exams and we'll make sure there are no problems.

'Okay. I'll do my best.

I can't wait to see what happens.

 Cain sighed in the room left behind as the Prime Minister left.

''They said they'd give me the territory, but this or .... No wonder the Marquis of Corzino was grinning. But still, it's your territory, so you can do whatever you want with it.

 For the first time in a long time, Cain smiled a black smile in the reception room, where there was only one person in the room.