Reina Triendl's Rampage Lord 2

 From what he could see around him, the small child adventurer seemed to have a bit of an angry look in his eyes.

 Cain was quite angry that Enak had been kicked off.

 It was still evening, and there was a reasonable amount of traffic around the shop.

 Suddenly people were thrown out of the store and rolled into the street, and then a child walked in after them.

 A crowd of onlookers quickly formed around the five adventurers and Cain.

 Both Dash and Himika, who had heard the commotion from Enak, came outside.

'You little brat! I won't tolerate this anymore!

 As one of them drew his sword, the remaining three also drew their swords.

''Master Cain, it's dangerous!

 Dash shouted.

 Then one of the adventurers slashed at Cain from the top step.

 Cain dodged half a step, ducked his sword, and then landed a blow to his stomach.


 The adventurer was struck with a blow to the stomach and flew straight up several meters, foaming at the mouth and passing out.

 He was momentarily stunned by the scene, but his companions steeled themselves and turned their gaze to Cain.

''The kid did it!''

 Next, three of them slash at me at the same time. It's a sword move that looks slow to Cain.

 In an instant, they avoided the swords and put in one after another.

 The three of them sank on the spot in less than three seconds.

 Looking down at the four unconscious men, Cain muttered a few words.

''It's outrageous to be violent with people!


 Everyone around him wanted to run into that one word, "You're the one to say that?" but none of them could say it.

 It was a momentary occurrence, but the silver-haired boy knew that he was that strong.

 None of them wanted to run into Cain, but if that many people gathered, they would go and report the incident.

''What's all the fuss about!

 A shout goes up, and as several guards come in through the people, they see the four men lying on the ground with their swords drawn and Cain standing beside them.

'What in the world has happened?'

 A man who looks like the captain of the guard, dressed in a bit of fancy armor, asks me.

''A drunken adventurer kicked a girl in this shop from behind. So we asked you to leave. He pulled out his sword and slashed at me, so this is what happened.

 Cain pointed to the four of them and replied briefly.

'Well, for now, let's have you come to the stuffing station too.

 Cain answered the captain's question immediately.

'I don't want to. I still have some minotaur steaks left. What a waste. ...'

 The captain, the other guards, Dash, Himika, and the others around them were all crestfallen at the answer.

'Hey .... Cain-sama ....

 Dash was surprised at Cain's refusal, even to the captain of the guards.

'What are you talking about! If you don't come, I'll force you to come with me.

 The captain, who had froze at Cain's unexpected response, became angry.

'If you're going to take him, let it be the four of you there. I'm drunk, so let me reflect on it in the jail cell in the stuffy room for the night. Then, thank you for your service.

 Cain bows to the captain and turns to go straight back to the store.

 The people around him are stunned by the response.

''You have got to be kidding me! Who the hell are you?!

 A furious captain grabs Cain's shoulder as he passes by and stops him.

 Cain turns around and shakes off the hand that grabbed his shoulder and then asks the opposite.

'They're the ones who did the wrong thing. They're the ones who did the wrong thing. Besides, I don't want to tell you my name because that would be a problem.

'What are you talking about? Guys! We're taking this guy in, too.

 The captain's words brought the other guards, who were carrying the fallen adventurers, together.

'Looks like you need to do a little reflection too,'

 Cain, surrounded by the four captains of the guard, sighed.

'I don't blame you, it's your duty too. You can say your names, but can I keep my voice low? We don't want people to hear us.''

 The captain nodded at the words. If you look closely, this kid was wearing something superior even in plain clothes. It was because he might be the child of some nobleman. In that case, it could be a problem. The four captains of the guard gathered around Cain.

'This is ... Cain. Viscount Cain von Silford Drintle. I'm the new lord here ....

 Cain muttered softly so that only the four of them could hear him. Then, from his bosom, he produced a dagger that proved he was the head of the noble family and showed it to the captain.

 At that moment, the four guards froze.

 At worst, they thought that he was a child of a nobleman or a relative who had been removed from the register, but he was the head of the noble family.

 And moreover, he was the lord of this city. A moment ago, he had been saying things like "you" and "I'm taking you in" to the lord. As for the captain, he had grabbed his shoulder and was furious. If he was the son of a nobleman, he wouldn't be adapted, but the one in front of him was the head of the Viscount family and the lord of this city.

 If he was not good enough, he would be guilty of impiety and could not complain if he was cut off as it was.

 The four of them nodded their eyes together in silence.

「「「「 I'm sorry, my lord 」」」」

 The four guards fell to their knees on the spot.

「「「「「「「「「「「「 My lord! 」」」」」」」」」」」」」

 The people around him were also surprised by the guard's words.

 No one would have thought that the child in plain clothes would be the new lord of the city.

 And the fact that the lord was in front of them meant that the commoners had to bow their heads.

 All around them took a knee in unison and took the civility.

 Cain was surrounded by dozens of commoners, making him kneel.


 I didn't expect them to act like that, even though I told the guards in a low voice to keep them from knowing. Cain looked up at the heavens. Then he muttered.

'That's why I didn't want to tell you: ... 

 Cain's shoulders slumped discouragingly, and Enak came close.

 Enak hadn't yet learned any etiquette towards the nobles.

''Brother Cain, were you a lord-sama?''

 Enak looks up at Cain with a twinkle in his eye.

'... Yeah, I really did.'

 I wondered if I couldn't relax because of the revelation that I was a lord.

Your brother Cain is a strong and kind lord. I'm so happy!

 Enak was happy to say that he was a lord.

 Hearing that, Dash and Himika froze.

'Cain-sama is the lord ... Cain-sama is the lord ...'

 Upset, Dash just rambles on and on.

 The residents around him were also forever on their knees, so Cain spoke to everyone.

'Sorry for the suddenness, everyone. My name is Cain von Silford Drintle, the newly appointed Lord of Drintle. I did not mean to cause a disturbance in this traffic, but I am sorry for the inconvenience. Everyone please stand up. --You're welcome to stand up, too. I don't mean to punish you with disrespect.

 Cain speaks to the guards who are on their knees.

 The guards, relieved to hear his words, look up.

'It's just that these guys got drunk and committed violence against this kid. Will you let me reflect on this in the jail cell in the filling station for one night?

 Cain told the guards as he patted Enak's head.

'I understand. Everyone, my lord sent word, go back now. Hey, we're taking these guys to the guardhouse.

 With a word from the captain of the guard, the residents who happened to be there also headed back home, each with a peek of surprise and confusion at the appearance of a new lord who looked like a mere child.

 Even the adventurers who had come out of the shop went back inside.

 The guards bowed to Cain and carried the four unconscious men away.

 And the four that remained here were Cain, Dash, Himika and Enak.

'Oh, the minotaur steaks are getting cold!

 Cain remembered that he was in the middle of a meal. That he was still in the middle of eating that delicious steak.

 He ran straight back to the restaurant. Enak said, "Hold on," and followed Cain.

 Dash and Himika both looked at each other and nodded to each other.

''The lord seems to be a nice guy this time.

Yeah, honey.

 They walked back to the store with smiles on their faces.