White Fox Sister's

Cain couldn't take his eyes off his sister, who was missing a limb.

 Coran was stunned by Cain's outrageous words, his mouth wide open in surprise.

 Sandaramar was also surprised that Cain said he would suddenly purchase a sister with a missing limb.

 And the sisters who were told were the most surprised. The older sister couldn't even stand on her own, and the younger sister was ten years old and missing one arm.

 To these sisters, that the nobleman's child in front of them told them they would buy it.

''Master Cain! It's a very sudden decision. Moreover, these kids are missing a limb--

That's okay. This was my decision.

 Cain didn't even look at Coran, just stared at the two girls.

'--Yes, I understand,'

 As for Cain's unorthodox behavior, Corran understood. He nodded honestly, convinced that he must have an idea again.

'Sir Silford, are you sure?'

 From the side, Sandalamar called out to me. As expected, as the Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce, he was worried about Cain, who started to say he would buy a flawed slave.

''Yes. But first, may I have a word with the two of you?

 Cain's gaze was in the room, but he asked Sandalamar about it.

 Sandalamar nodded at the words and opened the barred door with the key he produced from his pocket.

 The tension on the sisters' faces as the door was opened.

'Come in. If you don't mind, you can talk to her once. Then you can decide.

 Cain ducks through the barred door and enters the room. The sisters are surprised by Cain's actions, their shoulders huddled together and trembling.

 She glared at Cain as she put her hands around her sister protectively.

 Slowly advancing in front of them and standing in front of them, Cain kneeled down on the spot to meet them at eye level and smiled at them and spoke to them.

 They were a little surprised by Cain's actions. The child, who seemed to be a nobleman, even went out of his way to meet their gaze and smile at them.

'Would you two be willing to come to my house? You don't have to worry about being physically challenged. I'd love for you both to come with me.

 The white fox tribe sisters, who had shrunk at Cain's question, looked at each other once and then gave a slight but small nod with a nervous expression towards Cain's pure smile.

''Thank you for nodding,''

 Both of their expressions softened, if only slightly, at Cain's kind words.

'Can you wait a minute? I'm going to go finish my contract now. When that's done, we'll go home together.

 Cain told them, then turned and left the room.

'Sir Silford, are you sure that's all right?'

Yeah, fine. Can you arrange for me to take you both home today?

'Yes, of course it is. We'll have it ready in a minute. I will prepare the contract for you and take you to the reception room I mentioned earlier.

 Cain and Coran walked after Sandalamar, past the slaves' quarters they had just passed and back to the reception room.

 Sandalamar instructed his staff to get the White Fox sisters ready and began drawing up the contract.

 Slaves in this country were bound by contract, and both sides had to agree to it. The contract must be signed by all three parties: the slave, the slave trader, and the purchaser. It is said that the slavers also have an altar, and if they offer the contract to the slavers after they have signed it, they will disappear and go into the world of the gods. It is said that if you make a contract with a slave, he or she will disappear and go to the gods.

"Lord Silford, it's true that the sisters were protected by the slave trade and did not have to pay for their purchase. However, they did spend two years in the slave trade. I have to pay for their education and food. Will you allow me to reimburse you for these expenses alone? It will be one gold coin and four large silver coins for the two of us.

'Yeah, I don't have a problem with that. On the other hand, wouldn't you lose some of your money there?

 Cain doesn't think he's making any money on the amount proposed by Sandalamalamar, as most of it has disappeared in expenses.

'That's fine. It won't change the sisters if we stay here, and I saw their faces soften a little earlier. I am sure that Lord Silford will do something about it.

 Sandalamar handed the completed contract to Cain. Cain reviewed the contract that was handed to him and handed it to Coran for him to review again.

'Master Cain, I have no problems with the contract.

 He nodded at Coran's words, then signed and placed two gold coins on the table from his pocket.

'Here's your payment. I don't need any change. Because I felt your spirit for taking care of your physically deficient sisters for two years.

 With those words, Sandalamar smiled slightly. He quickly returned to his expression, though.

'I understand. I have indeed received Lord Silford's sentiments.'

 Having received the payment, Sandalamar bowed to Cain and left the room to get his sisters ready.

'Coran, I'm sorry. There was a reason I really needed to buy you two.

 Cain sat down on the sofa and spoke to Coran, who was standing behind him.

'Master Cain, I don't know what Master Cain is thinking. I just want to help Master Cain on his path.''

Thank you, Corran.

 After thanking Coran, he sipped the tea that had been prepared for him.

 After a few moments, the sisters came into the room, accompanied by Sandaramal. Of course, the sister couldn't walk as she had no two legs. She entered the room while being held by a staff member.

 They are seated on the couch and listen to Sandalamal explain about the contract while nodding their heads.

 Unlike the clothes we were wearing earlier, both of us are wearing a dress like a commoner would normally wear. Their long hair was neatly combed, and Cain looked at their profile.

 They seemed to be convinced and signed the contract together.

''The contract is now complete. This is Lord Silford, the head of Viscount Silford's family, Lord Silford, who will be taking care of you now. Both of you may greet me.''

 They both turned from Saladramar to Cain. The younger sister's left hand, which was only on one side, grabbed her sister's arm. She is still nervous.

''Master, I am my sister Lula. Next to me is my sister, Laura. We both have physical deficiencies and I don't know what we can do, but I'd appreciate your help.

'I'm Laura. Nice to meet you.

 They bowed to Cain.

'I'm Cain von Silford Drintle. Nice to meet you both from now on. I'm coming in a carriage, and I'll ride home with you.

 Cain smiles at them both. They both still looked nervous, but they looked a lot better than when they were in the room.

 Sandalamar led them out of the Chamber of Commerce and into the carriage. My sister Lula was put in the carriage by a staff member and Laura sat next to her.

'Then we will try to visit you in Drintle at the weekend. Thank you for your time today.

 Sandalamar and his staff stand side by side and thank him.

'Yes, nice to meet you on that one,'

 The carriage departed at the sound of one of Gosha's corrals.

 The two men sitting across from Cain were uncomfortable with their gaze, as they were curious about the interior of the nobleman's carriage for the first time. Coran is a gosha, so the three of them are the only ones in the carriage.

 Nevertheless, the sisters remain close together, perhaps out of nervousness, and hold hands.

 The sun is beginning to set outside and the streets are filled with people returning from work and shopping. In the midst of it all, the carriage makes its way toward the mansion.

''I took you two in, I'm sorry, but I had to have you both appraised at the Chamber of Commerce.

 Cain told them. At that moment, his sister Lula tensed up for a moment.

 His sister Lula didn't seem to understand and looked up at her sister's face as her body stiffened a bit.

'We'll talk about the rest when things settle down,'

 With that, Cain looked out the window of the carriage and looked out at the city.

 The carriage entered the aristocratic district and proceeded down a street lined with mansions that stood on large grounds. Her sister, Laura, looks out the window all the way, amazed at the size of the mansions.

 Then she passes through the gate where the guards are standing and stops the carriage in front of the mansion.

'We're at the mansion. I'll carry Lula-san for you. I'll take you to the reception room once I have your room ready.

 Cain is able to hold Lula in his arms with no problem, but he leaves it to Coran.

 Coran takes Lula in his arms and carries her back to the mansion. Sylvia was also upset for a moment at the sudden return of her two white-haired daughters, but she quickly recovered and helped Coran. Coran and Sylvia led her to the reception room and sat the sisters down. They put tea and sweets on the table.

 Cain sat down face to face with them and sipped the tea that was placed on the table. As usual, the tea that Sylvia had made was delicious.

The sisters watched the scene. Laura, the younger sister, was more interested in the sweets placed in front of her.

You can have your tea, both of you. You can have the sweets too.

 With those words, Laura nervously picked up one of the sweets and put it in her mouth.

 The sweetness in her mouth instantly made Laura smile.


 Cain smiled when he saw Laura's smile. Of course, that included Coran and Sylvia as well.

 Seeing Laura's smile, Lula's cheeks loosened for a moment, but she turned to Cain again and looked at him seriously.

'Master, you two are missing limbs, why did you buy them?

As for the missing limb, I don't think it's a problem. It's going to be fine.

 Cain replied lightly, but his words surprised Lula and Laura. It's almost impossible to heal a physical deficiency in a few years' time, they said.

 I don't know what kind of a messenger there is, but it's very hard to believe that it's something that a child sitting in front of me could easily do.

 They are both amazed, and Cain continues to talk more.

'It's inconvenient with that body, it's already inside the mansion, so it's fine.

 Cain said, and held up his hand as he sat up and stood in front of them.

'Perfect Heels,'

 Cain holds his hand over them and casts a spell. At that moment, the two of them are enveloped in the most divine light they've ever seen. When the light subsided, Lula's slender legs and Laura's right arm were back, which had never been there before.

 If it was right after being amputated, there was no problem with the extra heel of advanced recovery magic, but two years had already passed since the loss of the limb. It was necessary to use the super-grade recovery magic, but Cain used it without hesitation. Super-grade recovery magic, for example, is only available to the pope and the cardinal who is said to be a candidate for the next pope in Marineford Holy Church. Even the bishops sent to each country cannot use it. Such legendary grade magic was used against the slaves.

''Eh, ....''

"... lie ...

... no such ...

Sis, I've got my hands on you!

 Coran and Sylvia were astonished at the first time they saw Cain's super-grade recovery magic. The two of them knew how rare this magic was. They couldn't believe that they had seen the magic in a picture book fairy tale right in front of them.

 Lola was delighted and grasped and spread her right hand, which was back to normal. Lula was amazed to see this, and then she checked her legs and ragged tears from both eyes.

 She can see that her sister doesn't have one arm and that she must have been going through a lot of trouble because she doesn't have both legs.

 Lula hugs a delighted Laura. Laura didn't seem to understand how valuable super-grade recovery magic was, partly because she was small enough to be a slave.

 Lula hugged Laura, but after she loosened her hands, Lula turned to Cain again.

'Master, I don't know how to thank you. Thank you so much for healing us.

'Thank you, master,'

 Lula lowered her head, and Laura learned to lower it with her.

The two of them were looking a whole lot better thanks to the recovery magic.

''Yeah. It's fine. I think I still need to rehabilitate a bit, but once I get used to it, can I get you to work for Sylvia as a maid? You can relax in your room today. I have to go to the territory now, so I'll leave the rest to you two.

 Coran and Sylvia, who were standing behind me, nodded. Both of them are holding their eyes with their handkerchiefs, having seen the emotional scene earlier.

'Ugh .... Also, the room is already ready to go. Lula-san has just gotten her legs back and it will be hard for her to walk, so I'll lend a hand.

 Wiping away the tears she has shed from her excitement, Sylvia lends her hand to Lula. Lola walks beside her with a smile and follows her.

 Cain, who was left alone with Coran, hooted and leaned on the sofa.

''Cain-sama, I didn't expect you to be able to even use super-grade recovery magic. That's why you were able to purchase it without worrying about the two of us.

'Yeah, that's part of it, but I guess there's another reason. I can't talk about it right now.

 Cain answers Corran's question lightly. This is the only thing he can't talk to Coran about. Because it's that important.

 Cain gets up from his seat and stretches out with his hands up.

I'm going to Drintor, then. I'll be back this evening.

Okay. Have a good day, sir.

 When Coran bowed, Cain made the transition to Drintle.