Marine Fort Religion

 The three of them continue to talk in the Oval Office.

 The only thing that comes to mind regarding the saint is the name of Meline, who was also the wife of Yuya, the first King of Esfort, who was also the first King of Esfort. 

'Cain doesn't know anything about other countries, does he? Magna, explain it to him.

 The king urges Prime Minister Magna to explain.

The kingdom of Marinefort is about a month's ride southwest of the Kingdom of Esfort. It is a country that spreads the teachings of the Seven Pillars of God, which are celebrated in this world, to the rest of the world. It sends bishops and priests to various countries to preach the teachings to the people, and it is also the state religion of our country. Unlike countries with an aristocracy, the king of that country is known as the Pope, and he is elected from generation to generation. Under the Pope, there are cardinals, archbishops, bishops, and priests, in that order, who run the country. A saint is a woman who holds the title "Saint" in her title. When a saint is baptized at the age of five, she is separated from her family and raised in the headquarters of the Church. I don't know the details of the role of a saint, but since she is the only one with this title in the world, she must be politely welcomed in our country.

 The king and Cain nodded at Prime Minister Magna's explanation. He confirms that Cain understands and continues to speak further. 

''So I want you to pick up your lord with your knights of the Kingsguard to the borders of this country and also serve as his domestic guard. You are supposed to be an adventurer as well as a nobleman. I'm sure the saint is choked up surrounded by adults. Miss Silk would like you to accompany her. Princess Telestia will be waiting for you in King's Landing. I'm afraid I can't allow her to come with me. I can't allow you to go with me, so I'll need you to join me.

---- it's possible to say no to ...

"... Cain, you think you can say no? I've already spoken to the King's Landing about the Drintor Wall. I'm told that you have built a wall as large as the walls of this city. Do you intend to start a war for the sake of a country? .... I've been told that this is a question that is not to be asked without saying anything. If it were within the bounds of common sense, I wouldn't have thought to interfere, but .... You do more than you can imagine, you know. The people around you are also annoyed by you. Of course, the government is going to send guards and personnel to build the building. And of course we will help you with the funds.

 The king looks at Cain with narrowed eyes. After all, since it was so close to the royal capital, it seems that information from the merchants was quickly passed on to the royal capital. 

''I don't intend to do that as a stone. However, there is a forest right next to it where demons live. It's also said that the dungeon caused a flood in the past. That's why we're here. As for the assistance, I'll be grateful for it. As expected, we don't know how long it will take for the residents of the territory alone, and there is a limit to the funds we have.

 Cain explains, cold sweat running down his back.

'Well, that's good. And even if you start a war with my country, my country will be defeated by you alone. I asked you to take care of the escort.

---- Got it.

   Cain nodded with a wry smile at the king's difficult words in response.

 The meeting was over, and on the carriage ride home, Cain crossed his arms and worried about it. 

 He planned to focus on internal politics during the summer vacation, and in between, he planned to go to Malbeek territory, which was also Silk's family's home, and Tifana's family's Liebert territory.

''After all, I guess I'll just have to fly there once and be able to use the 'transition': ...

 The role of a nobleman was to drop as much money as possible into the city as it moved around, but two months of summer vacation would not be enough if he was fulfilling his role. 

 Cain decided to abandon his role as a nobleman prematurely and travel the shortest possible distance.

 He returned to the mansion and had a meeting with Coran in his office.

 After all, Coran was grandly surprised when he heard about the saint's escort.

''It's the Saintess. ... There's no way I wouldn't be surprised. But still, I didn't expect to be chosen as a saint-sama's escort ....

'I didn't really want to take it, but His Majesty was supposed to send people to the city of Drintle and help, so I had no choice.

 Cain replies to Coran without effort. As an adventurer, he's registered as an A-ranked adventurer, but he's basically only experienced in defeating them.

 This will be his first attempt at an escort request. He could use exploration (search), so there would be no problem, but he was still worried.

''I'm going to go to Malbeek and Liebert territory once this weekend so that I can use the transition point.

I understand.

 Cain could only sigh and chuckle at how busy he was.

   The next day, when he arrived at the school, Teres and Silk came by immediately.

 They seemed to have already heard from their parents about the saint's escort.

''Cain-sama, I heard from your father. He said that he was escorted by the saintly lady .... I'm sure there's nothing there, but please be careful. But still, Silk could go with you, but .... I asked your father for help, but he refused.

 When Telestia heard that Cain would be accompanying her to pick up Silk and the saint, she pleaded with the king to allow her to go with him, but he refused, saying he couldn't even send the princess.

 Thanks to that, Telestia has been a little grumpy since the morning.

I'm sorry about Teres, but I'm going to go with Cain. I'm not going to be able to return to Malbeek territory this year, but I'll be able to travel with Cain, so that's good.

 At Silk's words, Telestia's brow wrinkled as she became more and more sullen.

'It's Malbeek territory, but if you have a little time, you might be able to get there. I can't talk about it in the academy, but .... Then maybe the three of us can go out together, including Teres. 

 I'm going to go with transference magic, but as expected, there are other students in the classroom. It couldn't be known that Cain could easily use the transfer magic, which is said to be a legend, either.

 Hearing Cain's words, Telestia's expression gradually relaxed.

''Cain-sama! Let's have a tea party at the King's Town next week. Let me know then! Absolutely!

 Grabbing both of Cain's shoulders and shaking them, Telestia asked Cain for an answer.

'Yeah, okay, Teres, I'll be at the King's Castle next week. In the meantime, let go of my shoulders or it's going to hurt. ...

 Quickly realizing what he had done, Teres blushed and covered it up with his hands.

'I am ...'

 Just then, the door is opened and the homeroom teacher walks in.

"Look, look, homeroom is about to start, everyone sit down!


 At the sound of the homeroom teacher's voice, Telestia and Silk went back to their seats.

 After having two periods of classes in the morning, Cain decided to head to the library, since he didn't have any specialized subjects.

 He hadn't had a chance to come here before, but since it was the library of the school in the royal capital, it contained numerous books.

 While listening to the librarian, I look for books that I think I need.

 First of all, it's about the geography of this continent. The map of this world is not very detailed. Castles, cities, forests and roads are simply drawn. As for other countries, they were only drawn as much as "beyond this is _________ country". If they were to leak out to other countries, it would be to the disadvantage of their own country, so they are not sold and are stored away in the school library.

 Cain checked the map within the Esfort Kingdom, confirming the location of the Malbeek and Liebert territories.

 Then he looked through the history books next. He decided that he needed to find out about Marine Fordism and the history of the Church Kingdom.

 Nearly three hundred years ago, Yuya and Cain's parents were summoned by the Marineford Faith.

 It was during a time when the nations were at war with each other after the appearance of the evil god Aaron, and a flood of demons was occurring, that the jewel, said to be a legend hidden in the Church State, was used.

 Even today, somewhere in the imperial capital where the Pope and the saints live, there is a treasure gem said to have been given to them by the gods hidden away.

 The magic power stored in the pearl will gradually build up from the atmosphere for hundreds of years.

 There is no way to know when the summoning magic can be used next.

 The only people who knew were popes, saints, or cardinals and other high ranking people.

''Maybe one day there will be someone like Yuuya and her parents who will be called again. ...

 Cain closed the book he had finished reading with that thought.