Chapter 6

Standing up, Shizuka picked up the basket next to her and began walking. She didn't know how long she was staring at the stream, but she figured she had been there long enough. Her feet took her to a very familiar home - Sasori's abode. As she stepped inside, it looked as barren as she had found it almost a year ago. Picking up the jar of the herb she had picked, she placed it on a shelf with the other herbs she had collected over time. The previous jars had begun to collect dust, so while she was there, she busied herself with cleaning the small hideout before leaving.

"Sasori-san will return." She murmured to herself as she walked down the narrow forested path with her basket full of flowers and herbs. They'd been together for a couple of years; he wouldn't leave her behind. She had created a special bond with him over that time.

Coming back to Orochimaru's hideout, she sauntered through the dimly lit halls until she had made it to Kabuto's room. Room was an understatement; it was more of a nest for him. He ate, breathed, and slept experimentation in that room. It came as a surprise to see that he wasn't in there. Not wanting to question anything, she dropped off the basket and began to head back to her room.

"What a pleasant surprise, Snow White." An eerie voice interrupted her. "I was sad you weren't here to greet me at the door when I came back."

Shizuka turned around sharply and was met face to face with Orochimaru. The male looked as if he hadn't aged a day since he had left. Taking a step back out of shock, she bowed her head respectfully. "Welcome back, Lord Orochimaru."

"You don't have to be so modest. I see you've grown quite a bit while I've been gone." He eyed her before smirking and crossing his arms as he turned away. "Come with me."

The female looked after him for a moment before following. What did he want her to do? Surely he didn't know about Sasori; she had made sure to cover her tracks well and arrange her time so the schedules didn't overlap. Maybe she was just feeling paranoid from the sudden surprise that he was back. This probably didn't matter anyway; Sasori was gone.

Shizuka and Orochimaru entered the main room where she would usually get her blood drawn. In the room were a group of four people she didn't recognize. There was a tall, robust male with patches of orange hair, a smaller female with red hair, a tanned male with six arms, and a pale two headed male with light bluish-gray hair. They all had the same signature purple rope belt that she had on, however their uniforms were adorned with the yin-yang symbol.

"Go ahead and introduce yourselves. Don't be shy." Orochimaru smiled as he motioned for Shizuka to step forward.

The white-haired female looked at the group of unknowns in front of her cautiously. This was the first time that she had seen new people here, since she had only ever known of the people locked away deeper into the hideout. Was that where they came from? Mustering up a smile to try and hide her faltering confidence, she spoke first. "Hello. My name is Shizuka. It's nice to meet y-"

"What's your body count?" The crimsonette cut her off.

Shizuka was confused as she replayed the question in her head. "Huh?"

"Damn, you deaf or something? How many opponents have you defeated?" The female crossed her arms impatiently.

"...Four." Shizuka answered quietly as the images flashed through her mind. Three out of self-defense and the fourth was assisting voluntary suicide. None she was proud of to say the least.

"You're weak as hell." The red head scoffed. "I don't even know why I'm talking to you right now."

The robust male was next to speak, focusing his words on the rude female next to him. "Tayuya, please stop doing unnecessary things."

"Shut up, fatso." The Tayuya girl rolled her eyes.

Shizuka looked between the two curiously as she watched them bicker. The blueish-grey haired male on the other end of the line cleared his throat, causing the previous two to be quiet. He must be the leader of the group.

"Sorry about them. Seems like some people can't outgrow their childish ways." He spoke with a small sneer. "Since Lord Orochimaru is having us meet this way, you must be more than just a good-for-nothing little girl."

"Sakon, hurry up. You talk too much." Another voice called. This made Shizuka uneasy as she didn't see anyone else open their mouth.

"Yeah, yeah." The boy waved the voice off. "My name is Sakon and I'm the leader of this group. That voice you just heard was my twin brother, Ukon, who's right here." He turned slightly so she could see the other head she had noticed before look back at her. "This guy next to me with the extra arms is Kidomaru, the firecracker beside him is Tayuya, and the big guy at the end is Jirobo."

Orochimaru nodded at the completion of the introductions before turning to Shizuka. "This is the Sound Five. Along with your previous duties, you're in charge of their wellbeing."

"Five? I only see four people here." Shizuka's features formed a frown. There were faint footsteps coming from behind her and her eyes widened slightly. This chakra signature felt very familiar. The steps came closer and closer until they stopped a couple of feet behind her. Turning around, she came face to face with a long lost friend.


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Sasori stood in silence, looking out at the horizon from the cliff he was on. The flaps of the Akatsuki cloak moved around his puppet shell due to the wind. It was late afternoon, the sun was starting to go down, and he was getting tired of waiting. Where was this man?

A few moments later, he could hear a pair of footsteps approaching him. It was about time. "You're late."

"I apologize." A male voice answered. Sasori turned around to see the man he was waiting for - a young male with ash grey hair in a low ponytail and black rimmed glasses. The male had a plain black cloak on, however the hood was down. Kabuto Yakushi, his main source of information for the subject he was studying right now.

"What do you know?" Sasori began, getting straight to the point as he knew he would need to return to his annoying partner soon. There was a slight change in the atmosphere as Kabuto's eyes faded into a trance-like state and he began to announce the report.

"The subject has returned to his hideout in Otogakure. His previous ally, Kimimaro, has returned with him. The plan as of right now is unknown, however he has recruited four allies for his next move - Sakon and Ukon, Jirobo, Kidomaru, and Tayuya. All members were given the Cursed Seal."

Sasori narrowed his eyes inside of the puppet shell as he thought to himself. Was this man trying to create an army? How dare he disappear. If he was planning on attacking the Akatsuki with these newfound partners, then so be it. They would be no match for the army of puppets he had amassed. "Are there others?"

"The subject is still performing experiments so there are variables. Then there's Snow White." Kabuto answered instantly.

"Snow White? Elaborate."

"Female around the age of twenty with distinctive, long white hair. She's been working for the subject for about seven years."

"She's not an experiment?"


"Then what is her purpose?"

"Essentially, she's a living blood bank."

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"Why do you keep staring at me?" Kimimaro walked down the forested pathway. The scenery hadn't changed as much as he thought it would. The trees were fully clothed with leaves and apart from the slightly overgrown brush, everything was just as he had left it.

Shizuka fell into step next to the male with a bright smile on her face. He'd grown so much, she couldn't believe it. He was now a little taller than her and his hair was shorter than before. "I'm happy that I can see you again. Am I not allowed to look at you?"

"No, I didn't say that." The male replied as they reached the meadow. Kimimaro opted for examining the flowers while Shizuka picked the ones she noticed he was looking at. They stayed silent for a while, simply enjoying each other's company before Kimimaro spoke up again. "Do you still have those fainting spells?"

"That's the last thing I wanted you to remember me by." Shizuka sighed. The white-haired female placed the flower she picked in a pile with the rest of them. "They aren't fainting spells, but I've learned how to feel when they're coming and counteract it."

"So it's happened more than once."

"I can manage."


The female frowned and looked at Kimimaro, who showed a rather impassive expression. "I'm supposed to be worrying about you, not the other way around. I'm the oldest, remember?"

"But if you are no longer of use to Lord Orochimaru, then there's no need for you to worry about me." Kimimaro told her. Shizuka lowered her eyes and went back to picking flowers. It was that simple, wasn't it? All this time, she'd been moving back and forth between Sasori and Lord Orochimaru, but if she couldn't complete her duties, then what could she do? No one wants something that can't benefit them.

"As long as there is blood coursing through my veins, I'll always be of use to Lord Orochimaru." She stood up and brushed the dirt off of her clothes. "Let's head back. I think we have enough flowers."

The two made their way back to the base and Shizuka found herself in the lab, arranging the flowers she had picked from before. She replayed the earlier conversation with Kimimaro over and over again in her head. Lord Orochimaru was the man who had saved her from dying with her village. He'd given her a home, food, and clothes. Although he had done so much for her, how long until she'd be relieved of her duties? Once that happens, she can go and find Sasori.

Shaking her head, Shizuka mentally slapped herself. Her loyalty lies with Lord Orochimaru; she had made that commitment. He hadn't given her a reason to think otherwise, although the screams she heard when she occasionally went near the other side of the hideout did make her feel a little uneasy. However, he told her what the experiments were for - they were going to save mankind. So, she owed it to him to stay and help by any means possible. After all, where else would she go? Her home was gone.

Suddenly, there was a sharp pain in her head and Shizuka dropped the flowers she was holding. She gripped the ledge of the counter as the pain intensified. It was starting again. She could almost feel the walls closing in on her, so she shut her eyes and concentrated on her breathing while focusing her chakra to the area of her brain where she felt the pain. 1… 2… 1… 2… She kept repeating that pattern in her mind until the pain started to dull. When she opened her eyes, the room appeared as normal and she let out a small breath of relief.

"Snow White."

Shizuka jumped from the sudden voice and she quickly turned around to see Kabuto standing in the doorway. A smile settled onto her face in hopes of hiding her previous actions, but she couldn't help but wonder how long he'd been standing there. If he were to report to Lord Orochimaru that something was wrong with her, she didn't want to think of what the male would possibly do to her.

The female cleared her throat to regain her composure. "Yes, Kabuto-senpai?"

"The Sound Five will be going with Lord Orochimaru on a trip. You're coming with me." Kabuto responded, walking in as if nothing was wrong. She couldn't put her guard down just yet but she figured he didn't see her almost pass out.

"Where are we going?" Shizuka asked. As much as she liked leaving the hideout to see the outside world, she didn't feel too comfortable to be going with Kabuto. He was okay to her at first, but something about his demeanor had changed and it made her feel a little anxious.

Kabuto turned and looked in her direction. "Just do what I say."