Chapter 66: Unraveling Shadows

Chapter 66: Unraveling Shadows

The sun had barely risen, casting a golden glow over the city as Emma and Ethan woke up to a new day. The events of the previous day were still fresh in their minds, and the sense of unease lingered. They knew that they had to be cautious, for their enemy could strike at any moment.

Over breakfast, they discussed their next steps. "We need to find out who sent that letter," Ethan said, his eyes focused and determined.

Emma nodded, sipping her coffee thoughtfully. "I have a few ideas. There are a few people from my past who might hold a grudge."

As they set out to investigate, they decided to split up, each taking a different lead to follow. Emma went to meet an old associate, someone she had once trusted but had fallen out with years ago. Their conversation was tense and full of veiled threats, but Emma managed to glean some information that could be crucial.