Skalroc is a fucked up creature.






Tyler woke the next morning on his belly with a warm weight curled into a ball on his back and Hailey asleep beside him in his bed. He smiled as he felt Tulip was the warm weight curled into a ball on his back. Hailey smiled as she opened her eyes.


Tyler chuckled at this fact as the brown haired cutie blushed in her sleep.

"She's like the better version of a cat. I like it."

Tulip woke with a squeaking yawn and Tyler smiled.

"Morning Flowerpot. Sleep well?"

She giggled and snuggled back on his back.

"Yup! You're a great bed Gore!"

"Cute. Come on we got work to do."

"OOH boo."

"I know. Come on."

Tulip sighed and hopped off his back and Tyler kissed Hailey.

"Morning Hails. I love you."

She smiled.

"Good morning, Gore. I love you too. She is too freakin cute."

"So true."

The pair got dressed and walked out for find Tulip sniggering to herself as she poked at Angel's exposed rack while she and Alexis snuggled. Tyler sighed with a smile and pulled the blanket up.

"Not cool, Tulip."

"Her boobs are so squishy! I like em!"

"Me too but come on."


Hailey's mild smirk made him chuckle.

"I've felt hers remember?"

"Oh yeah. Sorry! NOT gonna be that easy!"

"Love you too, Hails."

She went with Tulip into the shower while Tyler took the stove. He looked up and chuckled at the sight of Kora asleep ontop of Ben with both dudes facedown. The Survivor chuckled as he considered the best joke to make in that situation and Alexis came out with a smirk.

"Don't be a dick."

"Yes Alexis."

The bikerchick chuckled at that one and Tyler smiled as they got breakfast going. Tulip came out with Hailey and Alexis went in with a smirking Angel and Hailey smiled as she got another kiss.

"Wow. Their asses are gonna hurt like hell today."

Tulip had noticed Kora and Ben's position and her cutely voiced comment had Tyler losing his mind at her cuteness. Hailey slumped and a groan was heard from the couch.

"Bro we just got ROASTED by yo little sister."

"Yeah...and I heard GORE say that. we're fucked."

"Yup.....don't say it."

Tyler chuckled as the two sore dudes cleaned up. Once the group were people again and gathered around the table he crossed his arms.

"Alright. I want the Osprey airworthy by the end of the day and the RV started on as well. I'll be helping out on the work since we NEED to raid that I am getting tired of this area."

They nodded and Hailey looked at him.

"We'll get it done."

"Good. Break."

The refreshed friends threw themselves into their work with a passion. Tyler and the mechanics worked the Osprey over while everyone else funneled loot to them and killed zombies. The day passed in a blurr for the friends and as the sun went down the Osprey was declared airworthy and the RV had sheets of plater steel from the various armored vehicles welded on. Tyler smiled as they reconvened in the Rv.

"Alright. Osprey is ready for deployment. In the morning I'll take a crew on a scouting run of the base. Goal is to figure out just WHAT is inside that base."

They nodded and Mylissa appeared. Tyler looked at her.

"Sarah's off schedule."

She smirked.

"Fox has refused to air your interveiws due to your nonstop attacks and offensive remarks. So CNN is taking them."

"Nice. And the bundles?"

"Are online now. I'll purchase them and have them ready for delivery in the morning."

HE nodded.

"Alrighty. we got a lotta work in der morning."

The friends nodded and Hailey smiled as Tyler snuggled with her in their bed.

"MUCH better."

He kissed her.

"I love you too, Hailey."

"Night, Gore. I love you too."






Tyler woke the next morning with Hailey on his chest and her arms around his neck. He smiled at this and kissed her awake. her brown eyes were full of sparkles as they opened and he kissed her again. The pair got into a makeout session that had Hailey pinned to the bed this time and he smiled as her shirt had hiked up over her cleavage while her light blue panties were on full display. Hailey smiled with a blush at her exposure.

"Not like this."

He kissed her lovingly and she sighed.

"I WANT to. Just....kinda scary."

"I get it."

She smiled and held her boyfriend tightly as they enjoyed a morning cuddle. Then Hailey smiled.

"I'm hungry."

"As you wish, Hails."

She shivered at that attack and the pair went out. Tulip was found snuggled into Angel and Alexis' busts and the tiny cutie was firmly entrenched by their hugs while the pair cleaned up and made breakfast. Kora was on his face this time and Tyler looked at Hailey.

"we might wanna see about a curtain or something. Kinda tired a seeing Kora with his ass in the air."

"Gore you are a prick....but that IS a good idea."

The grumble made them chuckle before the group gathered around the table for the daily briefing. Tyler tapped the military base.

"Okay. I'll be taking a crew up to the base for a scouting op. It'll be me, Hails, Angel, Ben, and Kora. Alexis, you're in charge while we're gone. You're to keep working on the Rv and town."

She nodded.


Rias perked up.

"Can I go, Gore?"

He smiled at the eager redhead.

"When you have more experience in our crew you can, Rias. Sadly this is a job for the most experienced."

"Dammit. Fine. I'll just snuggle the cutie."

"Yay! Devilgirl snuggle!"

They laughed at that one before the floating screen appeared and a man was seen.

"Good morning America, I am Bruce Kenna. CNN. We're live with Goreleech's camp inside,"

Tyler waited patiently as he did his intro before the man looked at him.

"Goreleech. Are you a Christain?"

"Nope. Atheist. we've been over this."

"Your views on the Catholic faith are quite offensive. What do you view Christains as?"

"They have their own camps for gays. If you believe forcing such bullshit down people's throats is a good idea, I condemn you. So the question is, DO YOU?"

The man turned the screen off and Kora whistled.

"45 seconds on the dot. Nicely done."

"Ha. It's too easy to piss off reporters. nothing they to is real so."

Mylissa appeared with a smirk.

"Nice. Okay. The bundles are inbound and will arrive in an airdrop. Code's in your messages."

Tyler nodded.

"HOw am I doing for views?"

"VERY well. Up in the 250,000 range DAILY."

"Can I do a raid?"

Mylissa smiled widely.

"Absolutely. Who is it?"


"HA! The oppressed youtube couple."

"And my favorites. I haven't watched their stuff in a while since ya know, LOD, but yeah."

Mylissa chuckled.

"She's streaming tonight. And I'll make it an unannounced raid too. and MXR?"

"HIM I got an idea for. Livestream intervew."

"Wow. Using your platform to promote their own. I can use that. alright. I'll reach out."

A whrring sound was heard outside before a set of steel crates with keypads were seen falling from the sky. Tyler chuckled as he saw this.

"Nice. Let's gear up."

The friends collected their bundles from the crate and Tyler smirked as he took the Jurrassic Park skinned SPAZ12, M16A1 emblazoned with the Colt logo, and his backpack from the Last Of Us. The crate shattered like glass once the last bundle was claimed and Hailey smiled as she pulled her new shirt on.

"Okay. THIS is kinda cool."

"Tyler chuckled as he loaded his new M16A1.

"Best part is they take no space in our storage and can always be found in any container we own."

Kora smiled as he got his Nike flights for his sponsership.

"So what's the next gimmick, Gore? Scouting?"

Tyler smirked and looked at Tulip.

"We find any working videocameras, Tulip?"

The cutie nodded.

"Yup. Like thirty."

"We'll take a high quality one. Way we scout is we use actual recorders and the screen recording too for better analisys to make absolutely certain we get EVERY detail we can. Two will fly the bird, two on defense, and two will take screen shots, recordings, and the like of everything we see. Four orbits of the base and then we touch down. We'll review the data, and adjust accordingly. Then tomorrow we'll do another op in the event more are appearing. If they ARE that means there's a nest in there. Nests spawn zombies like spores and are EXTREMELY tough to kill. If the nest is spawns in an extra 200 walkers for an intial defense. Piss it OFF....and it'll summon a goddamned Tyrannataur as a fuck you. And for those of you that DON'T KNOW? A tyrannataur is a ZOMBIE. T-REX. An undead T-rex."

Kora whistled and looked at Ben.

"It wrong I just made a little mud in my pants?"

The marine engineer trainee smirked.

"I just saw my life before my eyes at that one. so no. No it is not."

Rias smiled dreamily.

"And YOU killed one! Myyyy HERO!"

Tyler and the rest whistled at THAT creepy stalker sigh and the Survivor looked at his smirking girlfriend.

"Yup. I'm fucked."

Hailey smirked at that one.

"I DO still have a knife, Gore."

"Love you too, Hails."

She smiled happily and the survivor looked at ben.

"How soon can we spin up?"

The marine engineer smirked.

"10 minutes."

"Coolip. Let's...OH. we got any M2s leftover?"

Kora smirked.

"we do. Two of em."

Tyler smiled.

"Mount em on the drop ramp. we can use em for defense."

The group smirked and the friends got to it. Tyler helped Ben and Kora moun t the M2 browning 50 caliber machineguns on the drop ramp of the tilt engine Osprey while Tulip[ passed Hailey and angel their cameras. Once the preperations were completed Tyler, Kora, Ben, Angel, Hailey, and Alexis climbed aboard. Kora and Ben would fly the Osprey, Tyler and Alexis would defend the bird on the guns, while Angel and Hailey recorded the entire flight. Tyler smiled as he pulled the charging handle on his M2 back.

"Let's go to hell, together."

The group chuckled at that one as Ben flipped the startup switches.

"Hold onto your butts."

"Dammit. He had the better one."

That got a laugh as Dublin took charge of the group to continue working on the RV and town while the Osprey lifted into the sky. Tyler smiled as the ramp stayed open.

"Ben, max altitude."

"Roger. Acending."

Angel and Hailey were smiling at their first military bir ride while Alexis kept watch out of the rear with Tyler.

"Hey, Gore, any other fliers up here?"

The Survivor smirked as he lit a cigerate.

"we got undead crows that like to roam n swarms like from Resident Evil, a few undead dinosaurs, the Skorcas, Skalroc, his drones, annnnd a VERY angry flying penguin."

The group looked at him and he chuckled.

"There's an undead penguin up here somewhere that's a miniboss. And it is a VERY angry bird. It'll come up to you and BITCH slap you like an idiot kid in a slapping contest. It's TOUGH too and yeah. Undead penguin. Only one of it's kind...and it SPITS on you and SWEARS at you too."

Angel busted up laughing at the image.

"So a VERY salty penguin? That is such a fucking troll boss it's HILARIOUS!"

"There's an undead fungus in here that when killed explodes into the shape of a iddle finger. Like you kill it, and it flips you off. Ya feel proud a yaself? Ya shot a mushroom with a shotgun."

Hailey snorted.

"Did YOU come up with that one, Gore?"

"Nope. I WISH I had though. For the stoner in everyone."

They chuckled before Ben was heard.

"Base in sight."

"Alright. Cameras ready?"

Angel nodded as she came up with her high powered camcorder.

"Your balls thank you for the way you said that. and we are."

"Good. HAils?"


Tyler nodded as he took the the handles of the M2.

"Alright. eyes peel people."

They flew over the base and the girls had their cameras recording every visible angle while Tyler looked at the layout of the base. In shape and style it was your usual airforce base with a long runway of four lanes and parking lots for said birds with fifteen massive hangers storing bombers. On the far side of the base were the barracks for the standing troops and their commanders. The open ground was covered in HUNDREDS of lumbering zombies ranging from your usual walking corpses in full military equipment to stregors in riot gear, Armored Hulks, Banshees in flight jackets, crawling zombies missing half their bodies, a few skalbears for no good reason, and a 15 foot foot tall amalgamation of flesh and metal in the exact center of the base. Tyler smirked.

"eyes on Zombotron."

Hails came over with her camcorder.

"Got it....JESUS CHRIST, Gore."

"Yeeah it's a scary thing to find in a dark alley."

The Zombotron was 15 feet tall and about 7 feet wide at the shoulder. It appearance it resembled a famous jet-based transformer with the flesh of a human around the metalic parts and a 120mm smoothbore tank cannon for a right arm while on the back was the turret itself. The chest was covered in slabs of cement and steel plating while the legs were rotted human legs covered in electronics and steel. The head was a mix of a flesh and blood human and the helmet of a robot. The left arm was a 7 foot long jagged spike of metal crusted int he blood of it's previous victims and the thing moved like an actual person when it stepped. Tyler had a smirk as he looked the thing over.

"Looks like a standard zombotron. They come in breeds and yeah. That one seems like the most common breed since that cannonarm is green."

Hailey nodded as she swung the camera.

"Eyes on something else, Gore. 11 o clock low."

Tyler swung the barrel of the M2 around and noted the curled up mass of black flesh on the tarmac.

"Oh. That's rare. It's an undead giant tiger. we called them Diagor. Diablo Tiger. It's a rarer form of miniboss that acts like a normal tiger. Nice. I only saw one a those in the beta."

Angel smiled as she looked out a porthole in the Osprey.

"It;s not looking too difficult, Gore. all we really need to do is kill the Zombotron and make sure we got enough bullets."

Tyler smiled as they did their third circuit.

"And we got the rockets to do it. I deal with the Zombotron and the Diagor while the rest of you use machineguns to light up the fodder."

Ben smiled.

"Pass 4."

"Alright. Once we're done here we'll RTB and review what we know."

The heads nodded and Tyler noted the masses of normal zombies were following the sound of the Osprey's engines but the base was walled in on all sides aside form the mainentry way. Which Angel panned her camera around at.

"Hey Gore what the hell is that?"

She pointed out a large creature at the main entrance and Tyler looked closer through the camcorder.

"Hm? oooh SHIT. Ugh. A Defender. Basically it's another breed of Zombotron with a 40 foot shield made of bone and flesh. It's BULLET PROOF, and can tank tankshells. It defends while the Cannoneer shoots. Ugh. I HATED fighting them things in the beta. Alright we got what we need."

"breaking off."

The crew moved off and Tyler rlowered the M2. The flight back to town was uneventful and Tyler tapped the image of the Defender once they were back in the RV.

"That thing is the biggest pain in the ass as it's a coward. It takes ANY damage it puts it's ass to the wall and SITS there firing off machinegun ammo. We'll have to use the Javelin-7's top down style impact to kill it."

Ben chuckled.

"Did you REALLY expect it to be easy, Gore?"

"Nope. I'dda been VERY concered if it WAS smooth sailing. Alright. we got 4 rockets for the Javelin-7 and 5 for the RPG-7. The RPG we'll use on the Zombotron and the Javelin the Defender."

Rias smiled.

"The Nest?"

"No hits yet, Rias. we'll check again tomorrow though since they DO roam a bit. It's like a mass of flesh that shits out zombies in the shape of a mud pile."

They shivered from the imagery and Dublin crossed her arms.

"It's still doable. It'll be a PAIN in the ASS but we can do it."

Tyler nodded.

"Two more days scouting, one full day's prep, and we launch on the third day. It'll be a combined assault air-ground. I'll be in the Osprey with Ben, Kora, Hails, angel, Alexis,"

Rias perked up.

"Me too! I'm a good sniper!"

He sighed and smiled.

"And Rias. we DO need to get more people train on our skills. Alexis will lead the ground force using the techinicals to mow down zombies while the air brigade deals with the big guys."

They nodded and Hailey frowned.

"Skalroc won't say hi will he?"

Tyler chuckled.

"He MIGHT. Which is another reason we keep such fucking close tabs on him. He DOES....I'll draw him off as he HATES me. Like to the point of ignoring you. I've evaded him before and I can do it agan. DURING this period, YOU all HIDE. Once he loses sight of me he'll get VERY pissy and yeah. Once he flies off...we're safe."

They nodded and Tyler did a watch check.

"Po's stream's about to start. You know what to do."

They chuckled and the RV was readied for another relaxer on the couches. Once comfy Mylissa appeared with a smile.

"Alright. Everyone's here. Ready, Gore?"


Another floating screen appeared with a rather pretty lady with black hair doing her lifestream intro while setting up another game. She had a distinct look of shock as Tyler's face appeared.


Tyler smiled.

"SUUURPRISE! Get her lads an lasses!"

The streamer had a look of utter shock as the HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS of Goreleech's followers and watchers POURED into her stream and the poor girl seemed about to cry from the unexpected fame.

"Oh my god."

Tyler chuckled as the chat exploded.

"Always been on mah bucket list to raid one a yo streams, Pandaqueen."

The girl called her boyfriend and the lanky guy came in.



"HOLY shit. Really?"

Tyler smiled as MXR appeared.

"Yo bro. Did ya favorite panda a favor. Oh don't worry. I got BIG plans for YOU."

MXR smirked.

"NOw I'm scared."

"Don't worry. It'll be...IMMERSIVE."

"Oh shit."

Tyler chuckled at his justified fear as PotasticP now had to contend with the fact her stream had hit 500k in the matter of thirty seconds...and was still increasing. The Survivor smiled as he looked at the game being streamed.

"I play that too. Not OFTEN but I do."

The friends hung out with the pair o their stream for a good few hours and Potastic wound up hitting 1mil viewers and Tyler smiled as the thing wound down and ended.

"Okay we need to do that more."

Mylissia appeared with her own smile.

"YES we DO, Gore. that poor girl was about to CRY from the surprise. we'll do it."

"Jeanie and Henry are freakin gems. He's a raunchy smartass and she's a sweethearted pandaqueen. we'll surprise em again."

"And they'll never see it coming. Tomorrow is the Smackdown tunein. I...have an offer for you, Gore."

Tyler smirked.

"Live tuneins for the show?"

She nodded.

"Yup. You'd be required to make every episode of Raw and Smackdown plus other events and provide your own commentary KINDA were a HIT."

"Sure, Mylissa. So long as we're SAFE that is."

"Absolutely. Tomorrow you'll tune into Smackdown and then it'll be raw as the next big PPV event is....ha. Elimination Chamber."

Tyler nodded and Kora smirked.

"It'll be fun trashing them and getting paid to do it."

Mylissa looked at her paper.

"The next bit is you've been asked to review the upcoming Fast & Furious movie, a fight with you and Roman as the dropin matches were approved, and yeah."

"Ha. This'll be fun. We'll be busy."

The screen went out and the friends cleaned up before Tyler and Hailey went to their room. The black haired girl smiled as he kissed her.

"I love you too, Tyler."

They got into another intense makeout session that saw her on top this time and him stroking her slender legs lovingly before she smiled.

"Not yet."

He kissed her lovingly.

"I love you too, Hails."

She smiled and rested her head on his chest as he pulled the blanket up over her.

"Wow. This IS freakin comfy."

"Ha. Happy to support you."

"I love you, Tyler."

"I love you too Hails."