The sun's rays peeked out from behind the clouds as a new day had begun. After a calm, summer's night, the day was proving to follow the same pattern as the clouds began to clear out, only leaving a few lingering puffs of white in the cerulean sky.
"Land ho!" A strong, masculine voice called as the sight of mountains appeared in the distance. A group of the ship's staff steadily began their procedures for docking, hustling and bustling about as they embraced the crisp, salty sea air and navigated around civilians and shinobi alike.
At the front of the boat stood a young woman with nothing but a small bag hanging off her shoulder. Her sandy, blond hair was tied up in a high bun with her bangs and sides still framing her face. There was a bandage wrapped from her left wrist to her elbow and she silently brushed the tips of her fingers along the length of the bandage as she looked at the upcoming shore in deep thought.
It's been a couple of months since she'd last seen them. After she had killed her father, she remembered an overview of the events, but the shock of it all rendered her from recalling complete details. Regardless of the things her father and brother had done, she had too much of a guilty conscience to leave their bodies exposed in the crater. Digging their graves, she laid them to rest between the rocks before returning home. She was sure that her accompanists were with her during that time, but once she reached the docks, they were nowhere to be found. Disheartened, she wasn't even able to properly say goodbye.
When she arrived back in Kirigakure, her home just didn't feel like home anymore. She had walked into the kitchen first and sat down at the table, looking at the broken plate she had tried to mend the night she found out that her father wanted to reappropriate her body. She sighed softly to herself as she stood up, pushing the somber thoughts out of her head. No matter where she went, however, they only seemed to follow. After all, it was just her now.
Continuing through the house, she closed off her brother's and father's rooms before stopping in her own. The remnants of her long hair were still discarded on the ground where she left it. Grabbing a broom, she began to sweep it up. As she cleaned, her eyes drifted towards the scar on her left arm. The indescribable pain she felt when Kakuzu's stitches were being expelled from her body was now reduced to a dull throb every now and then, however she didn't mind it. The physical appearance was much more important to her. The gash that took up the better part of her lower left arm was sewn up with a needle and thread after being cleaned. It was the only thing left to remind her of her experience and the new acquaintances she had made.
After a couple weeks of solitude, Nozomi decided that she couldn't be surrounded by these memories anymore. What she needed was a fresh start and a breath of fresh air. Confident with her decision, she packed a small bag of necessities and sold her home along with whatever was inside. Emptying her savings account and whatever insurance she could get from Hideki's hunter-nin occupation, she bought a one way ticket for Kumogakure and set off, waving her second home good bye. After all, third time's the charm, right?
Two months into her stay in the Land of Lightning, she found a simple cottage a little ways from Kumogakure. The goal was to one day live in the civilian district inside the Hidden Village, but she would have to get approval first which meant she would have to travel back to the Mist to retrieve her proof of citizenship documents. This revelation lead her to today, where she was heading back to her new home from Kirigakure after collecting her paperwork..
Once the boat reached the docks, Nozomi stepped off the ship and onto land. A gentle breeze greeted her and she clutched the end of her yellow sundress to prevent it from flying up as she looked up at the stone buildings that seemed to touch the heavens. This time, she could actually go sight-seeing. Chuckling to herself, the woman started on her way as she fixed her bangs. If she retraced her steps, she might even pass by the black market and possibly run into Kakuzu again?
After an hour, she had finally made it home. The time was only approaching noon and it was such a nice day out, so Nozomi placed her bag down and stepped outside, taking in the fresh scenery that was around her. The Land of Lightning was nowhere near as dark and gloomy as her previous home had been, and they even had some lingering wild life amidst the vast masses of stone and sediment. Perhaps a couple of flowers would help brighten up her cozy home.
"Why the hell is it that every time we aren't doing something Akatsuki-related, we have to take commissions?" A certain silver haired male complained as he walked down the dirt path, agitated. "All I want to do is have some fun, but you're nothing but a greedy, soul-sucking bastard." In a split second, Hidan whipped out his scythe, just in time to block a fist that was headed straight for his throat.
The assailant narrowed his eyes, crimson irides staring into violet ones with such volatile hostility. "Once you hurry up and die, you can have all the fun you want." Standing up straight, Kakuzu didn't glance back as he resumed walking. "Shut up and stay out of my way."
Hidan couldn't refrain from rolling his eyes. "Whatever you want, Kakuzu-chan." The honorific was highly sarcastic as he put his scythe away and followed after his obnoxious partner. Ever since they had left the border between the Land of Frost and the Land of Hot Water with that brat, Kakuzu had been nothing but irritating him, taking bounty after bounty and basically dragging him along. Now, they were back in the Land of Lightning after they'd just finished helping to seal Shukaku and he had no doubt of where his partner was headed - the black market. "I liked you better when the blond bitch was attached to your side."
Kakuzu's eyes narrowed, unbeknownst to the male, but he didn't respond and his pace didn't slow. As Hidan grumbled to himself at his rear, he adjusted the sack he was carrying over his shoulder of another successful bounty and trudged along. His mind wandered to the last comment his partner made about the girl. Even after a few months, it felt a bit different as there wasn't any extra dead weight with a mind of its own attached to his arm anymore. After the incident, he and Hidan watched as the girl buried her family and started on her journey back home. Her lifeless body seemed to be on autopilot and she didn't speak. Being that there was no medical service nearby, Kakuzu helped her bandage her wound until she could receive proper treatment.
There had come a time during the journey back where Kakuzu began to distance himself and Hidan from the woman. They had spent too much time in one place and she had become too attached to them. He also couldn't deny the fact that he had lowered his guard slightly when he was with her, something he often ridiculed Hidan for. The humanity that he had "discarded" so many years ago was starting to resurge, so he made a choice. By the time Nozomi had reached the docks, he and his partner were long gone.
"-staying?" Hidan's voice began to cut through his thoughts. Stopping in his tracks, Kakuzu realized that they had arrived at the black market. Hidan crossed his arms and furrowed his brows in disgust for the environment he was in. "Oi, I said how long are we staying this time?"
"Do what you want, but stay close. We don't know when we'll get called again. I'll find you when I'm finished." With that, Kakuzu walked away and disappeared into the crowd. Hidan sighed in exasperation and headed out into the forest, away from the market. He would never understand his partner's vile obsession for money.
After an hour or so of hanging around the area, Hidan grew restless and ventured farther away from the black market. No one in their right mind would dare to come after him, so he figured he could go exploring for a bit. The Land of Lightning was different from his pacifist home country, though it was a bit on the dull side of his taste. Nonetheless, it would have to do for now. Holding his amulet to his lips, he closed his eyes for a moment to pray. Perhaps while Kakuzu was having "fun", he could have his own version of fun.
Sensing some chakra a couple meters ahead, he grinned. Lord Jashin seemed to working quickly today! Jumping up, he concealed himself between rocks as he was nearing the mountains. There was a small clearing up ahead and he could make out a body. Whoever this was didn't seem to notice him, so he took the opportunity and leaped out from behind the rocks, his scythe drawn and ready to strike. "I got you now!"
A loud clang sounded as metal came in contact with metal. Hidan's scythe was apprehended by two kunai, although the sheer force of his attack had knocked his victim onto their back. With his scythe mere centimeters from his prey's face, he was more than willing to end this all with one blow. His eyes, which held a wild, animalistic intent, scanned over his catch hungrily. A female with pure, untainted skin, yellow dress, sandy blond hair… blue eyes…? He tilted his head for a moment. She looked familiar, like he had seen her before.
The female was shaking as she tried to counter the pressure the scythe was placing on her. It was a lot harder to defend herself when she was laying on her back. This weapon… She knew someone who used it. As she looked at her oppressor through squinted eyes, she began to make out their description. The first shock came to her when she recognized the red clouds adorning their black cloak. Her eyes slowly dragged up her attacker's frame until she identified the silver hair and violet eyes and her eyes widened significantly.
Hidan jumped back and he leaned forward, narrowing his eyes with aggravation. Sitting up, Nozomi lowered her kunai and pointed a finger at him, stunned. The two simultaneously spoke the only word that seemed to formulate in their minds, each with their own respective emotions. "You!"
Kakuzu left the black market, the funds he collected from the bounty secured safely in his pouch. The last bounty had been alright, but Hidan was really messing with his profits with that overbearing mouth of his and inconvenient attack habits he had. Oh, what he wouldn't give to be able to kill the man right then and there. He made a mental note to himself to visit Zangei soon so he could get back on the real bounties that were worth hunting.
As he exited the black market, the tall male stood in the space where he had left his rambunctious partner, only to find that he was nowhere to be found. "I know I said to stay close." He grumbled to himself as he began walking, sensing the surrounding area to see where Hidan could've gone. After locating the familiar chakra signature in the northeast direction, Kakuzu set off.
It didn't take him long to discover the area where Hidan was standing, mostly due to the fact that he could hear a loud string of curses filling the air. There was also a second voice in the mix, but he couldn't identify it until he got closer.
"What the fuck are you doing here, brat?" Hidan placed one hand on his hip as the other tucked his scythe away behind his back. "And who the hell taught you how to get your ass kicked?"
Nozomi puffed out her cheeks in a pout as she was fumed with anger. She immediately jumped up, brushing the dirt off of her dress. "I could say the same to you! I'm taking classes at a local genin school so I can learn how to protect myself."
"Protect?" Hidan howled with laughter. The female in front of him clenched her fists as her face blushed with embarrassment. He tried to speak amidst his amusement, but he couldn't seem to find the breaths as he was laughing so hard. "You call that protection? I almost took your damn head off!"
As Nozomi restrained herself from launching the kunai at Hidan's throat, Kakuzu stood in the shadows behind the rocks, watching the two's interaction. The girl seemed to have regained her spirit from the last time he'd seen her. After all the death and destruction she had seen and taken part in, that was a victorious feat.
Looking around, Nozomi disregarded Hidan as a new thought occupied her mind. If he was here, maybe that meant that Kakuzu was nearby too. Her heart began to beat loudly in her chest as she hoped the male would appear as well. She wanted to properly thank him and Hidan for what they had done for her and she saw this as her chance. "Hidan-san?" She spoke up quickly before she could begin to chicken out. "Um, is Kakuzu-san here too?"
Hidan, too preoccupied in the girl's embarrassment, didn't even acknowledge her question. "You should've seen the look on your face! Your eyes were about to pop out of your head." He wiped away a stray tear as he tried to stop laughing. "Then you flopped on the ground like a fish out of water- Fuck!"
The silver haired male clutched his head as it throbbed in pain. Beside him was none other than the culprit, whose hand was still raised after the attack. Nozomi's eyes widened in shock for a moment before a bright smile lit up her face.
"Kakuzu-san!" She ran up the male and greeted him, happy to be able to meet her savior again. Seeing this as her opportunity, she proceeded with her plan. "Would you two like some tea?"
Arriving at her new home, Nozomi placed the basket of flowers she had been collecting in the center of her kitchen table before heading to the stove to brew a pot of tea. Her small cottage was a simple one-story home with one bedroom, one bathroom, a common area, and a kitchen. She had bought it for a decent price since it was a little ways from the village, however there was a small open market close by that was accessible to her.
Hidan and Kakuzu entered the home after ensuring they weren't being followed and took seats at the table. Once the tea was finished, Nozomi returned to the table and served her guests tea and macarons. "I hope you don't mind the sweets. I have yet to go grocery shopping but I picked these up at the market nearby and they're really good!" Taking a spot at the table, she waited for Kakuzu and Hidan to pick first before indulging herself.
The light conversation at the table was mainly Nozomi speaking about random things, however Kakuzu let her ramble whereas Hidan was on the verge of flipping the table. After a while, the male stood up, saying something along the lines of 'it's fucking stuffy in here' as he headed out the front door. Nozomi watched him make his departure before blushing with embarrassment.
"I'm sorry. I've been talking the whole time, haven't I?" She looked down at her half empty tea cup as she twiddled her thumbs underneath the table. She couldn't bare to look up and see Kakuzu's expression, so instead, she reached for her cup and brought it to her lips as her throat began to run dry.
"You seem to be doing better."
Nozomi paused for a moment before she set her tea cup down. Finally looking at the male sitting across from her, a small smile graced her lips. "I am. I took a big step moving to a new land to start over, but it was worth it." She unconsciously placed her right hand overtop of the bandage on her left arm. "Without your help, I don't know what would've happened to me. I really appreciate you accepting my bounty request."
Before the female said anything else, her eyes widened with realization and she immediately got up from the table. Kakuzu watched her curiously as she disappeared into her bedroom. After a couple shuffling noises here and there, she returned with a small brown parcel that was tied together with a small piece of twine in her hands. Nozomi approached Kakuzu with a grateful smile and ushered the envelope in his direction. "This is the payment I owe you for completing the bounty. All 35,000,000 ryo is in there, but you can count it again if you want."
Kakuzu stared at the parcel in front of him for a moment before looking up at the innocent smile on Nozomi's face. After all that the girl had been through, how could she still possess a smile like that? Not looking away from the female, he gave her a simple reply. "No."
The smile disappeared from Nozomi's face and it was replaced by a look of confusion. No? "This is the payment you requested, am I right? Did I get the amount wrong?"
"Only those who work should get paid." Kakuzu stated as he stood up from the table. "I didn't kill the bounty; you did. Therefore, the money is yours." He could still sense that Hidan was nearby, which was good. They would need to take their leave soon.
Dejected as he stood up, knowing that signalled that he would be leaving soon, she frowned. Gripping the parcel in her hands slightly, she stepped closer to him. "Then take it as the reward for killing Hideki. I didn't realize that he would be in on the plan, so taking care of him was a job well done." She thrust the package out to him again and took a hold of his hand, making sure that he gained possession of it.
Seeing as she wouldn't take no for an answer, Kakuzu accepted the money on her behalf and slipped it inside his cloak for safe keeping. He looked down and saw her smile once more as she stared back at him. There was something in her eyes - a look of mischievousness?
Her next move took the older male by surprise. Pushing herself onto her tiptoes, the female latched herself onto him by wrapping her arms around his neck as best as she could. Why was she so close? What aspect of him screamed inviting to her or allowed her to believe that she could do something like this?
"Thank you, Kakuzu-san. For everything." She whispered to him.
Instead of recoiling back or prying the female off of him, Kakuzu stood still. He didn't reciprocate, but rather let her hang onto him. In the silence that he didn't mind, he relaxed for a moment in her hold. So this was what it felt to be human again. How dangerous.
The moment was ruined by a familiar feeling he got from the ring on his finger. His leader was calling him. Hidan erupted through the door and Nozomi immediately jumped off of Kakuzu, turning her head to hide her red face as she absentmindedly fixed her dress. The silver haired male looked between Kakuzu and Nozomi for a moment with a knowing smirk on his face, however the expression disappeared quickly when he made eye contact with his partner.
"We'll be taking our leave now." Kakuzu told Nozomi as he headed for the door after Hidan disappeared.
Nozomi snapped her head towards the door to look at him and immediately followed, her heart dropping to her stomach as a frown formed on her face. "Already? But… but you just got here! You can't leave so soon!" She clutched the end of her dress in her fists as her eyes flooded with tears. She didn't want to be alone again. Why was it that when she finally got the chance to see him again, it was just going to end in his disappearance? Somehow finding her voice again after getting choked up, she let go of her dress and grabbed the end of Kakuzu's cloak. "W-Will I ever see you again?"
Kakuzu paused and turned around to look at the female and her tear-stained face. For her sake, he hoped that she would stay safe. That she wouldn't get involved with the black market anymore. That she could live out the rest of her life in peace. And that she would never have the chance of meeting him again. She still didn't know who he was or who he was affiliated with, and she didn't need to know, or she would be at risk. She got lucky this time around, however if the wrong person found out that she knew of him or Hidan, she would be dead in a matter of seconds.
"If you're prepared, there won't be any sorrow." He looked down at her. Nozomi's eyes widened as she realized what he was saying and she let go of his cloak. Before she could respond, Hidan and Kakuzu disappeared before her eyes.
Back at the Akatsuki hideout, Kakuzu dropped off the body of Yugito Nii and retreated to the treasury room. Once the rest of the organization was contacted or gathered, they would begin the sealing process. Until then, he was free to do as he pleased while he waited.
Kakuzu took his seat behind an old, stone clad desk and took out the money he had collected from his bounties. After organizing the first couple amounts and recording them, he filed the money away before looking back at the desk. A small parcel wrapped in twine was all that was left - his personal bounty. Taking a seat behind the desk once more, he unwrapped the neat package and emptied its contents.
"Ninety-eight, ninety-nine, one hundred…" The male murmured to himself as he put together another stack. The girl was correct. All 35,000,000 ryo was there and accounted for. Once he organized the money by the type of bill, a discarded slip of paper sticking out of the empty envelope caught his attention. The paper was slightly torn at the edges from when he opened the parcel, but overall it was in good condition. Identifying it as a note, he unfolded the sheet and began to read.
Dear Kakuzu-san,
It's been a couple of weeks since I've seen you and Hidan-san. I'm writing this note because I'm not sure when you will come to collect the reward for the bounty, nor am I sure what I will say to you when (or if) you do. I will forever be in your debt for saving me from my fate. Words cannot express how thankful I am to you, but that's not the only reason why I'm writing this.
I wish I could be more like you. Being stuck to you taught me a lot about being more confident in myself and to be assertive when going after what I want. The stitches on my arm will always be a constant reminder of that and of you. I don't know when I'll be able to see you again, or if I will be able to see you again, however I didn't want to leave my feelings in a stalemate. I hope I'm able to tell you this in person one day.
I like you and I hope you're doing well.
Nozomi Shidou
Kakuzu skimmed the message a couple more times after reading it all the way through. Her feelings were going to get her killed. What a fool. Still, as he thought this, his mask hid the slight smile that slithered onto his face.
"Oi, Kakuzu." Hidan poked his head in the door. "After this sealing crap, let's go after those Konoha bastards. I need a good massacre and those little shits are getting on my nerves."
The tanned male looked up from the note and stood up from his desk, folding the paper and slipping it into his pocket. Usually he didn't condone his partner's behavior, however this request, he could agree on. Silently, he left the treasury room and closed the door as everyone was probably gathered for the sealing by now. Hidan, taking his partner's silence as confirmation, grinned and followed after him.
"What was on the paper?" Hidan asked as he fell in step with his partner in the dimly lit corridor, his arms resting behind his head. "A love letter?" The male teased knowingly.
Kakuzu rolled his eyes as he fondled the paper between his fingers in his pocket. "A fool's confession."
Hopefully that fool lived her life and stayed out of trouble. Maybe that stitch she mentioned would remind her of that too.