Chapter 3 : dungeon Alley

"I am the great astrologer - Trelawney!"

[Acquired Skill: Inspiration Level 0 (1/100)] (Your intuition is sharper)

Tom: …

You say he is European, he is quite wrong, if you say he is wrong, he still has ten consecutive yellows...

African chiefs, but not completely African chiefs. This is Tom's current state.

He embarrassedly stopped drawing cards. He had already drawn nearly a hundred rounds, and one-third of his savings had been emptied. As a result, two Professor Trelawney...

He didn't dare to continue. Today is obviously not a good day to draw cards! So he quit.

Until the next day when Professor McGonagall came to him, he didn't touch the prayer again.

"Professor Dumbledore allows you to study at Hogwarts." Professor McGonagall smiled. "Congratulations." She took a leather purse from her pocket and handed it to Tom, " This is a Hogwarts fund for students who need grants. It's not much, but you can save a little bit, and the Ministry of Magic and the school board have been reducing school expenses for the past two years..."

Professor McGonagall suddenly interrupted her speech, because she saw that Tom could not wait to open the purse and count the number of Galleons in the purse, which made her feel a little tired: such a greedy and uneducated guy , it was the first time she met.

Even if you wait until I leave to count the money?

Tom's image in Professor McGonagall's mind inevitably slipped to a greedy and ungrateful look.

But the next moment, she was stunned. Because she heard the child say: "Professor McGonagall, I owe Hogwarts this money. It's a total of twenty Galleons, and I'll find a way to pay it back."

Professor McGonagall was silent.

After a while, she said, "Okay."

Then she seemed to have suddenly remembered something. She lowered her head and said to Tom gently, "I suddenly remembered that the magic book I used during school hadn't been thrown away. If you don't dislike it with some notes I remember..."

"Thank you Professor." Tom bowed seriously to Professor McGonagall.

Hate the notes above? joke! That's the most valuable part of the book! Don't you see, Harry just got Professor Snape's textbook in sixth grade, just like picking up the protagonist of Goldfinger's novel, and hanging it all the way, even Hermione couldn't match it. How bad is Professor McGonagall's book at the same level as Professor Snape?

Both of them showed happy smiles from their hearts.

In addition to the money bag, Professor McGonagall handed him a letter with a train ticket to Hogwarts and the necessary items for the start of the school.

"Okay, I'm going to take you to Diagon Alley today." Professor McGonagall stretched out a thin hand, "Hold my hand tightly."

Tom did, and he put his hand tightly on Professor McGonagall's forearm, and then there was a bang, and Tom felt as if everything went dark around him, and there was a pressure in all directions that made it hard for him to breathe, like The whole person was stuffed into a rubber tube—

Finally, he "squirted" out of the tube, some foul air poured into his lungs, and after wiping the uncontrollable tears from his eyes, Tom found himself standing in a dingy, cramped bar . The bar was dark and dirty, a couple of old women were sitting in the corner drinking sherry, and a small man in a top hat was chatting with the bartender who looked like a shriveled walnut with almost stripped hair. His voice suddenly stopped, but when they glanced at the person who came in, they started chatting and drinking again.

Professor McGonagall led him through the bar to a small walled patio, where there was nothing but a trash can and some weeds. Professor McGonagall tapped the wall tiles above the trash can.

"Remember, count three up and two across." Professor McGonagall took out his wand and tapped the wall three times. The wall began to vibrate, and soon a wide arch was formed. The road leads to a winding cobblestone street with no end in sight.

"Welcome to Diagon Alley." Professor McGonagall and Tom walked into this lively street together, and the archway behind them disappeared little by little.

The voice of the system sounded in Tom's mind: [Accept the mission.

Mission: Wander the world. Goal: Explore the magical world

Stage 1 progress: 1/1 Diagon Alley map unlocked

Mission introduction: There are countless places in the magic world waiting for you to explore, always keep your curiosity strong, traveler! Phase 2 0/2

Stage 1 mission reward: Occlumency (five stars)]

Tom showed a smile and learned the scroll of Occlumency—of course, it is also level 0 and 0 experience. Occlumency is like antivirus on your computer, and while it doesn't protect you from hackers, without it, you feel like you're running around naked.

Next to them is a grocery store that sells copper cauldrons. UU Reading Professor McGonagall walked in resolutely, bought a cauldron for Tom, and then walked towards Mrs. Go buy the uniform first.

The owner of the robe shop, Mrs. Morkin, was a chubby witch with a smile. She welcomed Tom in enthusiastically, and then prepared a Hogwarts student suit for him.

She also tried to recommend some other additional outfits to Tom, but Tom touched his shriveled purse and refused decisively. Mrs. Mokin could only send him away with a look of regret, still sighing in her heart: This is really a boy with willpower, you must know that few children in the magic world can handle her preferential package.

Next, they also went to buy parchment and quill pens, of course ink and other items needed for school. Although Professor McGonagall solved the problem of the Transfiguration textbook for him, this shopping trip cost Tom money. There's still very little Galleon left in the bag, and if Tom wants to buy a brand new textbook, he's bound to run out of money.

"Go, buy a wand first. Freshmen should have a wand that suits them."

Professor McGonagall believes that a brand new wand is more meaningful than a brand new book. So they came to the door of a small and broken shop, the gold lettering on the door had peeled off, and it said [Olivander: Rod making since 382 B.C.] But this propaganda Few people would believe that 382 BC was still the era of Wu Qi's reforms!

There was nothing in the shop window, but a wand lay alone on a faded purple cushion.

In addition to a bench, there are thousands of long and narrow cardboard boxes, densely stacked, almost as high as the ceiling.