Chapter 9: We always learn together

"So this is your grand prize?" Hermione asked, holding a silver egg in her hand.

"That's right, this is the egg of the bird snake. It was introduced in the book "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them". The eggshell of the bird snake egg is sterling silver."

Tom's special prize at the Magic Zoo was an egg of a bird and a snake. This is a rare thing, and it is not often seen in the magic world.

"Okay, let's go back and talk slowly." The three had already left Diagon Alley and came to the parking lot. Mr. Granger put their purchases in the trunk of the car and drove the two back home.

Hermione's house is a small three-story western-style building with a large garden outside. Although it is located in the suburbs, such a house also reflects her family's financial resources.

"Come on, this is the guest room, what do you think?" Mr. Granger led Tom to the guest room of his house, which was simply furnished with a bed, a small sofa, a table and chairs, and a wardrobe. Everything is clean and tidy.

"It's great." Tom praised sincerely.

For the next period of time, Tom stayed at Hermione's house and was warmly welcomed by the Granger family. Mrs. Granger was an intellectual-looking middle-aged woman, from whom Hermione had inherited her brown hair.

Mrs. Granger's delicious dishes made Tom's stomach full of delight every time.

There is still nearly a month left of school. During this time, Tom and Hermione's main activity is reading books. Hermione quickly absorbed the nourishment from the textbook like a sponge, and her talent was obvious: she quickly mastered a few simple little magic spells.

Hermione's room was a mess now. But unlike other people's chaos, the mess in her bedroom is reflected in the books: all kinds of magic books are placed everywhere, and Hermione herself is sitting cross-legged on the bed, leaning on a pillow, holding a book in her hand Looking delicious.

"The book "Modern History of Magic" I think is worth reading, and I found that "Modern History of Magic", "The Rise and Fall of Dark Magic", "The Important Magical Events of the Twentieth Century", these books all mention a name —"

"Harry Potter. When it comes to the history of magic in the twentieth century, Grindelwald, Dumbledore, Voldemort and Harry Potter are all characters that cannot be avoided." Tom guessed which character she wanted to talk about.

He glanced at the bright sunshine outside - this is rare in London, and the temperature today is also very suitable, in the early 20s, just right lukewarm.

"Go out for a walk?" He gave a suggestion, "I've been sitting at home reading books these past few days..."

Hermione tilted her head and thought about it, feeling that Tom was right, so she kicked Tom out of the room.

After a while, a girl in a sailor suit appeared in front of him. She was wearing a white sailor's uniform with a short navy blue skirt and a pair of black stockings, and Hermione raised the book in her hand, "Shall we go for a walk by the lake?"

Tom has no opinion.

They walked through the garden and onto the tree-lined path that led to the lake.

"So which house do you want to go to?" Hermione took the initiative to stir up the topic, "I kind of want to go to Gryffindor, where Dumbledore graduated, but I don't think Ravenclaw is too bad, you What do you think? I'm a little worried about being sorted into Slytherin or Hufflepuff."

"Well, being born into a Muggle family and being in Slytherin is a real hassle."

"Is it a big problem to be born into a Muggle family?" Hermione whispered.

Tom hesitated.

"It doesn't make any difference, as long as it's not in Slytherin, they're not so, uh, friendly towards Muggle-born wizards..."

More than being unfriendly, if a hemp wizard enters Slytherin, what is the difference between him and the Ordos who settled in Germany in the 1930s?

"That's good. I was a little worried before." Hermione breathed a sigh of relief, "So you haven't said which college you want to go to?"

"I personally prefer to go to Ravenclaw, where the learning atmosphere is stronger, Gryffindor classmates are a little too energetic, it may be difficult to study quietly... Ravenclaw also has many great wizards, such as Lady Ravenclaw is the most knowledgeable and wise of the Big Four."

Hermione was obviously moved, but after a while she sighed again.

"It's a pity that I don't know how to divide the hospital. I may not be able to decide my whereabouts."

"Students can decide which college they want to go to. Students' own wishes account for a large proportion of the college. If you want to go to a college, the school will not stop you..."

Hermione stopped, looking happy when she heard the news.

"...And I think you're so smart, you're more suitable for Ravenclaw."

"Oh?" Hermione raised her eyebrows and rolled her eyes, "It's not impossible to go to Ravenclaw, but—"

"But what?"

"I still have a hard time deciding between Gryffindor and Ravenclaw, so let's see who runs to the lake first? If you run faster than me, I'll go to Ravenclaw, if you run faster than me, I'll go to Ravenclaw. I'm slow, then you go to an academy with me, how about that?"

Tom glanced at her.

"Race? Are you serious?"

"Bibi, don't underestimate me." Hermione **** her hair.

They came to the path together, and Hermione stopped in the middle of the road.

"Now—one, two, three!" Hermione rushed out, and Tom only saw the heels of her leather shoes tapped lightly on the ground with a crisp sound, and the blue ribbon on her chest followed The wind blows like two blue butterflies.

Hermione was much faster than he thought, and he hurried to catch up.

He ran all the way, UU reading tightly chasing the pair of blue butterflies, until the end of the road, only to catch up with Hermione, at this time it was not far from the lake, he accelerated sharply, rushed He got behind Hermione and grabbed her shoulders tightly.

"Caught you!" Although he was out of breath, he still shouted happily.

"Yeah! Let go, it hurts!" Hermione shook her shoulders, trying to break free.

The two stood breathlessly at the exit of the path. Hermione, who was running all the way, had used up the last of her strength. She unintentionally leaned on Tom. in memory.

The two staggered to the lake together, but Hermione suddenly turned her head.

"you lose!"

Tom: What?

"Look, I went to the lake first."

Tom remembered that their bet seemed to be the one who got to the lake first to win, so he couldn't help shaking his head: "You actually play word games."

Hermione smiled slyly.

"I've decided, you want to go to the same academy with me!"

"Okay, it's up to you." Tom found a clean, shady place to lie down.

"You're going to Ravenclaw with me!"

Tom opened his eyes wide in surprise, but saw Hermione smilingly standing in front of him, leaning over to look at him.

"That hook!" Tom held out his little finger.

"No problem!" Hermione put her pinky finger on it too.

"The pull hook and pull hook cannot be changed. If he changes, he will go to the glacier. The glacier is cold, the snow field is cold, and the lying tongue is frozen and rotten!"

"What kind of strange agreement is this?"

The laughter of the two rippled by the lake.

"Hey, tell me about the magic world again?"

"it is good."