Chapter 25: Let's go to the library

In the afternoon, it was the history of magic. This time, the little wizards learned well. They inquired about the characteristics of the professor of history of magic in advance. When they knew that this was a "boring ghost", they were relieved. It's better to be boring than harsh, and can a ghost infiltrate a person better than Snape's face? As for what the seniors and seniors said, it makes people drowsy, and that's not a problem - one is that the juniors and juniors think they must be different, and the other is that they feel that it is not good to copy the notes of the masters in this class. Got it? Moreover, Professor Binns's sheep-herding lectures are even more popular with them. Sheep herding means less supervision, and the classroom atmosphere is relaxed, which makes the little wizards who have experienced a morning of Snape-style teaching yearn for them.

Soon they changed their minds.

Professor Binns was a key Hogwarts teacher and the oldest professor who taught at Hogwarts during the Big Four days until he fell asleep in front of the fireplace in the staff lounge one day, and the next day It turned into a ghost when I went to class in the morning.

For thousands of years, he has been dedicated to teaching the history of magic at Hogwarts. Such an old professor is good everywhere, except for one thing: he doesn't know how to teach. He would only state the facts dryly in his monotonous voice, all dry stuff, the kind that would choke a student.

Tom couldn't listen after a quarter of an hour. He began to look at the textbook for himself. The words in the textbook were much more vivid than Professor Binns' words. Only a few people in the whole class could keep up with the professor. progress, and take note of his words.

After class, Professor Binns didn't stay to answer any questions, but turned around, got into the blackboard behind him, and left. The previously suppressed humming in the entire classroom also exploded, and everyone was venting the words that had been held back for a class in their hearts.

"Fuck, this teacher is too watery!" Tom's roommate, Kevin Entwistle, roughly stuffed "History of Magic" into his schoolbag, then smashed the bag on the table, making a muffled sound.

A Slytherin boy named Theodore Nott next to him said, "Yeah, I'm done. It's really tiring to take his class. Have you taken all your notes?" He looked at the notes on his notes. Ghost painting talisman, I feel that it is better to borrow a note to copy it, and the students of Eagle Academy beside him are the ones who can be used.

"No," Kevin was a little worried about whether he would break the ink bottle in his schoolbag just now, "and I don't think it's urgent, let's talk about it in a few days..."

"What class do you have in the morning?"

"We don't have class in the morning."

"very nice..."

The two left the history of magic classroom while chatting. Among the four Hogwarts houses, Ravenclaw and Slytherin are closer, and Hufflepuff and Gryffindor have a better relationship. The conversation just now was impossible between Gryffindor and Gryffindor. Among the students of Slytherin House, but it is the norm on Ravenclaw's side.

[Useless knowledge increased]

This is the notification that Tom popped up from the system after class. This class didn't bring him much benefit, and he only knew a little about the history of the magic world. He glanced at his notes and felt that he still needed to find a copy of Xueba's notes to supplement. He couldn't help but turn to Hermione who was sitting next to him. He saw that Hermione's notebook was filled with densely written small characters, and blocks of tofu were arranged on the paper, like acres of fields, which looked neat and beautiful. There are even pictures in some places.

"Hermione, can I borrow your notes?"

"Okay, wait until I go back and sort it out."

"Then go to the library?"

"Okay, okay! I've heard that the Hogwarts library is the largest, most book-collected, and oldest in the wizarding world. I just went to see it today!" Hermione was excited when she heard the library, and was excited. and Tom about what she had read about the Hogwarts library.

"Tom, do you want to go back together? I brought a set of cards, do you want to play cards together? Michael also brought a set of board games, we can try it out." At this time, Tom's roommate Anthony and Michael left together Come here, it's still a while before dinner time, and the two of them thought about asking a few roommates to play games together to enhance their relationship.

"Uh, I'm going to the library in a while to sort out the notes of the potions class and the history of magic, and then go back to the dormitory to play cards after dinner." Tom looked embarrassed. He also knew that playing games with each other was the best magic weapon to enhance the relationship between roommates. , but he already has an appointment.


"Big guy! Lend me to copy the notes tonight~"

The two were instantly in awe and astonished at Tom, but because they were Ravenclaw, they didn't make a fuss. At Gryffindor House, going to the library on the first day of school was almost a no-brainer. It's incomprehensible, but it's normal in Ravenclaw, and there are several people in every grade who like to soak in the library and read. After all, what better place to acquire knowledge than a library?

Anthony and the two worshipped the two academic After getting the guarantee that Tom lent them his notes, they left. They made an appointment to play games together after dinner. Tom said that he There is also a game that tests intelligence, which makes the two move a little bit.

The library is located on the second floor of Hogwarts Castle, just like the History of Magic classroom. There are thousands of bookshelves in it, storing books for more than a thousand years. Of course, like the Muggle library, those isolated ancient books need special Permission to view. However, slightly different from Muggles, this kind of book that requires special permission to read has nothing to do with rarity, mainly because the content inside is not very suitable for young wizards to watch. Decades ago, books about Horcruxes could still be found here! Perhaps hundreds of years ago, even books on making Horcruxes could be found here. But in recent decades, there have been many deletions in the books here, and more and more books have been put into the forbidden book area, which cannot be borrowed without the signed notes of the professors.

When Tom and Hermione walked into the library, they were shocked by the solemnity of the place. They couldn't see the edge of the library at a glance! The bookshelves here stand neatly in rows, like a military formation. The entire library is probably as big as a square, but such a huge library is very quiet and silent. The overall decoration of the library is dark, but the light is very good. The light penetrates through the huge glass windows, making it as solemn as a church.

[Mission: Leisurely in the world. Goal: Explore the magical world

Four-stage progress: 1/8 Hogwarts library unlocked

There are countless places in the magical world waiting for you to explore, always keep your curiosity strong, traveler! ]

Sure enough, the moment he entered the library, Tom successfully checked in a new attraction in the magical world.