
Joe went to the car dealership the moment he passed, working with three hundred thousand dollars he was going for something that was better than he had ever owned. He bought himself a Jeep Wrangler and it cost him a little over a hundred and fifty thousand after upgrades which surprisingly took a couple of hours.

After paying he left with two sets of keys, he sighed in relaxation as the cool air hit him, he no longer needed to worry about the LA heat which he loved. Driving he pulled up to his apartments right when Ellie was also arriving, since he didn't break her phone, he didn't need to buy her a new one.

Joe didn't see a reason to spy on her at all actually, he knew the show, so he knew what points to look out for when he was looking for her. Fate seemed to want to play again though as he got out and she stopped right before entering, she raised a brow at his car as he walked towards her.

"Got a new ride?" She asked interested as she looked at the car.

He nodded, "Yeah, just bought it to reward myself as I just passed the driving test."

She hummed looking at it, "Does this mean you can give me rides now?"

Joe paused, he wasn't a perv or pedophile, but he knew how Ellie was, she was just a sweet girl who wanted to make films growing her career as she did so. She might be trying to start to early at it, but at least she was trying to take the initiative and make something of herself.

Which he could respect.

"So, what are you going to do with that video?" He asked changing the subject as he didn't want to even touch the subject of her riding with him if she didn't have her sister with them.

She rolled her eyes most likely catching on but didn't press, "Nothing, it was for a school project."

With him still having some of Joe senses along with John Kramer's mind he could tell that she was lying, he just didn't call her out on it rather ignoring it. "Mhmm, well I am more of a book guy, but maybe you can show it to me when you finish it, whatever it is."

She nodded as they both stood in the courtyard of the apartments, "Book guy huh? I thought you were hip, how about I make you a list of movies to watch so you can see the brilliance of cinema? And don't say you get that from books, those take too long."

He chuckled, "Fine, but if you are making me a list of movies then I am making you one of books, for each book you read I will watch one movie."

"Deal. Don't make them too long though, I have a life." She said while bringing out her phone and went directly to Instagram and started to look at photos, "Damn, this bitches feed is so fake."

Joe spent the afternoon learning from Ellie about stuff to do with social media, even if it was also big in his past life, he wasn't someone who was on it a lot. He never really saw the point of it, which is why ever since he became Joe, he hadn't made one either just because he really didn't want to.

If he wanted to get closer to Love though then he needed to make one so that she could see him in some way outside of work. He could also go ahead and use it so that he could learn some more about her, until they actually got together, he would need that.

"Well, thanks for the help." Joe said when she finished helping him make his own profile.

"No problem but do me a favor Joe and don't be as boring as you are in real life on your feed." She joked as she stood.

He laughed while bringing out his wallet, he took out two hundred as she watched him, "Here for your help."

She was shocked as she took the money not really expecting him to hand her any money for her help, but she gave him great advice, so he didn't mind paying her. "Umm, thanks." She said with a small smile taking the money then walking off towards her apartment.

Joe nodded even if she didn't see it then went up to his own apartment, he was going to cook then chill for the night there was nothing for him to do anyway. He could go to his storage container and check on Will, but until he needed to, he honestly wasn't going to go.

Though he should seeing as the snacks were going to run out soon, Will would also need him to change out the bucket he was using as a toilet too.


Joe had the next day off, the bookstore wasn't really a hotspot he didn't see that as much of a surprise. Since he had nothing else to do, he went on a drive and ended up at a nice park, wanting to get in some exercise he went ahead and began to walk around it.

After getting his steps in he went over to the basketball courts where they needed a fifth, so he was able to get in, he smiled at that. He didn't have much in his past life but a passion of his was basketball, it was the one thing he was actually good at.

Which is why he was happy that it transferred over when he started playing with them, of course his jump shot was a little different but it still good. He played five games winning four with his team before they all exchanged information promising to play with one another again when there was time.

Since his legs were hurting him some Joe walked over and sat under a tree to get some shade and rest before he went home. Taking out his phone he saw that Love had accepted his friends request so he looked over her page for a while.

When he didn't see anything, he didn't already know from the show he went ahead and closed his eyes enjoying the cool shade that was washed over him.


"Shit! This hurts!" Joe said groaning as he felt the burn on his body, he was wearing a shirt, but it had somehow gotten on his chest too. He was using some burn cream, but it wasn't working, it was cool for a moment before it started to burn again.

Knock Knock

Joe walked over and opened the door to see Love there, "I'm sick Cough Cough"

She rolled her eyes at him, "You're a rookie with sunburn is what you are. Calvin told me at the store when you went to buy the burn cream."

He watched her for a moment with a raised brow as she stood there looking at him expectantly.

"Let me in, I can help you." She said tapping her foot.

"Oh, when and where did you get your medical license?" He joked as he did open the door wide enough for her to walk in, "You know you didn't need to come all the way over here, right?"

"I live in right near the neighborhood, it was no trouble at all." She said waving it off as she took out the apple cider vinegar, "May I?"

Shrugging he took a seat and allowed her to wipe his spots with it, he let out a breath of relief when he began to feel the pain going away. He couldn't help but look into her eyes as she kept wiping the sunburns, she really was beautiful, and it was hard not to kiss her when she was so close.

"Are you okay? This must hurt a lot." She said looking worried for him.

"Nope, I have had worse, this isn't so bad." He lied because the pain did hurt some, he just didn't want her to see him so fragile.

As she pulled away a little spark went between them, he knew she felt it as she inhaled a tiny breath, but he didn't bring it up. She still had on her profile that she was married so he didn't want to rush into things with her unless she made the first move.

It would be weird if he was to kiss her first with the knowledge that she was married, it might even turn her off if he was to do it. They connected eyes staring at one another for a full minutes before he pulled back first turning his head to the side.

She also moved back while putting the lid back on the apple vinegar she had brought, "So I need to ask something super serious."

He turned back to her raising a brow, "Oh, what?"

"Is that 99-cent ramen?" She asked appalled by it.

"Yeah." He said shyly, he was honestly craving ramen but didn't know any good places in the city so he couldn't go out and get any. The brand that he ate in his past life also wasn't here so he didn't know what to do either, he would need to find a new one tomorrow.



"Joe, seriously no. That is not okay. You're an Angeleno now." She whined.

"I'm actually not." He said not even wanting the title, he was going to keep claiming his Texas and New York roots no matter what anyone said.

"Ugh, you are missing out. This city, is... it's... it's... a million cities, it's... I mean... We're going. We're going!" She started to pack the things she brought with haste.

"Umm, where?" He asked looking a little shocked since this was different from what he knew of the show.

"As many places as we need to, to convert you. Come on. Let's go!" She said grabbing her bag and walking towards the front door.

Joe didn't fight it as he grabbed his jacket from the table and began to follow her out, as he did so his system went off at that moment.

[Mission #2

Description: You're making connections with Love. But those could be even stronger. Get her to make you food like the original Joe did in the show.

Reward: D-Class Gacha Pull

Penalty: Set back with Love.]


[Name: Joe Goldberg (Joe Angel)

Age: 26

Skills: Hacker (SSS)

Minds: John Kramer (A)]