
His feet padded against the alley, as he rushed to get to the other side a smirk on his face as he looked back to see that he had lost the people who had been tailing him. Smirking he stopped near a trashcan while taking out the purse that was on him, "Shit, really only two hundred, that isn't nearly enough to last me an entire week." He said while clicking his teeth.

As he went to throw away the purse his eyes widen when someone in a clown mask jumped him, all he saw were the dark eyes before everything around him faded to black.


With a start the man woke his head felt heavy as he looked around only to be surprised as he was standing in the middle of a room that looked to be abandoned. The windows up top were sealed shut and no light could be seen going inside, so he didn't know if it was day or night.

"Hello! Is someone there?!" He called out as he tried not to move as he couldn't even see five feet in front of. When no one answered his call he swore under his breath, looking around again he didn't see anything but suddenly his eye caught something.

In the top corner of the room he could see a small red light, looking closer he could tell it was a camera and it wasn't the only one that was in the room. As his awareness finally came back to him, he felt something heavy on his back but when he turned to look, he couldn't tell what it was.

"Hello! Is anyone there?!" He shouted again hoping that anyone would hear him as he finally started to feel real fear creep into him. He knew he shouldn't have gone out tonight to steal, but he was so hungry, and he needed to eat so he had no other choice but to steal tonight.


(Ellie POV)

She was sitting in her room watching some new whack movies on her YouTube channel when all of a sudden, the screen went black, "What the hell!" She said slapping her phone until the screen came back on.

"Ellie, is your phone acting weird because something just happened to both my laptop and phone." Delilah said while walking into the room holding them both in her hand.

"Yeah, it is working..." She cut herself off as she looked down and saw words across the screen of her phone, 'I Want To Play A Game!' the words said in bold bloody letters, "What the hell is this?"

"Are you seeing these words too?" Her sister asked setting her laptop at the foot of the bed they both moved to look at it as the screen went static before it began to slowly clear up.

When the screen was clear they could see a man who seemed to be in the middle of an abandoned building, the man didn't seem to know what was going on either as he was shouting. Some weird device was against his back, but the view was a little to far for them to make out clearly what it was.

"The fuck..," Delilah said trailing off as they heard a voice speak out.


(Warehouse POV)

The man in the warehouse quickly looked over as a TV screen cut on and he saw static before a clown face appeared on the screen, "Hello there Anthony, I want to play a game. For years you have gone around robbing the innocent to feed yourself not caring if they need it more than you, you have done this to not only feed yourself but to also feed your drug habit.

In your pursuit to get your hands on this money you have committed terrible acts, like when you robbed young Samantha Grey who fought back when you tried. This led to an altercation which ended in young Samantha's death when you stabbed her in the side.

Now that you have chosen to do it again, I have decided to step in before you can hurt someone again."

The lights in the warehouse cut on and the audience who was anyone with a phone in LA was now watching the live feed of the game that was taking place. On the floor of the warehouse was big pieces of glass, the only clear area was the current place that Anthony was standing.

In the middle of the room stood a ladder and at the top there was a key which was used for the device on his back.

"You might have noticed but there is a device on your back that is connected to your hands which are currently lined with copper wire. When the timer on the wall goes out the device will activate and send enough electricity through your body to cripple your arms forever.

You have thirty minutes to get to the top of the ladder and using the key to unlock the lock that is connected to the device before you permanently lose movement in your arms. Let the games begin."

There were half the people viewing who took this as a joke while the other half took it seriously, especially the police who were trying their best to stop the feed. Of course, none of them could do that though.

Anthony meanwhile was trying his best to get the device off his back, the best he could do though was reach the lock which made him growl as he looked ahead. Seeing the broken glass on the floor he didn't even want to move forward and try this, he was shoeless which was the biggest reason he didn't want to do it.

Seeing the timer which was counting down though he gritted his teeth as he moved towards the glass, he huffed and puffed before he took a step and immediately screamed out. The glass didn't even have to try as it penetrated his foot making blood flow out quickly.

Gritting his teeth he took another step and couldn't help but to begin to cry as he saw the distance between him and the ladder, it was at least another ten steps. Looking at the time though he was determined to make it there, he needed his arms to live there was no way he was going to lose them to some psycho.

Taking another step he almost slipped as the blood made the glass hard to walk across, he almost slipped too but was able to catch himself before he could.


(Ellie POV)

"Do...Do you think this is real?" She asked her sister who was also looking at the screen in amazement the same as her. She was starting to think this wasn't a joke though as they turned on the TV and learned that even the news was reporting on it.

No one would do a joke this big and without the police being able to catch them already.

"I don't know, but god I hope not." Her sister said while staring at the screen hard.


(Warehouse POV)

Anthony screamed as he moved across the glass, his feet were killing him, but he knew that he couldn't stop, he had already done to many breaks and time was winding down. His eyes grew hard as he finally made it to the ladder, with a smile he reached out and lifted his foot so that he could begin his climb up it.

With heavy breaths he began to climb up, what he didn't see was the shiny fluid that was on the third step as he was climbing. His foot ended up slipping and he fell down, his eyes widen as he saw the glass getting closer to his face making him panick.

His mind went blank as he felt pain like nothing he has ever felt before go through his body, since he began to panic he couldn't help but roll in it some. Glass got stuck all over his body making more blood flow, the worst part though is when a piece got stuck in his eye making him scream out.

"AHH SON OF A BITCH!!!" He yelled out while trying to lift his body with his arms but all that made him do was fall down again in pain.



The time ticked away but all he could do was try to keep going for the ladder so that he could gain his freedom, which at the pace he was going it wasn't going to work. Rolling over he tried one last time to climb the ladder getting his feet fully planted on the ladder, making one last attempt he made it to the top, but it wasn't easy.

With shaky hands he reached back trying to unlock it, but all the blood was making it to slippery for him to get the key in correctly. Turning quickly to look at the clock he saw that the time was down to ten seconds, his eyes grew wide as he tried harder to get the key inside.

"NO! NO! NOOOOOO!" He shouted as the timer hit one and volt of electricity went through his body sending his body flying off of the ten-foot ladder. He shook as he hit the ground a big piece of glass going through his mouth and out the back of his head with the impact.


(Ellie POV)

They sat there stunned as the bloody words 'Failure' flashed across the screen, neither could believe what they just saw as it was brutal, and they didn't expect it. There was no doubt in their minds though that it was real though, it was hard to pass something off like that as fake.

After the words faded all screens went black before going back to what they were originally on, Ellie could only sit there stunned as she looked at her movie. Delilah also hadn't moved her hands shaking slightly as she watched everything that just played out.

"Holy shit!" Ellie spoke out, Delilah didn't even say anything about her words as she blinked twice.


[Name: Joe Goldberg (Joe Angel)

Age: 26

Skills: Hacker (SSS)

Minds: John Kramer (A)]