Chapter 22

But...The sound surrounding me slowly became different...My vision became clearer than before, I was stranded where the surroundings of me were strange, I had never seen this place before…I was sitting at the round table.

The place was full of books with a lot of bookshelves, it was like the father's room, or maybe the family library. Nevertheless, there were some things that emit light, brighter than any candle or source of fire, I have ever seen…Before, Dianonia usually brought me to someone's room, but now, it brought me to some library…I noticed there was talking in front of me, there were 3 girls with same attire each of one, it was white on top, and blue on bottom, with like a blue necktie…I checked myself, I wore the same attire like them, it was like an uniform…

I could not understand a single word from them ... .They kept talking while I was silently and confused by them, but at some point, a single word came from them, and I knew the word, it was Ainur…They looked at me, and kept talking with word of Ainur in front, it was like they tried to call me or ask me…One of them, slid a book to front of me, I could not read the title of the book, but I opened the book…Firstly, I couldn't read a single word inside the book, but out of sudden, the words were constructed into words that I understood, except the title…

I read it, and noticed, there was one character from the book that was similar to me…The book just told a story about me as the main protagonist, it never told the name of this "me.". The character of this me was struggling with a character similar to me. She was being bullied, harassed, and blustered by a character similar to me…I assumed the character similar to me was the main antagonist…Even the four children on the alley; Felix, Alecia, Aelia, and Alicia were in the book, they were being saved by the main protagonist, but they weren't being saved on the alley, but on the orphanage, their names were not Felix, Alecia, Aelia, and Alicia, but someone else.…I kept reading the book, until a glimpse of the ending appeared, the brutal ending for the character similar to me, because she was being accused of killing her own father…So she was punished with putting her in the sack full of animals, after that drowned the sack. I was surprised and shocked by the book.

I was thinking, was this the book Gena and Delio talking about? But in this book, they were not written, even the Nona the Goddess of Fate, they were talking about, did not appear in the book. I was feeling dizzy after reading this book. One of the three girls came to me, and said something, but I didn't understand a single word. She put her hand toward my forehead, like Sofia usually did to me, and she looked at the others, she nodded to them. Immediately I was dragged out of the chair, and from the room. While being dragged out by them, I passed by some rooms that I had never seen before, even the lights were everywhere…

We arrived in some room, where there were three beds in that room. Immediately they dragged me to one of the three beds…they lifted me to the bed, and I laid on the bed…Out of sudden, I was feeling sleepy, which made me fall asleep in some minutes later.



In my sleep, the long dream where I was in the ballroom resurfaced in my mind…All the faces were still unidentified, except one face, it was the blonde hair guy, he was the Crown Prince…The dream was still same, but I knew one character who put me to the sack, it was the Prince…the girl beside him, still unidentified.

I was waking up…and suddenly I was laying on the bed in my room…alongside me was my mother who was sleeping…her hand was still holding my hand…I got up from laying on my bed, immediately mother was waking up…I looked at her, her face was red, and there were some traces of tears in her face…She suddenly jumped the hug to me.

"AURELIA!!!" Her words were so loud…

The sound of the door knob being opened could be heard. There was Father, Gina, Sofia, the little two, and Adel who came from the door…Their faces showed some worries, and some traces of tears in their faces, especially the little two, their faces were still red…The little two quickly jumped on beside my bed, and the others surrounded my bed.

Mother immediately ordered Gina and Sofia to examine me, and the little two were being told to get out from beside my bed, but they kept insisting there. I was being helped by Gina to get up from laying down, and Sofia started to examine me.

While she was examining me, I asked her..

"What happened today?"

I saw Sofia looking at mother, and mother just simply nodded at her.

She started to answer "It is not today, what my lady is referring to, but three days ago."

"What you mean about that?"

"You have been unconscious for three days…"

"THREE DAYS!! You are quite amusing Sofia…"

Mother said "Aurelia, what Sofia said is true, you have been on the bed for three days.."

Sofia was done examining me.

"That is quite hard to believe, mother, three days…So what happened in the garden, in that time?" I asked mother.

"....about that...the Prince was surprised about your condition…..because you didn't wake up on that day…The Prince decided to go back with his entourage to the capital.."

"Is there any word from him?"

"No, Aurelia…what a waste of a day, then…"

"Your grace and madam, can I have a private moment with you?" Sofia asked to father and mother.

They agreed with Sofia, and they started to leave the room.

While they were talking outside, the little two started crawling to my bed.

"Sis..ter..Aur..elia..Are you going to leave us?" Aurelio asked with some whine in his tone.

"Leave you?"

"Yes… see you again?"

"What are you talking about Aurelio, your sister will never leave you…"

Gina walked beside me, and said to them "Your sister will never go anywhere, and she will be healthy and recover very soon…"

"Rea..lly" Aurelio asked Gina.


"You! Your name is Gina right? I heard you are the assistant of Sofia, you better be watching and treating my sister Aurelia.." Ophelia said to Gina..

"Of course, I will do my best…How about the young master and young lady take a rest, because it is already late.."

"NOOOO! I want to be with sister Aurelia.." Aurelio said, while grabbing my bed of sheets.

"IF HE WANTS TO WITH SISTER AURELIA, SO I AM.." Cordelia said, and did the same as Aurelio.

"*sigh* How about this? If you are well behaved, and I am recovered, how about we go to the city again?" I said and offered to them..


"Promise, we will go to the city after I recover."

"No, promise me, if sister Aurelia is recovered again and healthy again."

"I promise ... .Now, how about you two go to your own room and take a rest…I see there are no Livia and Martia, how about Adel leading you to your room?"

They got out of my bed, Adel led them to the door, and left the room.

There was Gina and me in the room.

I simply said with a low tone to Gina "I found the book…"

"Repeat it again?" Gina asked.

"I found the BOOK…"

"What book?"

"The book that you two are talking about…"

"You mean the real book?"

"Yes…but there was no you or Nona you talked about in the book.."

"You read the book…"

"Of course I was, I didn't read the whole of it, but I took a glimpse at the end of the book.."

"What was your first reaction with that book?"

"I was finding it suprising…The book just told me about the same character like me…as the "Villain" that the book wrote about…this Villain was a bad one or evil one...…"I realized it "Wait!!!.......Don't tell me!!!! My existence is inside that book….it means...this world, and my life is just a story of a book.."

"Every life is a story of a book, that we call fate…Even before humans were born into this world, we already had a book about them, we already known what happened to that humans, in few years later, or until they passed away, we already known everything, and their lives were following the story of these books."

"Wait wait wait wait! So what I had been hallucinated the entire time, was in the world of Gods?? So the people I had seen in that hallucination were Gods or Goddesses?? Is that why I saw a lot of things that are not from this world I know?"

"Wait! You still don't understand at all? You have read the book and you already know the name, and you still don't understand at all…..That's weird…We traced everything to you, but why you still don't understand even knowing about yourself."

"What you mean knowing about myself?"

"There must be some mistake, I need to meet Delia, about this…so may I excuse myself?"

"No you are not.." I said to her, but she just kept walking toward the door, "I said, you may not excuse yourself.." She ignored me, and left the room..

A couple seconds later, mother and father came back to the room. They just told me that I would be in my room for an entire week or maybe a month, to recover…So it was like before…Before they left the room, I asked them..

"Can I have a blank book?"

Father asked "What for, Aurelia?"

"I want to write something in that book.."

"Ah! Is it like a diary you want to write?" Mother said..

"Yes…it's like a diary.."

"Sure, I will find the book in my room, Aurelia…Your father has countless books, surely there is a blank book.." Father answered..

After that, they left the room..