Chapter 45 Embracing Myself

Suddenly, I felt a tap on my shoulder and heard, "Are you this believer, my lady?" 

From the sound, it was Lady Octavi. I just said quietly, "Maybe I am, or maybe I'm not, yet this statue stands graciously in the middle of this square even without anyone around it."

Lady Octavi chuckled softly and replied, "Without anyone around, her presence, which symbolises this statue, should be enough to remind us of her greatness and the impact she had on the people…" I heard her footsteps to my side, "So, why does my lady want to go outside? It's not about admiring this statue, right?"

Slowly, my head turned to her, and our eyes met. "No, it's not about the statue," I said with a smile. "I want to find Cassius…"

"Cassius? What's the matter that you want to find him?"

"It's not that important, but since he is with Valerie, I am curious about it…"

"Well, to find him in the capital is surely hard, if it's not that important, how about we go home?"

Hearing that, I shook my head. "Come on! We just barely got out for a moment, and now you just told me to go home," I insisted. "It's bothering me."

She sighed but nodded in agreement, "So where does this called 'your curiosity' lead us?"

"Well, if he is with Valerie... So we must check the tavern in the city…"

"Why do you know they will be in the tavern?"

"I just gave Valerie a light errand for me; therefore, it may be in the tavern."

"There is a lot of tavern in the city, my lady…You want to check them all?"

"No, we can start with the most crowded or lively ones first. We can consider checking the others if we don't find him there."

"If that's your plan, we need to go now; there will be no time to check all the taverns in the city…"

We went back to our horses and started to go, leaving the statue. As Lady Octavi and I were on the same horse and slowly distancing ourselves from the statue, somehow I kept looking at it until I couldn't see it anymore.


As we were on the trip, I heard Lady Octavi spit some words at me, which became a conversation while riding on the horse.

"May I ask you some questions regarding Cassius and Valerie?" Asked from Lady Octavi.

"Is there any problem with them?"

"No, no, it's just why my lady brings them to your household."

"I bring them for my needy…"

"Needy? Is Adel not enough for you?"

"She is more than myself; I am so grateful she is always with me…Yet… Somehow, I want more people around me who are not on the orders of my parents…"

"I understand that; however, will his grace and madam allow this? They may not be happy with this issue, my lady, for bringing some strangers to your household…"

"They aren't strangers; I hire them…"

"I know, yet without any background check or without knowing their true intention, it can lead to potential danger or harm to you…"

Or lead towards my doom if I didn't recruit them before any paragon could find them, I said to Lady Octavi, "Even I didn't know their background…" Or I know, "I will keep insisting on hiring them…"

We arrived at the first tavern. Adel went off from her horse and checked inside, while me and Lady Octavi still kept staying on a horse, and our conversation continued.

Lady Octavi said, "The worst thing…They know about the family's transmutation and the black transmutation…The information may lead to someone's hand from them; do you not anticipate if that happens, my lady?"

"Of course, I am not anticipating all of that…". The reason was that I didn't know anything about the family's transmutation thing.

"Why? My lady acted like that…"

"Because…Everyone around me…"

"Around you?!"

"I barely know everything; I didn't know that these transmutations were a big deal because no one ever told me about it, or I could say I didn't know anything about them. The first thing I knew about it, was when Adel tested Valerie about her power. Valerie used the transmutation, and because of my idiocy, I told Adel to use it too from the little fight between you and Adel…At that time, Cassius told me about these transmutations…" I paused momentarily, "So, of course, I am not anticipating all that because of my selfishness and idiocy. Is that right, Lady Octavi as the tutor of mine?"

I couldn't see Lady Octavi's face because she was behind me, however, I felt she liked being pushed away by my words and took some seconds to say something like, "About…that…"

Hearing her say that she couldn't speak some words, I paused for a moment to tell her something, "I believe, it's not your fault that made me this ignorant and idiocy about this thing…For me, you granted me great information and knowledge around me, however, as time passed, I realised there was something beneath around me. Everyone felt like keeping something behind me; I believe it wasn't their fault to keep it behind me like you and Adel. It must be an order from my parents to keep this secret behind me until they can find a time to tell me…"


"You don't need to speak more words and feel guilty about my mistake; you just follow an order. You told me about my transmutation, and I know it would be so hard for you to disobey the rules and tell me the truth. The problem of Cassius and Valerie and the other things going on in me—let me try to handle it, as Adel told you when you two argue about the spar—is something I need to figure out on my own after you give me some advice. I must be resolving this matter with my parents."

During the trip, Lady Octavi and I were quiet after the conversation, and we became more distant. I felt Lady Octavi became more gloomy because she was my tutor as if it were her guilt for me not to know about all of these. Yet it wasn't her fault entirely, it could be my fault too because I wasn't aware of my surroundings. However, it was so hard to know from around me, and they didn't tell me a single thing. All of these are rooted in my parents, regardless of their concern about me losing my memory, so they acted out of fear and kept me sheltered under their protective wings.


After five or six taverns had been visited, Adel finally came back from the tavern to bring a piece of great news: Cassius and Valerie were inside the tavern. Lady Octavi immediately went down from the horse to help me get off the horse. The tavern was located in the suburbs of the capital, it was very distant from the city square, yet the street surely was busier there…

Adel quickly guided us through the bustling street towards the tavern. As we walked towards the tavern in the street, I could see it being more lively than the capital. I was wondering why the centre of the capital wasn't so lively, whereas in the suburbs, everything was so lively with people coming and going, merchants selling their goods, and children playing in the streets. It was a stark contrast to the quiet and deserted city square we had just left behind.

At last, we went inside the tavern. The smell of hearty stew and beer filled the air as we entered, and the sound of laughter and chatter enveloped us. However, I could hear a familiar voice from behind the tavern. Adel led us to the voice, and as we reached there, it was Cassius and Valerie sitting and sharing at the table with someone else in front of them. As I went near them, I looked closely at the person sitting with them, he had darker skin than us with a sturdy body, and he had curly black hair, however, at the top of his hair, there was some medium brown hair. From his appearance, he seemed older than any of us, or maybe older than my parents with his beard.

We approached them and stood beside their table. At once, Cassius immediately stood up and wanted to address me with formality, however, quickly, Valerie beside him grabbed his hand to stop him and sent an eye signal towards my dress, which was a commoner dress.

I looked at Cassius, seemed difficult to call me without formality. Seeing that, I started to say something to Valerie, "It seems you have found the person, Valerie…"

"Yeah, however, this man doesn't want to come and consider your invitation…" Answered Valerie.

Hearing that, I heard a whisper from Adel, "Don't tell me, you want to invite him like Cassius and Valerie?"

I ignored her whisper, immediately sat in Cassius' seat before he had stood up, and stared at the man. As I stared at him, he started to open his mouth, "It seems, you are the one who wants to invite me" he took a glimpse at Valerie, "Not her…"

I stared at him and asked, "Why did you decline her invitation? She offered you a sum of gold, even though she had that sum of gold right now."

The man answered, "I came to this capital not to seek gold or fortune…"

"What about, I double the original offer from her, or maybe triple it, as long as you accept the invitation to come with m-" Immediately, I felt a hard grip on my shoulder. It was Adel. Yet, I saw Lady Octavi keep her distance, and it seemed she wouldn't intervene in this matter because of the earlier conversation. Adel's stern expression warned me to not invite him.

The man said, "As I had said, I came to this capital not to seek gold or fortune…However, I found you odd, you dared to double or triple the gold. You seemed like someone who didn't come from that dress and robe, " as his fingers pointed at my dress, "which indicates you must be from a noble family. Is there something you're not telling me?"

I said, "You may find it later…"

"Why do you want me to join you?" He looked around me, "You have more than enough of this man, my time has passed to be involved in chaos or clash."

Adel immediately told me in my left ear, "You mustn't take him into your household…" As she was whispering it at me, I saw the man's eyes directing into Adel.

The man said, "You should hear your servant's words. I can't accept your invitation…"

"Adel, tell me why I shouldn't invite him! Don't whisper to me, but speak it so he can hear it, Cassius, Valerie, and Lady Octavi over there can hear it." Said I.

Adel hesitated momentarily before responding, "This man seems not to be from this kingdom, as indicated by his appearance, his sturdy skin with his hair indicates he is from a coastal area, which our kingdom doesn't have. A person from a coastal area is wandering in this kingdom, it's a rare occurrence. People from the coastal area went here for trade, they were in groups. However, this man is alone. He must have something or an intention that is so important to seek in our kingdom."

The man took a glimpse at Adel, and said, "You...aren't from this kingdom either. Your black hair and skin are slightly different than hers, you must be from a different region as well, like me…It seems you have disguised your true identity… "

I didn't know her background from the coastal area, her skin tone somehow didn't like him but liked me, yet he could see the truth of her skin tone. I asked Adel, "So what is your gut feeling about this man's attention?"

Adel answered, "The biggest fear is my former occupation…"

"Really?" However, I knew what the man was searching for in this kingdom. Yet, to tell him directly seemed like it couldn't be convincing to him; it could be backlashing to me because his true intention was precious and full of sadness. Must I say I will help you to him? Even though he would accuse me and my household of the thing that happened to him.

I began to talk about something else, "When I was 14 years old, I met four children on the street. They were in horrible condition, three were girls and triplets, and one was a boy. The boy, as the oldest, pickpocket to get some coins so they could buy food to survive…" I looked at everyone's faces, they were confused about why I was talking about this, I continued, "One of my attendance told me there shouldn't be any kids on the street because the orphanage should take care of all the kids. Yet, in reality, I found four children on the street, and without hesitation, I decided to take them to my household. Seven years later, nowadays, they have found their interest…" I glimpsed the man, who had been listening intently and saw a look of understanding dawn on his face. I addressed him, "You seem to have a fondness for children, shown by your face…"

I put my hands on my hood, and seeing what I was doing, Adel and Lady Octavi immediately stood beside me. It seemed they tried to block the other side's view by revealing my hair, so all the people on the other side couldn't see me. I took down my hood, revealing my long white hair to the man. The man's eyes widened in surprise as he took in my appearance.

Without the hood, I changed my posture and acted like it was a formal meeting, I made my body sturdy and straightened my shoulders, projecting an air of confidence and authority. "May I introduce myself…My name is Aurelia Aurelius, the first daughter of the Aurelius family, the Duke of Florence…" I continued, "The reason I am in here is you…"

The man asked, " What do you mean by that? Why does the Aurelius family want me?"

"It seems my household's name has carried to other kingdoms that you know my family. The one who wants to invite you is me, not my household. However, my invitation comes with privileges; you will live in my household."

"Young lady, you still have not answered one question from me…"

The reason was that I didn't want to die, yet I couldn't say that, "The reason is that I am still naive…"

"Naive? You have great people around you; they are way better than me at guiding you…"

"I may have great people around me, yet they are my parents' people, the only people I hired are her and him…" I pointed at Cassius and Valerie and said, "They were mercenaries, and I hired them…" My face went back towards the man, "My gut is telling me that you have a lot of experience in your past, and I know the precious information that you seek…"

The man was set back after hearing that, and his hands on the table started to grip harder. He said with a soft tone, "Is the story of those four children actually connected?"

I said with a soft tone, "Yes…The real reason they were on the street, actually connecting with someone you seek…"

The man's eyes widened in surprise as suddenly he smacked his hand on the table, off-guarding everyone around me, especially me. He started to stare heavily into my eyes, and said, "Are you and your family the ones who are behind all of this? Because you knew what I sought, surely, you must be involved in some way."

I tapped Valerie, who was beside me, and ordered her to give me the sum of gold that I had given her. Valerie quickly handed me the gold, her eyes widening in confusion. I put the bag of gold in front of him, and said, "Receive these golds and find me; the name of Aurelius will surely be easy to find…The gate of my house in this capital is wide open for you. The gate of hope, you have tried to seek it for seven years…Come into my house and meet me, I shall tell you everything, however, my family and I don't have any involvement in this matter, yet a family in this capital tried to cross into my household territory." I put on my hood again and stood up. Before leaving him, I told him, "You need to hurry because you will race with my parents. If my parents arrive here before you come to meet me, the gate of hope will be closed, you may have less than a week…So be hurry, Bo…"

With those words, I turned and walked away, followed by everyone, leaving the bag of gold with the man alone.