Rock Bottom

[00 Months: 01 Days: 14 Hours]

A popular saying often heard from those at their lowest point was, "There's nowhere else to go but up." 

However, many overlook a simple truth: what if they were too beaten down to rise? 

People naturally adapt to their surroundings, and it's possible to get used to their current situation.

  In other words, while at rock bottom, some may never leave such a low state. 

They might choose to dance with the flames because it's easier to stay in their wretched condition when pain is all they know.

I could describe myself this way, or at least the old me, before all this madness, before I began fighting for my life. 

But now, I've changed drastically from the boy I used to be. 

I clawed my way out of the ditch that had been dug for me, determined to survive. 

Yet, what was it all for? "I'm such an idiot," I whispered to myself, a sad smile appearing on my face.