Dead Of Night [Pt 1]

[00 Months: 03 Days: 19 Hours]




I woke abruptly from my slumber as the shrill chime of bells pierced the air.

The sound reverberated through the room, causing a sense of urgency to flood my senses. Before I could fully comprehend what was happening, the ground beneath me rumbled, shaking the very foundations of the building.

A cacophony of distant roars and fierce howls echoed through the corridors, growing louder by the second.

Beside me, Tatia stirred, her eyes fluttering open with a mixture of confusion and fear.

The sight of her wide-eyed expression heightened my own sense of unease. I couldn't help but ask, my voice laced with urgency, "Tatia, what's happening?"

Her response came in a hushed and trembling voice, laden with anxiety.

"The bells, Rael. The bells... They're sounding the alarm. It means the creatures of the Wild Lands are attacking."

My heart raced as her words sank in.