The Bandits Hideout

[00 Months: 06 Days: 08 Hours]

We followed the trail into the heart of the woods, the thick canopy overhead casting a dense shadow over the path ahead.

The surroundings were so quiet it was almost unsettling.

Eventually, we hit a dead end.

Fey, with a puzzled frown on her face, muttered, "This can't be... the trail ends here. But that's impossible."

I peered at the dense foliage before us, which appeared as impenetrable as a wall. But something wasn't quite right.

A gentle hum at the edge of my perception sparked my curiosity. I activated , and one of its perks allowed me to see through even hidden things with my heightened perception.

As I let my senses stretch out, the truth unveiled itself. There was indeed a barrier before us, but it was merely an illusion to hide the bandits' lair. I turned to Fey and Benard, who were looking at me with a mixture of curiosity and uncertainty.