The Noble Ladies

[00 Months: 12 Days: 04 Hours]

'If I had known things would turn out like this, I would have worn something formal… damnit!'

I thought I was just meeting Seraphina, but what was with this arrangement?

Four other noble ladies? I wasn't informed of that.

'This would have been a nice way to score some points and form connections with other noble people besides Seraphina.'

And yet I flopped. Why did things turn out this way? Why?

Despite my inner turmoil, I maintained a neutral expression when addressing the young ladies, observing each and every one of them with keen eyes.

As I surveyed the table, my gaze lingered on the four young ladies.

All of them had golden hair like Seraphina, though each had a distinct style that seemed to reflect their personalities. They shared a familial resemblance with Seraphina but each held their own unique traits.

The lady seated to Seraphina's immediate right had a sharp angular face that accentuated her delicate features.