
[00 Months: 17 Days: 15 Hours]

The cool breeze whispered through the night, rustling the leaves above. The sounds of the encampment had quietened to a dull hum. 

As we stood there, the weight of the news I bore pressed heavily upon my chest. 

My eyes locked onto Theo's, and I could see the glimmer of hope, searching for any hint of good news.

Taking a deep breath, I began, "Theo, the Lyma Household... they're all gone." 

My voice quivered, threatening to break. "The whole of the Lyma Capital has been ravaged. They plundered everything, and left only ruin in their wake."

The dim light from a distant lantern cast eerie shadows on Theo's face, accentuating the lines of stress that had appeared over the past few days. 

His eyes widened in shock, but he held himself together, staying silent, waiting for me to continue.