Words Of A Dying Man

[Time Left: 30 Days, 3 Hours]

"I… I have been waiting for your arrival…" 

Fitz's voice trailed as he stared straight into my eyes, his curled up lips firm in a smile.

Even now, he had that same cheerful expression on his face.

"When I first saw you… I couldn't believe my eyes. I'm ashamed that I… almost… couldn't recognize you…"

Recognize me? Was he talking about now that I came to rescue him? But why did he say "first?" 

Perhaps he was rambling unintelligble words since he was on the verge of death. However, with Fitz staring straight into my eyes, I couldn't help but think he was talking to me.

But… what was this all about?

Suddenly, it seemed like the world was on pause, and the only thing that existed in this entire space was Fitz and me.

The mood grew so solemn that I could almost taste it.