The game begins

We all crowed in. The enclosure was small, and as soon as we were inside, the lights were put out. u stood clutching the ropes for a moment, too blinded to see the dim shapes of my rivals, as even though they were within a few yards from me. At that moment, a strange fear came over me. I realized suddenly that death maybe my portion I this game tonight; that I might not win the hand I conveted so much. I had heard of shanchi before, had I imagined that I should play it, and for such high stakes.

In a way I was so glad that the British came to jodo so soon after aid stamped out such dreadful customs. But the year I speak about was 1992,and human life at that time was worth about as much as a hen.

Just as I became used to the darkness, a man stole past me, creeping so that I might not her his footsteps. I drew my knife,cronched and sprang like a Leopard upon him. He groaned and leapt backwards; a second later, a piercing scream told its own story; someone had finished him off. The lights were brought in; Kanemi's men came into the ring, and carried the bleeding body out of the ring. During that intervals, men studied the positions of their opponents.

Again we were all in darkness. Two simultaneous groans filled the air. In came the lights to the ring and two bodies were carried out. The game of shanchi was warming up. Three men gone, nine left. Every time the ring was lighted, Kanemi smacked his lips with satisfaction, and smooted his waxy moustaches. Zarah I noticed, has stopped playing her gwoje, and, sitting up on her sofa, was staring wide eyed at the ring. She looked truly lovely. The fire in her eyes mad me wish I could win her, and I determined to fight to death.

One by one, we thinned out,and only four of us were left. Of the eight who had been removed, four were quite disabled amd four were quite dead. Excitement mounted among the spectators as the four of us stood in the light of the lamps, panting and glaring.

When the lights went up, I threw down on my stomach, with a sudden spin, gripped someone by the leg and threw him down.He stabbed furiously at me, but I was untop of him like a car. Two quickly stabs, and he was silent. The body of my first victim was removed from the ring.