Child Labor

Racing through the alleys and over rooftops I jump into my bedroom and take off my mask, throwing it under my pillow quickly as I turn on my PlayStation and pretend to be settled. Seeing Pete at the stairs I call him over, "Dude, Tony Stark is coming here to talk to you."

"What why? How would you know?"

"Because I just saved him from a mugging turned murder attempt up the street and he asked me for our address. I'm new to the costume gig and May, while smoking hot, has nothing to do with Stark."

"Umm.... are we just gonna gloss over you calling May hot?"

"She is, and if given the chance I'm taking it fair warning." Seeing him roll his eyes, obviously thinking it a joke he continued.

"But why would he want me?"

"Because you're a hero with powers and a clear conscience, duh."

*knock knock knock*

May opens the door an after a startled scream and some muffled whispers I didn't bother to listen to, Stark is led to the loungeroom where he spots the two of us playing video games, smirking to himself. "Can I speak to a Peter Parker?" The two of us look up at him and Pete does admirably in pretending to be surprised, but then again, he always was a fanboy. Getting up to make myself a coffee to leave the two alone I hear Tony's breath hitch before I look back into his startled face. 'The fuck's wrong with him, is he also into young men? Eww.' Making a coffee for Peter as well I go to pass it to him up in his bedroom, where Tony is revealing how he found him.

"Oh please do go on, I already know. And Pete what did I say about wearing such an obvious costume back to the house? Get changed-"

"Changed somewhere else first, I know, sorry Nate." Tony was a little shocked by the relationship between us, not only was I okay with him being a vigilante, but was giving him a lecture on his mistakes as he did it. Turning back to Tony, Pete asks, "Mr Stark, just be upfront with me, why are you here?"

Patting down his suit, Tony begins describing the accords and how Captain America had fallen out of line, becoming arrogant in his position.

"pffft. HahahHAHAHA!" My laughter, starting small grew as he continued before I had to stop him. "Yeah, sure trust the government to let us defend the people, just like they did with New York and they 'solved' it with a nuke. They would use you to protect their assets and resources they deem more critical than human lives, and if you can't see that you're blind Tony." Sipping my coffee as I try not to laugh again at this supposed genius' intelligence and reasoning, I realise both Peter and Tony are watching me with looks of confusion and anger, with the anger coming from the idiotic metal man. "What, are you saying you trust the government, who still support Ross after what he did to Bruce Banner, and after they decided to end a city on the off chance it worked, rather than fight for it. Don't get on your high horse about being out of line when even Captain America, the patriotic hero is questioning the government currently. Anyway, Pete, if you want to get involved, I won't stop you, but maybe don't trust people so whole-heartedly from the start okay."

Tony's fist curled into a ball, shaking slightly, as he muttered about annoying teenage brats. Going back downstairs, I resume playing the game, only spotting Tony again as he walked past, stopping to ask me a question rather loudly in front of May and Peter. "I have to thank you by the way for what you did earlier on the street, it was super considerate of you to help me find the place too. But how did you get here so quickly?" The arrogant smirk was over his face and May was a little shocked.

"Perhaps your old-ass eyes need a checkup because I've been here all afternoon Mr Stark. Perhaps you've made a mistake?"

"Nope, no mistake, the shoes are a DEAD giveaway," he added walking out the door.

"Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, Shit."

"So I guess he knows who we both are then?"

"Yup." *Sigh* "So what did you choose? Are you going to get involved?"

"Hmm, maybe. He changed his offer after you left, offering like 100 K and a new suit. And to be honest the suit I have keeps getting ripped."

Nodding along, I can understand where he's coming from. The close combat he's been doing risks him being cut, and the fire he helped people with last week left it charred. "While I disagree with his cause, I can accept your motive as reasonable, as I've only used my costume twice and already I'm having issues with being identified and not ripping as I fight. And no I will not fight for him in his pathetic crusade for revenge."


"Nevermind, it's nothing."

Taking out some of my meat from my cooler box, and refreshing the ice, I begin snacking on a forearm but apparently, May had been a little concerned with me apparently sneaking out of the house before Stark came, and saw me with a forearm hanging in my mouth as I lock the esky shut again.

"AAAAAAAHHHHHH! What the hell is that? What are you doing, spit it out right now!"

"I'm not a dog May, I'm eating the only thing I can eat. And no before you ask, this isn't a joke, I've mutated somewhat after I got that concussion. I'm not quite human anymore. But I'm still me. Still Nate, the boy who hid your keys in a bag of flour, who used to cling to you when I started swimming because I was afraid of sharks in the deep part of the pool. I'm still me, just less...normal." As I continued explaining it, she calmed down a little, and when Peter came in and helped me explain what I am to her she sobbed into my chest for ages before calming down and offering to teach me how to cook. Being as supportive as she can of her less-than-normal adopted son.

The rest of the week passed quickly with me needing to refill my esky only once, despite my and Peter's nightly trips into the city. Starting next week I'll be moving to Hell's Kitchen for my nightly crusade, as it seems to accumulate human filth and despite the work of some local heroes, not enough is done. On the plus side, 'Leviathan,' had made a debut as a hero of sorts, crushing, (not killing) a group of gangsters in a firefight with each other, as I crippled each of their arms, took their weapons and handed them to police, hiding the kagune when in public eyes for now.

On the Saturday, I left early, headed to the Avengers tower, as they had yet to move from there until Homecoming, and after putting on the mask and walking into the building, I was accosted by security guards, who seemed to settle, when I said I was simply there to talk to one of the 'management,' be that the black widow, Cap or even Hawkeye. Waiting for like 20 minutes with guns trained on you would be unnerving, had I not found out during my debut, that my regeneration even heals gunshot wounds to the chest and lungs in a matter of moments. "So you're the cause of the noise complaint," a calm voice sounded out, a man about 5'10-5'11 with a solid build and a folded bow on his back was leaning on the doorway. "Why do I have to deal with this crap? So what did you want?"

"Well to be honest I wanted to somehow get into contact with one of you to get myself and brother trained, seeing as we're both in the superhero gig, and Stark has already identified us both, even attempting to hire my brother in your petty little fight."

"How old's your brother?"

"Same as me, 15. But if you look down on either of us just for our age you would regret it, as both of us have abilities and experience in combat situations."

"I'm going to strangle him, a fucking child!"

Releasing my kagune, I ask him again, "Please don't look down on others simply because of their age, especially now that more and more people are developing powers." Looking at the glowing red kagune, he recognises I mean him no harm, however, his rage towards Stark doesn't lessen at all.

"Look kid, I'm not able to teach anyone much of anything regarding abilities, and while I'm okay in a fight I'm pretty reliant on my arrows."

"Oh don't misunderstand me, I recognise this, which is why I was hoping for Mr Barnes or Ms Romanoff personally, as the winter soldier is the most lethal, but Ms Romanoff would be the most appealing, while still remaining deadly. I don't mind waiting while you call."

"And why should I call them?"

"Because should a situation like New York happen again, having as many trained heroes as possible is vital to preventing more deaths, and additionally, if there are enough of us, some of you may decide to retire or take a teaching role." At first, he was merely understanding of the logic, but as I continued, talking of retirement, he pulled out his phone and started calling someone.

Another 40 minutes were spent talking to Clint, who was a super likeable guy btw, and both Bucky Barnes and Natasha Romanoff walk into the interrogation room I've been sat in. "We've heard your promotional sell Leviathan, what can you provide to show that you could keep up with the training?"

"Well, for starters, Ms Romanoff, please just call me by my name, as there's no way someone like you would have ignored the 'slip' of information that I gave stating Stark knew both me and my brother. Secondly, I have Super strength, reflexes, senses enhanced speed, kagune, both in the spider/ tentacle form, and my kakuja form, as well as the ability to consume other's abilities."

"Wait what?" Clint was obviously shocked by this piece of information.

"When I eat the flesh of a person with abilities, I can replicate their powers. It's a mutation of sorts but I don't get a choice in it."

"Like cannibalism," Bucky so eloquently put it.

"Technically, I'm not human anymore so..." *Sigh* "Look my brother is Spiderman, and between the two of us, we could really do some good, once you've sorted yourselves out I mean. Can you maybe do a trial thing to see if we'll break? It's not like robocop here has much else better to do right?"

"Kid, you're so gonna regret saying that," Natasha commented amused.

"I often do."