A New Ally (1)

Time for a new person's perspective by none other than our resident ancient being, Ymir Fritz! I'm quite excited about how this will go and how I'll write her character, so I hope you guys will like it too ^_^


Ymir Fritz's POV

Being alone in an empty land for centuries will drive a person to insanity. 

My life of torture and pain eventually led me to this lonesome and peaceful place as I continue to watch countless worlds being torn apart by humanity itself. Guns and swords clash, for in every world that I watch, bloodshed is a common scenario. Innocent lives were taken away as humans eventually lost their right to freedom.

However, there is a certain world, years ago, that was different. There was actual peace for the man who was supposed to understand my pain and free me from it. He was supposed to become my sacrifice and my way of meeting the woman who would free me. 

How disgusting.

Watching them laugh together as their peaceful days ensue, even if war is happening everywhere, makes me feel furious. They continued to be ignorant and played their role in achieving a fleeting emotion called happiness.

How utterly revolting! 

"Mama," The young Yeager spoke as her naïve and gentle voice echoed in their isolated land. "When is Papa coming home?" 

Mikasa Ackerman smiles as she starts to caress her daughter's hair. "Soon. Papa's coming home soon."

And so, he will because minutes later, the daughter saw a man in the distance as she energetically stood from the ground and ran towards her father, who was carrying a dead animal. Seeing her made the adult Yeager smile as his tired eyes gazed at his beloved daughter. 

Eren Yeager, for a time, is at peace. 

As he places the animal on the ground and lifts her, causing their child to giggle with happiness, the two cowardly soldiers smile as if they're satisfied with their current lifestyle.

For heaven's sake, it's like I'm watching a wholesome drama amidst a chaotic crowd. 

And I hate it! 

I remember placing a wild boar near the said man, wishing for it to become the end for him. But alas! This world, so unique and idealistic, is something that I can't destroy. Not with my hands. I have tried countless times to do so, but nothing has worked!

But after some time, I realized why my efforts had not affected them. Fate will always be unfair, and no one can be safe from the wrath it brings, not even that family. 

When Eren died due to his time limit as a titan shifter, not only did his family mourn for him, but everything in that world did. The war intensified as more titans became loose and uncontrollable. It was a price that humanity had to pay to allow Eren to attain freedom, even for just a few years. 

Then, due to disease, her mother died as well, leaving the poor young Yeager all alone to fend for herself.

Ha! As someone who envied their whole escapade, I remember laughing upon seeing the sorrow in the eyes of the young Yeager. As I always say, no one deserves peace. 

No. One.

But my impression of her changed years later after she had unexpectedly encountered the devil who gave me the Power of the Titans. During that time, I was stupefied to the point of not realizing the danger that would happen next. In a sense, I could have prevented it. I could have whispered to their child about her impending death. 

But I didn't.

The kind slave that I was known for vanished after years of wandering in this infinite realm as I eventually became selfish and sadistic. 

So, in the end, I watched how the young Yeager suffered at the hands of the devil. As someone who knows pain due to my experience, I can safely say that by experiencing that kind of hell, their daughter might end up drifting off to the afterlife with no emotions to bring. 

What happened to her was inhumane, and for a second, I came to regret not helping her. 

Only for a bit. I'm not a compassionate being, after all. 

And yet, when I finally met her soul, instead of acting like a broken doll, she portrayed emotions of fear, pity, and, most of all, sadness. Deep within her beautiful green eyes shows the true vigor of what it means to be a Yeager, one that I greatly underestimated her for. 

With a decision in mind, in the end, I chose her. 

No one but her can help me in defeating the devil. Even if I want Eren to continue the rumbling, its existence must not be allowed to continue.

No one deserves peace, no one.

However, if someone manages to defeat the being that controls the cruelty of this world, then maybe, just maybe, that person deserves to have it. 

The question is, will anyone succeed in accomplishing such a tremendous and arduous task? 

For a world that is not predetermined by destiny, watching it brings out new emotions within me. Or, probably, it's pulling out the emotions that I thought I had lost forever. 

Young Yeager, I hope you'll succeed. Watching your desperation isn't disgusting at all. 

For a change, I'm even starting to root for your success. 

The determination you've shown me is filled with sincerity and idealism. Our plan is as idealistic as it gets, but how you handle the obstacles you face with realism and logic will surely help you overcome hindrances that may sway you in your path of slaying the devil. 

Like how Annie Leonhart might become your sword or the pit where you'll bury yourself. 

While leaning over the edge of this empty abyss, I smirked as I continued to watch how the young Yeager's expression contorted to that of exasperation after Annie told the whole group that she wanted to talk to her, preferably alone. 

"Now," I whispered, observing how my new sacrifice would overcome this predicament. "What will you do, young Yeager?"


Mina's POV

I heaved an annoyed sigh while placing a hand on top of my head. I was about to ruffle it from irritation, a habit of mine from the original world, only to halt upon realizing what I was about to do. So, instead, I placed my hand on my nape as I continued to listen to the captain's voice, telling Annie that she had no right to ask for such a thing.

"Do it," Annie taunts as her toes begin to radiate a blue light, a sign of her crystallization process starting. "Or I'll crystallize myself. Wounded or not, I am capable of doing it right now." 


Damn it, Annie! 

But before I could even say something that might lead to it becoming suspicious, the door once again opened, revealing none other than the 13th commander of the Survey Corps, Erwin Smith. 

"Erwin," Captain Hange took a step back and walked toward the said man. "How was the meeting?" 

The commander eventually glanced at my figure before bringing it back to the captain. "Mina's prediction was right. Even if many lives have been taken, and the female titan's capture was 'unsuccessful,' this operation proved Eren's worth to humanity. Ultimately, the higher-ups had no choice but to let him stay with the scout regiment." 

"Huh, impressive," Captain Levi then stood beside me while muttering his next words. "And here I thought you're just some weird brat."

I raised an eyebrow and replied, "But I am weird." 

"Shut your mouth, or I'll kick you." 

With a slight chuckle, my thoughts eventually wandered as to why he would always threaten to kick me. Is it because I'm a Yeager? 

With Captain Hange preoccupied, I took it as an opportunity to gaze at the lone girl who was mercilessly tied like a doll inside a dark underground dungeon. Isn't this scary for her? I mean, she was scared shitless when battling Eren earlier morning. 

She must have noticed my gaze on her because she suddenly spoke, acquiring everyone's attention. "How much do you know?" 

Ugh. I didn't expect her to be an aggressive type, but considering that she's desperate, I suppose her contentiousness isn't misplaced.

After contemplating whether or not to reply while fully knowing that her question was directed at me, I gazed at the commander for his approval, which he easily gave. With no other choice, I responded, "Most are assumptions I made after analyzing everything that was happening right now." 

"Assumptions?" She scoffed before giving me a gaze filled with malice and death. "Did I hear that right?" 

Yeah, it's bullshit, I know.

Everything that happened up to this point is due to my knowledge of what the future will hold, so saying that I risked my life for an assumption is absurd. However, while I am endangering my existence due to this do-or-die scenario, I need her for my plan to proceed. Ymir is probably enjoying herself watching me squirm for dear life as she observes how cornered I am at this moment. 

Ultimately, I was left with no choice but to tell everyone in this room about the truth that they all yearn to acquire, the truth that will help them make the first step toward humanity's survival and, eventually, victory.

Please, Ymir, pray that my plan works! "Let me summarize: In the year 845, the existence of the colossal and the armored titan was revealed, showing humanity how fragile we are in the hands of the Titans. Five years later, another titan emerged, one that kills the other titans." 

"Mina…" Annie taunts me by giving me a death glare as she militantly tries to free herself.

But unlike her, I had to spend my time explaining every detail for these three respected people to understand. So, I took a step forward to Annie and continued, "It was later revealed that Eren Yeager was the one controlling it, showing everyone the fact that humans can transform into titans. However, due to fear, most citizens and soldiers probably haven't thought about one crucial fact that was missed," 

"Missed?" Captain Hange intervenes as she tries to understand where I'm coming from.

I hummed before finally revealing the truth of this cruel world. "Just where did the colossal, armored, and female titan come from?" 
