A Night of Preparation (2)

Mina's POV

Our mission right now, just after the brawl between the female and the attack titan, is to defend Wall Rose due to its 'supposed' breach. During my time as 'Mina Carolina,' back in the previous world, I was stationed alongside the other 104th cadets. Good thing Armin told us all about the debacle in Wall Sina, or else I wouldn't be able to do what I've done in this world. 

Being a side character has its own merits, but because of it, I had a hard time gathering information about what truly happened. However, there are some cases in which Ymir would sadistically torture me by showing scenarios that are taking place somewhere I wasn't present. It aided me, yes, but as much as it did, it also served as a form of abuse.

To eliminate such thoughts forming in my head, I took our silence as a chance to ask Captain Hange for permission. 

"Permission to do what?" 

"To message our squad's base," I answered just when Captain Levi lifted his eyebrows in confusion. But before Captain Hange showed her skepticism towards my statement, I continued. "I already finished the prototype of the new weapon we've been making. It would be nice to know its capabilities in an actual fight." 

"It's… finished?" After pausing her steps, the captain faced me, showing her excitement. "Is it?!" 

"Hmm? Ah," Shocked by her sudden enthusiasm, I couldn't even stop the smile that was forming on my lips as my eyes slightly narrowed in amusement. "Yes, captain, it's finished. I only made one, though, since I mostly used the materials in creating the bullets." 

"What the fuck are the two of you talking about?" 

Bewildered and even more confused, Captain Levi gazed at us in disgust, contemplating whether or not we had finally gone ballistics. 

"Mina here," With a harsh tug, Captain Hange returned to her bubbly self as she continued to shake my whole being due to excitement. "Designed a new weapon. We started its production weeks ago, just after I had seen the proposal. Damn it, Levi! You should have seen it! It's too freaking godly!" 

"C-captain, please tone it down…" 

But even after saying those words, she continued to squeeze the life out of me, spouting words of gratitude and respect. It's as if our fight earlier didn't happen. Yeah… maybe I should have told her about the gun before we confronted Annie earlier.

With an irritated sigh, as if he had given up trying to understand our actions, Captain Levi spoke. "What kind of weapon is it?" 

"Oh, it's,"

"Not your current business, Levi!" Captain Hange immediately butts in as she places her hand over my mouth to prevent me from speaking any longer. "It's more fun to see it in action than hear it right now. Oh, look! It's our cart." 

"She's doing everything she wants…" I whisper to myself just when the captain finally freed me from her devilish hold. 

"I don't want to hear that coming out of your mouth, brat." 

With a chuckle, I wholeheartedly agreed. But before I followed her, I slightly leaned my head in Captain Levi's figure before whispering my next words. "It's a type of canon, by the way, smaller and similar to a gun." 

Captain Levi wasn't impressed. "Then what's the fucking point of making it if it'll be useless in fighting a Titan?"

"I haven't told you the best part," With a grin, I tilted my head to meet his gaze directly and proudly smirked. "The bullet explodes." 

"…" Slowly but surely, his eyes slightly widened in surprise. Seeing it happening right before me made me think that staying up all night back in the training corps just to devise a proper plan has finally been repaid. 

"It's not the thunder spear, is it?" Ymir butts in, verifying my invention once more as if she hadn't done it hundreds of times already.

I shook my head in response, wanting to say that I got the idea of creating that weapon due to my experience of using it in my original world. It's more advanced than the thunder spear, but it would surely place the user in a risky position.

Since timing is highly involved in its usage.

I remember someone losing an arm just because the soldier was a second too late in releasing the bullet. Luckily for him, he didn't have to participate in the war the next day. 

"Oi! What the heck are you two whispering about?!" 

"Nothing~" After giving him one final sign to keep his mouth shut while making sure to get rid of my current thoughts, I continued. "Coming, Captain!"

However, before I can energetically jog my way toward the captain, there are three soldiers seated on the cart. When their gazes connected with my figure, I almost froze on my spot. Instead of doing that, I simply lowered my eyes and proceeded to make my way toward Moblit, who was currently in charge of driving the cart. He gave me a small smile after I sat on his left side, a gesture that depicts how gentle his soul is. 

In addition, there was no way I missed their stare on my wounded neck, curious as to how I even got it. But because we have superiors stationed in this cart, I knew that they wouldn't be able to ask about it anytime soon. 

"Um…" Armin was the first to break the silence just after Pastor Nick embarks on the cart. "Isn't this a priest from the Order of the Walls?"

With a jolly tone, Captain Hange answered. "Yeah. Nick and I are best buddies. Right?"

Yeah. Right. Fun. 

"Don't let him bother you. The whole makeup of this squad doesn't make sense. Does it, Levi?" She continues but now redirects the conversation toward the cold and grumpy man.

"No, I think it might." Without any hesitation, he replied with utmost loyalty and faith. "Erwin picked them out for a reason."

"And your thoughts about it, Mina?" 

Like him, I similarly did not hesitate to answer. "I agree with Captain Levi's statement."

And just after I had said those words, a man yelled to open the gates, alarming everyone in the vicinity. With every soldier on their horses, with the commander upfront, this scene is very much new to my eyes. As the night covers the whole sky and the cold air passes by our suited bodies, this serene and unified group now prepares to embark on another mission full of death and fear. 

"The situation within Wall Rose is unclear." The commander says upfront, redirecting his horse to face his soldiers. "But everything up until Ehrmich is safe. We'll save time going through there. Move out!"

And with that came the soldiers' response. "Yes, sir!"

"Take us out." Captain Levi orders as Moblit complies with it.

Torches were used to illuminate our dark path, yet those flames forced me to recall my days as a trainee back in my original world. Due to how large the Titans' numbers are and that there are no walls to protect every citizen and soldier, we were forced to train at night in hopes of lessening the casualties brought about by the war.

And there came the torment of having the surname of the man who was deemed as a coward. 

"Are you holding up well, Mina?" Moblit whispers beside me, just enough for the two of us to hear.

He must have sensed the turmoil forming in my head, as expected of the mother-hen. So, in response, I gave him a small smile to alleviate our tense mood. "I am. Please tell me if you need someone to hold the reins." 

"Sure. I'll take note of that." 

Thanks to him, the images of my time as a victim of bullying gradually dissipated as I focused my whole attention on the path laid out in front of us. 

Not until the group behind us began to chat about why Pastor Nick was coming with the scout regiment. 

"Huh? He knew?" Bewildered, Eren openly showed his surprise. "There are titans inside the walls, and he's known about it?" 

"Yes, though…" Without even looking back, I can already imagine the whole group looking at the said man. "He's kept his mouth shut this entire time. But now he's coming with us to witness the harsh reality. Will his beliefs be strong enough to stay silent?"


"Or will seeing it with his own eyes make him question himself?" 

Temporarily, yes.

In a rage, the bewildered boy stood up and slammed the table in the middle of the cart. "No, no, no, no! This is all backward! If there's something you know, tell us about it!"

My eyebrows twitched upon hearing that statement, and even more so after hearing his next words.

"Nothing's more important than keeping humans from going extinct!"

"You don't know that Eren…" I carelessly whispered, earning everyone's attention. When I realized what I'd done, I jolted from my reverie and unconsciously placed the back of my hand over my mouth. 

"What do you mean, Mina?" Eren asks me, his voice hoarse from screaming. 

I didn't have the heart to look at them in this situation, but I had no choice but to answer. "I didn't mean to defend the pastor, but there must be a reason why he's so adamant in keeping the truth a secret all this time."

"I've told you before, haven't I?" After gathering enough courage, I twisted my whole body and calmly gazed at his enraged yet tired eyes. "That the truth may sometimes hurt us instead."

"What?" But before he could continue, Eren suddenly held his head, alerting Mikasa and me.

"Eren, settle down, you're not fully healed yet." Mikasa then pulled him back just in time for me to notice the gun that Captain Levi was holding, hidden underneath his jacket. 

"There's more than one way to get answers. I may be injured right now, but it doesn't take much to watch one man." Then, his eyes narrowed to watch every move that the pastor made. "I'm hoping we can settle this without blasting a hole in anyone."

Wonderful. As expected of humanity's strongest soldier. 

"Threatening him doesn't work, Levi. Believe me, I've tried." Captain Hange intervenes before redirecting her whole attention to me. "What I'm more curious about is what you've said, Mina. Honestly, I've had the same thought. I also wondered why he refused to talk. Is it because he knows something more important than the fate of humanity? What do you think?" 

With a hum, I eventually lowered my gaze and repositioned myself to sit properly. The people behind me were still waiting for my answer, so after a few seconds of contemplation, I spoke.

"There are many things that we're unaware of, such as this land's history, the walls, and even the ability of humans to turn into a titan. If the pastor knows the answer to one of those questions, then refusing to share that information would mean two things." 

"And those are?"

With a slight raise of my hand, showing them one finger, I continued. "Firstly, is that the information he knows would change the society we live in, something he greatly opposes. Considering his current position… I would guess it's related to his organization…"

After pausing for a second, not knowing how this information would alter future scenarios, I once again made a huge gamble. "Or to the governing body of this land, which is, of course, the monarchy."

Without even giving them time to think about what I'd just said, I continued. "And the second is kind of hard to believe in, but what if he's being threatened? This is the second time I'm saying this, but I truly believe that learning the truth about this world will hurt us. If he still refuses to share that information, then it would mean that he cares for this land, or he simply just cares for his worthless life as a cattle."

"Pick your choice, pastor." With one swift move, I twisted my head and gave him a brief, menacingly smile. "Or is it all of the above?"
