The Truth (2)

Mina's POV

"What's wrong?"

In response to Eren's question, Armin slowly turned his head to face his friend. "Reiner managed to escape, but… Annie suddenly changed her course and ran to where Eren was. I… I did mention that Eren might be at the rear of the center rank, but Annie was too far away to hear…"

"Did Reiner seem overly interested in Eren's location?" The captain asked just when Armin's expression suddenly changed from that of confusion to that of understanding.


"It can't be…" I crossed my arms over my chest and rested my body on the wall just when Armin finally began to understand. Seriously, this boy is amazing. "I only started talking about Eren's position because Reiner was the one who asked about it. Furthermore… when that happened, the female titan stared at her palm. He might have written a message there. Reiner could have…"

Without the need to finish his sentence, everyone knew what the young soldier wanted to say. Reiner must have written Eren's location on the female titan's palm. Because of that, the killing machine changed her gear and began running in the direction of the center ranks.

"Hmm…" If they knew about this information, why did they let those bastards kidnap Eren? 

"What the hell…" Eren was still in his denial stage. Damn… I applaud my mother's patience. "Why are you saying those things? You should-"

But before he can even finish, Captain Hange interjects. "Eren! No… Everyone, listen up! Supposing that we find Reiner or Bertolt, don't act suspiciously. Of course, do not mention Annie Leonhart either. If there is a possibility that they're her accomplices, we need to lead them underground and confine them. Does everyone understand?"



So, why didn't that happen?

In frustration, I dug my nails deep into my skin, knowing exactly why he was kidnapped in the first place.

Because his destiny is a heartless prick whose mission is to torment him eternally.

How fun. 

"We still haven't heard your answer, Mina." Captain Hange shifted her attention to my silent state as everyone's gaze soon followed her curious ones. "What are your thoughts about them?"

My… thoughts? 

"Do you really… want to hear my thoughts about them, captain?" You know full well how tactless I am in sharing this kind of information. "I've got to warn you, it's not a pleasant opinion."

"I don't mind. Up to this point, you've always been spot-on in your analysis' after all." Captain Hange gave me a brief smile before finally urging me to speak. 

Analysis, my ass, it's basically a cheat.

But… It's been really helpful, to say the least.

"Well…" I took a sharp intake of air before finally revealing what I had wanted to clarify earlier. "It's true that they didn't seem close during our time as trainees."

I noticed Eren's sigh of relief, instantly making me regret what I was about to say. Nonetheless, they all need to hear it. "But that doesn't seem to be the case during the Battle for Trost."

Confused, Captain Hange asked, "How so?"

"Hmm…" It'll take too long if I explain everything here and too late if I make a report instead. 

"Be bold, young Yeager," Ymir's annoying voice reverberated within me, goading me to announce the information I've wholeheartedly wanted to share. "At this rate, your beloved father would still-"

Shut up, you stupid, horrendous being. I know.

And I also think that this is the only way to lessen his feeling of betrayal. There's no other choice.

After contemplating for a few seconds, I finally spoke with a decision set in mind. "Well, to summarize, I think Reiner is the Armored titan while Bertolt is the Colossal titan."




Then, suddenly, there is chaos. The soldiers all gasped in surprise, while others, still in disbelief, stood frozen in shock. However, there is someone completely oblivious to her surroundings.

Not that the others can exactly hear her obnoxious laughter.

In amusement, I could hear Ymir stumble around her spiritual space. "AHAHA! Well said, you little runt!"

Glad to hear that you're enjoying this, unlike my fellow soldiers in this place.

"Summarize… wait, Mina," Slowly but surely, Captain Hange's eyes comically widened. "What are you saying?"

As I ignored the confused, bewildered, and shocked state of the soldiers who heard my statement, I replied. "We don't have time to listen to my long analysis as to how I made that conclusion, but to ease your confusion, I think Armin and Mikasa can help in verifying."

"Huh?" Still in his shocked state, Armin pointed at himself and continued. "Verify?"

"Oi Mina! What you're saying doesn't make sense!" And, of course, he just had to butt in. "How could you even say that!"

Eren… I'm so sorry.

But this is for your sake as well!

To fight him head-on, I tilted my head to look straight into his eyes and answered. "You were rampaging in your titan form then, so of course, you wouldn't have noticed. However, all of us were watching you kill the titans that were surrounding HQ when Reiner suddenly proposed to help you."

"I remember that." This time, Mikasa was the one who spoke, earning a glance of disbelief from Eren. "Annie agreed with his proposal. She also became hostile toward Mina when she asked them how they were sure that the unknown titan wouldn't hurt us."

"That happened?" As if to include our statements, the captain began to write on the paper laid out in front of her. "But how did you conclude that they're the armored and colossal titans? Isn't it too random to think like that?"

With a hum, I digress. "Isn't it too coincidental that the titans suddenly appeared just after the 104th cadets finished their training?" Disbelief and a sense of understanding settled in everyone's gaze, one that I simply ignored to continue. "But… Apart from that, they really are just too suspicious in my eyes."

"That's true. You've always been hostile towards Reiner." Armin verifies, his eyes scanning whatever Captain Hange is writing. "Even back when we were still in the Trainee Corps."

"You've been keeping an eye on them ever since?" The captain snorted, her tone filled with energy and mirth. But as a member of her squad, I knew then how she was trying to keep her hand from trembling. "Seriously, you just love to bomb us with answers, Mina. Levi, I'll count on you to tell Erwin this information."

"Tsk," While clicking his tongue, Captain Levi narrowed his eyes. "Guess I have no choice." 

Finally, after she was done writing, the captain once more stood tall and proud, ushering the confused soldiers to listen. "And as I had said, now that there's a possibility that Mina's assumptions are right, don't act suspiciously around those two."

"Wait," His voice, full of denial and disbelief, gathered everyone's attention. His quivering gaze still hadn't left my own when he opened his mouth to continue. "You're… turning your back on him? Aren't we comrades who dedicated our lives to attain freedom? That's… that's a bit-"

Unfair? Ha!

"You misunderstand me, Eren." Unconsciously, I began to chuckle. "I have never once considered him as an ally, nor as my friend." 

Only a traitor who wounded you.

"What?" He growled. Gone was his doubtful and disbelief façade. The Yeager blood within him was boiling in rage just after hearing me diss his friend. If he weren't the younger version of my father, then I wouldn't have even tried to understand why he's currently mad. But fortunately for him, he is. "Mina, you've gone too far-"

"Calm down." And like what his mother would always do to him, courtesy of my mother's stories about their childhood life, I suddenly grabbed the edge of his ear and began pulling it.



"Sorry, captain, but can Eren and I talk for a bit outside?" With a smile, I intentionally pulled his ear even further to shut him completely. "We'll just disturb this meeting if we stay and argue."

There's no way Captain Hange can retort that, especially after we all see her nodding her head in compliance. "Permission granted, don't go too far." 


"W-wait, Mina," Then came Mikasa, following us with worry in her eyes.

"It's fine, Mikasa," I said. As I opened the door to leave, I bid her one last smile. "We'll be back."

"Let go of me first, Mina!" Just when I finally closed the barrier that was separating the other soldiers from us, I eventually loosened my hold as Eren freed himself from my clutch. "What are you, my mother?!"

I'm your daughter in another world, to be precise.

But instead of saying that, I simply hummed and ushered him to follow. Without waiting for his response, I began to walk toward the exit. 

The cold night is something I'm used to, no matter what world Ymir may throw me at. It's cool and refreshing, and it eases my mind from whatever tension it may bring. So, upon reaching a place where no soldiers were present in an empty street, I slowly descended to sit on a cemented path where stairs were present.

"Are you seriously considering that Reiner is the Armored titan?"

Straight to the point. "Ha…" Seriously, being a Yeager is no joke.

My initial plan, honestly, was not to say anything. That incident is the catalyst that made Eren learn what his powers truly are. So, I didn't pay any attention to it and decided for it to happen without my interference.

Now… why the sudden change?

"Isn't it obvious?" I replied, answering both his question and my own. 

"No, it's not!" My eyes landed on his rage, witnessing how protective he is towards his treacherous comrade. It made me wonder… will he ever care for me like this in the future? How greedy. I'm starting to want something I can't have.

"Eren." In an attempt to erase whatever emotion I was currently feeling, I patted the seat beside me, signaling him to take a seat. "I… wasn't supposed to tell you this information because I know that it would hurt you. But I think… maybe it'll hurt you more if I didn't notify you beforehand. Will you listen to me? I'll understand if you don't talk to me afterward. Just… give me a chance to explain."

"You…" For a moment, I thought his gaze moistened a bit, but before I could even verify what I saw, he quickly sat down and scowled. "All right, I'll listen. You're never the type to say random stuff, after all." 

Hearing that made me smile. "Thanks. Now…"

Where should I begin?
