Always (1)

Mina's POV

Even though this is my second time experiencing this nightmare, it never gets old. Seeing everyone's frantic faces filled with panic, confusion, and fear is something that will always strike a nerve within my heart. 

Even more so if it's found in Eren and Mikasa's faces.

"Eren!" Armin screamed his friend's name, compelling him to move. "Get out of there!"

The hands that were holding my shoulders tightened as we all watched how the two titan shifters became what they truly were: warriors. 

Lighting struck the ground as dense air pressure bombarded our figures, throwing everyone in shambles. Crates were immediately destroyed, and some soldiers were simply thrown off the wall because of how heavy the air became. 

And that includes the younger version of my father.

"Eren!" I instantly stood and ran towards him to grab his hand that was stretched out as well. Thankfully, I managed to reach him just when the air pressure finally threw him off the wall. "Don't let go!"

But because two titan shifters simultaneously transformed into their titan form, this dense air pressure that had been pushing everything and everyone away finally succeeded in pushing me off as well, prompting me to use my maneuver gear once we reached a certain height after falling.

Then came the unexpected variable that I didn't even think would happen. Just when we were about to fall, both Eren and I were shoved together by a huge hand, trapping us in the process.


"You got caught." Ymir snorted, trying her best not to laugh, given our present situation. It was enough to tick me off if it wasn't for the fact that I was more worried about the boy I was currently pressed to. "O my god, what the hell are you doing, young Yeager?"

Shut up! Don't distract me with your antiquity! 

But before I could even retort her amusement, what caught my attention were the droplets of water that touched my cheek, ushering me to witness that it came from the boy in front of me. 

"Eren…" With my arms trapped within the Armored Titans' arms, I had no choice but to watch him tear up because of the betrayal that his friends made, making my heart clench from how painful it was to see him like this. 

"You were right," Eren says just when the Armored Titan jumped off the Wall, making us fall with him. I widened my eyes retrospectively at what would happen next, long enough until Eren called out to me. Thank goodness that I properly tied my hair, or else, due to this onslaught of air, it would have hit him in the face from how close we were.

He made me face him by placing a hand on my shoulder, his eyes blazing amidst the sadness etched within. "I'm going to fight him. Support me!" 

No hesitation was needed. "Always." 

And just like that, the hand holding my shoulder was pulled away as he bit it so hard that it drew blood – his way of transforming into the attack titan. By doing so, the hand that was trapping me was considerably loosened, making me realize what my next plan of action would be. Reiner, the bastard that he is, already ruined it after capturing me along with Eren on top of the wall, so I can't support him from above now, can I? 

Just when I finally decided to use my ODM gear to hook myself on the nearby wall, praying to that ancient being that these two enraged titans wouldn't accidentally swat me, two large hands overshadowed my whole body as its palms directly faced my figure. My eyes widened in the realization that it was Eren's titan hands that enveloped my whole body to prevent whatever misfortune I'd face upon falling along with them. It almost made me sentimental because, in this world, Eren's whole personality is beginning to change – one that I was aiming for to happen this whole fucking time. 

An earth-shattering and thunderous sound snapped me out of my reverie just when light once again entered my vision. Eren has successfully landed on the ground without giving me a whiplash or a broken body part – bless him!

Without wasting any more seconds, I twisted my whole body and directly faced him. "Eren! Are you okay?!" I didn't expect him to hear my voice, considering how silent it must have come to him. But once our gazes had connected, making me see how he nodded his head in response, I chuckled. "Thank goodness."

It would have been impossible for us to hear anyone on top of the wall – which is weird since Commander Pixis had done it during the Battle for Trost – but in times of war, every soldier gains a certain type of skill that helps them avoid an early death: instinct. Not a second was even needed before I jumped off of Eren's hand, just in time to avoid the hand of the Armored Titan. A second too late, and I would have been squished to death!

"This bastard!" Just when I spoke those words out loud, Eren immediately used his other hand to punch the Armored Titan's face, making me remember that attacks like that don't affect him. "Wait, Eren!"

As swiftly as I pulled myself away from the attack, I used my gear to immediately pull my body towards the Attack Titan's shoulder, halting Eren in the process. Reiner might see this as an opening, so without wasting another moment, I shouted. "Retreat! The way you are right now, direct and physical attacks won't work on him!" 

Sensing the urgency in my voice, Eren instantly complied as he jogged away from the battlefield. Reiner must have noticed it because as soon as we moved away, he contrastingly began to push forward.

Tsk. How annoying!

"Eren." His eyes connected with my own, a sign for me to continue. "Do you remember how Annie would always bring Reiner down?" I may not see it on his face, but I remember how he began to imitate her style back in the second world. "Fight him like how she did. I'll give you an opening!"

With a nod, Eren started to run just when I disembarked his shoulder while hiding my figure from Reiner's gaze. He moved in the opposite direction, ultimately distracting the Armored Titan from what I was about to do.

They don't know about this yet. I thought to myself while attaching the cables of my gear to the nearby tree, angling in such a way that I could immediately strike the enemy on its weak spot. But what can be done must be done!

So what if the Survey Corps start suspecting me or if some even deem me a spy due to the knowledge that I currently possess? 

"It all comes down to the fact that I must protect them." No matter what happens to me!

And just like that, I attacked, targeting the ligament behind its knee. 

Knowing the events that would happen next is my greatest advantage in this war, and recalling how Eren will be thrown off by a single punch from Reiner at the start of their fight brings out the rage that I've been bottling for years. 

With a single move from this fragile human that Titans had deemed to be weak and ignorant, I successfully brought the Armored Titan to its knees, giving Eren the chance to attack.

And so, he did. 

"That's it, Eren," I mumbled under my breath just when I landed safely on the ground. The Attack Titan then tackled the Armored Titan, giving Reiner no chance to counter. It was different, so different from how the second world had shown me how their fight had started. 

"Guess your gamble paid off," Ymir commented just when Reiner pushed Eren away, giving the Attack Titan the chance to switch its position in tackling him. "All you needed was a little push. Where's my thank you?"

"It was risky," I countered, just when I heard her grumble from how ungrateful I was currently acting. Amidst this chaos, I couldn't help but chuckle. "But thank you. I needed that." 

"Proves that you're still a child, right, young Yeager?" 

"Compared to how old you are, I guess I am." 

Spiritually speaking, I might have imagined her kicking the back of my head at this point. 

"Mina!" Surprisingly, but not unexpectedly, Mikasa landed beside me. "Are you okay? Your wounds didn't reopen, did they?"


Bashfully, I replied. "I'm okay. Eren is, too." 

"Ah," It's weird to see her prioritize someone other than Eren, so why is she acting like this? "I saw it, how you supported him. That was a nice assist." 

"Yes." Was that it? Because she felt gratitude for how I acted to protect her beloved family?

"Don't overthink, Young Yeager," Ymir whispered beside my ear, prompting me to face the ongoing battle. "Aren't you supposed to be glad that she's starting to care for you?" But to the point of being prioritized over Eren? It shouldn't happen in the first place. "I must remind you that you are her daughter, even if you're from different worlds. I don't know how it works, but it's the only explanation." 

"Oh…" Oh, so that's it. Because no matter what world I came from, it all boils down to the fact that I am her family. Ymir was able to give 'Mina' my abilities and talent from my original world, so the current issue with Mikasa must be similar to that as well. "How complicated." 

"What is?" Mikasa asks me just when Eren begins to tackle Reiner in a different position, pushing the Armored Titan to the ground. At this point, Mikasa started to run. "Eren!"

Now that's the Mikasa Ackerman that I know. 

Following in pursuit, I began to run behind her while giving Eren a sideway glance just when he successfully removed an arm from the Armored Titan. It landed hazardously beside us, halting both Mikasa and me in the process. 

"He did it," Mikasa commented, astonished by how Eren is currently fighting. The sound of someone landing from an ODM gear was heard behind me, but I paid no attention to it, knowing that it must have been Armin.

He pushed himself to the front, gaining Eren's attention. "Eren! Can you hear me?! Run away! Get closer to the wall!" Oh… Now I know that Armin was the one who provided the determining factor of giving Bertolt the chance to capture Eren. Damn it! "Their goal is to kidnap and take you away! We've got to escape and prevent that from happening!" 

And you're fucking helping them achieve that! 

I understand that he just wants the Survey Corps to assist Eren, and I know that they care about him, too.

But… if knowing the future has an advantage, inversely, there's a disadvantage as well – one that makes me realize how their decisions negatively affect the person I'm trying so hard to protect. 

"But, Armin, Reiner isn't going to let us do as we please!" Mikasa retorts, openly showing her protectiveness. And just when she had said those words, Reiner pushed himself up, regaining the stamina he needed to continue. 

With two titan shifters going head-to-head, there is no doubt that the battlefield we're currently occupying is dangerous, as a survey corps soldier came and reminded us of it. "It's dangerous here! Get back, you three!"

Armin immediately complied, leaving Mikasa to glare at the man they thought to be their comrades. However, just when she was about to leave, I once again ignored the call of my superior and took one step forward to where Eren stood. 


"Oi soldier! I said get back!" 

"Eren," I called out to him just when I safely landed once more on his shoulder. I already did my part; Eren was already showing signs of trust and compassion when he prioritized saving me earlier at the wall. It might cause him pain – no – it will leave a scar etched deep within his heart, but the events that will follow must push through. It's the only way for him to discover the dormant powers within him. So, instead of preventing it further from what I already did, it's only right for me to return the trust he had voluntarily given. "Listen and remember this-"
