Serious Talks With The Director Of The FBI

Alex's thoughts drifted in a direction that favored Nicole.

He was thinking if he had to get together with the rest of his wives, he would eventually be on a path to debauchery.

To find them, he would need to hit on other ladies and spend time with them, eventually getting together and also sleeping.

Though, when such a time would come, Alex would be emotionally invested in the ladies and not just sleep with them because he found their beauty to be great or if they were a big shot, like in Nicole's case.

Alex felt not even an ounce of emotional connection with Nicole. 

He had no future with her and knowing this was just enough for him to not go along with what she wanted.

Alex looked at Nicole and said calmly, "I understand what you've been going through and sure it won't hurt you to hookup with me once."

Nicole's expression was lighting up as she heard that.

"But, it would actually hurt me, you know?" Alex said.