Chapter 3: The Dawn of a New Journey

Ren Higurashi awoke to the radiant rays of morning sunlight, filtered through the sheer curtains of an unfamiliar room. He was sprawled across a king-sized bed, his body enveloped by satin sheets and plush pillows that were a stark contrast to his modest futon at home. His mind was shrouded in confusion and disbelief, remnants of the disturbing events that unfolded the previous night.

His chest bore the intricate mark of an arcane symbol, a remnant of the eerie ritual. As he traced his fingers over the seal, he felt an unusual energy resonate within him. It was a feeling of power, an undercurrent of pulsating force that he couldn't comprehend.

He was abruptly shaken from his contemplation by the sound of the door creaking open. His heart pounded against his chest as one of the women from the ritual, now clad in a silk robe, walked in, her countenance a strange mix of concern and awe.

"Ren-san," she began, her eyes subtly darting towards the mark on his chest, "how are you feeling?"

"I…" Ren hesitated, still grappling with his circumstances. He was unsure of how much he should reveal. "I think I'm okay."

"Do you... do you remember anything from last night?" she inquired with a slight tremor in her voice.

The disturbing images flashed across his mind—the hypnotic dancing, the strange animal, the incomprehensible chants. "Some," Ren admitted, "But it all feels like a strange dream."

The woman sighed deeply, and her gaze turned solemn. She seemed to be in an internal debate, wrestling with her thoughts before she finally broke the silence.

"We summoned Baal," she admitted in a low voice. "And you… you were chosen to be his vessel."

The room seemed to close in on Ren as he processed her revelation. His mind swirled with questions and fear gnawed at the edges of his courage. What did being a vessel mean? How would this affect him?

He realized then, as he looked into the anxious eyes of the woman before him, that his life had taken a turn down an unknown path. The conman, who had once preyed on the superstitions of the gullible, was now embroiled in the very world he dismissed as mere fantasy. As fear gave way to determination, Ren decided he wouldn't be a pawn in this game. He had to understand what was happening to him, and how he could regain control of his life.

"I need to know what is happening," Ren demanded, his voice echoing his resolve. "Tell me everything."

The woman studied him for a moment before nodding. "As you already know, my name is Chiyo," she began, her voice barely above a whisper. "I am... was a part of a sect that worships Baal, an ancient deity. We've been performing rituals to summon him for years, but we've never been successful. Until last night."

"Baal," Ren repeated, the name stirring a strange feeling within him. It was as if the name belonged to him, was a part of him.

"Baal is a powerful entity, a force unlike anything you can imagine. And you," she said, pointing at the mark on his chest, "are now his host. His power... resides within you."

"But why me?" Ren questioned. "I'm no believer, no worshipper. I was there for a con."

Chiyo shrugged. "Maybe that's why you were chosen. Baal is known for his unpredictability, his defiance of norms. Or maybe it was just chance."

Ren mulled over Chiyo's words. An ancient deity had chosen him, an unbeliever, as his host. It was ironic and terrifying, a cosmic joke played by an entity with an unfathomable sense of humor.

He felt the familiar adrenaline rush of a con unfolding, but this was no ordinary ruse. There was no turning back, no quick escape route. He had to play the game to its end, whatever it may be.

Chiyo continued, explaining the legends surrounding Baal, the rituals of her sect, and the possible implications of being a host. Ren listened, absorbing each piece of information with a newfound earnestness. For the first time in his life, he was at the mercy of the supernatural.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, Ren found himself standing at the threshold of a world he never believed existed. His life as a simple conman had come to an end. It was the dawn of a new journey, a dance with the arcane and the unknown.

His thoughts wandered back to his friend, Jiro. He would need to know, and perhaps they could navigate this uncertain path together.

As Chiyo finished her explanation, Ren's mind was spinning. This was far beyond anything he had expected when he had conned his way into the ceremony. He felt an indescribable power buzzing beneath his skin, a hum of energy that made him feel both invincible and vulnerable at the same time.

"I suppose I don't have a choice, do I?" He asked finally, looking up at Chiyo with a resigned expression. She simply shrugged, her eyes sympathetic.

"You could try to ignore it, to go on with your life as you have until now," she suggested. "But I don't think Baal would appreciate being ignored."

The thought was daunting. Ren had always been a master of his own destiny, a skilled manipulator who could bend situations to his advantage. Now he was at the mercy of an ancient deity, a pawn in a game he didn't understand.

"I need to think," Ren said, standing up abruptly. He left Chiyo sitting there, her eyes following him until he disappeared into the night.

His thoughts were a whirlwind as he headed back towards the place he shared with Jiro. He didn't know how to explain the situation to his friend, didn't know how to make sense of it himself. But he knew he had to try.

Jiro was waiting for him, worry etched onto his face. Ren sighed, raking a hand through his hair. It was going to be a long night.

For hours, Ren recounted the tale to Jiro. The dubious ritual, the mark that appeared on his chest, the woman named Chiyo and her revelations about Baal. It was almost surreal to speak it out loud, to acknowledge the absurdity of his situation.

But surprisingly, Jiro didn't laugh or dismiss him. Instead, his friend's face grew serious, a determined glint in his eyes. "So, what's the plan?" He asked finally.

Ren could only shrug. "I have no idea."

But even as he spoke, Ren knew he couldn't avoid the truth. He was no longer just a conman. He was Ren Higurashi, the unwilling host to a supreme demon, and his life was never going to be the same.